Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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The Happy Journey Home

Open your eyes today and look upon a happy world of safety and of peace. Forgiveness is the means by which it comes to take the place of hell. In quietness it rises up to greet your open eyes, and fill your heart with deep tranquility as ancient truths, forever newly born, arise in your awareness. What you will remember then can never be described. Yet your forgiveness offers it to you.

Today it will be given you to feel the peace forgiveness offers, and the joy the lifting of the veil holds out to you.

Before the light you will receive today the world will fade until it disappears, and you will see another world arise you have no words to picture. Now we walk directly into light, and we receive the gifts that have been held in store for us since time began, kept waiting for today. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 122, W-pI.122.8;11:2-12:2. See also ACIM Lesson 122 Insights.)

We condemn ourselves to hell when we subscribe to the ego belief system of separation. Separation is the denial of the oneness of Heaven. Being all that is real, Heaven is everything and hell is nothing. Only our made up illusions make hell appear to be something. Yet it is only empty images that have no meaning of their own.

Forgiveness is letting go of trying to give meaning to empty images. The body, itself an empty image, is the ego’s mechanism for making images seem real. Don’t believe it! As we forgive, let go of believing in images, the joy of Heaven returns to our awareness.

To fully experience Heaven’s joy, we cannot bring one false image with us. The path to complete forgiveness is taken step by step as we accept the Holy Spirit’s help. He takes our small efforts and magnifies them, bringing blessing to all the world.

Today we will take many wonderful little easy forgiveness steps on our journey of return to the Heaven of our Home.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting Love Be Our Guide

Walk, then, in gratitude the way of love. For hatred is forgotten when we lay comparisons aside. What more remains as obstacles to peace? The fear of God is now undone at last, and we forgive without comparing. Thus we cannot choose to overlook some things, and yet retain some other things still locked away as “sins.” When your forgiveness is complete you will have total gratitude, for you will see that everything has earned the right to love by being loving, even as your Self.

Our gratitude will pave the way to Him, and shorten our learning time by more than you could ever dream of. Gratitude goes hand in hand with love, and where one is the other must be found. For gratitude is but an aspect of the Love which is the Source of all creation. God gives thanks to you, His Son, for being what you are; His Own completion and the Source of love, along with Him. Your gratitude to Him is one with His to you. For love can walk no road except the way of gratitude, and thus we go who walk the way to God. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 195, W-pI.195.8;10. See also ACIM Lesson 195 Insights.)

Forgiveness is the key to happiness. Happiness walks hand in hand with gratitude. When we are happy, we are naturally grateful. Because happiness and gratitude are attributes of Love, we will always be grateful when we see with the vision of Love.

Judgment is the denial of oneness and therefore the denial of Love. We cannot judge without believing that what we judge is different from ourselves. Judgment is thus the key to fear and guilt.

As we learn to accept the vision of unity Love offers in place of seeing fear and guilt offered by judgment, we are walking on the way to Love. Gratitude becomes our companion in place of fear and guilt. Happiness is our state of mind instead of depression. This change of perception is available in every moment when we let the vision of Love show us the way.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting Christ’s Vision

“The Christ in [every brother] is perfect. Is it this that you would look upon? Then let there be no dreams about him that you would prefer to seeing this. And you will see the Christ in him because you let Him come to you. And when He has appeared to you, you will be certain you are like Him, for He is the changeless in your brother and in you.

“This will you look upon when you decide there is not one appearance you would hold in place of what your brother really is. Let no temptation to prefer a dream allow uncertainty to enter here. Be not made guilty and afraid when you are tempted by a dream of what he is. But do not give it power to replace the changeless in him in your sight of him. There is no false appearance but will fade, if you request a miracle instead. There is no pain from which he is not free, if you would have him be but what he is. Why should you fear to see the Christ in him? You but behold yourself in what you see. As he is healed are you made free of guilt, for his appearance is your own to you.” (T-30.VIII.5:5-6:9)

The payoff for giving our attention to the vision of Christ instead of the ego’s image-making is freedom from pain, “perfect health, perfect freedom from all forms of lack, and safety from disaster of all kinds.” We could ask for no greater return on our investment. We dedicate today to accepting Christ’s vision.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Gift of Light and Joy and Peace

Salvation requires the acceptance of but one thought;—you are as God created you, not what you made of yourself. Whatever evil you may think you did, you are as God created you. Whatever mistakes you made, the truth about you is unchanged. Creation is eternal and unalterable. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. You are and will forever be exactly as you were created. Light and joy and peace abide in you because God put them there.

You are what God created or what you made. One Self is true; the other is not there. Try to experience the unity of your one Self. Try to appreciate Its Holiness and the love from which It was created. Try not to interfere with the Self which God created as you, by hiding Its majesty behind the tiny idols of evil and sinfulness you have made to replace It. Let It come into Its Own. Here you are; This is You. And light and joy and peace abide in you because this is so.

Should you be tempted to become angry with someone, tell him silently:

Light and joy and peace abide in you.
Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God.

You can do much for the world’s salvation today. You can do much today to bring you closer to the part in salvation that God has assigned to you. And you can do much today to bring the conviction to your mind that the idea for the day is true indeed, (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 93, W-pI.93.7;9;11:2-7. See also ACIM Lesson 93 Insights.)

Today we have an important opportunity. With everyone we meet or even think of we can mentally tell them, “Light and joy and peace abide in you. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God.”

