Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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The Cure for All Sickness

The happy dreams the Holy Spirit brings are different from the dreaming of the world, where one can merely dream he is awake. The dreams forgiveness lets the mind perceive do not induce another form of sleep, so that the dreamer dreams another dream. His happy dreams are heralds of the dawn of truth upon the mind. They lead from sleep to gentle waking, so that dreams are gone. And thus they cure for all eternity.

Atonement heals with certainty, and cures all sickness. For the mind which understands that sickness can be nothing but a dream is not deceived by forms the dream may take. Sickness where guilt is absent cannot come, for [sickness] is but another form of guilt. Atonement does not heal the sick, for that is not a cure. It takes away the guilt that makes the sickness possible. And that is cure indeed. For sickness now is gone, with nothing left to which it can return.

Peace be to you who have been cured in God, and not in idle dreams. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 140, W-pI.140.3:1-5:1. See also ACIM Lesson 140 Insights.)

Guilt is the underlying sickness beneath all appearances of sickness in the world. The world is the outward picture of the ego’s belief in guilt. It appears in myriad forms, ranging from body ailments and death to disappointment when circumstances to do not meet what we would like.

The ego made the outer world in an attempt to escape the pain of its guilt by projecting it. But it doesn’t work because thoughts do not leave their source. What is projected is retained in the mind that projected it. Projection is only an attempt to hide the guilt that remains in the mind by making the guilt unconscious.

In short, when we let the Holy Spirit help us undo the mistaken belief in separation and guilt, we free ourselves to remember the truth that we remain Love as Love created us. And nothing else. This is the mind healing that is the ultimate cure for all forms of sickness. It returns our mind to the truth that we remain one with All That is, for we realize that nothing else really exists.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Our Dedication to Accept God’s Gift

Now do we come to [God] with but His Word upon our minds and hearts, and wait for Him to take the step to us that He has told us, through His Voice, He would not fail to take when we invited Him.

Sit silently and wait upon your Father. He has willed to come to you when you have recognized it is your will He do so.

Father, we give these holy times to You, in gratitude to Him Who taught us how to leave the world of sorrow in exchange for its replacement, given us by You. We look not backward now. We look ahead, and fix our eyes upon the journey’s end. Accept these little gifts of thanks from us, as through Christ’s vision we behold a world beyond the one we made, and take that world to be the full replacement of our own.

And now we wait in silence, unafraid and certain of Your com­ing. We have sought to find our way by following the Guide You sent to us. We did not know the way, but You did not forget us. And we know that You will not forget us now. We ask but that Your ancient promises be kept which are Your Will to keep. We will with You in asking this. The Father and the Son, Whose holy Will created all that is, can fail in nothing. In this certainty, we undertake these last few steps to You, and rest in confidence upon Your Love, which will not fail the Son who calls to You. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Part II, W-pII.in.4:1;5:5-6;6:2-7:8. See also ACIM Lesson 221 Insights.)

The ego is the epitome of ingratitude, rejecting all of God’s gifts — the only gifts that exist in truth. But though we have rejected His gifts by identifying with the ego, we have not lost them. God gave us the Holy Spirit with the mission to lead us to exchange the ego’s empty gifts with our Father’s gift of all of Himself.

The last two paragraphs of the above quote from ACIM can be considered a prayer of dedication to accept the Holy Spirit’s exchange, replacing the ego’s substitutes with the certainty of God’s peace, joy and Love. This is our dedication for today.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Finding Freedom to Be Love

I feel the Love of God within me now.

The Love of God is what created me. The Love of God is everything I am. The Love of God proclaimed me as His Son. The Love of God within me sets me free.

I choose the joy of God instead of pain.

Pain is my own idea. It is not a Thought of God, but one I thought apart from Him and from His Will. His Will is joy, and only joy for His beloved Son. And that I choose, in­stead of what I made.

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 209, W-pI.209:1-5;210:1-8. See also ACIM Lesson 209 Insights.)

The body is an image made by the ego. It represents thoughts that deny our oneness in the Love of God and reinforces thoughts of separation. All pain, whether physical or emotional, is associated with our identification as a body. This is why the Course emphasizes repeatedly that we are not a body.

