Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Being Attentive to God’s Voice

God’s healing Voice protects all things today.

Let us today attend the Voice for God, which speaks an ancient lesson, no more true today than any other day. Yet has this day been chosen as the time when we will seek and hear and learn and understand. Join me in hearing. For the Voice for God tells us of things we cannot understand alone, nor learn apart. It is in this that all things are protected. And in this the healing of the Voice for God is found.

Your healing Voice protects all things today, and so I leave all things to You. I need be anxious over nothing. For Your Voice will tell me what to do and where to go; to whom to speak and what to say to him, what thoughts to think, what words to give the world. The safety that I bring is given me. Father, Your Voice protects all things through me. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 275, W-pII.275. See also ACIM Lesson 275 Insights.)

We have God’s Voice in our mind. We can “hear” It in many ways. Sometimes It comes as a thought that comforts or inspires us. It may be an inner knowing or a feeling that helps us know what to say or where to go. It may be an inspiration to take an action that is helpful. His Voice may come in a dream or upon waking that brings resolution to a perceived problem. It may come as a loving way of seeing a brother, even one we have perceived as an adversary. Always It comes with an underlying sense of peace.

The key to being attentive to God’s Voice is the practice of stilling our mind in the midst of everyday life. Peace is the condition in which God’s Voice can be accepted. We will practice this today to receive His guidance for what to think, say and do.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting God’s Gift of Limitless Love

By giving you receive. But to receive is to accept, not to get. It is impossible not to have, but it is possible not to know you have. The recognition of having is the willingness for giving, and only by this willingness can you recognize what you have. What you give is therefore the value you put on what you have, being the exact measure of the value you put upon it. And this, in turn, is the measure of how much you want it.

You can ask of the Holy Spirit, then, only by giving to Him, and you can give to Him only where you recognize Him. If you recognize Him in everyone, consider how much you will be asking of Him, and how much you will receive. He will deny you nothing because you have denied Him nothing, and so you can share everything. This is the way, and the only way to have His answer, because His answer is all you can ask for and want. Say, then, to everyone.

Because I will to know myself, I see you as God’s Son and my brother. (T-9.II.11:4-12:6)

All there is to have is Love because only Love is real. Our true Self already has this Love because God gave His Love to His Son in His creation.

The ego is the rejection of Love. It does not want Love because it wants specialness (more than everything.) We have chosen the ego as our identity and accepted its denial of Love. This rejection of Love needs to be forgiven because this rejection makes us unaware of the limitless Love we have and are. The world we perceive is the manifestation of the ego’s rejection of Love.

The Holy Spirit’s mission is to teach us that we are not the ego and that we are God’s Son, one Self united with every brother. As we forgive our beliefs in being a separate self, we make way for the acceptance of the Love of our true Self.

Each time we are able to recognize the Love in our brother, we are seeing the reflection of the Love in us. This is the gift we receive when we are willing to give our beliefs and perceptions to the Holy Spirit to be corrected with His Love. We learn that we have Love, and feel free to give It. As the Love flows through us It brings joy and peace with It. This is why forgiveness is the key to happiness.

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Freeing Ourselves from Suffering

I can be free of suffering today.

Father, I thank You for today, and for the freedom I am certain it will bring. This day is holy, for today Your Son will be redeemed. His suffering is done. For he will hear Your Voice directing him to find Christ’s vision through forgiveness, and be free forever from all suffer­ing. Thanks for today, my Father. I was born into this world but to achieve this day, and what it holds in joy and freedom for Your holy Son and for the world he made, which is released along with him today.

Be glad today! Be glad! There is no room for anything but joy and thanks today. Our Father has redeemed His Son this day. Not one of us but will be saved today. Not one who will remain in fear, and none the Father will not gather to Himself, awake in Heaven in the Heart of Love. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 340, W-pII.340. See also ACIM Lesson 340 Insights.)

Our true Self is God’s Son, forever united with his Creator. This Self does not need to be redeemed for It was never lost. But in time, we have lost touch with our true Self.

We have identified with a false self-image made by the belief in separation from God. The result of this belief is the world of time we experience. It has blinded and deafened us from seeing the reality of changeless Love everywhere and hearing the Voice for God.

It is from this blindness and deafness that we need to be redeemed. This redemption is available to us in every instant, now. But we must be willing to choose forgiveness by listening to the Voice for God and accepting Christ’s vision. Vision shows us the presence of Love’s innocence everywhere. God’s Voice teaches us how to heal our misperceptions through forgiveness. Though complete release from the world of time is available in every instant, our resistance and fear limits our willingness to fully accept our true Self now.

Today we practice pausing to let Love guide our thoughts, perceptions and actions. We frequently pause today to ask the Holy Spirit for His peace and vision.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Source of Our Completion

All idols of this world [of separation] were made to keep the truth within from being known to you, and to maintain allegiance to the dream that you must find what is outside yourself to be complete and happy. It is vain to worship idols in the hope of peace. God dwells within, and your completion lies in Him. No idol takes His place. Look not to idols. Do not seek outside yourself.

The fear of God is but the fear of loss of idols. It is not the fear of loss of your reality. But you have made of your reality an idol, which you must protect against the light of truth. And all the world becomes the means by which this idol can be saved.

