Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Becoming a Messenger of God’s Love

Just as God’s Son completes his Father, so your part in it completes your Father’s plan. Salvation must reverse the mad belief in separate thoughts and separate bodies, which lead separate lives and go their separate ways. One function shared by separate minds unites them in one purpose, for each one of them is equally essential to them all.

God’s Will for you is perfect happiness. Why should you choose to go against His Will? The part that He has saved for you to take in working out His plan is given you that you might be restored to what He wills. This part is as essential to His plan as to your happiness. Your joy must be complete to let His plan be understood by those to whom He sends you. They will see their function in your shining face, and hear God calling to them in your happy laugh.

We will prepare ourselves for this today… by feeling happiness arise in us according to our Father’s Will and ours. …Then realize your part is to be happy. Only this is asked of you or anyone who wants to take his place among God’s messengers. Think what this means. You have indeed been wrong in your belief that sacrifice is asked. You but receive according to God’s plan, and never lose or sacrifice or die.

Look deep within you, undismayed by all the little thoughts and foolish goals you pass as you ascend to meet the Christ in you.

He will be there. You are essential to His plan. You are His messenger today. And you must find what He would have you give. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 100, W-pI.100.1-2;7:1,3-7;10:1-4. See also ACIM Lesson 100 Insights.)

Another Workbook lesson tells us that forgiveness is the key to happiness. When we forgive, “all the little thoughts and foolish goals” of the ego disappear. We free ourselves to meet the Christ within, our true Self. We experience the joy of our true nature. This joy lights our mind and brings light to minds saddened by joining with the ego’s denial of love. We become messengers of Love.

Today we pray: Holy Spirit, heal our minds of loveless thoughts that we may share God’s joy with our brothers.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Sharing Love’s Joy and Peace

Freedom must be impossible as long as you perceive a body as yourself. The body is a limit. Who would seek for freedom in a body looks for it where it can not be found. The mind can be made free when it no longer sees itself as in a body, firmly tied to it and sheltered by its presence. If this were the truth, the mind were vulnerable indeed!

The mind that serves the Holy Spirit is unlimited forever, in all ways, beyond the laws of time and space, unbound by any preconceptions, and with strength and power to do whatever it is asked. Attack thoughts cannot enter such a mind, because it has been given to the Source of love, and fear can never enter in a mind that has attached itself to love. It rests in God. And who can be afraid who lives in Innocence, and only loves?

God Himself extends His Love and happiness each time you say:

I am not a body. I am free. I hear the Voice that God has given me, and it is only this my mind obeys. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 199, W-pI.199.1-2;8:6-9. See also ACIM Lesson 199 Insights.)

The Holy Spirit is the Voice of Love. Its sole function is to teach us to be the Love we were created to be. The body was made by the ego to hide from the oneness of Love. When we identify with the body, we are unaware of Love.

Though the body was made as a limit on Love, the Holy Spirit can use it to teach only Love. What we teach we learn. To learn the Holy Spirit’s lesson of freedom to be Love, we must identify with the Holy Spirit as our Guide instead of the ego and the body. As we identify with the part of our mind where the Holy Spirit resides, we see with His vision. The body becomes irrelevant without the Holy Spirit’s function to express Love.

When we join with the Holy Spirit, our experience in the world becomes joyful and peaceful, for these are attributes of Love. Today let us join with the Holy Spirit in the single function of extending Love, for we would share Love’s joy and peace with everyone.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Joining with Christ in Our Brothers Ends Fear

I am at home [in Love]. Fear is the stranger here.

Fear is a stranger to the ways of love. Identify with fear, and you will be a stranger to yourself. And thus you are unknown to you. What is your Self remains an alien to the part of you which thinks that it is real, but different from yourself. Who could be sane in such a circumstance? Who but a madman could believe he is what he is not, and judge against himself?

What reason is there for not saying [Love is my home]? What could the rea­son be except that you had asked this stranger [ego] in to take your place, and let you be a stranger to yourself? No one would let himself be dispossessed so needlessly, unless he thought there were another home [separation] more suited to his tastes [specialness].

Today we offer thanks that Christ has come to search the world for what belongs to Him. His vision sees no strangers, but beholds His Own and joyously unites with them. They see [Christ] as a stranger, for they do not recognize themselves. Yet as they give Him welcome, they remember. And He leads them gently home again [to God’s Love], where they belong.

He has not forgotten you. But you will not remember Him until you look on all as He does. Who denies his brother is denying [Christ], and thus refusing to accept the gift of sight by which his Self is clearly recognized, his home [in Love] remembered and salvation come. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 160, W-pI.160.1;3;9;10:3-5. See also ACIM Lesson 160 Insights.)

We will feel lonely and incomplete as long as we see our brothers as separate and different from ourselves. Bodies with separate identities are images made by the ego to make separation appear real. When we believe separation is real, we welcome the ego into our mind and see it as ourself.

But Christ is in our mind to help us see ourselves as the one Self Love created eternally at home in Love. With Christ’s vision we see our brothers, not as separate individuals, but as part of the one Self at home in God. Today we welcome Christ’s vision by frequently asking for his perception of our brothers to replace the limited perceptions the ego offers. In this vision we join with our brothers in our home in Love.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting the Atonement

Bringing the ego to God is but to bring error to truth, where it stands corrected because it is the opposite of what it meets. It is undone because the contradiction can no longer stand.

