Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Opening Our Channels to Love’s Flow

²Your Friend goes with you. ³You are not alone. ⁴No one who calls on Him can call in vain. ⁵Whatever troubles you, be certain that He has the answer, and will gladly give it to you, if you simply turn to Him and ask it of Him. ⁶He will not withhold all answers that you need for anything that seems to trouble you. ⁷He knows the way to solve all problems, and resolve all doubts. ⁸His certainty is yours. ⁹You need but ask it of Him, and it will be given you.

We trust our ways to Him and say “Amen.” ²In peace we will continue in His way, and trust all things to Him. ³In confidence we wait His answers, as we ask His Will in everything we do. ⁴He loves God’s Son as we would love him. ⁵And He teaches us how to behold him through His eyes, and love him as He does. ⁶You do not walk alone. ⁷God’s angels hover near and all about. ⁸His Love surrounds you, and of this be sure; that I will never leave you comfortless. (A Course in Miracles, W-ep.1:2-9;6:1-8)

The central focus of the Course curriculum is to teach us to rely on the Voice for God to help us in every moment of every day. There is nothing that He will not help us with if we ask with an open mind. There is nothing else that can help, for nothing but God is real. His Voice speaks to us of our Reality and teaches us to recognize illusions as meaningless and ineffectual.

We have put our confidence in the ego thought system, which offers nothing but illusions. As we practice the thought system of A Course in Miracles, we learn to put our confidence in what is truly helpful — the Voice for God, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Who is with us 24-7. Our willingness welcomes His lessons. Each time we learn to forgive a mistaken belief, the channel for the flow of God’s Love opens wider. The peace that comes with this flow deepens and our happiness increases.

Let’s join together in the shared intent of following the lead of Love, moment by moment.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Extending Love Without Limit

²I am as God created me. ³His Son can suffer nothing. ⁴And I am His Son.

Then, with this statement firmly in your mind, try to discover in your mind the Self Who is the holy Son of God Himself.

Seek Him within you Who is Christ in you, the Son of God and brother to the world;…

⁴Deep in your mind the holy Christ in you is waiting your acknowledgment as you. ⁵And you are lost and do not know yourself while He is unacknowledged and unknown.

Seek Him today, and find Him. ²He will be your Savior from all idols you have made. ³For when you find Him, you will understand how worthless are your idols, and how false the images which you believed were you. ⁴Today we make a great advance to truth by letting idols go, and opening our hands and hearts and minds to God today. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 110, W-110.6:2–8:1;9:4–10:4. See also ACIM Lesson 110 Insights.)

In this world it seems that “life” includes inevitably some form of suffering. But what suffers is not God’s Son. It is an illusion of a separate identity that cannot exist in the oneness of God’s changeless Love. The Son He created remains eternally united with His Creator. This is our true Identity which cannot suffer because God does not suffer. God knows only the peace and joy of eternally extending Love. As His Son, we are part of this extension.

Today’s affirmation is a step in letting go our mistaken attachment to the ego’s image of our identity. It is reclaiming the Self we never lost and disclaiming the ego. We are not a body, we are not the ego. Our true Self is forever extending the Love that created It as God’s Son. Today we accept that we are worthy of our inheritance from our Creator by sharing It with the world. We are Love, extending Love without limit.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Touching Base with the Love We Are

Christ is reborn as but a little Child each time a wanderer would leave his home. ²For he must learn that what he would protect is but this Child, Who comes defenseless and Who is protected by defenselessness. ³Go home with Him from time to time today. ⁴You are as much an alien here as He.

Take time today to lay aside your shield which profits nothing, and lay down the spear and sword you raised against an enemy without existence. ²Christ has called you friend and brother. ³He has even come to ask your help in letting Him go home today, completed and completely. ⁴He has come as does a little child, who must beseech his father for protection and for love. ⁵He rules the universe, and yet He asks unceasingly that you return with Him, and take illusions as your gods no more.

You have not lost your innocence. ²It is for this you yearn. ³This is your heart’s desire. ⁴This is the voice you hear, and this the call which cannot be denied. ⁵The holy Child remains with you. ⁶His home is yours. ⁷Today He gives you His defenselessness, and you accept it in exchange for all the toys of battle you have made. ⁸And now the way is open, and the journey has an end in sight at last. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 182, W-182.10:1–12:8. See also ACIM Lesson 182 Insights.)

In this world it seems that harm is not only possible but inevitable. Death is the one thing that seems certain in this world. When is only a matter of time. Yet the world along with time and death are all illusions. Only our belief in them makes them seem real.

The Christ in our mind remembers the Love we are and our eternal link with our Creator. To free ourselves from the world’s illusions, we need to practice opening to the Christ within, the part of our mind that knows of our innocence and the Love we are. The practice of frequently being still, even for a moment, throughout the day helps us remember our safety and the changelessness of Love.

Love needs no defense. It needs only to be extended without limit. The Source of Love is limitless and it can be given without limit. It can never be lost, though it can be forgotten while we believe in the ego’s dream of separation. We need frequent reminders of What and Where we are in truth. We welcome these reminders each time we are still and welcome the truth that only Love is real.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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We Put Love in Charge of Our Thoughts

²My mind holds only what I think with God.

³That is a fact, and represents the truth of What you are and What your Father is. ⁴It is this thought by which the Father gave creation to the Son, establishing the Son as co-creator with Himself. ⁵It is this thought that fully guarantees salvation to the Son. ⁶For in his mind no thoughts can dwell but those his Father shares. ⁷Lack of forgiveness blocks this thought from his awareness. ⁸Yet it is forever true.

²Because [forms] are illusions, they are not perceived to be but what they are; defenses that protect your unforgiving thoughts from being seen and recognized. ³Their purpose is to show you something else, and hold correction off through self-deceptions made to take its place.

