Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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The Way to Overcome All Doubts and Fears

³God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

⁴This Self alone knows Love. ⁵This Self alone is perfectly consistent in Its Thoughts; knows Its Creator, understands Itself, is perfect in Its knowledge and Its Love, and never changes from Its constant state of union with Its Father and Itself.

⁴Let us raise our hearts from dust to life, as we remember this is promised us, and that this course was sent to open up the path of light to us, and teach us, step by step, how to return to the eternal Self we thought we lost.

I take the journey with you. ²For I share your doubts and fears a little while, that you may come to me who recognize the road by which all fears and doubts are overcome. ³We walk together. ⁴I must understand uncertainty and pain, although I know they have no meaning. ⁵Yet a savior must remain with those he teaches, seeing what they see, but still retaining in his mind the way that led him out, and now will lead you out with him. ⁶God’s Son is crucified until you walk along the road with me.

My resurrection comes again each time I lead a brother safely to the place at which the journey ends and is forgot. ²I am renewed each time a brother learns there is a way from misery and pain. ³I am reborn each time a brother’s mind turns to the light in him and looks for me. ⁴I have forgotten no one. ⁵Help me now to lead you back to where the journey was begun, to make another choice with me. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Review V, W-rV.in.4:3-5;5:4–7:5. See also ACIM Lesson 17i Insights.)

We have a mighty Companion who knows the way to overcome all our doubts and fears. His Presence never leaves us. We can find the peace and happiness we yearn for. We can remember our unity with the Love of our Creator. We just need to practice stepping back from our interpretations of what we perceive in the world. Today we practice stepping back and letting Him lead the way. It will be a happy, peaceful and loving journey.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting God’s Help to Forgive

God’s answer is some form of peace. All pain is healed; all misery replaced with joy. All prison doors are opened. And all sin is understood as merely a mistake.

Father, today we will forgive Your world, and let creation be Your Own. ²We have misunderstood all things. ³But we have not made sinners of the holy Sons of God. ⁴What You created sinless so abides forever and forever. ⁵Such are we. ⁶And we rejoice to learn that we have made mistakes which have no real effects on us. ⁷Sin is impossible, and on this fact forgiveness rests upon a certain base more solid than the shadow world we see. ⁸Help us forgive, for we would be redeemed. ⁹Help us forgive, for we would be at peace. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 359, W-359. See also ACIM Lesson 359 Insights.)

The ego doesn’t like to ask for help. It believes it knows what to do and is entirely on its own. This attitude is carefully contrived to keep the Love of God out of this world. This is top priority for the ego because, were Love allowed into the ego’s realm, it would be transformed and the ego would simply cease to seem to be.

To escape from the ego’s loveless world, we need only ask for Help that comes from beyond the ego’s proclaimed domain. Our Father is always with us, ready to help us forgive. We need only be willing to accept His Help. God wants us to know His peace and joy. He wants us to know we share His domain of limitless Love.

Today we are willing to acknowledge we need help to escape from the fear and guilt the ego propagates. We ask for His Help to forgive today.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Doing Our Part to Free the World from Guilt

Fear binds the world. Forgiveness sets it free.

The ego makes illusions. ²Truth undoes its evil dreams by shining them away. ³Truth never makes attack. ⁴It merely is. ⁵And by [truth’s] presence is the mind recalled from fantasies, awaking to the real. ⁶Forgiveness bids [truth’s] presence enter in, and take its rightful place within the mind. ⁷Without forgiveness is the mind in chains, believing in its own futility. ⁸Yet with forgiveness does the light shine through the dream of darkness, offering it hope, and giving it the means to realize the freedom that is its inheritance.

We would not bind the world again today. ²Fear holds it prisoner. ³And yet Your Love has given us the means [forgiveness] to set [the world] free. ⁴Father, we would release it now. ⁵For as we offer freedom, it is given us. ⁶And we would not remain as prisoners, while You are holding freedom out to us. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 332, W-332. See also ACIM Lesson 332 Insights.)

