Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Being a Messenger of Love in the World

Fear is not justified in any form.

Fear is deception. It attests that you have seen yourself as you could never be, and therefore look upon a world which is impos­sible. Not one thing in this world is true. It does not matter what the form in which it may appear. It witnesses but to your own illusions of yourself. Let us not be deceived today. We are the Sons of God. There is no fear in us, for we are each a part of Love Itself.

How foolish are our fears! Would You allow Your Son to suffer? Give us faith today to recognize Your Son, and set him free. Let us forgive him in Your Name, that we may understand his holiness, and feel the love for him which is Your Own as well.

Hear His Voice alone in all that speaks to you. And let Him give you peace and certainty, which you have thrown away, but Heaven has preserved for you in Him. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 240, W-pII.240;3.4:4-5. See also ACIM Lesson 240 Insights.)

We believe we are a body capable of being harmed and dying. If this were our real identity, fear would be inevitable. Yet the Course asks us to repeat many times a day for 20 days, “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” (Lessons 201-220) This fact, fully accepted as true, releases us of all fear. It returns us to the awareness of the invulnerability of the Love we are eternally.

In the world there seems to be much justification for fear of pain, loss and death. This comes only from believing the body is our identity. The Holy Spirit can help each of us release this fear if we are willing to open our minds to His vision. He will help heal our fear-based thoughts by showing us our invulnerability as God’s one Son. The Holy Spirit’s vision sees past the illusions of the world to the eternal, universal Presence of God’s Love.

Today, whenever we notice a fearful, guilty or judgmental thought, we ask the Holy Spirit to heal our fear-based thoughts. As we accept His healing, we become messengers of Love in a fearful and loveless world.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Joining with the Truth in Our Brothers

You look still with the body’s eyes, and they can see but thorns [attack]. Yet you have asked for and received another sight. Those who accept the Holy Spirit’s purpose as their own share also His vision. And what enables Him to see His purpose shine forth from every altar now is yours as well as His. He sees no strangers; only dearly loved and loving friends. He sees no thorns but only lilies, gleaming in the gentle glow of peace that shines on everything He looks upon and loves.

You have the vision now to look past all illusions. It has been given you to see no thorns, no strangers and no obstacles to peace. The fear of God is nothing to you now. Who is afraid to look upon illusions, knowing his savior [brother] stands beside him? With him, your vision has become the greatest power for the undoing of illusion that God Himself could give. For what God gave the Holy Spirit, you have received. (A Course in Miracles, T-20.II.5;7:1-6. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

When we look through the body’s eyes, we see our brother as a body, a false image that hides the truth of what our brother is. Being an illusion no body nor what it does can be our savior. But the recognition of the truth in our brother as the Self that is God’s Son is our savior. This recognition teaches us that we, too, are this same Self, at one with our brother. Instead of seeing a brother as an adversary, he is a reminder of our unity with him as God’s Son. We remember our brother is joined with us, sharing the Love and peace of Heaven.

Today we ask the Holy Spirit to help us see our brother truly, for our deepest desire is to awaken to the Heaven that is our Home. With His help, we become channels of God’s Love, extending It to all the world. Thus will we save the world we see from illusions of separation and awaken to our Home in God.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing the Light of Love Within

In quietness is [the peace of God] acknowledged universally. For what your inward vision looks upon is your perception of the universe.

Sit quietly and close your eyes. The light within you is sufficient. It alone has power to give the gift of sight to you. Exclude the outer world, and let your thoughts fly to the peace within. They know the way. For honest thoughts, untainted by the dream of worldly things outside yourself, become the holy messengers of God Himself.

…we acknowledge that the peace of God still shines in us, and from us to all living things that share our life. We will forgive them all, absolving all the world from what we thought it did to us. For it is we who make the world as we would have it. Now we choose that it be innocent, devoid of sin and open to salvation. And we lay our saving blessing on it, as we say:

The peace of God is shining in me now.
Let all things shine upon me in that peace,
And let me bless them with the light in me.
(A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 188, W-pI.188.5:6-6:6;10. See also ACIM Lesson 188 Insights.)

