Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Discovering What We Have Always Been

²I cannot see in darkness. ³Let the light of holiness and truth light up my mind, and let me see the innocence within.

²I see through strength, the gift of God to me. ³My weakness is the dark His gift dispels, by giving me His strength to take its place.

²I am the home of light and joy and peace. ³I welcome them into the home I share with God, because I am a part of Him.

²I will remain forever as I was, created by the Changeless like Himself. ³And I am one with Him, and He with me. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 111, W-111.1:2-3;2:2-3. 112.1:2-3;2:2-3. See also ACIM Lesson 111 Insights.)

We need to flip the switch about what we believe is our identity. We are not the weak, guilty shadow of an identity the ego offers us. We are God’s creation, forever one with Him, forever sharing all His attributes. When will we tell the ego, “Enough!” When will we reach our turning point and stop our descent into the rabbit hole of fear and guilt the ego makes.

There is a better way. The affirmations offered here help us to claim our true Identity. As we reinforce this message in our mind, we stop our descent into darkness and look toward the Light. With this turnaround we discover What we have always been. We remember we are God’s Son, complete and whole, safe in the Heart of Love.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Claiming Our Inheritance Now

Be in my mind, my Father, when I wake, and shine on me throughout the day today. ²Let every minute be a time in which I dwell with You. ³And let me not forget my hourly thanksgiving that You have remained with me, and always will be there to hear my call to You and answer me. ⁴As evening comes, let all my thoughts be still of You and of Your Love. ⁵And let me sleep sure of my safety, certain of Your care, and happily aware I am Your Son.

This is as every day should be. ²Today, practice the end of fear. ³Have faith in Him Who is your Father. ⁴Trust all things to Him. ⁵Let Him reveal all things to you, and be you undismayed because you are His Son. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 232, W-232. See also ACIM Lesson 232 Insights.)

Imagine what it would be like to live in Love every minute of the day. Nothing would disturb our peace. We would feel the blessing of Love in our hearts. We would look with Love upon everything we see. Our hearts would be filled with joy and overflow with gratitude.

There would be no adversaries nor competitors, for we would recognize everyone as dwelling with us in Love. We have no need, for we are completed by the Love of God. This is our natural state, given us by our Creator. We welcome His presence in our mind. We claim our inheritance now.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing the Judge That Heals the World

³You cannot judge. ⁴You merely can believe the ego’s judgments, all of which are false. ⁵It guides your senses carefully, to prove how weak you are; how helpless and afraid, how apprehensive of just punishment, how black with sin, how wretched in your guilt.

Hear not [ego’s] voice. ²The witnesses it sends to prove to you its evil is your own are false, and speak with certainty of what they do not know.

Yet you must learn to doubt their evidence will clear the way to recognize yourself, and let the Voice for God alone be Judge of what is worthy of your own belief. ²He will not tell you that your brother should be judged by what your eyes behold in him, nor what his body’s mouth says to your ears, nor what your fingers’ touch reports of him. ³He passes by such idle witnesses, which merely bear false witness to God’s Son. ⁴He recognizes only what God loves, and in the holy light of what He sees do all the ego’s dreams of what you are vanish before the splendor He beholds.

Let Him be Judge of what you are…

⁶Let Him be Judge as well of everything that seems to happen to you in this world. ⁷His lessons will enable you to bridge the gap between illusions and the truth.

He will remove all faith that you have placed in pain, disaster, suffering and loss. ²He gives you vision which can look beyond these grim appearances, and can behold the gentle face of Christ in all of them. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 151, W-151.4:3-5;6:1-2;7:1–8:1;9:6–10:2. See also ACIM Lesson 151 Insights.)

Having an opinion is hazardous to our wellbeing. Opinions are a form of judgment that keep us engaged in the thought system of separation. Love has no opinions or judgments other than to see only Love, for only Love is real. But ego thoughts of separation come from denial of Love.

To return to acceptance of the Love we are, we need to let go of our opinions. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to judge all things for us. His judgments dismiss meaningless perceptions of separation and show us the Love that is ever present. He will help us recognize calls for Love and the Love we are will automatically respond with Love. As we let the Holy Spirit judge all things for us, we learn that we are Love as God’s one Son. Today we practice choosing the Holy Spirit’s judgment instead of the ego’s.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting God Plan Our Future

I place the future in the Hands of God.

Accept today’s idea, and you have passed all anxiety, all pits of hell, all blackness of depression, thoughts of sin, and devastation brought about by guilt. ²Accept today’s idea, and you have released the world from all imprisonment by loosening the heavy chains that locked the door to freedom on it. ³You are saved, and your salvation thus becomes the gift you give the world, because you have received.

In no one instant is depression felt, or pain experienced or loss perceived. ²In no one instant sorrow can be set upon a throne, and worshipped faithfully. ³In no one instant can one even die. ⁴And so each instant given unto God in passing, with the next one given Him already, is a time of your release from sadness, pain and even death itself.

Release the future. ²For the past is gone, and what is present, freed from [the past’s] bequest of grief and misery, of pain and loss, becomes the instant in which time escapes the bondage of illusions where it runs its pitiless, inevitable course. ³Then is each instant which was slave to time transformed into a holy instant, when the light that was kept hidden in God’s Son is freed to bless the world. ⁴Now is he free, and all his glory shines upon a world made free with him, to share his holiness. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 194, W-194.2-3,5. See also ACIM Lesson 194 Insights.)

