Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Being a Messenger of Peace in the World

I will be still, and let the earth be still along with me. And in that stillness we will find the peace of God. It is within my heart, which witnesses to God Himself.

I bless the world because I bless myself.

God’s blessing shines upon me from within my heart, where He abides. I need but turn to Him, and every sorrow melts away, as I accept His boundless Love for me. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 208, W-pII.208.1:2-4;207.1:1-3. See also ACIM Lesson 208 Insights.)

We are constantly bombarded with appearances that disturb our peace, if we let them. These appearances are projections designed by the ego to trick us into believing separation is real, the body is our identity and we must be on constant guard for our safety. The ego views peace as its adversary to be defended against.

We have the means to neutralize the ego and reduce its affects on our peace of mind to nothing. We start with stilling our mind. We pause, take a breath and tune in to the peace of God within us. It’s there, waiting for us to welcome it and accept it. From that place of stillness in God’s peace, we bring peace to the world. We are able to see the ego’s apparitions as nothing but a false idea which we overlook as we dwell in the peace of God.

In God’s peace we are certain of our invulnerability. We feel the strength of Love supporting and embracing us. In this certainty, we recognize the Love we are in every brother. He is not an adversary but a true friend, united with us in the oneness of God’s Love.

Let us practice this today to be messengers of peace in the world.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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There Is Truly Nothing to Fear

My Father gives all power unto me.

The Son of God is limitless. There are no limits on his strength, his peace, his joy, nor any attributes his Father gave in his creation. What he wills with his Creator and Redeemer must be done. His holy will can never be denied, because his Father shines upon his mind, and lays before it all the strength and love in earth and Heaven. I am he to whom all this is given. I am he in whom the power of my Father’s Will abides.

Your Will can do all things in me, and then extend to all the world as well through me. There is no limit on Your Will. And so all power has been given to Your Son. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 320, W-pII.320. See also ACIM Lesson 320 Insights.)

The world is constantly giving us signals to “prove” that we are weak, vulnerable and powerless to protect ourselves from the constant danger that seems to surround us. All this centers on the body, the ego’s substitute for the Son of God. If we believe we are a body, we have every reason to be fearful.

Yet God did not create the body. He created His Son one with Him and shared all of His power, His changelessness and His Love. Thus our true Self, God’s Son, has all God’s strength and Love. As we accept this Self as our Identity instead of the powerlessness of this body, we can walk in the dream world fearlessly, for we know no appearance in the world can affect our true Self.

Our safety is guaranteed by God. As we live more and more in the awareness of the Love we are, we become God’s teachers in the world. We become channels of His Love to bring healing to the minds of those living with the mistaken belief that they are a body.

Today we practice asking the Holy Spirit to heal our fear-based thoughts that we may view the world with the Light of Love and demonstrate that, in truth, there is nothing to fear.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting the Christ in Us Transform Our World

The holy Christ is born in me today.

Watch with me, angels, watch with me today. Let all God’s holy Thoughts surround me, and be still with me while Heaven’s Son is born. Let earthly sounds be quiet, and the sights to which I am accustomed disappear. Let Christ be welcomed where He is at home. And let Him hear the sounds He understands, and see but sights that show His Father’s Love. Let Him no longer be a stranger here, for He is born again in me today.

Your Son is welcome, Father. He has come to save me from the evil [separate, loveless] self I made. [Christ] is the Self that You have given me. He is but what I really am in truth. He is the Son You love above all things. He is my Self as You created me. It is not Christ that can be crucified. Safe in Your Arms let me receive Your Son. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 303 , W-pII.303. See also ACIM Lesson 303 Insights.)

Christ is born in us when we accept the Son God created as our Self. The self we believe we are is the ego’s false substitute which denies God’s gift of all of His Love. The birth of Christ in us is simply the acknowledgement of the Love we have always been in truth.

The path to complete acceptance of Christ as our Identity is through forgiveness of the false beliefs of the ego. We forgive by accepting Love as our Guide and Interpreter of all we perceive. Love sees only Itself and recognizes denial of Love as a call for Love. With Love as our Guide, the world is transformed and we see God’s world of Love instead of the ego’s denial of Love.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting Love Illuminate Our Perceptions

Why wait for Heaven? Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes. The light is in them now. Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all. …[Light] is the only thing you bring with you from Him Who is your Source. It shines in you because it lights your home, and leads you back to where it came from and [where] you are at home.

This light can not be lost.

It is not difficult to look within, for there all vision starts. There is no sight, be it of dreams or from a truer Source, that is not but the shadow of the seen through inward vision. There perception starts, and there it ends. It has no source but this.

The peace of God is shining in you now, and from your heart extends around the world. It pauses to caress each living thing, and leaves a blessing with it that remains forever and forever.”

The peace of God can never be contained. Who recognizes [peace] within himself must give it. And the means for giving it are in his understanding. He forgives because he recognized the truth in him. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 188, W-pI.188.1:1-4;7-8;2:1;2:5-3:2;5:1-4. See also ACIM Lesson 188 Insights.)


The Light of Love is in us eternally. It is everything we are, God’s gift to His Son. We can reclaim It as ours in any moment. We just need to stop denying What we are.

God’s gift of His Love brings His peace with It. Peace is an attribute of Love and cannot be experienced when Love is denied.

The world we see is a projection of what we believe we are. If we believe we are a separate identity, we perceive a world of separation. If we look within and accept the Love we are, we perceive the Light of Love everywhere. Our perceptions always show us what we believe we we are. If we do not see Love’s oneness, we are seeing a reflection of a belief that needs to be forgiven. Our perceptions are always offering us this lesson.

