Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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The Power of God’s Love Is Ours

Use all the little names and symbols which delineate the world of darkness. ²Yet accept them not as your reality. ³The Holy Spirit uses all of them, but He does not forget creation has one Name, one meaning, and a single Source which unifies all things within Itself. ⁴Use all the names the world bestows on them but for convenience, yet do not forget [all things] share the Name of God along with you.

Father, our Name [Identity] is Yours. ²In It we are united with all living things, and You Who are their one Creator. ³What we made and call by many different names is but a shadow we have tried to cast across Your Own reality. ⁴And we are glad and thankful we were wrong. ⁵All our mistakes we give to You, that we may be absolved from all effects our errors seemed to have. ⁶And we accept the truth You give, in place of every one of them. ⁷Your Name is our salvation and escape from what we made. ⁸Your Name unites us in the oneness which is our inheritance and peace. ⁹Amen. (A Course in Miracles, W-184.11;15. See also ACIM Lesson 184 Insights.)

In our creation, God shared His Identity. Everything He is we are as His Son — all His power, His happiness and His Love. The omnipotence He shares gives His Son power to extend Love without limit, equally to all.

Any sense of limitation, weakness or lack comes from believing that we are separate from God. From this belief comes the need to grasp and take whatever we can to recover what we seem to have lost. But loss is impossible in the eternal oneness of God’s Love. We know of this Love by sharing It. As we give Love, we strengthen It in ourselves.

As we let the Holy Spirit share His vision with us, we learn to look past the little meanings we have given the forms in the world. The Love we are shines Its light on what we see and we recognize we live in Love. Our heart’s desire is to share that Love, to see It in every brother. In this vision we know we are united with every brother as God’s one Son, His extension of Love.

© 2023, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Awakening to the Love in Which We Live

Your only problem has been solved! ²Repeat this over and over to yourself today, with gratitude and conviction. ³You have recognized your only problem [belief in separation], opening the way for the Holy Spirit to give you God’s answer. ⁴You have laid deception aside, and seen the light of truth. ⁵You have accepted salvation for yourself by bringing the problem to the answer. ⁶And you can recognize the answer [accept oneness], because the problem has been identified.

You are entitled to peace today. ²A problem that has been resolved cannot trouble you. ³Only be certain you do not forget that all problems are the same. ⁴Their many forms will not deceive you while you remember this. ⁵One problem, one solution. ⁶Accept the peace this simple statement brings. (A Course in Miracles, W-80.2–3. See also ACIM Lesson 80 Insights.)

Only God’s undivided Love is real. This is the central thought the Course teaches. Whenever we believe there is a problem, it is because in some way we believe God’s Love can be lost. This means we have come to believe that it is possible for lack of Love to be real. This can only seem to be true in a dream that denies Reality. This is the world we experience as separate bodies.

We can awaken from this dream by forgiving the wish for specialness, which is the cause of our belief in separation. This wish has led to countless conflicts and a deep sense of loss of Love.

Today we practice pausing to remind ourselves that whatever troubles us comes from the mistaken belief that differences (separation) are real. Then we call upon the Holy Spirit to help us heal our mistaken belief and recognize the Love in which we live. As we accept His help, the Light of Love will dawn upon our minds and the dark thoughts of separation will be dispelled. We awaken to Love.

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Gratitude for the Oneness of Love

If you were one with God and recognized this oneness, you would know His power is yours.

This is the function of your holy relationship. ²For what one thinks, the other will experience with him. ³What can this mean except your mind and your brother’s are one? ⁴Look not with fear upon this happy fact, and think not that it lays a heavy burden on you. ⁵For when you have accepted it with gladness, you will realize that your relationship is a reflection of the union of the Creator and His Son. ⁶From loving minds there is no separation. ⁷And every thought in one brings gladness to the other because they are the same. ⁸Joy is unlimited, because each shining thought of love extends its being and creates more of itself. ⁹There is no difference anywhere in it, for every thought is like itself.

