Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Remembering the Peace of God

Today the peace of God envelops me, And I forget all things except His Love.

Father, I wake today with miracles correcting my perception of all things. And so begins the day I share with You as I will share eternity, for time has stepped aside today. I do not seek the things of time, and so I will not look upon them. What I seek today transcends all laws of time and things perceived in time. I would forget all things except Your Love. I would abide in You, and know no laws except Your law of love. And I would find the peace which You created for Your Son, forgetting all the foolish toys I made as I behold Your glory and my own.

And when the evening comes today, we will remember noth­ing but the peace of God. For we will learn today what peace is ours, when we forget all things except God’s Love.” (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 346, W-pII.346. See also ACIM Lesson 346 Insights.)

When we forget all things but Love, we forget time. We make way for the timelessness of Love. The changelessness of Love makes it the home of peace. The joy of extending and receiving Love makes it the home of happiness.

The ego is held in place by memories of the past. All judgments depend on memories from the past. It is these memories that are used to justify guilt and fear. The retention of these memories covers over the Love that is eternally present, now. To forget all things but Love is to embrace the presence of Love and accept It as What we are. It lets go of the unreal to reveal all that is Real. In the reality of now is perfect peace and the joy of Love’s eternal extension.

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Release from All Distressing Thoughts

This idea [my thoughts do not mean anything] applies to all the thoughts of which you are aware… they are not your real thoughts. We have made this distinction before, and will do so again. You have no basis for comparison as yet. When you do, you will have no doubt that what you once believed were your thoughts did not mean anything.

The emphasis is now on the lack of reality of what you think you think.

This aspect of the correction process began with the idea that the thoughts of which you are aware are meaningless, outside rather than within; and then stressed their past rather than their present status. Now we are emphasizing that the presence of these “thoughts” means that you are not thinking. This is merely another way of repeating our earlier statement that your mind is really a blank. To recognize this is to recognize nothingness when you think you see it. As such, it is the prerequisite for vision.

This idea will help to release me from all that I now believe.

Today’s thought can obviously serve for any thought that distresses you at any time. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 10, W-pI.10.1;2:4-3:5;4:3;5:1. See also ACIM Lesson 10 Insights.)

Another ACIM lesson (59) tells us that we have no thoughts we do not share with God. His Thoughts are extensions of Love and nothing else. Thus the Thoughts we share with God are expressions of Love. We are not aware of these Thoughts because the world we are aware of denies our eternal unity with God.

It is helpful to realize that any thought that disturbs our peace does not come from God and is therefore not real. Its seemingly reality is the effect of our belief that we are separate from God. Fortunately we can change our beliefs.

Today’s idea opens our mind to accept the possibility that our belief is not true. It gives us the option to change our belief. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can learn to see past the illusions based on our mistaken belief in being separate from God. Our minds are open to receive the Holy Spirit’s vision. With His help, we will learn that any disturbing thought is not true, so we can freely let it go. This practice is the key to experiencing the peace of God.

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Finding Our Completion

No one who comes here [to the dream world] but must still have hope, some lingering illusion, or some dream that there is something outside of himself that will bring happiness and peace to him.

All idols of this world were made to keep the truth within from being known to you, and to maintain allegiance to the dream that you must find what is outside yourself to be complete and happy. It is vain to worship idols in the hope of peace. God dwells within, and your completion lies in Him. No idol takes His place. Look not to idols. Do not seek outside yourself.

To change all this, and open up a road of hope and of release in what appeared to be an endless circle of despair, you need but to decide you do not know the purpose of the world.

The fear of God is but the fear of loss of idols. It is not the fear of loss of your reality.

Let Him remind you of His Love for you, and do not seek to drown His Voice in chants of deep despair to idols of yourself. Seek not outside your Father for your hope. (A Course in Miracles, T-29.VII.2:1;6;8:1;9:6;10:5-6. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The ego has a secret it is hiding: All of God’s Love is in us. We are complete and whole in His Love. The ego is the idea that it is possible to have something more than all of God’s Love. But if God’s Love is all that is real, the only place to “find” this something extra in an illusion of a world outside of God. It is this world we experience as a body. It is not real and cannot complete us.

There is a simple answer to all the despair, loneliness, emptiness, fear and guilt we experience in the world. The answer is to learn that we already have been given our completion, our happiness, changeless peace and Love without end. The Holy Spirit is given us to teach us this lesson.

As we practice remembering the we do not know what anything in this world means, we open to the Holy Spirit’s lessons in Reality. His vision replaces our perceptions of lack and loss with the limitless Love that is in us and surrounds us. Nothing else exists. This is our hope and our completion. We have need of no lesson but this.

Today is a day filled with hope as we welcome the Holy Spirit’s lessons of true perception.

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Forgiveness Frees Us from Self-Imprisonment

Forgiveness represents your function here.

Only forgiveness can relieve the mind of thinking that the body is its home. Only forgiveness can restore the peace that God intended for His holy Son. Only for­giveness can persuade the Son to look again upon his holiness.

Therefore, hold no one prisoner. Release instead of bind, for thus are you made free. The way is simple. Every time you feel a stab of anger, realize you hold a sword above your head. And it will fall or be averted as you choose to be condemned or free. Thus does each one who seems to tempt you to be angry represent your savior from the prison house of death. And so you owe him thanks instead of pain.