To the extent that we remember to do this with everyone through the day, we will be teaching ourselves that this is true for us. This powerful lesson will set us free from guilt and fear. This practice will open the door to let God’s Love and peace flood in to fill our awareness. We will be remembering that we remain as God created us — innocent, Love and filled with joy. We will be remembering the truth about What we are. Is this not a worthy practice? Is this not a supreme gift to give ourselves and the world? It is the gift of freedom.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Bringing Love’s Light to the World

You have often been urged to refrain from judging, not because it is a right to be withheld from you. You cannot judge. You merely can believe the ego’s judgments, all of which are false. It guides your senses carefully, to prove how weak you are; how helpless and afraid, how apprehensive of just punishment, how black with sin, how wretched in your guilt.

Give Him your thoughts, and He will give them back as miracles which joyously proclaim the wholeness and the happiness God wills His Son, as proof of His eternal Love. And as each thought is thus transformed, it takes on healing power from the Mind which saw the truth in it, and failed to be deceived by what was falsely added. All the threads of fantasy are gone. And what remains is unified into a perfect Thought that offers its perfection everywhere. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 151, W-pI.151.4:2-5;14. See also ACIM Lesson 151 Insights.)

The thoughts we are aware of in the world are a mixed bag. Mostly we are aware of thoughts of guilt and fear, lack and vulnerability. Yet beneath the shadows of these thoughts there is a Spark that is the perfect Love of God’s one Son. It is there for everyone to behold.

We become aware of this Light by bringing all of our thoughts to the Holy Spirit in our mind. As we are willing to let Him cleanse our thoughts of the ego’s false images, the tiny spark shines forth with the blazing glory of God’s Love.

This Light shows us the real world of God’s Love. It shines away the false perceptions that make our brother appear to be separate. We joyously join with the reality of our brothers as the false shadows are shined away.

We dedicate today to giving all our thoughts to the Holy Spirit to be purified that we may bring Love’s Light to the world.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering We Are Only Love

In the holy instant nothing happens that has not always been. Only the veil that has been drawn across reality is lifted. Nothing has changed. Yet the awareness of changelessness comes swiftly as the veil of time is pushed aside. …For in the holy instant you will recognize the only need the Sons of God share equally, and by this recognition you will join with me in offering what is needed.

It is through us that peace will come. Join me in the idea of peace, for in ideas minds can communicate. If you would give yourself as your Father gives His Self, you will learn to understand Selfhood. And therein is love’s meaning understood. But remember that understanding is of the mind, and only of the mind. Knowledge is therefore of the mind, and its conditions are in the mind with it. If you were not an idea, and nothing but an idea, you could not be in full communication with all that ever was.

In the holy instant God is remembered, and the language of communication with all your brothers is remembered with Him. …God and the power of God will take Their rightful place in you, and you will experience the full communication of ideas with ideas. Through your ability to do this you will learn what you must be, for you will begin to understand what your Creator is, and what His creation is along with Him. (A Course in Miracles, T-15.VI. 6:1-4,10;7:1-7;8:1,6-7. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

The images we see in the world hide the oneness of Love from our awareness. When we focus our attention on these images of separation, we are unaware of Love’s Presence. All these images are simply representations of our belief that we are separate from Love. Separation and oneness cannot coexist.

Because God is Love and nothing else, His Thoughts extend only Love. God’s Thoughts are His Sons, Who remain one in God’s Mind. Because God’s Creations remain in His Mind, we can only know our oneness in Mind. Bodies cannot be aware of oneness. Bodies cannot join but minds are joined in the one Mind of Love.

As we learn to redirect our attention from body identification and the world to the Thought of Love in our minds, we join with the Love in every brother. This is how we bring peace to the world. The holy instant comes when we allow our thoughts to join with our brothers in our one Self, the Love we are. In that instant, the veil of time is drawn aside and the Light of Love floods our awareness.

Today we choose to remember we are only Love because our Creator is only Love.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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From Virtual Reality to True Reality

You cannot wake yourself. Yet you can let yourself be wakened. You can overlook your brother’s dreams. So perfectly can you forgive him his illusions he becomes your savior from your dreams. And as you see him shining in the space of light where God abides within the darkness, you will see that God Himself is where his body is. Before this light the body disappears, as heavy shadows must give way to light. The darkness cannot choose that it remain. The coming of the light means it is gone. In glory will you see your brother then, and understand what really fills the gap so long perceived as keeping you apart. There, in its place, God’s witness has set forth the gentle way of kindness to God’s Son. Whom you forgive is given power to forgive you your illusions. By your gift of freedom is it given unto you.

Make way for love, which you did not create, but which you can extend. On earth this means forgive your brother, that the darkness may be lifted from your mind. (A Course in Miracles, T-29.III.3:2-4:2. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)
Forgiveness is the central theme of A Course in Miracles. It is the means to return to peace and the basis for true perception. Forgiveness is the means to awaken.

It is important to remember that we cannot forgive while we believe we are alone. The thought system of being alone, the ego, is incapable of true forgiveness. We must be willing to accept the help of our inner Guide to show us the justification for forgiveness. The justification for forgiving always comes down to the recognition that what seemed to happen in dreams did not occur in reality. Nothing can happen that could change God’s Creation, His Son. We are God’s Son. As we learn to see the perfection of God’s Love in our brother, we learn to recognize It in ourselves. Our perception is purified and we see truly.

Today we choose to replace the “virtual reality” presented by the ego with the true Reality of the perfect, changeless Love of God’s Creation. We choose to let our limited perception be replaced by the Holy Spirit’s vision.

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