The light that joins you and your brother shines throughout the universe, and because it joins you and him, so it makes you and him one with your Creator. ²And in Him is all creation joined. ³Would you regret you cannot fear alone, when your relationship can also teach the power of love is there, which makes all fear impossible? ⁴Do not attempt to keep a little of the ego with this gift [of the holy relationship]. ⁵For it was given you to be used, and not obscured. ⁶What teaches you that you cannot separate denies the ego. ⁷Let truth decide if you and your brother be different or the same, and teach you which is true. (A Course in Miracles, T-22.VI.12:1;14-15. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The holy relationship teaches us through experience of the oneness of Love. We find joy in the holy relationship because of the oneness we experience. We do not see differences, only Love. There is no fear in the holy relationship because without perception of differences, there is nothing to fear.

As we forgive our belief in differences, conflict falls away. We join with our brother in Love. As we give the gift of forgiveness, joy overflows as the oneness of Love is experienced. The joy we find in the relationship where forgiveness prevails teaches us of our relationship with our Creator.

When we give the gift of forgiveness to our brother, we receive the gift of joy and peace, for differences are forgotten. We are grateful for the Love that forever unites us with our brother and our Creator.

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God’s Guarantee of Light, Joy and Peace

Why would you not be overjoyed to be assured that all the evil that you think you did was never done, that all your sins are nothing, that you are as pure and holy as you were created, and that light and joy and peace abide in you? ²Your image of yourself cannot withstand the Will of God. ³You think that this is death, but it is life. ⁴You think you are destroyed, but you are saved.

The self you made is not the Son of God. ²Therefore, this self does not exist at all. ³And anything it seems to do and think means nothing. ⁴It is neither bad nor good. ⁵It is unreal, and nothing more than that.

Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. ²Over and over this must be repeated, until it is accepted. ³It is true. ⁴Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. ⁵Nothing can touch it, or change what God created as eternal. ⁶The self you made, evil and full of sin, is meaningless. ⁷Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God, and light and joy and peace abide in you.

If a situation arises that seems to be disturbing, quickly dispel the illusion of fear by repeating these thoughts again. ²Should you be tempted to become angry with someone, tell him silently:

³Light and joy and peace abide in you.
⁴Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God.
(A Course in Miracles, W-93.4:1–5:5;6;11:1-4. See also ACIM Lesson 93 Insights.)

This lesson assures us that we live in Light, joy and peace. It is guaranteed by God. Nothing we do, say or think can void His guarantee. We can only make nightmares of darkness, unhappiness and conflict that are not real.

We can awaken from unhappy dreams of sin by applying the practice in this lesson. If we feel guilty for something we did or did not do, we can remind ourselves, “Light and joy and peace abide in me. My sinlessness is guaranteed by God.” If we feel lonely of afraid, we can remind ourselves that we dwell in the oneness of God’s Love, guaranteed by Him.

If our peace is disturbed by the words or actions of another, we need to affirm to that person in our mind, “Light and joy and peace abide in you. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God.” What we affirm to others, we affirm to ourselves.

As we observe the miracles that occur when we accept the truth of these statements, we will experience the fact that we abide in God’s Light, joy and peace, guaranteed.

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Bringing the Truth of Love to the World

When truth has come it does not stay a while, to disappear or change to something else. ²It does not shift and alter in its form, nor come and go and go and come again. ³It stays exactly as it always was, to be depended on in every need, and trusted with a perfect trust in all the seeming difficulties and the doubts that the appearances the world presents engender. ⁴They will merely blow away, when truth corrects the errors in your mind.

When truth has come it harbors in its wings the gift of perfect constancy, and love which does not falter in the face of pain, but looks beyond it, steadily and sure. ²Here is the gift of healing, for the truth needs no defense, and therefore no attack is possible. ³Illusions can be brought to truth to be corrected.

…make your pledge to let His function be fulfilled through you. ³To share His function is to share His joy. ⁴His confidence is with you, as you say:

⁵Truth will correct all errors in my mind, and I will rest in Him Who is my Self.

⁶Then let Him lead you gently to the truth, which will envelop you and give you peace so deep and tranquil that you will return to the familiar world reluctantly.

And yet you will be glad to look again upon this world. ²For you will bring with you the promise of the changes which the truth that goes with you will carry to the world. (A Course in Miracles, W-107.4:1–5:3;9:2–10:2. See also ACIM Lesson 107 Insights.)

