Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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The Solution to Every Problem

³[Forgiveness] is irrelevant to everything except illusions. ⁴Truth is God’s creation, and to pardon that is meaningless. ⁵All truth belongs to Him, reflects His laws and radiates His Love. ⁶Does this need pardon? ⁷How can you forgive the sinless and eternally benign [God’s Son]?

The major difficulty that you find in genuine forgiveness on your part is that you still believe you must forgive the truth, and not illusions.

It is sin’s unreality that makes forgiveness natural and wholly sane, a deep relief to those who offer it; a quiet blessing where it is received. ²It does not countenance illusions, but collects them lightly, with a little laugh, and gently lays them at the feet of truth. ³And there they disappear entirely.

Forgiveness is the only thing that stands for truth in the illusions of the world. ²It sees their nothingness, and looks straight through the thousand forms in which they may appear. ³[Forgiveness] looks on lies, but it is not deceived.”

The strength of pardon is its honesty, which is so uncorrupted that it sees illusions as illusions, not as truth. ²It is because of this that it becomes the undeceiver in the face of lies; the great restorer of the simple truth. ³By its ability to overlook what is not there, it opens up the way to truth, which has been blocked by dreams of guilt. (A Course in Miracles, W-134.2:3–3:1;6:1–7:3;8:1-3. See also ACIM Lesson 134 Insights.)

Our insistence to believe we are a body, separate and different from everything, blocks our awareness of the changeless presence of Love in which we dwell. We must forgive the ego’s demand for specialness. We empower the ego with our wish that it be real. It has led to self deceit which binds us to a world of illusions.

The many forms of illusion hide the singular self deceit behind them all. The remedy begins with specialized forms of forgiveness that are applied to specific forms and circumstances. We may perceive a justification for anger which forgiveness will release. We may believe we have lost something; the loss needs to be forgiven.

We need to take each form that seems to disturb our peace to the Holy Spirit. We ask His help to receive His true perception in place of our own. As we accept His lessons, we gradually recognize that the core of all forgiveness is the same. There is only one problem and the solution is to accept that only Love is real.

In gratitude we welcome the many wonderful little easy steps the Holy Spirit uses to lead us to fully accept our true Self Which God created one with Himself.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Willingness to Welcome the Truth of Love

⁶Defenses are plans to defeat what cannot be attacked. ⁷What is unalterable cannot change. ⁸And what is wholly sinless cannot sin.

Such is the simple truth. ²It does not make appeal to might nor triumph. ³It does not command obedience, nor seek to prove how pitiful and futile your attempts to plan defenses that would alter it. ⁴Truth merely wants to give you happiness, for such its purpose is. ⁵…what God wills for you must be received.

It is this fact that demonstrates that time is an illusion. ²For time lets you think what God has given you is not the truth right now, as it must be. ³The Thoughts of God are quite apart from time. ⁴For time is but another meaningless defense you made against the truth. ⁵Yet what He wills is here, and you remain as He created you.

Truth has a power far beyond defense, for no illusions can remain where truth has been allowed to enter. ²And it comes to any mind that would lay down its arms, and cease to play with folly. ³[Truth] is found at any time; today, if you will choose to practice giving welcome to the truth.

This is our aim today. ⁵…We [begin] with a healing prayer, to help us rise above defensiveness, and let truth be as it has always been:

⁶Sickness is a defense against the truth. ⁷I will accept the truth of what I am, and let my mind be wholly healed today. (A Course in Miracles, W-136.11:6–14:3;15:1,5-7. See also ACIM Lesson 136 Insights.)

The truth is that we were created as Love and nothing else. Love is formless, with no separate parts. It is one and the same eternally without limits.

In our quest for specialness, we have denied the truth of What we are. This only can seem to be accomplished in a dream. While we are engaged in the dream, our denial makes us oblivious to the Truth. We experience a ‘life’ of frailty, sickness and death. This dream has no effect on our Reality.

We awaken from the dream when we are willing to welcome the truth in our mind. When Truth is welcome, Its Light shines away the shadows of the dream. We remember the Self God created one with Himself. We remember we are Love and nothing else. We share the joy and peace of our Home in Heaven with every brother.

