Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Lesson In Not Judging By Appearances

Yesterday I had a lesson in not judging by appearances. One of the realtors we contacted about listing the Pathways of Light property had an assistant drop off his proposal last week instead of presenting it himself. I interpreted that as meaning he wasn’t very interested. Yesterday he came for the first time to our Sunday service and brought his girl friend. It turned out that he didn’t bring his proposal himself because he had meetings he needed to attend and knew that we needed the proposal before our Advisory Council meeting on Saturday. He was being responsible to get us the information when we said we needed it.

During the service and talking together afterwards, a deepened connection happened. His girl friend came in carrying a Bible. Before she left, she bought A Course in Miracles and also took with her our Pathways of Light introduction to A Course in Miracles course 203. There was much heartfelt sharing about the desire of all four of us to follow Holy Spirit in all our doing. This experience once again reminded me not to judge anything on my own.

Holy Spirit:
  We have said before that this move is simply an outer form, a symbol of Holy Spirit’s expression in the world. The symbols have no meaning in themselves. The Holy Spirit’s purpose for the move is that it is a means for teaching that there is no difference between us. Our interests are the same. We all in truth have one desire, one will, and that is to be and extend Love.

Through this moving process you will meet many people who are “new” to you. Remember to see your brother as Christ, because that is the truth in Him, as it is in you. In the dream each may appear to offer a particular piece in the process. But the value comes in practicing recognizing the truth in each one. It is the practice in recognizing the truth in yourself.

You wish you could see more clearly what is coming next. You wish you had more certainty about the decisions that are to be made on the journey. This uncertainty comes from the ego’s belief that safety comes with knowing what the form is. As has been said before, the form will appear of itself as you keep your mind clear and open to the Holy Spirit’s interpretation in every moment. This seems uncertain to you only because you have a long habit of believing that your certainty comes from illusions. You are in training now to place your trust in what cannot be seen or sensed by the body’s senses. You are being trained to place your trust in a strength that is far beyond what you have thought was worthy of your trust. Trust in the process. Keep practicing.

My biggest challenge right now is learning to trust in the midst of not knowing on so many fronts. Right now we do not know how this property will be sold or even if it will be sold. We do not know how we will be able to purchase property in Florida or the location. My biggest lesson right now is in being okay with not knowing. My biggest lesson right now is in staying relaxed with each new “event” that seems to be popping up in the moment. My biggest opportunity right now is to let go of thinking that I know what anything is for.

Holy Spirit:
I told you that you are in a school. In school you get many lessons. You don’t already know the lessons or you would not be there in need of learning them. You are in the perfect place at the perfect time, getting your perfect lessons. The more you recognize this as you go through your day. you will naturally have a greater openness to what Holy Spirit is teaching you through each experience. You will be more willing to be the student and let Holy Spirit be the Teacher. “I will step back and let Him lead the way” is the foundation for each lesson.

Remember there is no “outer” world. The only real world is God’s World of Love. This is where you are being led, step by step. Let go of feeling a need to control anything. Step back and observe the dream forms that come and go, with Holy Spirit. Expand your willingness to be taught moment by moment. Remember the Holy Spirit is with you every moment. It may appear that Holy Spirit’s presence comes and goes, but that is only because your willingness comes and goes. Now is the time to pay attention to your level of willingness to be aware of Love’s Presence always. Stay relaxed. Step and listen, again and again and again. This will continue to bring you into a stronger connection with the Holy Spirit’s perspective and lead you out of dreams.

My personal concerns are where am I going? Where am I going to live? How can I leave my grandchildren and children and family? How am I going to afford the move? How can I leave a significant other of 14 years. My heart’s desire is to serve Spirit and follow Pathways of Light. But God, how can I do this?

Holy Spirit:
As you were told in the beginning to just sit back and watch it all unfold, that is still the message for you. You are seeing some things unfold and learning many lessons as they do so. This is the purpose of all of this—to strengthen your connection to Me; to learn to come to Me more and more, not just once or twice a day, but once or twice an hour.

