Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Accepting the Vision of Our True Self

It is God’s strength in you that is the light in which you see, as it is His Mind with which you think. His strength denies your weakness. It is your weakness that sees through the body’s eyes, peering about in darkness to behold the likeness of itself;

Strength overlooks these things by seeing past appearances.

Truth is a savior and can only will for happiness and peace for everyone. It gives its strength to everyone who asks, in limitless supply. It sees that lack in anyone would be a lack in all. And so it gives its light that all may see and benefit as one. Its strength is shared, that it may bring to all the miracle in which they will unite in purpose and forgiveness and in love.

Weakness [ego], which looks in darkness, cannot see a purpose in forgiveness and in love. It sees all others different from itself, and nothing in the world that it would share.

The light of strength is constant, sure as love, forever glad to give itself away, because it cannot give but to itself. No one can ask in vain to share its sight, and none who enters its abode can leave without a miracle before his eyes, and strength and light abiding in his heart.

…the peace of God is where your Self, His Son, is waiting now to meet Itself again, and be as One. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 92, W-pI.92.3:1-3;4:1;5:3-6:2;8:1-2;9:3. See also ACIM Lesson 92 Insights.)

The news is filled with images of devastation and loss. When looked upon from the ego’s perspective, it reinforces our sense of weakness and vulnerability. Fear seems justified and loss seems real. All this is part of the ego’s defense system to keep itself in place in our minds. As long as we identify with the ego as what we are, fear will be our constant companion.

The Course is teaching us that no matter how real the images of separation we see seem to be, they are just the hallucinations of an insane thought system of being separate from Love, our Creator. To find release from the hell of these hallucinations, we must accept help from our true Self which does not believe the ego’s insanity.

As we are willing to question the reality of our perceptions, we open the door in our mind to the Light of Love that is always there. This Light is our strength, for it is the strength of God. The strength of this Light will dispel the ego’s dark thoughts of weakness.

As we practice joining with the strength of our true Self when we look upon the images in the dream, we will see beyond the appearance of loss to the certainty of Love ever present, everywhere. We cannot do it on our own, but we are not on our own. Our true Self is always with us, ready to bring Its strength and Light to all we look upon. We welcome our true Self today.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing Lessons in Love

The lessons to be learned are only two. Each has its outcome in a different world. And each world follows surely from its source. The certain outcome of the lesson that God’s Son is guilty is the world you see. …However much you may have overlearned your chosen task, the lesson that reflects the Love of God is stronger still. And you will learn God’s Son is innocent, and see another world.

The outcome of the lesson that God’s Son is guiltless is a world in which there is no fear, and everything is lit with hope and sparkles with a gentle friendliness. Nothing but calls to you in soft appeal to be your friend, and let it join with you. And never does a call remain unheard, misunderstood, nor left unanswered in the selfsame tongue in which the call was made. And you will understand it was this call that everyone and everything within the world has always made, but you had not perceived it as it was. And now you see you were mistaken. You had been deceived by forms the call was hidden in. And so you did not hear it, and had lost a friend who always wanted to be part of you. The soft eternal calling of each part of God’s creation to the whole is heard throughout the world this second lesson brings.

There is no living thing that does not share the universal Will that it be whole, and that you do not leave its call unheard.” (A Course in Miracles, T-31.I.7:1-5,10-11;8:1-9:1. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

The ego’s purpose for all the images of the world is to teach that God’s Son is guilty. The appearance of harm, devastation, attack and death all seem to justify the judgment of guilt. Yet all these forms are illusions because God and all His Creations are changeless Love and cannot harm nor be harmed. The purpose of the ego’s illusions is to hide the Truth behind its images of guilt.

The Holy Spirit has a different purpose for our self-made learning skill. His purpose is to teach us that God’s Son is guiltless. Gently and persistently He teaches us to recognize the falsity of the ego’s images. As we learn what is false, we easily overlook it. Forgiveness simply overlooks what could never be true. We learn these lessons when we are willing to bring our thoughts of fear and guilt to the Holy Spirit and welcome His lessons in Love to replace the ego’s lessons in guilt.

Today we choose the Holy Spirit’s lessons in Love.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Forgiveness Welcomes the Light of Love

We dedicate this day to the serenity in which God would have you be. Keep it in your awareness of yourself and see it everywhere today, as we celebrate the beginning of your vision and the sight of the real world, which has come to replace the unforgiven world you thought was real. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 75, W-pI.75.11. See also ACIM Lesson 75 Insights.)

Forgiveness reveals the Light of Love that is everywhere to be seen through the vision of our true Self. Forgiveness lifts the veil of the ego’s dark denial of Love. The ego harbors memories of lack and loss, and uses them to judge everything it perceives.

Love remembers only Love and sees only the unity and oneness of Love. In Love, conflict and loss are impossible, for Love is changeless and does not condemn. We want to forgive because in our hearts we want to remember Love and be Love. We dedicate today to accepting the help of our true Self to lift the veil of ego’s judgment and welcome the Light of Love.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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How to Bring Peace to the World

The text explains that the Holy Spirit is the Answer to all problems you have made. These problems are not real, but that is meaningless to those who believe in them. And everyone believes in what he made, for it was made by his believing it. Into this strange and paradoxical situation,– one without meaning and devoid of sense, yet out of which no way seems possible,— God has sent His Judgment to answer yours. Gently His Judgment substitutes for yours. And through this substitution is the un-understandable made understandable. How is peace possible in this world? In your judgment it is not possible, and can never be possible. But in the Judgment of God what is reflected here is only peace.