The Atonement is so gentle you need but whisper to it, and all its power will rush to your assistance and support. You are not frail with God beside you. Yet without Him you are nothing. The Atonement offers you God. (A Course in Miracles, T-14.IX.2:1-2;3:2-5. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The ego is terrified by the Atonement because it perceives the Atonement as its death knell. Yet the Atonement is very gentle, simply correcting the error that seems to stand between us and God.

It helps to remember that there is very little we need to do to accept the Atonement. Just a whisper of willingness opens the door for the strength of God to support us in awakening to the truth that undoes all error. We need then only trust in the strength of God instead of our seeming frailty.

God’s strength is already ours. Our little willingness lessens our denial of God’s strength so then we can rely on His strength to heal our minds of the belief in littleness and isolation. With the strength of God beside us, we can bring all our thoughts of fear and guilt to the Holy Spirit in our minds to receive His gentle correction. With this moment by moment practice we accept the Atonement for ourselves and remember Heaven.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering We Are Perfectly Protected

It is hard to understand what “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” really means. This is because it is not understandable to the ego, which interprets it as if something outside is inside, and this does not mean anything. The word “within” is unnecessary. The Kingdom of Heaven is you. What else but you did the Creator create, and what else but you is His Kingdom? This is the whole message of the Atonement; a message which in its totality transcends the sum of its parts. You, too, have a Kingdom that your spirit created. It has not ceased to create because of the ego’s illusions. Your creations are no more fatherless than you are. Your ego and your spirit will never be co-creators, but your spirit and your Creator will always be. Be confident that your creations are as safe as you are.

The Kingdom is perfectly united and perfectly protected, and the ego will not prevail against it. Amen.

This is written in the form of a prayer because it is useful in moments of temptation. It is a declaration of independence. (A Course in Miracles, T-4.III.1:1-2:2. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Since the Kingdom of Heaven is our true Self, we can correctly affirm, “I am perfectly united and perfectly protected, and the ego will not prevail against me.” This is a strong statement that reminds us that we are what God created us to be. What we are cannot be changed nor threatened in any way. The appearance of conflict or danger can only come from believing we are not our Self. The ego’s image of us is a distorted caricature that we believe in what we are. But it is a false image.

This affirmation can be used if we feel conflicted or unsafe. It helps us remember that we are independent of the ego. The ego and all of its beliefs are a false substitute for the changeless, eternal Love that we are. This is God’s Kingdom. It is ours as well because we are united with our Creator.

Let us remind ourselves of this affirmation frequently today.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting Our Light Shine

Now would I be as God created me.

Today I will accept the truth about myself. I will arise in glory, and allow the light in me to shine upon the world throughout the day. I bring the world the tidings of salvation which I hear as God my Father speaks to me. And I behold the world that Christ would have me see, aware it ends the bitter dream of death; aware it is my Father’s Call to me.

Christ is my eyes today, and He the ears that listen to the Voice for God today. Father, I come to You through Him Who is Your Son, and my true Self as well. Amen. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 237, W-pII.237A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 237, )

When I was a child, we used to sing a delightful song that has more meaning to me today: “This little Light of mine. I’m going to let It shine.” We let our Light shine by seeing with the eyes of Christ. We see with His forgiving eyes which see past images of separation to the loving presence of God’s one Son.

As we let our Light shine, it joins with the Light in every brother to free the world from the bondage of the ego’s denial of Love. This is what Christ would have us see. Let us join together to listen to the Voice for God calling us to remember we are eternal Love in the Heart of Love.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Our Journey Home on a Path of Light

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

[The holy Self we share] alone knows Love. This Self alone is perfectly consistent in Its Thoughts; knows Its Creator, understands Itself, is per­fect in Its knowledge and Its Love, and never changes from Its constant state of union with Its Father and Itself.

And it is this that waits to meet us at the journey’s ending.

…remember this [Self] is promised us, and that this course was sent to open up the path of light to us, and teach us, step by step, how to return to the eternal Self we thought we lost.

The Self from which I call to you is but your own. To Him we go together. Take your brother’s hand, for this is not a way we walk alone. In him I walk with you, and you with me. Our Father wills His Son be one with Him. What lives but must not then be one with you? (A Course in Miracles Workbook Review Intro. V, W-pI.rV.4:3-5;5:1,4;9:4-9. See also ACIM Lesson 171 Insights.)

Our only problem is that we have taught ourselves to believe that we are not what God created us to be. This could only seem to be true in a dream of separation from our Source. We can leave this mistaken belief behind and remember our true Self. Having taught ourselves to believe illusions are true, we must now be taught to recognize the difference between illusions and the truth of our oneness in the Love of God. This is the purpose of A Course in Miracles.

We have an inner Teacher in our minds who brings the Course to life in our minds. The Holy Spirit helps us apply the Course to all our perceptions. Through this training we learn to distinguish the true from the false, the real from the unreal. Thus we freely forgive or let go of the false and the unreal and identify, instead, with What is real — the Love of God. Here we remember our true Self and recognize It in every brother. What appeared to be many is recognized as One, the Son of God.

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