…place [God’s] Mind in charge of all the thoughts you will receive that day.

They will not come from you alone, for they will all be shared with Him. ²And so each one will bring the message of His Love to you, returning messages of yours to Him. ³So will communion with the Lord of Hosts be yours, as He Himself has willed it be. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Review IV, W-rIV.in.2:2-8;3:2-3;5:4–6:3. See also ACIM Lesson 121 Insights.)

Most of the thoughts of which we are aware come from the ego. They are formations based on the past, used either to justify guilt or anger or to project a future like the past. These thought forms are illusions, but our belief in them makes them seem real. They cast a shadow on the present making us unaware our real Thoughts we share with God.

It is essential to the ego that this shadow be maintained so it floods our mind with a constant stream of meaningless thoughts to hide our only real Thoughts, the Thoughts of Love we share Him. To dispel the shadow of the ego, we need to put Love in charge of all our thoughts. The ego’s thoughts keep us in darkness. We want to welcome the Light of Love. We want the peace of God. Today we practice stepping back and letting Love lead the way.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Staying Focused on Our True Purpose

¹¹Holy are you, eternal, free and whole, at peace forever in the Heart of God. ¹²Where is the world, and where is sorrow now?

Is this your judgment on yourself, teacher of God? ²Do you believe that this is wholly true? ³No; not yet, not yet. ⁴But this is still your goal; why you are here. ⁵It is your function to prepare yourself to hear this Judgment and to recognize that it is true. ⁶One instant of complete belief in this, and you will go beyond belief to Certainty. ⁷One instant out of time can bring time’s end. ⁸Judge not, for you but judge yourself, and thus delay this Final Judgment. ⁹What is your judgment of the world, teacher of God? ¹⁰Have you yet learned to stand aside and hear the Voice of Judgment in yourself? ¹¹Or do you still attempt to take His role from Him? ¹²Learn to be quiet, for His Voice is heard in stillness. ¹³And His Judgment comes to all who stand aside in quiet listening, and wait for Him.

⁶There is no deceit in God. ⁷His promises are sure. ⁸Only remember that. ⁹His promises have guaranteed His Judgment, and His alone, will be accepted in the end. ¹⁰It is your function to make that end be soon. ¹¹It is your function to hold it to your heart, and offer it to all the world to keep it safe. (A Course in Miracles, M-15.1:11–2:13;3:6-11)

A thread that runs throughout the Course is the importance of quieting our mind. In quiet, a peaceful state of mind we are open to hear God’s Voice. His Voice will always tell us the truth that we are God’s Son, holy and whole, sinless, loving and loved. This is our Creator’s judgment on His Creation.

The ego denies this truth by cluttering our mind with meaningless pursuits, guaranteed not to find the truth. It distracts us from our true purpose, which is to clear away the barriers in our mind that blind us to the truth that only Love is real.

Today we practice frequently opening to the peace of God within, with willingness to follow His Voice. This is how we stay focused on our true purpose. It is how we accelerate our return to the full remembrance that we are united with all as God’s one Son.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting the Invitation to Awaken

Father, I must return Your Love for me, for giving and receiving are the same, and You have given all Your Love to me. ²I must return it, for I want it mine in full awareness, blazing in my mind and keeping it within its kindly light, inviolate, beloved, with fear behind and only peace ahead. ³How still the way Your loving Son is led along to You!

Brother, we find that stillness now. ²The way is open. ³Now we follow it in peace together. ⁴You have reached your hand to me, and I will never leave you. ⁵We are one, and it is but this oneness that we seek, as we accomplish these few final steps which end a journey that was not begun. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 225.  See also ACIM Lesson 225 Insights.)

We can think of Jesus as an elder brother who has fully awakened to the Christ He is, along with all God’s Sons. United with the Christ mind, He calls to the Christ in each of us to join with Him in accepting God’s gift of perfect Love. It is a gift that must be shared in order to be known.

It is impossible to share bodies, for they represent the denial of oneness. But Love is shared in the mind. It is not limited by the body. Today we accept Jesus’ invitation to join with Him in the Christ Mind to know the peace that God has given us. We walk together in the journey of awakening to our true Self, the Son of God.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Claiming Our Identity in Certainty

There is nothing to fear.

The idea for today simply states a fact. ²It is not a fact to those who believe in illusions, but illusions are not facts. ³In truth there is nothing to fear. ⁴It is very easy to recognize this. ⁵But it is very difficult to recognize it for those who want illusions to be true.

The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength. ²The awareness that there is nothing to fear shows that somewhere in your mind, though not necessarily in a place you recognize as yet, you have remembered God, and let His strength take the place of your weakness. ³The instant you are willing to do this there is indeed nothing to fear. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 48, W-48.1;3. See also ACIM Lesson 48 Insights.)

Anything that disturbs our peace is some form of fear. It means we are investing our belief in an illusion that harm is possible. Most of the time this threat is not of physical harm, but is about our perceived identity that we feel we must defend. Because the identity we claim in the world is an illusion, it is highly unstable, subject to a change in belief on a whim. Beliefs are changeable. An idea that might change our belief and cause us to think our identity is threatened must be defended against.

We build many structures to defend against change. Habits and rituals help us maintain stability. Family and social groups we identify with also seem to protect our identity. Yet all these mental structures are based on an illusion of what we are. The only thing that is stable and unchangeable is God’s Love, which He gave His Son in His Creation.

Love is our foundation for the certainty and strength we can count on to maintain peace in our mind. Fear is illusion; Love is Reality. The antidote to all fear is the acceptance of God’s gift of all His Love. When we say “God is the strength in which I trust,” we are accepting His gift. We are accepting the stability of God’s changelessness. We are accepting our true Self.

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