As we learn that we are not a body, we free ourselves from the limits belief in the body imposes. The seeming reality of the body comes entirely from our belief. Without our belief, the body would hold no value to us. We would know that we are free to accept that we are at one with God, that we have all of His Love, joy and peace.

We need the help of our inner Teacher to help us see beyond the body with Christ’s vision. His vision shows us the limitless Love hidden by the forms of the world. With practice, the vision of Christ becomes more real to us and identification with the body fades.

Today we welcome Christ’s vision, for we choose the Love of God instead of the ego’s denial of Love.

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The Lesson That Leads to Heaven’s Gate

How can you tell when you are seeing wrong, or someone else is failing to perceive the lesson he should learn? Does pain seem real in the perception? If it does, be sure the lesson is not learned. And there remains an unforgiveness hiding in the mind that sees the pain through eyes the mind directs.

God would not have you suffer thus. He would help you forgive yourself.

This is the lesson God would have you learn: There is a way to look on everything that lets it be to you another step to Him, and to salvation of the world. To all that speaks of terror, answer thus:

I will forgive, and this will disappear.

To every apprehension, every care and every form of suffering, repeat these selfsame words. And then you hold the key that opens Heaven’s gate, and brings the Love of God the Father down to earth at last, to raise it up to Heaven. God will take this final step Himself. Do not deny the little steps He asks you take to Him.” (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 193, W-pI.193.7;8:1-2;13. See also ACIM Lesson 193 Insights.)

Here we have a key signal that lets us know there is a lesson to be learned; forgiveness is needed. Any form of pain, anything that disturbs our peace signifies the presence of unforgiveness. Somewhere in our mind we are hanging on to guilt, which at its foundation comes from the belief that we have separated from Love, our Source.

The practice of being vigilant for these signals and then bringing our perceptions to the Holy Spirit for His lesson in forgiveness will lead us Home to the certainty and peace of God’s unconditional, eternal Love. This practice turns everything that disturbs our peace into a gift we can give ourselves. We can exchange pain for peace, despair for happiness, fear for Love. Under the Holy Spirit’s tutelage, we can learn to forgive and let the barriers to Love’s presence disappear. We have the key in our hands. We can use it now.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Becoming Willing to Accept Limitless Love

The Holy Spirit can use all that you give to Him for your salvation. But He cannot use what you withhold, for He cannot take it from you without your willingness. For if He did, you would believe He wrested it from you against your will. And so you would not learn it is your will to be without it. You need not give it to Him wholly willingly, for if you could you had no need of Him. But this He needs; that you prefer He take it than that you keep it for yourself alone, and recognize that what brings loss to no one you would not know. This much is necessary to add to the idea no one can lose for you to gain. And nothing more.

Justice looks on all in the same way. It is not just that one should lack for what another has. For that is vengeance in whatever form it takes. Justice demands no sacrifice…

It is impossible for you to share the Holy Spirit’s justice with a mind that can conceive of specialness at all. (A Course in Miracles, T-25.VIII.1;4:2-5;5:8. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The wish for specialness, to have more of something than others have, denies the unity of Love. It asks that others sacrifice in order for us to have more. It is based on the belief in limitation which contradicts the equality of universal Love.

When we choose the ego as our identity, we sacrifice awareness of the universal Love that is our Being. We treasure forms in the world and believe that to give up these valued forms would be a sacrifice. Were the Holy Spirit to take these treasures from us without our willingness, we would believe the ego is asking us to sacrifice and therefore lose what is important to us.

We defend our “treasures,” even unto death, because we believe these treasures are our identity. But any forms we treasure in the world are empty illusions with no value of their own. To bring healing to our minds, the Holy Spirit must help us recognize that the forms we have valued give us nothing we really want.

When we reach the point that we would prefer to have God’s gift of Love rather than our little, limited treasures, we are open to the Holy Spirit’s loving correction. He needs this willingness in order for us to open to His healing vision. With this open mind, sacrifice and the perception of loss is replaced with accept of our true Will which is to be united with all in God’s Love.

