Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Trust in God’s Strength

“The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength.” (ACIM W-pI.48.3:1)

If I am not perfectly at peace, fear has entered my mind and therefore I must be trusting in my own strength. God’s Will for me is perfect peace. If I experience anything less than that, I am denying God’s Will.

“Trusting in my own strength” is another way of saying that I am identifying with the ego as what I am. If I believe I am separate from God, I must be trusting in my own strength because I no longer have God’s strength available to me. I need only accept God’s gift of Himself to return to perfect peace.

Forgiveness is the means to accept His gift. This means letting go of all I think the world is. Today my prayer is to walk with Love and see with Love. This can be done only in the present instant in which the past has been let go. This is my practice today.

God is the strength in which I trust. I will give time today to sink down below the ego’s chatter to the place of perfect peace. Here I will receive everything I need. Here is the answer to every perceived problem.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I Will There Be Light

Your picture of the world can only mirror what is within. The source of neither light nor darkness can be found without. Grievances darken your mind, and you look out on a darkened world. Forgiveness lifts the darkness, reasserts your will, and lets you look upon a world of light. (A Course in Miracles W-pI.73.5:1-4)

Once again I am willing to remember that the world I experience is a reflection of which guide and I choosing in my mind. I am willing to remember that nothing leaves the mind. There is no outside. Ideas leave not their source.

When I am willing to practice allowing the Holy Spirit to lift the veil of the ego thought system, I look upon a world of Light. Today I am willing to practice reinforcing this willingness to join with Holy Spirit in seeing past the ego’s thought system of separate bodies to the Light that is eternally there. This practice brings me peace. This practice brings me happiness. I will there be Light.

This lesson reminds me that, if I want to be happy, I need only accept that I share God’s Will for me — perfect happiness. The ego cannot oppose this will, but if I believe in the ego thought system, I become unaware of my will. Very simply, awareness of my will is restored to me through forgiveness or letting go of the false idea of separation. Separation is simply an idle wish that could never be true. I remain Love as Love created me.

I ask Holy Spirit’s help today to recognize mistaken perceptions of separation and to receive His loving correction. This is how I welcome happiness.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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How Does Love See This?

Today my practice is to remember that I am always making a choice to see through the eyes of Love or the eyes of the ego. Today my practice is to recognize which choice I have made. Love always sees Love. The ego always separation through judgment. My vigilance today will be to notice whether I am judging or extending Love. If I notice that I am judging (thinking I am separate from my brother), my opportunity is to hand it over to be transformed by the Holy Spirit.

A practice that will help me through the day is to observe how peaceful I feel. Extending Love brings peace. Judging through the ego brings tension and feeling I need to defend against something outside me. Judging is an attempt to maintain ego identification, whether I realize it or not. So the practice of asking myself again and again, “How does Love see this?” will remind me to choose Love instead of separation.

When I am willing to see as Love sees, I will be at peace because peace is an attribute of Love. The practice of letting Love be my Guide to seeing is the path to happiness and peace. This is all I really want, though I have convinced myself that there must be something of value in the dream of separation.

Through the practice of letting Love guide me, I will learn that there is nothing of value in the world of separation. As I lay down thoughts of separation, I remember Who I am and I return to the peace and joy of God.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting Holy Spirit’s Bridge

“Christ’s vision is the bridge between the worlds. …Christ has dreamed the dream of a forgiven world. It is His gift, whereby a sweet transition can be made from death to life; from hopelessness to hope. Let us an instant dream with Him. His dream awakens us to truth. His vision gives the means for a return to our unlost and everlasting sanctity in God.” (A Course in Miracles W-pI.159.6:1,10:4-8)

My opportunity today is to join with Holy Spirit’s dream of a forgiven world. When I accept Holy Spirit’s forgiveness lessons, I am shown the Light of God where I once saw separate bodies. I am shown innocence where I once saw guilt. Instead of the fearful dream, I am shown the truth beyond illusions. I am shown unity and Love. All this comes to me as I am willing to join the Holy Spirit’s dream of a forgiven world. I realize I share one mind with everyone — the Mind of Love. And for this I give thanks.