When we experience disappointment, it means some form in the world did not measure up to our expectations. Disappointment is a form of anger that keeps us locked in the the ego’s dream of guilt.

If, instead, we recognize disappointment as a call to forgive, we can use it as a stepping stone to forgive and free the world from guilt and belief in separation. Today we choose to watch for signs of unforgiveness and ask for truth to fill our mind. Thus we do our part to set the world free and return to Love.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Taking Every Opportunity to Forgive Ourselves

Forgiveness is the key to happiness.

Here is the answer to your search for peace. ²Here is the key to meaning in a world that seems to make no sense. ³Here is the way to safety in apparent dangers that appear to threaten you at every turn, and bring uncertainty to all your hopes of ever finding quietness and peace. ⁴Here are all questions answered; here the end of all uncertainty ensured at last.

The unforgiving mind is full of fear, and offers love no room to be itself; no place where it can spread its wings in peace and soar above the turmoil of the world.

Forgiveness is acquired. ²It is not inherent in the mind, which cannot sin. ³As sin is an idea you taught yourself, forgiveness must be learned by you as well, but from a Teacher other than yourself, Who represents the other Self in you. ⁴Through Him you learn how to forgive the self you think you made, and let it disappear. ⁵Thus you return your mind as one to Him Who is your Self, and Who can never sin.

Each unforgiving mind presents you with an opportunity to teach your own how to forgive itself. ²Each one awaits release from hell through you, and turns to you imploringly for Heaven here and now. ³It has no hope, but you become its hope. ⁴And as its hope, do you become your own. ⁵The unforgiving mind must learn through your forgiveness that it has been saved from hell. ⁶And as you teach salvation, you will learn. ⁷Yet all your teaching and your learning will be not of you, but of the Teacher Who was given you to show the way to you. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 121, W-121.1:1–2:1;6-7. See also ACIM Lesson 121 Insights.)

Often it seems as though others need to be forgiven. But ultimately what needs to be forgiven is in our own mind, represented by what is perceived as outside of us. Everything that appears outside is a reflection of our own beliefs. We are not conscious of most of these beliefs that control our perceptions. We need the reflection of these beliefs to show us the forgiveness needed to set us free from our errors in thinking.

Every encounter in the world is an opportunity to forgive our errors in thinking. We take the opportunity to heal our mind of unforgiving thoughts each time we are willing to accept the Holy Spirit’s help. His role is to heal our unforgiving thoughts. Our job is to willingly turn over our perceptions to Him for healing.

Today we dedicate to choosing the Holy Spirit’s lessons in forgiveness all through the day.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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See Past Error to the Eternal Truth

⁵Remove your focus on your brother’s sins, and you experience the peace that comes from faith in sinlessness. …⁷For their mistakes, if focused on, are witnesses to sins in you. ⁸And you will not transcend their sight and see the sinlessness that lies beyond.

⁵We seek for innocence and nothing else. ⁶We seek for it with no concern but now.

²For the past is gone; the future but imagined. ³These concerns are but defenses against present change of focus in perception. …⁶We do not look to past beliefs, and what we will believe will not intrude upon us now. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 181, W-181.2:5,7-8;3:5-6;5:2-3,6. See also ACIM Lesson 181 Insights.)

This lesson describes what our intent needs to be every day, all day. This intention will lead us out of our mistaken identity with the ego belief in separation. We cannot trust what the body’s eyes see, for the body itself is an error. It was made to see only error and overlook eternal truth. The body itself knows nothing. The ego uses our perceptions through the body to draw upon “memories” from the past to give perceptions its meaning. Yet the past is gone and meaning based upon the past is no meaning at all.

The truth can only be recognized in the now moment without intrusions projected from the past. Our intent today is to use Christ’s vision in our mind to see past appearances in the world to the eternal truth that only Love is real. When we let the vision of Christ within show us the innocence of Love in our brother, we learn that same innocence of Love is in us. This lesson learned returns us to our Home in the Kingdom of Love.