God’s Will for His Son is perfect happiness. When we put God in charge of our future, we are accepting His gift of happiness. We are willing to let the past go and no longer project a future based on our perceived past. When we place the future in the hands of God, we disconnect from the ego’s scripts. We cease to repeat illusions of the past where loss and harm are believed real. This script is used to maintain a mistaken belief that it is possible to lose the Love of God.

Today we gratefully place the future in God’s hands, confident that He will lead us to the peace and joy of our true Home in the Heart of Love.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Opportunities for True Forgiveness

I offer only miracles today, for I would have them be returned to me.

Father, a miracle reflects Your gifts to me, Your Son. ²And every one I give returns to me, reminding me the law of love is universal. ³Even here, it takes a form which can be recognized and seen to work. ⁴The miracles I give are given back in just the form I need to help me with the problems I perceive. ⁵Father, in Heaven it is different, for there, there are no needs. ⁶But here on earth, the miracle is closer to Your gifts than any other gift that I can give. ⁷Then let me give this gift alone today, which, born of true forgiveness, lights the way that I must travel to remember You.

Peace to all seeking hearts today. ²The light has come to offer miracles [born of true forgiveness] to bless the tired world. ³It will find rest today, for we will offer what we have received. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 345, W-345. See also ACIM Lesson 345 Insights.)

The ego uses the world to reinforce our belief that we are separate and alone, disconnected from our Source of Love and strength, and left to search fruitlessly for the Love we miss. But there is a way to free us from the ego’s imprisonment in its closed cycle of deprivation. True forgiveness is the key that opens the prison door.

All our perceptions in the world are projections of what we believe we are. If we align with the Love of the Holy Spirit, our true Self, we see ourselves in an environment of Love. We feel complete, in need of nothing, united with the Love in All That is. If we align with the ego, our projections are a call for Love. They are opportunities for true forgiveness.

Today we call upon the strength and Love of the Holy Spirit to bring us Christ’s vision so that we may truly forgive. We want the peace of God. We want to awaken to our true Self. We will step back and let Him lead the way.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing Love’s Meaning in the World “

The real world holds a counterpart for each unhappy thought reflected in your world; a sure correction for the sights of fear and sounds of battle which your world contains. ²The real world shows a world seen differently, through quiet eyes and with a mind at peace. ³Nothing but rest is there. ⁴There are no cries of pain and sorrow heard, for nothing there remains outside forgiveness. ⁵And the sights are gentle. ⁶Only happy sights and sounds can reach the mind that has forgiven itself.

⁴The world it sees arises from a mind at peace within itself. ⁵No danger lurks in anything it sees, for it is kind, and only kindness does it look upon.

The real world is the symbol that the dream of sin and guilt is over, and God’s Son no longer sleeps. ²His waking eyes perceive the sure reflection of his Father’s Love; the certain promise that he is redeemed. ³The real world signifies the end of time, for its perception makes time purposeless. (A Course in Miracles What Is the Real World?, W-pII.8.2;3:4-4:3. See also ACIM Lesson 291 Insights.)

Symbols, by definition, are not real. They can represent illusions or reality. What a symbol means to us depends upon our belief which assigns meaning that fits what we want to be true. If we want specialness and separation, the world we see with the body’s eyes will be perceived as real. But if we want to be the Self God created one with Him, the oneness of Love will be recognized as real.

Our willingness to accept the ego’s symbols representing denial of God’s Love needs to be forgiven. The ego’s denial comes from its rejection of the oneness of God’s Love. Forgiveness frees us from that rejection and welcomes the gift of Love that created us one with God. Our perceptions in the world, every day, all day, are an opportunity to forgive the world for the separation we believe it represents.

As we let the Holy Spirit shine the Light of Love on our perceptions, we see past the ego’s projections to the presence of Love that joins us with our Creator. Forgiveness is the key to happiness.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Call Upon God’s Strength Through the Day

My present happiness is all I see.

Unless I look upon what is not there, my present happiness is all I see. ²Eyes that begin to open see at last. ³And I would have Christ’s vision come to me this very day. ⁴What I perceive without God’s Own Correction for the sight I made is frightening and painful to behold. ⁵Yet I would not allow my mind to be deceived by the belief the dream I made is real an instant longer. ⁶This the day I seek my present happiness, and look on nothing else except the thing I seek.

With this resolve I come to You, and ask Your strength to hold me up today, while I but seek to do Your Will. ²You cannot fail to hear me, Father. ³What I ask have You already given me. ⁴And I am sure that I will see my happiness today. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 290, W-290. See also ACIM Lesson 290 Insights.)

Waking up to God’s gift of happiness takes vigilance. The ego’s chatter can seem to wear us down and try our patience. That’s just what the ego wants. For it is terrified at the prospect of our awakening to God’s Love and happiness; it would be the end of the ego.

When we feel impatient, worn down by the constant vigilance needed, it is time to call upon God for His strength. He offers it without limit. In fact, His strength is already ours. Asking for His strength to support us expresses our willingness to accept His gift. His strength holds us up through our times of weakness when we forget we are His Son and share His strength.

Today let’s join together to call upon God’s strength to see with Christ’s vision. His strength supports us in the recognition of the Love that unites us with every brother and our Father. We are truly united in Love.

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