It is not so. Salvation seeks to prove there is no death, and only life exists. The sacrifice of death is nothing lost. An idol cannot take the place of God. Let Him remind you of His Love for you, and do not seek to drown His Voice in chants of deep despair to idols of yourself. Seek not outside your Father for your hope. (A Course in Miracles, T-29.VII.6.1;9:6-9;10:1-6. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The ego is dissatisfied with God’s gift of everything that is real. It is the wish to have more than everything. Because this is impossible, it has made up a world of empty images that appear to offer what the ego wants. Because the ego’s wish cannot be fulfilled in reality, the ego believes it is incomplete. So it makes up empty images that it imagines will complete it. Yet each time it seems to obtain an idol it thinks will complete it, its emptiness leaves the ego unfulfilled. This puts the ego on an endless quest of seeking outside of it for what cannot be found outside.

The Source of real completion is within. Our true Self remains completed in God. And God’s completion is His Son, the one Self we share with all our brothers. We have not lost this Self nor our unity with God. Joining with the ego’s quest has merely made us unaware that we are already complete and whole in the Love of God.

Today we affirm: I accept God’s Love is mine. I accept His peace and His joy, remembering these gifts are His Will for me.

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Remembering Our True Home

Reason will tell you that the only way to escape from misery is to recognize it and go the other way. Truth is the same and misery the same, but they are different from each other in every way, in every instance and without exception. …One illusion cherished and defended against the truth makes all truth meaningless, and all illusions real. Such is the power of belief.

There is no part of Heaven you can take and weave into illusions. Nor is there one illusion you can enter Heaven with. A savior cannot be a judge, nor mercy condemnation. And [Christ’s] vision cannot damn, but only bless.

Behold the great projection [the world], but look on it with the decision that it must be healed, and not with fear. Nothing you made has any power over you unless you still would be apart from your Creator, and with a will opposed to His. For only if you would believe His Son could be [God’s] enemy does it seem possible that what you made is [your enemy]. You would condemn His joy to misery, and make Him different. And all the misery you made has been your own. Are you not glad to learn it is not true? Is it not welcome news to hear not one of the illusions that you made replaced the truth?

Every illusion brought to …forgiveness is gently overlooked and disappears.

All you need do to dwell in quiet here with Christ is share His vision. Quickly and gladly is His vision given anyone who is but willing to see his brother sinless. (T-22.II.8:1-2,4-5;8:1-4;10;12:7;13:1-2)

The ego is the belief in limited “love.” In the pursuit of specialness, it carefully measures out the amount of love to be given to different individuals. This determined by the value the ego holds for object of this love. This limitation can only seem to occur in a dream that denies the equality and unity of God’s Love.

Christ’s vision sees all things as part of the oneness of God’s Love. It excludes no one and sees no differences. It sees only innocence because it sees no change in the equal sharing of Love. The world we see as a body needs the healing vision that the Christ in us sees clearly.

Today we ask for Christ’s vision to guide all our perceptions, for we would remember our true Home in the Heaven of God’s Love.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Gratitude for the Love We Are

Love is the way I walk in gratitude.

The Holy Spirit is my only Guide. He walks with me in love. And I give thanks to Him for showing me the way to go.

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

It can be but myself I crucify.

All that I do I do unto myself. If I attack, I suffer. But if I forgive, salvation will be given me. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 215, W-pI.215.1. 216.1:1-4. See also ACIM Lesson 215 Insights.)

Because we are as God created His Son, we are not a body. To see a brother as a body is to crucify him because we are seeing him as a limited form that is separate from God. To see our brother as a body, we must also believe we are a body. To believe this is to crucify ourselves because we are accepting the ego’s attempt to limit the Son of God. But what God creates shares the limitlessness of His Love.

As we accept our true Self as one with God’s Love, gratitude is inevitable. It comes as we accept the joy and peace of God. His gifts are already ours, but we must clear away the barriers that make us unaware that we are God’s Son. Forgiveness is the way to remove those barriers and welcome the truth of our eternal unity in God’s Love.

Let’s join together in His Love by letting Love guide our vision. With this practice we become God’s messengers of Love.

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The Foundation for Our Loving Thoughts

‘God is the Mind with which I think’ holds the key to what your real thoughts are. They are nothing that you think you think, just as nothing that you think you see is related to vision in any way.

Under all the senseless thoughts and mad ideas with which you have cluttered up your mind are the thoughts that you thought with God in the beginning. They are there in your mind now, completely unchanged. They will always be in your mind, exactly as they always were. Everything you have thought since then [in time] will change, but the Foundation [Mind of God] on which it rests is wholly changeless.

Here is your mind joined with the Mind of God. Here are your thoughts one with His. For this kind of practice only one thing is necessary; approach it as you would an altar dedicated in Heaven to God the Father and to God the Son. For such is the place you are trying to reach. …this is no idle game, but an exercise in holiness and an attempt to reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

…repeat ‘God is the Mind with which I think’ throughout the day to appreciate your mind’s holiness. Stand aside, however briefly, from all thoughts that are unworthy of Him Whose host you are. And thank Him for the Thoughts He is thinking with you. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 45, W-pI.45.1:1-2;7;8:2-5,7;9:2-4. See also ACIM Lesson 45 Insights.)

The thoughts we think with God are thoughts of Love. They are thoughts expressing the unity of Love which joins us with the Love in every brother and God.

The split mind that accepts separation can seem to have thoughts, but they are only hallucinations. They are expressions of the denial of Love’s oneness. They seem to shift and change moment to moment. There us no stable foundation in the thought system of separation. Beneath those hallucinations is the changeless Foundation of the Mind of God.

The repetition of today’s idea reminds us of the perfect stability of the changeless Mind of God. Here we find peace, for what is changeless can never be disturbed. Here we find happiness, for joy comes when our thoughts express the Love of God. Our hearts are filled with gratitude.

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