Peace is impossible to those who look on war. Peace is inevitable to those who offer peace. How easily, then, is your judgment of the world escaped! It is not the world that makes peace seem impossible. It is the world you see that is impossible. Yet has God’s Judgment on this distorted world redeemed it and made it fit to welcome peace. And peace descends on it in joyous answer. Peace now belongs here, because a Thought of God has entered. What else but a Thought of God turns hell to Heaven merely by being what it is?

Father, our Name is Yours. In It we are united with all living things, and You Who are their one Creator. What we made and call by many different names is but a shadow we have tried to cast across Your Own reality. And we are glad and thankful we were wrong. All our mistakes we give to You, that we may be absolved from all effects our errors seemed to have. And we accept the truth You give, in place of every one of them. Your Name is our salvation and escape from what we made. Your Name unites us in the oneness which is our inheritance and peace. Amen. (A Course in Miracles, M-11.3:1-4:9; W-pI.184.16. See also ACIM Lesson 184 Insights.)

Peace is not possible in the perception of the ego. The belief in separation makes it appear possible for separate, conflicting forms to be real and capable of harming or being harmed. This is because all things are judged according to the ego’s rules about what is real. But all the ego’s rules deny the reality of oneness. Only in the reality of oneness is peace possible.

We need to turn to the Teacher in our mind Whose judgment is clear about what is real and unreal. On our own our judgment is mistaken. But when we join with the Holy Spirit in our mind and accept His judgment in place of our own, we welcome God’s peace. Our perception of the world becomes less threatening as the ego’s images fade into the shadows.

The Holy Spirit’s judgment shines the Light of Love on all things in the world, showing us the unity that we have hidden behind images of separation. Each time we choose the Holy Spirit’s judgment in place of our own, we bring peace to the world.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting That We Have All We Need Now

Each thing you value here is but a chain that binds you to the world, and it will serve no other end but this. For everything must serve the purpose you have given it, until you see a different purpose there. The only purpose worthy of your mind this world contains is that you pass it by, without delaying to perceive some hope where there is none. Be you deceived no more. The world you see holds nothing that you want.

Pause and be still a little while, and see how far you rise above the world, when you release your mind from chains and let it seek the level where it finds itself at home. [Your mind] will be grateful to be free a while. It knows where it belongs. But free its wings, and it will fly in sureness and in joy to join its holy purpose. Let [your mind] rest in its Creator, there to be restored to sanity, to freedom and to love. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 128, W-pI.128.2;6. See also ACIM Lesson 128 Insights.)

Everything we think we need or value in the world disrupts our natural state of peace. If we have something we value — a possession, a status, an opinion — we believe we need to protect it to keep it. If we believe we do not have something that we value, then we feel a need to strive to get the thing we lack. This constant need to strive and defend binds us to the thought system of the ego. Yet these things we think are valuable are just ego illusionary images, and therefore nothing.

As we let go of valuing these false images, our need to defend and strive diminishes. Instead of looking to the outer world to supply our needs and wants, we begin to recognize the peace and Love that is already given us. This is all we really want. And we already have it. There is no need to strive nor defend.

Our peace comes from within. As we let ourselves rise above the beliefs of the world and let our true Self shine through us, the shadowy images of the dream are recognized as valueless and fade away. The greatest gift we can give ourselves and the world is to accept the help of our true Self to rise above and reach to the Home our Creator has for us.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Making Way for Truth to Enter Our Minds

The process of Atonement is an undoing or correction of all the falsity, the illusion, that clouds your holy mind. The Holy Spirit guides this process in time; through your willingness and your surrender, your mind is made empty and free of all that has inspired it for so long. Into this empty and purified mind, the Truth will come and claim Its own.

Your one responsibility is to accept Atonement for yourself. In this one act of acceptance, the acceptance of your one responsibility, is awakening assured; everything necessary for it to occur is included in that single declaration of allegiance. This acceptance, which is all inclusive, is repeated again and again throughout the day, day after day, as you learn to choose Truth over illusion. Your task and your constant focus is to remember this responsibility; the continuous false activity of your mind requires a constant vigilance and a consistent response to be undone. (From the Christ Mind, p. 177-178)

Do we want our inspiration to come from the thought system of limitation, separation, guilt and fear, or do we want our inspiration to come from unlimited Love, recognition of innocence and knowing oneness? We make this choice in every moment; it is the choice between the illusion of separation and the Reality of the Self that Love created us to be. We have identified with the ego thought system for so long that we believe it is ours and that it is true.

We must be willing to relinquish all that we have believed to be true to make way for the inspiration of our true Self to show us the way to forgiveness and Truth. This is why the early lessons of A Course in Miracles teach us that we do not know what anything means. Remembering this opens our mind to our true Self’s lessons in Love. This is our focus today.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering Who We Are

Today we offer thanks that Christ has come to search the world for what belongs to Him. His vision sees no strangers, but beholds His Own and joyously unites with them. They see Him as a stranger, for they do not recognize themselves. Yet as they give Him welcome, they remember. And He leads them gently home again, where they belong.

Not one does Christ forget. Not one He fails to give you to remember, that your home may be complete and perfect as it was established. He has not forgotten you. But you will not remember Him until you look on all as He does. Who denies his brother is denying Him, and thus refusing to accept the gift of sight by which his Self is clearly recognized, his home remembered and salvation come. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 160, W-pI.160.9-10. See also ACIM Lesson 160 Insights.)

I Remember Who I Am

I accept that I am Love.

I release all judgments of others and know that they are doing the best they can.

I keep my life simple and follow my highest path.

I stay in tune with the Highest Source within me and let It guide my way.

I am gentle and kind with myself and others.

I pace myself with one step at a time.

I know the perfect circumstances present themselves for my perfect continued growth.

I am Love.
I am Joy.
I am Peace.
©1993, Pathways of Light.

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