I received a visual metaphor for the experience of seeing with Christ’s vision. One of the “powers” of superman is xray vision. With this vision he is able to see past what appear to be impenetrable forms. The body’s eyes can only show the appearance of solid forms. But with Christ’s vision, those forms are given no credence and I am able to see beyond them to the Light of Love that is really there.

To accept Christ’s vision, I simply need to redirect my attention from the images the body presents to the vision of innocence that comes in Christ’s dream of forgiveness. From His dream it is an automatic step back into my Home in Heaven. All the self-imposed barriers have been removed and I am free to be my Self, the Self I share with all. This is my practice today.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Stepping Back to Receive Holy Spirit’s Thought Reversal

Today I open to a thought reversal. This thought reversal comes from the Holy Spirit, our one true Self. From the Holy Spirit we all learn that only Love’s Oneness is true, and that separate minds could never be. From Holy Spirit we learn that there are no differences, no separate bodies, no changes from the oneness of God’s creation. This healing thought reversal brings us to a place where we remember that only the truth of Love’s Oneness is true and nothing else is true. This healing thought reversal helps us remember to not take the world of separate bodies so seriously.

Today it is my opportunity to be open to and accept the thought reversal that comes to me from Holy Spirit, as I am willing to be quiet and receive the truth.

An early lesson in A Course in Miracles teaches me that I do not know what anything means. I get that the acceptance of this idea is the basis for forgiveness, because it opens my mind to receive Holy Spirit’s interpretation and meaning for everything. Yet as I observe my thoughts through the day, I see that the majority of the time I act as if I do know what a situation, a relationship or what someone says means. The automatic response in any moment still seems to be to interpret on my own. It’s a long established and deeply rooted habit.

I am grateful for this lesson from ACIM because even though the old habit is the first response, I more quickly step back and ask for Holy Spirit’s interpretation. This willingness brings peace to my mind. My days are happier and more loving. The practice of stepping back is a gift I give myself and all my brothers. Each time I accept Holy Spirit’s vision I reinforce the truth in my brothers and myself. This is what time is for.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting My Only Function

The Course makes it clear to me that my one function is to forgive. This is how I am the light of the world. This is how I bring salvation to the world. This is how I accept the perfect happiness God wills for me and all my brothers.

I forgive by letting go of values I have given to images in the world. I see a world of separation because somewhere in my mind, hidden in the unconscious, is the belief that a world of separation offers me something I want. All the images I see in the world are a projection of that belief. I am indeed responsible for the world I see.

Accepting that responsibility is the first step toward forgiveness. The next step is to offer the images I see to the Truth in my mind, the Holy Spirit. The Truth will show me the nothingness of every image. All I need do is to accept that the image is nothing and I will easily let it go. This is forgiveness. This is how I accept happiness. This is how I accept my function. Today is another opportunity to practice.

Forgiveness is my salvation. I place my trust in forgiveness when I am willing to follow and not lead. When I am willing, I am always carried past illusions to the truth. My job is to be willing.

My willingness is strong when I remember that on my own I know nothing. I have an open mind instead of a closed mind. My willingness is strong when I step back from trying to figure it out on my own and choose peace instead. When I choose to join with the Holy Spirit, my mind will always be filled with peace instead of conflict.

Inspiration just naturally comes for how to be truly helpful when I remember to choose peace. Willingness to choose peace is part of the forgiveness process. It opens the door to the thought reversal that comes to me from the Holy Spirit. This is my practice for today.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing with My Inner Teacher

The more I work with the Course, the clearer it is to me that if I really want to be happy, I have to stop giving value to anything in the world. To this the ego screams of sacrifice. But each time I succeed in forgiving something or someone, which means letting go of being right or having something my way, I learn that rather than having lost something of value, I have gained more peace and happiness. This is what I really want.

I’m learning that I don’t really want the images of the world. I want to be happy. Forgiveness releases the need to be right and makes way for happiness. Today is a happy day of practicing offering everything I see to the Voice for God within to receive Its interpretation, that I may see the Love that is always present.

Do I want the experience of separation or oneness? Do I want the ego or do I want God? Do I want fear or Love? I am making this choice each moment.

Today my practice is to watch the ego’s scripts with my inner Teacher so that I can see the difference between the real and the unreal. Do I want everything or do I want nothing? I choose once again. And this time I choose to walk through this day following Holy Spirit’s lead. The Christ is all I want to see today. What an important practice I have today!

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