Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Being a Messenger of Love

You are one Self, united and secure in light and joy and peace. You are God’s Son, one Self, with one Creator and one goal; to bring awareness of this oneness to all minds, that true creation may extend the allness and the unity of God. You are one Self, complete and healed and whole, with power to lift the veil of darkness from the world, and let the light in you come through to teach the world the truth about yourself.

You are one Self, in perfect harmony with all there is, and all that there will be. You are one Self, the holy Son of God, united with your brothers in that Self; united with your Father in His Will. Feel this one Self in you, and let It shine away all your illusions and your doubts. This is your Self, the Son of God Himself, sinless as Its Creator, with His strength within you and His Love forever yours. You are one Self, and it is given you to feel this Self within you, and to cast all your illusions out of the one Mind that is this Self, the holy truth in you. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 95, W-pI.95.12-13. See also ACIM Lesson 95 Insights.)

We all have the same unified mission: To bring God’s Love to the world. This is the mission of our true Self, the Son of God.

If we identify with the ego, we are unaware of this mission, denying that it is there. The ego teaches us that Love is weak. But this is just a projection of its own belief in weakness. God is Love and His Love carries all of His strength, which has no opposite. Because only Love is real, It cannot be opposed. Denial makes us unaware of It but cannot change the changeless Love of God.

Today we choose the mission God gave us as His Son. We practice asking the Holy Spirit’s help to see with Christ’s vision, the vision that sees the reality of Love’s innocence and unity. With this practice, we become God’s messengers to help the world accept its unity as one Love.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Bringing Love’s Blessing to the World

To overcome the world is no more difficult than to surmount your little wall [of guilt]. For in the miracle of your holy relationship, without this barrier, is every miracle contained. There is no order of difficulty in miracles, for they are all the same. Each [miracle] is a gentle winning over from the appeal of guilt to the appeal of love. How can this fail to be accomplished, wherever it is undertaken? Guilt can raise no real barriers against [the appeal of Love]. And all that seems to stand between you and your brother must fall away because of the appeal [of Love] you answered. …[The Holy Spirit’s] home is in your holy relationship. Do not attempt to stand between Him and His holy purpose, for it is yours. But let Him quietly extend the miracle of your relationship to everyone contained in it as it was given.

There is a hush in Heaven, a happy expectancy, a little pause of gladness in acknowledgment of the journey’s end. For Heaven knows you well, as you know Heaven. No illusions stand between you and your brother now. Look not upon the little wall of shadows. The sun has risen over it. How can a shadow keep you from the sun? No more can you be kept by shadows from the light in which illusions end. Every miracle is but the end of an illusion. Such was the journey; such its ending. And in the goal of truth which you accepted must all illusions end. (A Course in Miracles, T-19.IV.A.5:1-7,9-11;6. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The Holy Spirit sees every special relationship as a teaching opportunity. The ego uses special relationships to foster guilt by making separation seem real through exclusion. As we let the Holy Spirit help us forgive the imagined difference between what we are and how we perceive a brother, we remove a barrier to Love.

Each time a shadow of guilt is released from a special relationship, Love is allowed to enter. This is the miracle. Because we are one with every brother, this miracle extends to all the world bringing Love’s blessing to all, for Love cannot be limited.

Our practice of bringing all our perceptions in our special relationships to the Holy Spirit to be purified with Love brings blessing to the world.

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Letting the Light of Love Guide Our Way

I will there be light.

I will use the power of my will today. It is not my will to grope about in darkness, fearful of shadows and afraid of things unseen and unreal. Light shall be my guide today. I will follow it where it leads me, and I will look only on what it shows me. This day I will experience the peace of true perception.

There is no will but God’s.

I am safe today because there is no will but God’s. I can become afraid only when I believe there is another will. I try to attack only when I am afraid, and only when I try to attack can I believe that my eternal safety is threatened. Today I will recognize that all this has not occurred. I am safe because there is no will but God’s.

Let me perceive this in accordance with the Will of God. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 87, W-pI.87.1;3;4:2. See also ACIM Lesson 87 Insights.)