Today we remind ourselves that our perceptions in the world show us only limitation. We are willing to give these perceptions to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to cleanse away the limitations and return to us the awareness of limitless Love, peace and happiness.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Call to Remember the Love We Are

Regard [your brother] gently. Look with loving eyes on him who carries Christ within him, that you may behold his glory and rejoice that Heaven is not separate from you.

Is it too much to ask a little trust for him who carries Christ to you, that you may be forgiven all your sins, and left without a single one you cherish still? Forget not that a shadow held between your brother and yourself obscures the face of Christ and memory of God [Holy Spirit]. And would you trade Them for an ancient hate? The ground whereon you stand is holy ground because of Them Who, standing there with you, have blessed it with Their innocence and peace.

When [the face of Christ and memory of God] come, time’s purpose is fulfilled. What never was passes to nothingness when They have come. What hatred claimed is given up to love, and freedom lights up every living thing and lifts it into Heaven, where the lights grow ever brighter as each one comes home. The incomplete is made complete again, and Heaven’s joy has been increased because what is its own has been restored to it. (A Course in Miracles, T-26.IX.1:5-2:4;4:2-5. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

When we see our brothers truly, we see them as the innocence of Christ, which reminds us of God, our Source. When we see our brother as a body, separate from ourselves, the truth of him is hidden by an illusion. The illusion will always seem real to us as long as we accept the ego as our guide.

The antidote to the world of fear and guilt is to choose the Guide Who is always ready, willing and able to show us the Christ in our brothers. This healed perception reflects back to us the truth of What we are. The image of ourselves as bodies fades in importance as we accept the Christ in us and all our brothers Who joins us all together in the oneness of God’s Love. The memory of the ego’s “history” is replaced by the eternal presence of Love. We remember God.

The safety and comfort of this Home replaces the conflict, uncertainty, fear and guilt of the illusions offered up by the ego. The call to return Home never ceases, for it is a call of our true Self to awaken to the Home we never truly left.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Holy Spirit’s Motivation for Mind Healing

All who believe in separation have a basic fear of retaliation and abandonment. They believe in attack and rejection, so that is what they perceive and teach and learn. These insane ideas are clearly the result of dissociation and projection. What you teach you are, but it is quite apparent that you can teach wrongly, and can therefore teach yourself wrong. Many thought I was attacking them, even though it was apparent I was not. An insane learner learns strange lessons. What you must recognize is that when you do not share a thought system, you are weakening it. Those who believe in it therefore perceive this as an attack on them. This is because everyone identifies himself with his thought system, and every thought system centers on what you believe you are. If the center of the thought system is true, only truth extends from it. But if a lie is at its center, only deception proceeds from it.

All good teachers realize that only fundamental change will last, but they do not begin at that level. Strengthening motivation for change is their first and foremost goal. It is also their last and final one. Increasing motivation for change in the learner is all that a teacher need do to guarantee change. Change in motivation is a change of mind, and this will inevitably produce fundamental change because the mind is fundamental. (A Course in Miracles, T-6.V.B.1-2. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The foundation of the ego thought system is the belief that separation is real. It is the belief that the impossible is possible. Thus the ego is fundamentally insane. Out of its insane belief, the ego thought system has built a world that reflects its insanity. It is the logical outcome of its belief in what is real. Yet founded on a false premise, all its logic leads to false results.

Our only problem is that we have accepted the false foundation of the ego thought system. The Holy Spirit’s mission, then, is to teach us that we do not really want the ego and its false thought system. Our identification with the ego, which we made by our belief, makes us defensive of its foundation. Were we to accept that the foundation of the thought system we have accepted is false, we would lose what we believe is our identity. This is terrifying because we believe it is our death.

As the Teacher of truth, the Holy Spirit must help us see that what we have accepted as true is false. It is not what we really want. This is the first step in motivating us to be open for a change of mind. The next step shows us that the truth offers us what we really want — peace of mind, indescribable joy and eternal Love.

A Course in Miracles is a means the Holy Spirit uses to motivate us to choose Love instead of fear, peace instead of conflict and joy instead of depression. These are God’s gifts to us, eternally ours. We need only undo the fundamental belief in separation for us to claim the gifts that have always been ours.

Today we ask the Holy Spirit to decide all things on our behalf. His decisions will always be for the oneness of Love.

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