Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Accepting God’s Love Dispels Fear

I will step back and let Him lead the way.

We walk to God. ²Pause and reflect on this. ³Could any way be holier, or more deserving of your effort, of your love and of your full intent? ⁴What way could give you more than everything, or offer less and still content the holy Son of God? ⁵We walk to God. ⁶The truth that walks before us now is one with Him, and leads us to where He has always been. ⁷What way but this could be a path that you would choose instead?

Your feet are safely set upon the road that leads the world to God. ²Look not to ways that seem to lead you elsewhere. ³Dreams are not a worthy guide for you who are God’s Son. ⁴Forget not He has placed His Hand in yours, and given you your brothers in His trust that you are worthy of His trust in you. ⁵He cannot be deceived. ⁶His trust has made your pathway certain and your goal secure. ⁷You will not fail your brothers nor your Self.

And now He asks but that you think of Him a while each day, that He may speak to you and tell you of His Love, reminding you how great His trust; how limitless His Love. ²In your Name and His Own, which are the same, we practice gladly with this thought today:

³I will step back and let Him lead the way,
for I would walk along the road to Him.
(A Course in Miracles, W-155.12:1–14:3. See also ACIM Lesson 155 Insights.)

We are worthy of everything God Wills for us — His Love, His peace and His joy. He has withheld nothing. If we are not experiencing His gifts, it is because we are not accepting them.

The ego is afraid of Love. It perceives Love as an attack on its sovereignty, its domain of specialness. This is because Love dispels fear, the core of the ego thought system. The ego cannot exist in the presence of God’s Love. It is time for us to give up toying with ideas of specialness. They are like sharp edged toys which bring pain to the mind whose only solace is in the loving Mind of God.

It is time to declare, “No more!” In every moment we can choose to accept Love by forgiving the mistaken belief that we are separate from our Creator. Our true Self is safe now and forever in the Mind of Love.

© 2022, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Returning to Our True Foundation in Love

My thoughts do not mean anything.

This idea applies to all the thoughts of which you are aware, or become aware in the practice periods. …³We have made this distinction before, and will do so again. ⁴You have no basis for comparison as yet. ⁵When you do, you will have no doubt that what you once believed were your thoughts did not mean anything.

⁴The emphasis is now on the lack of reality of what you think you think.

This aspect of the correction process began with the idea that the thoughts of which you are aware are meaningless, outside rather than within; and then stressed their past rather than their present status. ²Now we are emphasizing that the presence of these “thoughts” means that you are not thinking. ³This is merely another way of repeating our earlier statement that your mind is really a blank. ⁴To recognize this is to recognize nothingness when you think you see it. ⁵As such, it is the prerequisite for vision.

³This idea will help to release me from all that I now believe.

Today’s thought can obviously serve for any thought that distresses you at any time. (A Course in Miracles, W-10.1:1,3-5;2:4-3:5;4:3;5:1. See also ACIM Lesson 10 Insights.)

This lesson is helping us undo our insistence on believing the dream we experience is real. Learning this is essential to the mind healing that is the goal of the Course. Until we let go of our belief in separation — time, distance, places, bodies and personalities — our minds are closed to the experience of Love’s oneness.

There is great resistance to this thought because it means what we have identified with and think is real is really nothing. The ego interprets this as death, for this recognition would mean the end of it and the return of Love.

We must be willing to pause and step back when we become aware of any form of stress, to ask, “Holy Spirit, help me see this with your vision.” This willingness to accept a different way of seeing opens our mind to remember the Love we share with God.

The Holy Spirit will help us see that the importance we have given to the meaning we have assigned to a situation is unfounded. His vision shows us the only true foundation of God’s universe is Love and nothing else. This is where we find peace. Today’s reminder accelerates our journey of return to Love.

© 2022, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Judgment Is the Holy Spirit’s Function, Not Ours

⁸To order is to judge, and to arrange by judgment. ⁹Therefore it is not your function, but the Holy Spirit’s.”

The only judgment involved is the Holy Spirit’s one division into two categories; one of love, and the other the call for love. ²You cannot safely make this division, for you are much too confused either to recognize love, or to believe that everything else is nothing but a call for love. ³You are too bound to form, and not to content. ⁴What you consider content is not content at all. ⁵It is merely form, and nothing else. ⁶For you do not respond to what a brother really offers you, but only to the particular perception of his offering by which the ego judges it.

⁴Every interpretation you would lay upon a brother is senseless. ⁵Let the Holy Spirit show him to you, and teach you both his love and his call for love. ⁶Neither his mind nor yours holds more than these two orders of thought.

The miracle is the recognition that this is true. ²Where there is love, your brother must give it to you because of what [love] is. ³But where there is a call for love, you must give it because of what you are. (A Course in Miracles, T-14.X.5:8-9;7;11:4-12:3. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our true Self shares the oneness of God’s Love. This Self cannot judge because It knows of nothing outside Itself. When we perceive ourselves as a body in a world with other bodies, we are engaged with the ego’s judgments. This is why we need to rely on the Holy Spirit to judge all things on our behalf.

We have confused ourselves by accepting the ego’s false misrepresentations of love. We need to practice consistently asking the Holy Spirit to replace our interpretations with His. As we accept His help, we become increasingly aware that we are always in the Presence of Love. We will feel blessed by the Love we recognize in our brothers and by opportunities to answer his calls for Love with Love.

© 2022, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Joining with the Eternal Extension of Love

Christ’s is the vision I will use today.

Each day, each hour, every instant, I am choosing what I want to look upon, the sounds I want to hear, the witnesses to what I want to be the truth for me. ²Today I choose to look upon what Christ would have me see, to listen to God’s Voice, and seek the witnesses to what is true in God’s creation. ³In Christ’s sight, the world and God’s creation meet, and as they come together all perception disappears. ⁴His kindly sight redeems the world from death, for nothing that He looks on but must live, remembering the Father and the Son; Creator and creation unified.