Today we call upon the Light of Love in us to illuminate our perceptions with Its beneficence. In Its Light, we will see beyond the forms of the world to the presence of Love. Conflict will be dispelled in the presence of Love’s peace. The self-made barriers to Love’s extension fade away. We perceive an increasingly happy world where judgment is let go and the Love of our brothers is accepted. We join in Love’s oneness, bringing Its blessing to the world.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Love’s Guarantee

I merely follow, for I would not lead.

Father, You are the One Who gave the plan for my salvation to me. You have set the way I am to go, the role to take, and every step in my appointed path. I cannot lose the way. I can but choose to wander off a while, and then return. Your loving Voice will always call me back, and guide my feet aright. My brothers all can follow in the way I lead them. Yet I merely follow in the way to You, as You direct me and would have me go.

So let us follow One Who knows the way. We need not tarry, and we cannot stray except an instant from His loving Hand. We walk together, for we follow Him. And it is He Who makes the ending sure, and guarantees a safe returning home. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 324, W-pII.324. See also ACIM Lesson 324 Insights.)

The Voice of Love is always calling us Home. It offers us a plan to awaken from the dream of separation and fear. It is a plan guaranteed to work for it leads us from the ego’s dream of fear to the reality of Love’s Oneness.

The ego defends against Love’s plan with plans of its own. Its plans are guaranteed not to work. They lead us on fruitless searches for the only thing we lack in the dream — Love. The ego is terrified of Love because were we to find and accept It, the ego would disappear into the nothingness from which it came. We would be at Home in the warm embrace of the eternity of Love.

Today we choose the Voice for Love to Guide our thoughts, our words and our actions. Love is guaranteed to lead us Home.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting the Love of Our True Self

…the miracle… means that you have understood that dreams are dreams; and that escape depends, not on the dream, but only on awaking.

…never is [fear] absent from the dream, for fear is the material of dreams, from which they all are made.

When you are angry, is it not because someone has failed to fill the function you allotted him? …each [dream] represents some function that you have assigned; some goal which an event, or body, or a thing should represent, and should achieve for you. If it succeeds you think you like the dream. If it should fail you think the dream is sad. But whether it succeeds or fails is not its core, but just the flimsy covering [of fear].

How happy would your dreams become if you were not the one who gave the “proper” role to every figure which the dream contains. …The core of dreams the Holy Spirit gives is never one of fear. The coverings [forms] may not appear to change, but what they mean has changed because they cover something else. Perceptions are determined by their purpose, in that they seem to be what they are for. A shadow figure who attacks becomes a brother giving you a chance to help, if this becomes the function of the dream. And dreams of sadness thus are turned to joy. (T-29.IV.1:3;2:5;4:1,8-11;5:1,3-6)

As long as we identify with the ego, we are engaged in a dream of fear. The ego offers no way out of this dream. But the Holy Spirit can help us awaken by offering an alternative dream with Love as its purpose instead of fear.

To welcome the Holy Spirit’s Guidance, we must question the ego’s purpose and be willing to consider an alternative. This is why the Course begins the lessons with helping us to recognize we do not know what anything means in the dream. This questioning opens our minds to accept the Holy Spirit’s loving alternative interpretations.

Now we are willing to step back and let the Holy Spirit lead the way. He will help us forgive our fear-based dreams, let them go and see each moment as an opportunity to join in Love instead of recoil in fear. It becomes an opportunity to accept the Holy Spirit’s happy, loving dream. When the dream becomes wholly for the purpose of extending Love, our mind has been purified. We have accepted our Self as our Identity, united with all in God’s Love.

Today we remember that we really want to be the Love we are, unified with every brother in God.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting the Holy Spirit’s Lessons

I will there be light.

The will you share with God has all the power of creation in it. The ego’s idle wishes are unshared, and there­fore have no power at all. Its wishes are not idle in the sense that they can make a world of illusions in which your belief can be very strong. But they are idle indeed in terms of creation. They make nothing that is real.

Idle wishes and grievances are partners or co-makers in pictur­ing the world you see. The wishes of the ego gave rise to it, and the ego’s need for grievances, which are necessary to maintain it, peoples it with figures that seem to attack you and call for “right­eous” judgment. These figures become the middlemen the ego employs to traffic in grievances. They stand between your aware­ness and your brothers’ reality. Beholding them, you do not know your brothers or your Self.

Your picture of the world can only mirror what is within. The source of neither light nor darkness can be found without. Grievances darken your mind, and you look out on a darkened world. Forgiveness lifts the darkness, reasserts your will, and lets you look upon a world of light. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 73, W-pI.73.1:3-2:5;5:1-4. See also ACIM Lesson 73 Insights.)

Grievances maintain the prominence of the ego in our mind. We pay a steep price for holding grievances. They block our awareness of God’s one and only gift to us, His Son. We cannot be aware of our oneness in His Love while we hold grievances. Our insistence on identifying with a body and seeing others as separate from ourself leaves us feeling unloved, vulnerable, weak, guilty and fearful.

Forgiveness is the means to release our mind from grievances. Because we have invested our belief in the ego, we need help from beyond our beliefs to forgive our misperceptions, which are the basis for our grievances.

God gave us the Holy Spirit to teach us the truth that beyond bodies and the world, the Light of Love we are remains unaltered, perfectly serene and happily extending Love to all. This is what the Holy Spirit teaches. If we accept His lessons, the prominence of the ego in our mind diminishes. We learn that the ego’s images of separation are meaningless and we easily dismiss them.

Today we choose to pay attention to God’s Voice, for we would see the presence of Love and remember the Self God created one with Him.

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