Love is the Light in which we see with true perception. This Light reveals the presence of Love beyond the dark shadows of the ego’s denial of Love. God’s Will is that we have all of Love eternally. When we choose to let Love guide our perception, we choose to perceive in accordance with God’s Will.

Feeling guilty or afraid is a sign that we believe our will is in opposition to God’s Will. We have accepted the ego’s belief that separation is real. This belief is in direct opposition to God’s Will that only the oneness of Love is real. Only in dreams could the ego’s belief seem to be true. Dreams are not real and have no effect on Reality.

We remain eternally safe in the Love of God. To awaken from dreams of fear and death, we need to choose the Light of Love as our Guide for all our perceptions. Today we remind ourselves often that we want to perceive with Love and let all our actions be guided by Love. With this practice we accept God’s Will for us to share His peace and joy.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting God’s Limitless Love

The search for the special relationship is the sign that you equate yourself with the ego and not with God. For the special relationship has value only to the ego. To the ego, unless a relationship has special value it has no meaning, for it perceives all love as special.

The special relationship is totally meaningless without a body. If you value it, you must also value the body. And what you value you will keep. The special relationship is a device for limiting your self to a body, and for limiting your perception of others to theirs. The Great Rays would establish the total lack of value of the special relationship, if they were seen. For in seeing them the body would disappear, because its value would be lost.

For a time the body is still seen, but not exclusively, as it is seen here. …For you will realize that the only value the body has is to enable you to bring your brothers to the bridge [to Heaven] with you, and to be released together there.

The Holy Spirit asks only this little help of you: Whenever your thoughts wander to a special relationship which still attracts you, enter with Him into a holy instant, and there let Him release you. He needs only your willingness to share His perspective to give it to you completely. (A Course in Miracles, T-16.VI.1:1-3;4:1-6;6:2,5;12:1-2. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

In the special relationship, “love” is exclusive. It leaves out everything that is not valued by the special relationship. This denies the universality of God’s Love, which is given equally to all, without limit.

The ego is an attempt to limit God’s extension of Love. The special relationship is the ego’s key tool in its attempt to limit love by denying God’s unlimited Love. When we believe in limited, exclusive love, we are denying our true Self. This denial leads to guilt and fear. For beneath the layers of the ego’s illusions is the awareness that limited love is an attack on God by denying His limitless Love.

The way to free ourselves from the ego’s limits is to be vigilant for any thoughts of limitation. These thoughts characteristically have an underlying guilt and fear: sadness, resentment, conflict and many other forms of lack of peace. We need to be mindful of our level of peace.

Whenever our peace is disturbed, we need to pause and open our minds to the Holy Spirit’s healing. He will show us the radiant Light of Love that shines everywhere to be seen with His vision. In this Light, the body and every image of separation fades as the value we give them diminishes.

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Seeing Past Judgment to Love’s Oneness

To forgive is to overlook. Look, then, beyond error and do not let your perception rest upon it, for you will believe what your perception holds. Accept as true only what your brother is [Son of God], if you would know yourself. Perceive what he is not and you cannot know what you are, because you see him falsely. Remember always that your Identity is shared, and that Its sharing is Its reality.

You do not understand how to overlook errors, or you would not make them. It would merely be further error to believe either that you do not make them, or that you can correct [errors] without a Guide to correction. And if you do not follow this Guide, your errors will not be corrected. The plan is not yours because of your limited ideas about what you are. This sense of limitation [what you think you are] is where all errors arise. The way to undo them, therefore, is not of you but for you.

The Atonement is a lesson in sharing [Love], which is given you because you have forgotten how to do it. The Holy Spirit merely reminds you of the natural use of your abilities. By reinterpreting the ability to attack into the ability to share, He translates what you have made into what God created. (A Course in Miracles, T-9.IV.1:2-7;2:2-3:3. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our true Self is the Son of God, which is shared with every brother even though our brothers appear as many. The appearance of many different identities is an illusion made by the ego to hide our true Identity. When we accept the ego’s thoughts, founded in the belief in separation, we cannot truly see our brother or our true Self.

