Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Being Grateful for the Love That Unites Us

Love is the way I walk in gratitude.

Your gratitude is due to Him alone Who made all cause of sorrow disappear throughout the world. …Who offers you the certain means whereby all pain is healed, and suffering replaced with laughter and with happiness.

Walk, then, in gratitude the way of love. ²For hatred is forgotten when we lay comparisons aside. ³What more remains as obstacles to peace? ⁴The fear of God is now undone at last, and we forgive without comparing. ⁵Thus we cannot choose to overlook some things, and yet retain some other things still locked away as “sins.” ⁶When your forgiveness is complete you will have total gratitude, for you will see that everything has earned the right to love by being loving, even as your Self.

Our gratitude will pave the way to Him, and shorten our learning time by more than you could ever dream of. ²Gratitude goes hand in hand with love, and where one is the other must be found. ³For gratitude is but an aspect of the Love which is the Source of all creation. (A Course in Miracles, W-195.1:7,2:2;8;10:1-3. See also ACIM Lesson 195 Insights.)

Comparison is a key tool of the ego to reinforce belief in separation. It is the basis for all fear and guilt. It maintains a sense of difference between ourself and all the world.

But Love can make no comparisons because It sees only Itself in Love’s oneness. What is all the same leaves no room for comparisons. The Love we are unites us in Its oneness.

The joy that comes from remembering we are Love is expressed in gratitude to our Creator. The Source of joy is ours now. In our gratitude we recognize the gift that was ours in our Creation and never withdrawn. We are grateful that we remain Love as Love created us.

© 2024, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Decision to Remember Love’s Oneness

Heaven is the decision I must make.

Heaven is chosen consciously. ²The choice cannot be made until alternatives are accurately seen and understood. ³All that is veiled in shadows must be raised to understanding, to be judged again, this time with Heaven’s help. ⁴And all mistakes in judgment that the mind had made before are open to correction, as the truth dismisses them as causeless. ⁵Now are they without effects. ⁶They cannot be concealed, because their nothingness is recognized.

The conscious choice of Heaven is as sure as is the ending of the fear of hell, when it is raised from its protective shield of unawareness, and is brought to light.

We make the choice for Heaven as we wake, and spend five minutes making sure that we have made the one decision that is sane. ²We recognize we make a conscious choice between what has existence and what has nothing but an appearance of the truth.

⁵Heaven is the decision I must make. ⁶I make it now, and will not change my mind, because it is the only thing I want. (A Course in Miracles, W-138.9:1–10:1;11:1-2;12:5-6. See also ACIM Lesson 138 Insights.)

All the images in this world which we have judged as real are mistakes in judgment. These judgments must be taken to the Voice for truth in us to be judged again by the Holy Spirit. This seems to be a never ending need because of the myriad images we perceive.

But by diligently practicing taking all our perceptions to our Teacher within to be judged truly, we learn that they really are all the same decision; the images are unreal. Our learning generalizes. We recognize that all choices between the images of the world and the truth are the same. We realize only truth is true and the world of images is dismissed as meaningless. With this recognition we make the one decision that releases all the mistaken decisions of the past. We decide for the oneness of God’s Love in Heaven.

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Letting Christ’s Vision Show Us Love’s Presence

The Holy Spirit offers you release from every problem that you think you have. ²They are the same to Him because each one, regardless of the form it seems to take, is a demand that someone suffer loss and make a sacrifice that you might gain. ³And when the situation is worked out so no one loses is the problem gone, because it was an error in perception that now has been corrected. ⁴One mistake is not more difficult for Him to bring to truth than is another. ⁵For there _is_ but one mistake; the whole idea that loss is possible, and could result in gain for anyone. ⁶If this were true, then God would be unfair; sin would be possible, attack be justified and vengeance fair.

This one mistake, in any form, has one correction. ²There is no loss; to think there is, is a mistake. ³You have no problems, though you think you have. ⁴And yet you could not think so if you saw them vanish one by one, without regard to size, complexity, or place and time, or any attribute which you perceive that makes each one seem different from the rest. ⁵Think not the limits you impose on what you see can limit God in any way.

The miracle of justice can correct all errors. ²Every problem is an error. ³It does injustice to the Son of God, and therefore is not true. ⁴The Holy Spirit does not evaluate injustices as great or small, or more or less. ⁵They have no properties to Him. ⁶They are mistakes from which the Son of God is suffering, but needlessly. ⁷And so He takes the thorns and nails away. ⁸He does not pause to judge whether the hurt be large or little. ⁹He makes but one judgment; that to hurt God’s Son must be unfair and therefore is not so. (A Course in Miracles, T-26.II.2:1–4:9. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our only problem is that we believe we have separated from our Creator. We do not see ourselves as the Son of God. This belief makes a world of separate bodies that seem to exist in different times and places where harm is possible.

Meanwhile, our true Self remains united with our Creator, eternally Love, unchanged and unchangeable. We are forever safe in His Love. By the grace of God, our beliefs do not change reality. We have taught ourselves to believe what could never be true. But we have been given a Teacher Who can help us unlearn the mistaken beliefs that have brought us pain and suffering.

Today we practice reminding ourselves that what the body shows us is not real. We choose instead the Vision of Christ to see the Presence of Love beyond all forms.

