Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Remembering Our True Self Is Spirit

I am as God created me.

This single thought, held firmly in the mind, would save the world.… ⁴These words are sacred, for they are the words God gave in answer to the world you made.

Here is the Word by which the Son became his Father’s happiness, His Love and His completion. ²Here creation is proclaimed, and honored as it is. ³There is no dream these words will not dispel; no thought of sin and no illusion which the dream contains that will not fade away before their might.

Holy indeed is he who makes these words his own; arising with them in his mind, recalling them throughout the day, at night bringing them with him as he goes to sleep. ²His dreams are happy and his rest secure, his safety certain and his body healed, because he sleeps and wakens with the truth before him always. (A Course in Miracles, W-162.1:1,4;2:1-3;3:1-2. See also ACIM Lesson 162 Insights.)

Our true Self is Spirit. Spirit has no limits, no differences. It is wholly Love, united with the Love that is our Creator. This Spirit is united with the one Spirit of Love in everyone, everywhere.

As we remember that this is our Reality, we recognize our holiness reflected in everyone, everywhere. We rest in the peace that holiness contains, knowing this holiness is invulnerable.

As we accept that we are as God created us, we accept His gift of His peace and joy and know that It is ours. Appearances in the world are easily passed by, for we know that only the holiness of God’s Love is real. We are grateful that this is so.

© 2023, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering Our True Identity

Light and joy and peace abide in me.

²I am the home of light and joy and peace. ³I welcome them into the home I share with God, because I am a part of Him.

I am as God created me.

²I will remain forever as I was, created by the Changeless like Himself. ³And I am one with Him, and He with me. (A Course in Miracles, W-112.1–2. See also ACIM Lesson 112 Insights.)

When we believe we are a body, we are accepting a false identity. This identity denies our real Identity as one with God. This false identity proclaims a separation from Reality so profound that our true Identity seems unreal, while the false seems real.

This lesson is reminding us of our true Identity. It tells us that in fact, light and joy and peace are our Identity. This is our Reality. This is where we were created to be eternally. We are God’s Son, at one with our Creator with a bond that is impossible to break.

Today we give thanks that we remain at Home in the oneness of God’s Love.

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How to Have a Love-Filled Day

⁷Never forget the Love of God, Who has remembered you. ⁸For it is quite impossible that He could ever let His Son drop from the loving Mind wherein he was created, and where his abode was fixed in perfect peace forever.

Say to the Holy Spirit only, “Decide for me,” and it is done. ²For His decisions are reflections of what God knows about you, and in this light, error of any kind becomes impossible. ³Why would you struggle so frantically to anticipate all you cannot know, when all knowledge lies behind every decision the Holy Spirit makes for you? ⁴Learn of His wisdom and His Love, and teach His answer to everyone who struggles in the dark. ⁵For you decide for them and for yourself.”

Whenever you are in doubt what you should do, think of His Presence in you, and tell yourself this, and only this:

²He leadeth me and knows the way, which I know not.
³Yet He will never keep from me what He would have me learn.
⁴And so I trust Him to communicate to me all that He knows for me.

⁵Then let Him teach you quietly how to perceive your guiltlessness, which is already there. (A Course in Miracles, T-14.III.15:7–16:5;19. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Image what our day would be like if every thought and action was directed by Love. This is the kind of day God wants us to have. But we must be willing to let go of our judgments, our desire for specialness. Love is our true Identity.

We have chosen a false identity which we see in a world of fear, guilt and hate. Today we can choose our Reality in place of our fantasies. Today we are mindful of our judgments and fear. We offer them to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to show us the truth beyond our perceptions. He will replace them with His vision of Love. With this willingness we learn to recognize the Love we are.

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Accepting God’s Joy as Ours

…sin [separation] is not real, and all that you believe must come from sin will never happen, for it has no cause. ³Accept Atonement with an open mind, which cherishes no lingering belief that you have made a devil of God’s Son. ⁴There is no sin. ⁵We practice with this thought as often as we can today, because it is the basis for today’s idea.

God’s Will for you is perfect happiness because there is no sin, and suffering is causeless. ²Joy is just, and pain is but the sign you have misunderstood yourself. ³Fear not the Will of God. ⁴But turn to it in confidence that it will set you free from all the consequences sin has wrought in feverish imagination. ⁵Say:

⁶God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
⁷There is no sin; it has no consequence.

³You are set on freedom’s road, and now today’s idea brings wings to speed you on, and hope to go still faster to the waiting goal of peace. ⁴There is no sin. ⁵Remember this today, and tell yourself as often as you can:

⁶God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
⁷This is the truth, because there is no sin.
A Course in Miracles, (W-101.5:2–6:7;7:3-7. See also ACIM Lesson 101 Insights.)

Nothing in this world can bring us lasting happiness because its a dream that is not real. Dreams can change on a whim. Periods of happiness can be broken in an instant by a thought or an appearance that seems to mean a loss or a lack.

Yet what God has given can never be lost or limited. He has given His Son eternal unity with Himself. God’s joy is ours because we are His Son. We need only accept His Love and we will know His perfect happiness. Happiness and Love are one. Neither can be found without the other.

Today we ask the Holy Spirit to help us see the world through Christ’s vision. With His help, we will see the forgiven world in which we recognize the Love we share in oneness with all.