Father, Christ’s vision is the way to You. ²What He beholds invites Your memory to be restored to me. ³And this I choose, to be what I would look upon today. (A Course in Miracles, W-271. See also ACIM Lesson 271 Insights.)

Christ’s vision is the remedy for the distorted vision the ego offers with its images of separation. What we see with a body is a display of the ego belief system set in images made to make separation appear real. The body itself is an ego-made image that it uses as a projector. What it “sees” is only a reflection of the beliefs that are the foundation of the ego. Without our decision to accept beliefs that deny the oneness of God’s Love, the ego would not seem to exist.

Because we are accustomed to seeing a world outside us, we need to learn that these perceptions are not real. Christ’s vision shows us transformed perceptions that see past the ego’s denial of Love to Love’s innocence everywhere. It seems that we are constantly needing to choose between alternatives in the ego’s world. Christ’s vision is the only alternative that leads us back to awareness of Love’s unity.

Like forgiveness, Christ’s vision leads us to awareness of the real world. It is not needed in Heaven, but His vision brings us to Heaven’s gate, free of the ego’s limitations. Here we are welcomed into Love’s oneness where we are joined with our Creator in the eternal extension of Love.

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Undoing Our Barriers to Love

When you accept a brother’s guiltlessness you will see the Atonement in him. ²For by proclaiming it in him you make it yours, and you will see what you sought. ³You will not see the symbol of your brother’s guiltlessness shining within him while you still believe it is not there. ⁴His guiltlessness is your Atonement.

²The state of guiltlessness is only the condition in which what is not there has been removed from the disordered mind that thought it was. ³This state, and only this, must you attain, with God beside you. ⁴For until you do, you will still think that you are separate from Him. ⁵You can perhaps feel His Presence next to you, but cannot know that you are one with Him.

When you have let all that obscured the truth in your most holy mind be undone for you, and therefore stand in grace before your Father, He will give Himself to you as He has always done.” (A Course in Miracles, T-14.IV.1:1-4;2:2-5;3:1. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our experience of this world comes from our belief that we are separate and different from God. It is the manifestation of the wish for specialness. Because of this wish, we are unwilling and therefore unable to know the oneness of God’s Love. Having built a barrier against His Love, we have imprisoned ourselves in a closed thought system that cannot find its way out of its own thought system.

This is why we need our mistaken thoughts to be undone for us. This can be accomplished only if we are willing for these thoughts to be undone. The Holy Spirit is ready to correct our errors when we are willing to accept His help. When we ask for His help to undo our fear based thoughts, we are expressing our willingness to be helped. That is the key that opens our prison door.

This willingness welcomes the Love we had denied. When the mistaken beliefs have all been undone, our barriers to Love’s presence are let go. Our healing is complete and we have accepted God’s gift of all His Love without limit. We know we are one with all in His Love.

© 2022, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Practice That Leads to Peace and Joy

…[We] invite the memory of God to come again.

…to all the seeming happenings throughout the day.

[We say:] ³I am not a body. ⁴I am free.
⁵For I am still as God created me.

²Permit no idle thought [of separation] to go unchallenged. ³If you notice one, deny its hold and hasten to assure your mind that this is not what it would have. ⁴Then gently let the thought which you denied be given up, in sure and quick exchange for the idea we practice for the day.

When you are tempted, hasten to proclaim your freedom from temptation, as you say:

²This thought I do not want. ³I choose instead _____________.

…let Him teach you what to do and say and think, each time you turn to Him. ³He will not fail to be available to you, each time you call to Him to help you. (A Course in Miracles, W-rVI.in.1:4;2:2;3:3-5;5:2–6:3;7:2-3)

Just as an athlete needs to be wholeheartedly dedicated to the practice of his sport, we need to be wholeheartedly dedicated to the practice that will free our minds from idle thoughts of separation. We have been given a powerful mind training program. It will save us from pain, fear and guilt. It will free us to return to the Life we live in Love. But only if we make no exceptions to the application of the practices we have been given.

An athlete does not start at the top of his game. But he must practice exercises that will take him to the top. Do we want to reach the top — to be wholly free of fear and guilt? This is the dedication we must make.

When we seem to fall short of complete willingness, we remember we are still innocent. We don’t use the seeming failure as an excuse to give up. Rather we use it as a reminder to strengthen our dedication. This practice leads to peace and joy beyond words. It frees us to be as God created us.

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Healing Temporary Misperceptions

The stillness of the peace of God is mine.

Perhaps we are now ready for a day of undisturbed tranquility. ²If this is not yet feasible, we are content and even more than satisfied to learn how such a day can be achieved. ³If we give way to a disturbance, let us learn how to dismiss it and return to peace. ⁴We need but tell our minds, with certainty, “The stillness of the peace of God is mine,” and nothing can intrude upon the peace that God Himself has given to His Son.

Father, Your peace is mine. ²What need have I to fear that anything can rob me of what You would have me keep? ³I cannot lose Your gifts to me. ⁴And so the peace You gave Your Son is with me still, in quietness and in my own eternal love for You.

(A Course in Miracles, W-273. See also ACIM Lesson 273 Insights.)

God has given us His peace. It is more certain than anything the world can offer. It is ours because it is God’s Will to share His peace with His Son. We dwell in His peace.

Whenever we notice any disturbance, we call upon His peace to remind ourselves that His peace is ours. We remind ourselves that a disturbance is only a reflection of a temporary misperception. We can let it go by calling upon the Holy Spirit to help us see as He sees. With His loving correction, we will remember God’s peace is ours.

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