Today we affirm our willingness to receive the truth and awaken to Love.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing Heaven by Choosing Our One Self

When no perception stands between God and His creations [extensions of Love], or between His children and their own, the knowledge of creation must continue forever. ²The reflections you accept into the mirror of your mind in time but bring eternity nearer or farther. ³But eternity itself is beyond all time. ⁴Reach out of time and touch [eternity], with the help of its reflection in you. ⁵And you will turn from time to holiness, as surely as the reflection of holiness calls everyone to lay all guilt aside. ⁶Reflect the peace of Heaven here, and bring this world to Heaven. ⁷For the reflection of truth draws everyone to truth, and as they enter into it they leave all reflections behind.

In Heaven reality is shared and not reflected. ²By sharing [Heaven’s] reflection here, its truth becomes the only perception the Son of God accepts. ³And thus, remembrance of his Father dawns on him, and he can no longer be satisfied with anything but his own reality. ⁴You on earth have no conception of limitlessness, for the world you seem to live in is a world of limits. ⁵In this world, it is not true that anything without order of difficulty can occur. ⁶The miracle, therefore, has a unique function, and is motivated by a unique Teacher Who brings the laws of another world to this one. ⁷The miracle is the one thing you can do that transcends order, being based not on differences but on equality. (A Course in Miracles, T-14.X.1:1–2:7. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The oneness of God’s Love is eternal. It has no differences nor limits. We reflect His Love in the world by letting Love guide our perceptions, thoughts and actions. Thus we demonstrate the eternal characteristic of Love in a world where changelessness is inconceivable. When we identify with Love as What we are, we see only Love everywhere. We see Love’s innocence in everyone, for Love cannot see cause for guilt.

The changelessness of Love stands as a Protector that prevents illusions of change and harm from having any real effect. When we choose Love as our Guide, we become Heaven’s reflection in the world. We need make only one choice—whether to identify with Love or deny It. The first choice leads to Heaven. The second choice makes a dream of hell.

Today we choose Heaven by choosing to accept the Love we are in God.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting Our Will to Be Unlimited Love

If I am bound, my Father is not free.

If I accept that I am prisoner within a body, in a world in which all things that seem to live appear to die, then is my Father prisoner with me. ²And this do I believe, when I maintain the laws the world obeys must I obey; the frailties and the sins which I perceive are real, and cannot be escaped. ³If I am bound in any way, I do not know my Father nor my Self. ⁴And I am lost to all reality. ⁵For truth is free, and what is bound is not a part of truth.

Father, I ask for nothing but the truth [Love]. ²I have had many foolish thoughts about myself and my creation, and have brought a dream of fear into my mind. ³Today, I would not dream. ⁴I choose the way to You instead of madness and instead of fear. ⁵For truth is safe, and only love is sure. (A Course in Miracles, W-278. See also ACIM Lesson 278 Insights.)

We share God’s Will—to be and extend only Love eternally. For our will to be free, we can place no limits on Love. Love is everywhere, always. If we are not aware of the presence of Love, we have placed a limit in our mind—belief in separation.

The ego is the opposite of free will. It can seem to be independent from God only by deny God’s unity. In its place, the ego dreams of separate bodies, places and time. Everything in the ego’s dream is defined by limits. The consequence of accepting the ego is to believe in lack of Love. Because of this perceived lack, the ego sets us on a path of fruitless searching for Love. Its direction always leads to nothing and nowhere, for that is what its dream is.

Beyond this dream remains the reality of our true Self Whose will is free to be and extend Love without limit. We have lost our way in the ego’s dream but we have not lost our connection with our true Self. The Holy Spirit is with us always, ready to help us see past the ego’s limits to the Light of Love that surrounds us and dwells within.

Today we choose to pay attention to the Voice for God in our mind, for we would be free to be the Son God created one with Himself. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we will be guided in the way of Love—truly helpful, loving and loved.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Learning to See with the Eyes of Love

Today it will be given you to feel a touch of Heaven, though you will return to paths of learning. ²Yet you have come far enough along the way to alter time sufficiently to rise above its laws, and walk into eternity a while. ³This you will learn to do increasingly, as every lesson, faithfully rehearsed, brings you more swiftly to this holy place and leaves you, for a moment, to your Self.

He will direct your practicing today, for what you ask for now is what He wills. ²And having joined your will with His this day, what you are asking must be given you. ³Nothing is needed but today’s idea [Into His Presence would I enter now] to light your mind, and let it rest in still anticipation and in quiet joy, wherein you quickly leave the world behind.