The ego is dishonest. It denies the truth that only the oneness of Love is real. When we accept the ego and its images of separate personalities and bodies as our identity, we are being dishonest with our Self. Because of our dishonesty, we believe in a false image of ourselves and we see a false world. Lies do not change the Truth but they hide It from our awareness. The world we see is the effect of our belief in the ego’s lies.

When we choose to go to the center of peace within us beyond the ego’s false images, we open our minds to the Holy Spirit’s vision of Truth. This vision shows us that the ego’s denials are meaningless. The false identity we have accepted is nothing more than a shadow hiding the presence of Love from our awareness.

As we let the Holy Spirit guide our seeing, we let go of belief in false images, releasing them to the nothingness from which they came. This is true forgiveness. Today we choose the Light of God’s peace and Love to let it dispel the ego’s darkness. This Light reveals our unity with every brother and with God. And we give thanks.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting God’s Love Flow Through Us

Forgiveness is the only thing that stands for truth in the illusions of the world. It sees their nothingness, and looks straight through the thousand forms in which they may appear.

Across this bridge [of forgiveness], as powerful as love which laid its blessing on it, are all dreams of evil and of hatred and attack brought silently to truth. They are not kept to swell and bluster, and to terrify the foolish dreamer who believes in them. He has been gently wakened from his dream by understanding what he thought he saw was never there. And now he cannot feel that all escape has been denied to him.

Forgiveness must be practiced, for the world cannot perceive its meaning, nor provide a guide to teach you its beneficence.

Today we practice true forgiveness, that the time of joining be no more delayed. For we would meet with our reality in free­dom and in peace. Our practicing becomes the footsteps lighting up the way for all our brothers, who will follow us to the reality we share with them. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 134, W-pI.134.7:1-2;11;13:1;14:1-3. See also ACIM Lesson 134 Insights.)

The ego is a thought of unforgiveness, the rejection of God’s gift of all of His Love. We cannot ask the thought of unforgiveness to teach us how to forgive.

But we have a Guide Whose function is to teach us to see past the illusions made by the thought of unforgiveness. As a bridge of God’s Love into the world, the Holy Spirit lovingly teaches us to recognize the unreality of illusions. Recognized for what they are, we easily overlook illusions, for they have had no effect on the reality of the Self God created one with Him.

The Holy Spirit’s lessons will never increase our fear. They gently awaken us from the dream of fear and guilt to the experience of God’s peace and joy. Each lesson accepted strengthens our willingness to let the Love of God flow through us. We awaken to the Love we are and remember every brother is one with us in that Love.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Awakening to Our Homecoming

My function here is to forgive the world for all the errors I have made. For thus am I released from them with all the world.

I am essential to the plan of God for the salvation of the world. For He gave me His plan that I might save the world.

God’s Will is perfect happiness for me. And I can suffer but from the belief there is another will apart from His.

I share my Father’s Will for me, His Son. What He has given me is all I want. What He has given me is all there is. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 115, W-pI.115💯2–3;2:2-3;116💯2-3;2:2-4. See also ACIM Lesson 115 Insights.)

Our true Self is God’s one Son, His extension of His Love. The ego is the wish to have something other than God’s universal Love. Because only Love is real, the ego could never truly exist. It can only seem to be real in a dream made by the ego, which projects the world we experience. Because it is the thought of separation, the ego appears as many separate ego’s. Yet they all stem from the single thought of separation.

When we believe the ego’s thought of separation, we join the dream that projects a separated world with a unique identity we call our own. The projected world is a self deception that blinds us from knowing our one Self in the oneness of Love.

The way to heal our blindness is to let go of our allegiance to the ego. Through the Holy Spirit’s vision we learn to dismiss thoughts of separation as meaningless. The dream world is healed as our mind is healed. When we have forgiven all the mistaken thoughts of separation, the world will simply cease to seem to to be.

We no longer project a world of separation, for we have accepted our eternal place in the Mind of God. God’s plan to heal our mistake awakens us from the dream of a separate world. The appearance of many fades as the Light of Love fills our mind and we rejoice with all our brothers in a glorious Homecoming. We are free to be as God created us.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Vision That Guides Us Home

Tolerance for pain may be high, but it is not without limit. Eventually everyone begins to recognize, however dimly, that there must be a better way. As this recognition becomes more firmly established, it becomes a turning point. This ultimately reawakens spiritual vision, simultaneously weakening the investment in physical sight. The alternating investment in the two levels of perception is usually experienced as conflict, which can become very acute. But the outcome is as certain as God.