Our function is to bring truth to the world. Our true Self is truth. It is Love and nothing else. We bring truth to the world when we let Love guide our vision and see past the illusions of the world to the truth. As we let the truth of What we are come forth in our mind, we become Its messenger in the world.

We let truth come when we forgive our beliefs that we are separate. With forgiveness we let these beliefs be replaced by the certainty of eternal Love. Where we saw differences, we see the unity of Love in which we dwell. We experience the peace of this unity. Each day is recognized as an opportunity to teach only Love and remember That is What we are.

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Letting Peace and Joy Replace Illusions

I seek but what belongs to me in truth.

Today’s idea continues with the thought that joy and peace are not but idle dreams. ²They are your right, because of what you are. ³They come to you from God, Who cannot fail to give you what He wills. ⁴Yet must there be a place made ready to receive His gifts. ⁵They are not welcomed gladly by a mind that has instead received the gifts it made where His belong, as substitutes for them.

Today we would remove all meaningless and self-made gifts which we have placed upon the holy altar where God’s gifts belong. ²His are the gifts that are our own in truth. ³His are the gifts that we inherited before time was, and that will still be ours when time has passed into eternity. ⁴His are the gifts that are within us now, for they are timeless. ⁵And we need not wait to have them. ⁶They belong to us today.

So do we clear the way for Him today by simply recognizing that His Will is done already, and that joy and peace belong to us as His eternal gifts. …we bring to mind as often as we can:

⁴I seek but what belongs to me in truth.
⁵God’s gifts of joy and peace are all I want.
(A Course in Miracles, W-104.1–2;5:1,3-5. See also ACIM Lesson 104 Insights.)

The world is a dream with no reality in truth. It offers only form as substitutes for God’s gifts to us, His Son. Our attachments to these forms we want block our awareness of God’s gifts, which are already ours. Being illusions, forms are inherently temporary. They shift and change with every whim. Sometimes they seem to make us happy. Other times they make us sad or angry or guilty.  The forms seem to be the cause of every experience.

But these forms are projections from the mind we have accepted that seeks only specialness. The ego does not want the Reality of Love’s oneness. As long as we align with it, we will be unaware of the gifts God guarantees are ours.

Today we ask the Holy Spirit to help us let go of our attachments to form. As we let them go, God’s gifts of joy and peace will rise to our awareness. We will remember we are God’s Son, complete and healed and whole. We welcome His joy and peace.

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Awakening to Our Home in Peace and Joy

The ego is insane. ²In fear it stands beyond the Everywhere, apart from All, in separation from the Infinite. ³In its insanity it thinks it has become a victor over God Himself.

The Son of God is egoless. ²What can he know of madness and the death of God, when he abides in Him? ³What can he know of sorrow and of suffering, when he lives in eternal joy? ⁴What can he know of fear and punishment, of sin and guilt, of hatred and attack, when all there is surrounding him is everlasting peace, forever conflict-free and undisturbed, in deepest silence and tranquility?

To know reality [Love] is not to see the ego and its thoughts, its works, its acts, its laws and its beliefs, its dreams, its hopes, its plans for its salvation, and the cost belief in it entails.

Yet will one lily of forgiveness change the darkness into light; the altar to illusions to the shrine of Life Itself. ²And peace will be restored forever to the holy minds which God created as His Son, His dwelling place, His joy, His love, completely His, completely one with Him. (A Course in Miracles, W-pII.12.2:1-3;3;4:1;5. See also ACIM Lesson 331 Insights.)

The Course directs us to affirm repeatedly that we are not a body. It also tells us that the body is the ego’s chosen home. The fact that we are not a body tells us that we are also not the ego. If we believe the body is our identity, we believe we are the ego. The consequence of this belief is the experience of pain, suffering and death, none of which is real.

Our true Home is a place of joy and indescribable peace. Neither joy nor peace nor Love are identified by form. With the Holy Spirit’s help we learn to overlook the body as having any meaning of its own. With His vision, we see only Love. When we forgive our attachment to any form, we let the Light of Love into our awareness.

Today we practice seeing the Love in every brother. If there is an appearance of conflict, we let the Holy Spirit help us answer with Love. With this practice, we will awaken to the Love we are. We will awaken to our Home in peace and joy.

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