Be merciful today. The Son of God deserves your mercy. It is he who asks that you accept the way to freedom now. Deny him not. His Father’s Love for him belongs to you. Your function here on earth is only to forgive him, that you may accept him back as your Identity. He is as God created him. And you are what he is. Forgive him now his sins, and you will see that you are one with him. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 192, W-pI.192.2:3;5:5-7;9-10. See also ACIM Lesson 192 Insights.)

A central teaching of A Course in Miracles is the body is not our home. God is only Mind and therefore His extension is Mind. The body was made by the ego to imprison the mind, making it seem to be separate from the Mind of God.

We forgive our brother by seeing him with Christ’s vision, which looks past the body to his Identity as Love. Because Love is one, this vision frees us to see that we are also Love, at one with our brothers. Forgiveness is the way we let go of believing we are a body and accept our true Identity in God’s Love.

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The Choice to Be Love

There is no end to all the peace and joy, And all the miracles that I will give, When I accept God’s Word. Why not today?

Why should I wait, my Father, for the joy You promised me? For You will keep Your Word You gave Your Son in exile. I am sure my treasure waits for me, and I need but reach out my hand to find it. Even now my fingers touch it. It is very close. I need not wait an instant more to be at peace forever. It is You I choose, and my Identity along with You. Your Son would be Himself, and know You as his Father and Creator, and his Love. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 355, W-pII.355. See also ACIM Lesson 355 Insights.)

We placed ourselves in exile from our Home in Love when we chose to believe in separation. All that stands between what we think we are and our true Home is a mistaken belief. In every moment we have the option to choose to let go of the false belief and accept God’s Word that we remain eternally united with Him in His Love.

The choice to accept God’s Word is frightening to our ego-based identity because it seems that this choice would mean annihilation, a complete loss of identity. It is true that the ego identity would be lost. But it is instantly replaced by the certainty of our Self Who is God’s Son, eternally united with Him. Because of the fear of loss, we must be gently taught to recognize that the separate identity we cling to does not serve us. It brings with it only fear and guilt, pain and suffering.

The Holy Spirit in our mind offers us His vision of the truth as we are willing to turn over all our perceptions for His loving correction. Each time we accept His help, we take another step toward the final decision that releases us from the ego’s bonds and returns us to our Home in Love.

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Teaching Ourselves That We Are Love

…to teach is to learn, so that teacher and learner are the same. It also emphasizes that teaching is a constant process; it goes on every moment of the day, and continues into sleeping thoughts as well.

To teach is to demonstrate. There are only two thought systems, and you demonstrate that you believe one or the other is true all the time. From your demonstration others learn, and so do you. The question is not whether you will teach, for in that there is no choice. The purpose of the course might be said to provide you with a means of choosing what you want to teach on the basis of what you want to learn. You cannot give to someone else, but only to yourself, and this you learn through teaching. Teaching is but a call to witnesses to attest to what you believe. It is a method of conversion. This is not done by words alone. Any situation must be to you a chance to teach others what you are, and what they are to you. No more than that, but also never less. (A Course in Miracles, M-in.1:5-2:11)

When we are believing in the ego thought system, we see our brothers as bodies and react to them as i they were real. When we feel defensive, angry or disturbed in any way by what a brother says or does, we are teaching our brother that he is a body and teach ourselves the same lesson. This lesson keeps us imprisoned in the ego thought system, for this system is complete within itself. It walls off the reality of Love to protect the integrity of the belief in separation.

The thought of Love’s oneness is a threat to the seeming reality of the ego thought system. This thought system seems true and real only because we have taught ourselves to believe in it. And we continue to reinforce this teaching by believing the world of form we perceive is real. Fortunately this carefully learned self deception has no effect on reality. The reality of Love’s oneness is changeless.

In every instant we can choose the thought system of Love’s oneness. We can choose Love as our Guide even in the world of form. We do this by offering our perceptions to the vision of Love for reinterpretation. This opens our mind to be taught by thoughts of Love instead of thoughts of separation. This practice gently teaches us to overlook appearances of the world to see the Love and the calls for Love that awaken the Love in us.

We practice this today by frequently asking in our mind, “How would Love see this? What would Love do in this situation?” By this practice, we teach ourselves that we are Love.

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The Laws of Love Are Our Salvation

I am entitled to miracles. I am entitled to miracles because I am under no laws but God’s. His laws release me from all grievances, and replace them with miracles. And I would accept the miracles in place of the griev­ances, which are but illusions that hide the miracles beyond. Now I would accept only what the laws of God entitle me to have, that I may use it on behalf of the function He has given me.

Let miracles replace all grievances. By this idea do I unite my will with the Holy Spirit’s, and per­ceive them as one. By this idea do I accept my release from hell. By this idea do I express my willingness to have all my illusions be replaced with truth, according to God’s plan for my salvation. I would make no exceptions and no substitutes. I want all of Heaven and only Heaven, as God wills me to have. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 89, W-pI.89:1,3. See also ACIM Lesson 89 Insights.)

God is Love, thus His laws are the laws of Love. Because Love is one, it is always the same, given equally to all. There can be no differences in oneness. Only Love is real. It does not condemn because Love sees only Love. Love extends only Love. It cannot harm and therefore is eternally innocent.

When we accept the Love we are, we experience all that Love is. This is the miracle that heals our mind of mistaken beliefs that separation could be real, harm be possible and condemnation justified. The ego’s illusions of separation dissolve in the presence of Love’s oneness.

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