Spiritual vision literally cannot see error, and merely looks for Atonement [correction of perception]. All solutions the physical eye seeks dissolve. Spiritual vision looks within and recognizes immediately that the altar has been defiled and needs to be repaired and protected. Perfectly aware of the right defense [spiritual vision] passes over all others, looking past error to truth. Because of the strength of its vision, it brings the mind into its service. This re-establishes the power of the mind and makes it increasingly unable to tolerate delay, realizing that it only adds unnecessary pain. As a result, the mind becomes increasingly sensitive to what it would once have regarded as very minor intrusions of discomfort. (A Course in Miracles, T-2.III.3:5-4:7. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Spiritual vision is the means to awaken from the dream of fear and death. Physical sight sees only images of separation, for it comes from the ego belief in the reality of separation. What the mind believes is true is perceived as real. Ego belief in separation projects a misperception of a world that confirms separation’s reality.

The ego’s misperception is corrected by spiritual vision. It sees past the world’s images of separation to the changeless Spirit that unites everyone in the unity of God’s Love. When we reach the point of willingness to consider that what we have believed is true may be wrong, our mind becomes open to another way of seeing.

We begin to question the part of our mind that has embraced separation; we may not be the separate identity that the ego made. We may be free of its limitations and in fact, wholly held in the invulnerability and Love of God. We become willing to receive the Holy Spirit’s vision to let it correct the misperceptions of the ego. We have begun a journey leading out of the fearful dream. As we give priority to spiritual vision instead of physical sight, we awaken to our eternal Home in God.

Our prayer today: Holy Spirit, guide my vision today for my desire is to remember my true Self, united with every brother in Love’s oneness.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Making Way for God’s Love in Our Mind

Under the ego’s dark foundation is the memory of God, and it is of this that you are really afraid. For this memory would instantly restore you to your proper place, and it is this place that you have sought to leave. Your fear of attack is nothing compared to your fear of love. You would be willing to look even upon your savage wish to kill God’s Son, if you did not believe that it saves you from love. For this wish caused the separation, and you have protected it because you do not want the separation healed. You realize that, by removing the dark cloud that obscures it, your love for your Father would impel you to answer His Call and leap into Heaven. You believe that attack is salvation because it would prevent you from this. For still deeper than the ego’s foundation, and much stronger than it will ever be, is your intense and burning love of God, and His for you. This is what you really want to hide.

Do not hide suffering from [the Holy Spirit’s] sight, but bring it gladly to Him. Lay before His eternal sanity all your hurt, and let Him heal you. Do not leave any spot of pain hidden from His light, and search your mind carefully for any thoughts you may fear to uncover. For He will heal every little thought you have kept to hurt you and cleanse it of its littleness, restoring it to the magnitude of God. (A Course in Miracles, T-13.III.2;7:3-6. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Specialness is impossible in the oneness of God’s Love where differences are impossible. In order to have the specialness we treasure, we must deny God’s Love. The only way to deny the reality of Love is to make a fantasy of a world where Love cannot enter. Our bodies and all the images of the world are made to hide the presence of changeless Love.

Our belief that this fantasy of separation is real cannot allow God’s Love to be accepted because the Light of Love would awaken us from the fantasy. Our special, unique identity would disappear into the nothingness from which it came. We believe this would be our annihilation. Yet in truth, it would reveal our true Identity as Love in the Heart of Love.

The emotional, political and military battles in the world all come from the need to defend the fantasy of specialness. The fear of loss of specialness is so intense that we would give up our “life” in its defense. We see this fear played out in individual relationships, in political conflicts within a nation and in conflict between countries. They all have the same root cause — the defense of specialness. All are resolved with one, simple idea: Only Love is real. Nothing else exists in truth.

Today we ask the Holy Spirit to heal our fear-based thoughts to make way for the Love of God to fill our minds and remind us that we are His Son, complete and healed and whole. Our true Life is eternal in Him. Life in the fantasy was never really life at all.

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