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Joining to Remember Love’s Oneness

Certain pupils have been assigned to each of God’s teachers, and they will begin to look for him as soon as he has answered the Call. ²They were chosen for him because the form of the universal curriculum that he will teach is best for them in view of their level of understanding. ³His pupils have been waiting for him, for his coming is certain. ⁴Again, it is only a matter of time. ⁵Once he has chosen to fulfill his role, they are ready to fulfill theirs. ⁶Time waits on his choice, but not on whom he will serve. ⁷When he is ready to learn, the opportunities to teach will be provided for him.

³God’s Teacher speaks to any two who join together for learning purposes. ⁴The relationship is holy because of that purpose, and God has promised to send His Spirit into any holy relationship. ⁵In the teaching-learning situation, each one learns that giving and receiving are the same. ⁶The demarcations they have drawn between their roles, their minds, their bodies, their needs, their interests, and all the differences they thought separated them from one another, fade and grow dim and disappear. ⁷Those who would learn the same course share one interest and one goal. ⁸And thus he who was the learner becomes a teacher of God himself, for he has made the one decision that gave his teacher to him. ⁹He has seen in another person the same interests as his own. (A Course in Miracles, M-2.1;5:3-9)

God calls to us in every moment to awaken to His Love. It is that call that causes us to seek for Love, peace and joy. The ego tries to intercept the call and direct us to search for the answer where it cannot be found. Still God calls to us.

When we are willing to step back from the ego’s mindless directions and let ourselves relax into peace, we welcome God’s Teacher to guide us truly in the direction we seek. Whenever we see a brother’s purpose as our own — to remember Love — we have an opportunity to join in a holy relationship.

This joining may occur for a brief period or a lifetime. It always results in learning that we are Love and our only interest is to extend that Love. Into that joining the Holy Spirit comes to help us learn to recognize our calls for Love and let them be answered with Love. As we do this we become increasingly aware that we share one interest, one purpose, one goal — to remember that we are Love and nothing else.

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Claiming Our Invulnerability

[I am as God created me is] the one idea which brings complete salvation; the one statement which makes all forms of temptation powerless; the one thought which renders the ego silent and entirely undone. ²You are as God created you. ³The sounds of this world are still, the sights of this world disappear, and all the thoughts that this world ever held are wiped away forever by this one idea. ⁴Here is salvation accomplished. ⁵Here is sanity restored.

True light is strength, and strength is sinlessness. ²If you remain as God created you, you must be strong and light must be in you. ³He Who ensured your sinlessness must be the guarantee of strength and light as well. ⁴You are as God created you.

⁵Now try to reach the Son of God in you. ⁶This is the Self that never sinned, nor made an image to replace reality. ⁷This is the Self that never left Its home in God to walk the world uncertainly. ⁸This is the Self that knows no fear, nor could conceive of loss or suffering or death.

…be sure to respond to anyone who seems to irritate you with these words:

⁶You are as God created you.
⁷You are His Son eternally.
(A Course in Miracles, W-94.1:1–2:4;3:5-8;5:5-7. See also ACIM Lesson 94 Insights.)

Because we are as God created us, we must be Love and nothing else. Because Love is one and all of Reality, there is no greater strength. Love is our Reality. When we affirm that we are as God created us, we claim the strength of Love.

In this world we can remind ourselves of our strength and Love when we affirm, “I am as God created me.” We also remind ourselves of this Reality when we respond to another with the thought, “You are as God created you. You are His Son eternally.” This is our practice for today.

© 2023, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing to Be the Love We Are

It is hard to understand what “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” really means. ²This is because it is not understandable to the ego, which interprets it as if something outside is inside, and this does not mean anything. ³The word “within” is unnecessary. ⁴The Kingdom of Heaven is you. ⁵What else but you did the Creator create, and what else but you is His Kingdom? ⁶This is the whole message of the Atonement; a message which in its totality transcends the sum of its parts. ⁷You, too, have a Kingdom that your spirit created. ⁸It has not ceased to create because of the ego’s illusions. ⁹Your creations are no more fatherless than you are. ¹⁰Your ego and your spirit will never be co-creators, but your spirit and your Creator will always be. ¹¹Be confident that your creations are as safe as you are.

¹²The Kingdom is perfectly united and perfectly protected, and the ego will not prevail against it. ¹³Amen.

This is written in the form of a prayer because it is useful in moments of temptation. ²It is a declaration of independence. ³You will find it very helpful if you understand it fully. ⁴The reason you need my help is because you have denied your own Guide and therefore need guidance. ⁵My role is to separate the true from the false, so truth can break through the barriers the ego has set up and can shine into your mind. ⁶Against our united strength the ego cannot prevail. (A Course in Miracles, T-4.III.1:1–2:6. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Perceiving any form of separation in the world as real is a temptation. It is offered by the ego to validate its seeming existence. The body is the central figure in its scheme to attract us to believe in its offerings.

But we are not a body, with all its limitations. We are spirit with limitless Love that unites us with our Creator. Our extension of Love is our creation. This is our Reality — Love and nothing else.

To help us learn to dismiss the ego’s temptations, we have a mighty Companion Whose mission is to help us learn to recognize temptations for what they are — denial of God’s Love.  We choose the one Self that we are which unites us with our Creator and every brother. It is the choice to love and be Love. And we give thanks.

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