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Walking the Path of Return to Love

This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

And if I need a word to help me, He will give it to me. ²If I need a thought, that will He also give. ³And if I need but stillness and a tranquil, open mind, these are the gifts I will receive of Him. ⁴He is in charge by my request. ⁵And He will hear and answer me, because He speaks for God my Father and His holy Son. (A Course in Miracles, W-361-365. See also ACIM Lesson 365 Insights.)

The ego always speaks first, because it wants to maintain its status as our primary advisor. The ego is the idea of being independent and in control. But we are learning that leaving the ego in control has resulted in our world of fear, guilt, loss and lack.

In every moment we have the opportunity to choose an Advisor Whose only purpose is to return us to awareness of our true Will. We share this Will with God. It is the Will that recognizes Love is the only Reality and desires only to extend It.

Every instant is holy because Love is always now. Love knows no past nor future, for it is changeless and eternal. This is What we are, What we have been and What we will always be. As we build a habit of stepping back from the ego thought system to welcome God’s Voice in our mind, we walk peacefully and happily on the path of return to Love.

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Letting God’s Peace Fill Our Mind

Into His Presence would I enter now.

Your body will be sanctified today, its only purpose being now to bring the vision of what you experience this day to light the world. ²We cannot give experience like this directly. ³Yet it leaves a vision in our eyes which we can offer everyone, that he may come the sooner to the same experience in which the world is quietly forgot, and Heaven is remembered for a while.

As this experience increases and all goals but this become of little worth, the world to which you will return becomes a little closer to the end of time; a little more like Heaven in its ways; a little nearer its deliverance. ²And you who bring it light will come to see the light more sure; the vision more distinct.

…the Holy One, the Giver of the happy dreams of life, Translator of perception into truth, the holy Guide to Heaven given you, has dreamed for you this journey which you make and start today, with the experience this day holds out to you to be your own.

Into Christ’s Presence will we enter now, serenely unaware of everything except His shining face and perfect Love. (A Course in Miracles, W-157.6:1–7:2;8:2–9:1. See also ACIM Lesson 157 Insights.)

The Holy Spirit is not only our best Friend, but also our holy Guide to lead us to the happy dream from which we will awaken to the Life we live in God. Our sole purpose is to let the Christ within our mind be in charge of all that we see.

Christ’s vision is the vision of Love. Love sees only Love, for nothing else is real. Christ’s vision is always available to us. We need only be willing to set aside our judgments and let ourselves sink deeply into the peace of God within. This peace is ever present, needing only our acceptance.

As we let His peace fill our mind, we experience Love’s presence. From this experience, we bring Christ’s vision to the world. We see beyond the images of separation to the reality of Love that joins us with every brother. This is the purpose that will free us from the dream of separation and return us to the experience of Love’s eternal oneness.

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Accepting the Holy Spirit’s Lessons in Love

I can give up but what was never real.

I sacrifice illusions; nothing more. ²And as illusions go I find the gifts illusions tried to hide, awaiting me in shining welcome, and in readiness to give God’s ancient messages to me. ³His memory abides in every gift that I receive of Him. ⁴And every dream serves only to conceal the Self which is God’s only Son, the likeness of Himself, the Holy One Who still abides in Him forever, as He still abides in me.

Father, to You all sacrifice remains forever inconceivable. ²And so I cannot sacrifice except in dreams. ³As You created me, I can give up nothing You gave me. ⁴What You did not give has no reality. ⁵What loss can I anticipate except the loss of fear, and the return of love into my mind? (A Course in Miracles, W-322. See also ACIM Lesson 322 Insights.)

Only the value we give illusions makes letting them go seem to be a sacrifice. The moment we recognize that illusions have no value, they are freely released, with gratitude. Illusions are a veil that hides from our awareness God’s gift of all His Love.

The Holy Spirit has been given us as our personal Teacher to help us recognize there is no value in any illusion. With His Help, we learn to freely let go of illusions of separation. We joyfully accept His Love and the Love we see in every brother. This is the only meaningful purpose in our journey through the dream of this world.

Every conflict, every perception of loss is an opportunity to receive another lesson from our inner Teacher. The question we can ask ourselves is, “Am I willing to learn the lessons that set me free? Am I willing to let go of my judgments?” These are the same question. Today we gratefully accept the Holy Spirit’s lessons in Love.

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Maintaining a Healing Attitude

The injunction “Be of one mind” is the statement for revelation-readiness. ²My request “Do this in remembrance of me” is the appeal for cooperation from miracle workers. ³The two statements are not in the same order of reality. ⁴Only the latter involves an awareness of time, since to remember is to recall the past in the present. ⁵Time is under my direction, but timelessness belongs to God. ⁶In time we exist for and with each other. ⁷In timelessness we coexist with God.

(8) You can do much on behalf of your own healing and that of others if, in a situation calling for help, you think of it this way:

²I am here only to be truly helpful.
³I am here to represent Him Who sent me.
⁴I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.
⁵I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
⁶I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.”
(A Course in Miracles, T-2.V-A.17–18. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

While we believe the world is real, we are in a situation calling for help. We need help to let go of mistaken beliefs that hold us in a dream of fear and guilt, loss and pain. This prayer succinctly encapsulates key attitudes that help us let go of the dream and accept the Love of God without reservation.

We always have Help available to us. But while we try to make decisions on our own, we are denying the help given us by our Creator. God did not make a world of bodies and separation. He did create an extension of Himself, His Son, Who He retains one with Himself. This is why our true Self coexists with God in eternity. We return to awareness of our true Self as we practice this prayer that reminds us to accept the help we have to heal our mind.

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