Let’s remember the Kingdom of Love today.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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It Takes Willingness to be Joyful and Peaceful

Never approach the holy instant after you have tried to remove all fear and hatred from your mind. ²That is its [holy instant’s] function. ³Never attempt to overlook your guilt before you ask the Holy Spirit’s help. ⁴That is His [Holy Spirit’s] function. ⁵Your part is only to offer Him a little willingness to let Him remove all fear and hatred, and to be forgiven. ⁶On your little faith, joined with His understanding, He will build your part in the Atonement and make sure that you fulfill it easily. ⁷And with Him, you will build a ladder planted in the solid rock of faith, and rising even to Heaven. ⁸Nor will you use it to ascend to Heaven alone.

Through your holy relationship, reborn and blessed in every holy instant you do not arrange, thousands will rise to Heaven with you. ²Can you plan for this? ³Or could you prepare yourself for such a function? ⁴Yet it is possible, because God wills it. ⁵Nor will He change His Mind about it. ⁶The means and purpose both belong to Him. ⁷You have accepted one [purpose]; the other [means] will be provided. ⁸A purpose such as this, without the means, is inconceivable. ⁹He will provide the means to anyone who shares His purpose.

Happy dreams come true, not because they are dreams, but only because they are happy. ²And so they must be loving. ³Their message is, “Thy Will be done,” and not, “I want it otherwise.” (A Course in Miracles, T-18.V.2:1–4:3. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

We do not have to try to let go of fear on our own. We do not have to overcome guilt on our own. Remembering this lifts a heavy burden off our shoulders. We need only accept the Help God has given us. Our job is to step back with willingness to let Spirit lead the way. He will take care of healing our guilt and fear-based thoughts.

We must be willing to yield our control of what we think needs to be done. The ego is a control freak. Its need for control is so great that it has built an imaginary world that seems to shut out God completely. It has contrived all kinds of situations and beliefs to keep us locked into its scheme for specialness. Yet it only controls us if we are willing to accept its control.

When we are willing to step back and put the Holy Spirit in charge, we free ourselves from the ego’s grip. Because of our fear and guilt, it seems to take awhile for us to experience greater peace and joy. But with vigilance, our life experience becomes increasingly joyful and peaceful. It is worth the effort.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Christ’s Vision Be Our Guide

Fear is a stranger to the ways of love. ²Identify with fear, and you will be a stranger to yourself. ³And thus you are unknown to you. ⁴What is your Self remains an alien to the part of you which thinks that it is real, but different from yourself. ⁵Who could be sane in such a circumstance? ⁶Who but a madman could believe he is what he is not, and judge against himself?

⁵There is no home can shelter [both] love and fear. ⁶They cannot coexist. ⁷If you are real, then fear must be illusion. ⁸And if fear is real, then you do not exist at all.

Today we offer thanks that Christ has come to search the world for what belongs to Him. ²His vision sees no strangers, but beholds His Own and joyously unites with them. ³They see Him as a stranger, for they do not recognize themselves. ⁴Yet as they give Him welcome, they remember. ⁵And He leads them gently home again, where they belong.

³[Christ] has not forgotten you. ⁴But you will not remember Him until you look on all as He does. ⁵Who denies his brother is denying Him, and thus refusing to accept the gift of sight by which his Self is clearly recognized, his home remembered and salvation come. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 160, W-160.1;4:5-8;9;10:3-5. See also ACIM Lesson 160 Insights.)

We can see our brother as one with us in the Love of God. But not with the body’s eyes, which were made by the ego thought of separation to see only the fear that denies the oneness of Love.

We welcome Christ’s vision by being willing to set aside our judgments and ask His help to see past the separate images made by the ego. Christ sees only Love, for That is What He is. His vision will show us the Reality of Love everywhere. He looks upon the appearance of fear as nothing more than a call for Love. As we let His vision guide us, every moment is an opportunity to extend Love or answer calls for Love with Love.

As we accept this vision, we learn to recognize the Love we are. We remember our Home is in the Love of God. It can be found nowhere else, for only Love is real. Today we choose the guidance of Christ’s vision to lead us to the joy and peace of God.

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