From this day forth, your ministry takes on a genuine devotion, and a glow that travels from your fingertips to those you touch, and blesses those you look upon. ²A vision reaches everyone you meet, and everyone you think of, or who thinks of you. ³For your experience today will so transform your mind that it becomes the touchstone for the holy Thoughts of God. (A Course in Miracles, W-157.3:1–5:3. See also ACIM Lesson 157 Insights.)

When we identify with the ego and the image of a body, we deny our Source of Life, of Love. But we can choose to reverse this denial. It has led us on an exhausting journey of loneliness, vulnerability, anger, fear and guilt.

Today we choose to enter into the presence of our true Self, the Son of God. This choice brings us back to the Heaven of Love that is our Home. We choose it by being willing to pause and step back from our engagement with the world. We enter His presence by quieting our mind and welcoming the gift of Love.

Love shines away the shadows of separation that have denied Life. Love guides our mind to see the truth of Love’s Presence everywhere. With our willingness, Love directs our thoughts, words and actions. We see with the eyes of Love which show us the Love that is every brother.

As we begin this practice we are only aware of momentary glimpses of Love’s Presence. But with our determination to see things differently, we see the presence of Love more consistently and clearly. Love becomes the primary Guide on our journey. Distractions by the ego’s shadows of denial are given less attention and are less tempting. This is a journey of awakening to Love. Today we take another step along the path to Love’s remembrance.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Reclaiming the Self Love Created

Whatever suffers is not part of me.

I have disowned the truth. ²Now let me be as faithful in disowning falsity. ³Whatever suffers is not part of me. ⁴What grieves is not myself. ⁵What is in pain is but illusion in my mind. ⁶What dies was never living in reality, and did but mock the truth about myself. ⁷Now I disown self-concepts and deceits and lies about the holy Son of God. ⁸Now am I ready to accept him back as God created him, and as he is.

Father, my ancient love for You returns, and lets me love Your Son again as well. ²Father, I am as You created me. ³Now is Your Love remembered, and my own. ⁴Now do I understand that they are one. (A Course in Miracles, W-248.. See also ACIM Lesson 248 Insights.)

When we identify with the body and the ego thought system of separation, we are disowning the truth. Today we disown this misidentification and reclaim the Self God created one with Himself. We choose to remember what we have disowned as we pray:

Father, I remember that You are Love. This memory calls to the Love in me so I naturally respond with Love. And I remember that I love everyone with that same Love, because Love is One. I am grateful to remember that I am Love as Love created me.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering God’s Limitless Love

To love my Father is to love His Son.

Let me not think that I can find the way to God, if I have hatred in my heart. ²Let me not try to hurt God’s Son, and think that I can know his Father or my Self. ³Let me not fail to recognize myself, and still believe that my awareness can contain my Father, or my mind conceive of all the love my Father has for me, and all the love which I return to Him.

I will accept the way You choose for me to come to You, my Father. ²For in that will I succeed, because it is Your Will. ³And I would recognize that what You will is what I will as well, and only that. ⁴And so I choose to love Your Son. ⁵Amen. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 1, W-246. See also ACIM Lesson 246 Insights.)

What we believe about ourself and our brother is what we believe about God. If we believe our brother is separate from us, we believe we are separate from God. Our belief in being separate is projected through all our perceptions. We cannot fathom the Love God gives us when we believe we are separate from Him.

God does not limit His Love for His Son, nor see His Son as many. He shares all of His Love with His one Son. The truth in everyone is that we are all collectively His one Son. While we believe we are separate, we believe in limits. It does not seem possible that a brother could receive all of God’s Love and leave any Love left for us.

Thus the underlying story in the world is that there is not enough for everyone and we must complete for the little scraps satisfy what we believe we need. In the thought system of separation, everyone is a pauper with insufficient love to fill our need. We are all hungry for Love in the ego thought system. All this comes from the choice to be separate and pursue specialness.

No matter what we believe, God still gives all of His Love to all. God knows no limits and imposes no limits on His Son. Our self-imposed limits are released through our forgiveness. As we learn to look past the limitations of bodies, our awareness of the one Self we share with everyone becomes more clear. We share one Self with everyone. Instead of seeing ourselves as competing with our brothers for a limited amount of Love, we see our brothers as the Love they are. We happily join with the Love in our brothers, remembering the limitless Love we share. In this remembering, we remember our true Self and remember God.

Today we ask the Holy Spirit to help us see our brothers truly, for we would awaken to God’s Love.

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