The Holy Spirit’s mission in God’s plan for our atonement is to teach us to overlook the ego’s decoys of separate identities. Forgiveness relieves our mind of the ego’s judgments which maintain separation. Without judgment, we accept Christ’s vision which sees our unity with every brother.

Love does not condemn; It joins in peace in the unity of God’s Love. In this unity, we share God’s joy and peace with everyone. When forgiveness is complete, we have accepted our Self without limitation as God’s one Son.

© 2020, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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We Live in the Unity of Love

God is with me. I live and move in Him.

God is with me. He is my Source of life, the life within…. He is my home, wherein I live and move; the Spirit which directs my actions, offers me Its Thoughts, and guarantees my safety from all pain. He covers me with kindness and with care, and holds in love the Son He shines upon, who also shines on Him. How still is he who knows the truth of what He speaks today!

Father, we have no words except Your Name upon our lips and in our minds, as we come quietly into Your Presence now, and ask to rest with You in peace a while. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 222, W-pII.222. See also ACIM Lesson 222 Insights.)

Our true nature is kind and caring. Our true Self, like God, is Love and nothing else. This is why the truth in us lives in God.

When unloving thoughts — thoughts of fear, guilt or condemnation — enter our mind, they come from the ego. The ego denies the Love we are. To keep its seeming existence in our mind, the ego feeds us a constant stream of thoughts that deny the oneness of Love. These are not our real thoughts because we are not the ego; our real thoughts are the Thoughts of Love we share with our Source.

Our mistaken identification with the ego needs to be let go for us to remember our true Life that we live in God. The Holy Spirit was given us to help us release the mistaken belief that binds us to a world of conflict, lack and loss.

Throughout today we ask the Holy Spirit to heal our fear-based, unloving thoughts. As we let them go, our innate kindness and caring shines through. We answer calls for Love with Love. We increasingly experience the Life we live in God.

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Awakening to Safety from Dreams of Fear

Like any good teacher, the Holy Spirit knows more than you do now, but He teaches only to make you equal with Him. You had already taught yourself wrongly, having believed what was not true. You did not believe in your own perfection. Would God teach you that you had made a split mind, when He knows your mind only as whole? What God does know is that His communication channels are not open to Him, so that He cannot impart His joy and know that His children are wholly joyous. Giving His joy is an ongoing process, not in time but in eternity. God’s extending outward, though not His completeness, is blocked when the Sonship does not communicate with Him as one. So He thought, “My children sleep and must be awakened.

How can you wake children in a more kindly way than by a gentle Voice that will not frighten them, but will merely remind them that the night is over and the light has come? You do not inform them that the nightmares that frightened them so badly are not real, because children believe in magic. You merely reassure them that they are safe now. Then you train them to recognize the difference between sleeping and waking, so they will understand they need not be afraid of dreams. And so when bad dreams come, they will themselves call on the light to dispel them.

The Holy Spirit makes no distinction among dreams. He merely shines them away. His light is always the Call to awaken, whatever you have been dreaming. Nothing lasting lies in dreams, and the Holy Spirit, shining with the light from God Himself, speaks only for what lasts forever. (A Course in Miracles, T-6.V.1-2;4:4-7. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our world certainly does not feel like a safe place. There seem to be threats to our existence everywhere. But the Holy Spirit assures us that our true Self, the Son of God, is safe now and eternally. We don’t realize this because we do not know the difference between dreams and reality. This world is not our home; it is not our reality. It is nothing more than a dream.

While we dream of a world of fear and guilt, the Holy Spirit is in our mind to teach us how to distinguish truth from fantasy. We can awaken from our dream by being vigilant for the lead of the Holy Spirit in our mind. As we learn His gentle, loving lessons, the Light of Love dawns upon our minds. The dark dreams of loss and death are shined away as we learn that only Love is real. God’s Love is What we are, now and forever. Love is the answer to every perceived problem. In Its Light, we awaken to our safety in the arms of God.

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