Sometimes, when you grow, you may seem to have growing pains. That is ego. I would never ask you to do anything that would cause you pain. When you feel sad, that is because you feel separate and alone. When you ask “what if and why and how?” those are all questions of the ego. You are to learn to come to Me, as you have been doing, more and more. Know that I will take care of everything. My Will for you is perfect happiness. You don’t know if you will go, or if anyone will go for that matter. You do not know why I am asking this in the first place. Believe me, you will know in time, and your happiness will be the gauge for you to know.

Things are not always as they seem according to your interpretations. Please allow Me to interpret everything for you. That does not mean it is always easy. Sometimes you will be asked to stretch. Sometimes I will ask for a little more willingness to follow Me. Please know that when you have the willingness to follow Me, only will good come from that. Every time you come to Me, you build a stronger foundation and a greater connection to your oneness with God. Please know that I am with you always and would never lead you astray. Please know that when things seem hard, I am your Comforter.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Sharing Our Daily Practice of Following Holy Spirit’s Lead

Robert and Mary:
  This morning we feel led by the Holy Spirit to share more details of the questions and situations we are facing and asking Holy Spirit’s help with. We feel we are being led to share more than just the messages we receive from Holy Spirit. As we practice following Holy Spirit’s lead day by day, we will be sharing the questions and concerns that come up for us each day.

The guidance to move our offices to South Florida remains very clear. But we still do not know how this is to come about. We are trusting that Holy Spirit will guide us each step of the way, so we are moving forward a day at a time, doing our best to open to His lead.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Remember you are in a school. You are in Holy Spirit’s school which leads you to waking up from the dream. You are being asked now to share more fully your daily practice of following Holy Spirit’s lead.

The Holy Spirit thinks directly opposite to the way the ego thinks. The ego wants to make the world seem real. That is its defense against the formless Love of God. Making the world of separate bodies real effectively hides the awareness of God’s universal Oneness. That is why the Course tells us so frequently to ask of everything, what is it for? The ego would make the move to Florida a way to reinforce the dream. To do this it would bring up a thousand fear thoughts that call for a constant flow of building defenses against perceived loss and a need to solve each problem on our own.

The Holy Spirit on the other hand knows that the move to Florida can be used as a means to wake up from the dream. It can be used to strengthen our connection with the Holy Spirit through an expanded level of communication. To make the move Holy Spirit’s way requires an even deeper commitment to consistently stay in touch with Holy Spirit’s guidance. It will strengthen your level of trust.

As you continue to follow Holy Spirit daily through this process, you will led to communicate more fully how He is leading you through every “problem.” This not only helps you in your awakening process, but will help many as they walk through this will you and practice following Holy Spirit’s lead themselves.

The Holy Spirit is leading you to a greater joining, a greater sense of “in to me see” with all your brothers who are choosing to wake up just like you are. As you communicate more in depth how this process of following Holy Spirit’s lead is working for you, you will be helping your brothers, and your brothers will be helping you by following Holy Spirit’s lead and sharing their process with you.

This move to Florida is really about a greater sharing, a school where the Holy Spirit is showing us all that we are one and that the same Holy Spirit is in every mind. This will become more evident as this greater sharing by all who are led to participate in this “school” continues. Right now in the dream script it looks like many are involved, but in reality the Holy Spirit will bring us all to the awareness that there is only one mind and we all share the same mind.

In this dream script, the story line goes that you are moving to Florida. But its purpose is to implement a greater joining to learn that we are one Self and there is no distance between us. As you continue on through this daily school joined with many others, you will all see that the Holy Spirit is leading everyone concerned to the fact that letting their minds be healed by the Holy Spirit is what everything is for. The outer circumstances will fall in place as we all expand our willingness to wake up from the dream.

Walking through this together will quicken your awakening and shorten the need for time. This greater joining in following Holy Spirit’s lead is leading us to the happy dream. It is leading us to a greater awareness of What we are and Where we are always. It is leading us Home.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
The ego has a million questions because it is always trying to break things apart and analyze the pieces. This is one of its mechanisms for making separation seem real. So the ego provides you with a constant flow of questions, doubts and uncertainties. The good news is that there is a way to move past all this. Learn to keep a constant flow of handing over the questions, doubts and uncertainties to the Holy Spirit. Open your mind to His interpretation in each moment.

As you practice this, the flow of questions may continue but they become less disturbing and you are less inclined to attach to them. This practice leads to peace of mind. Some of the questions that come to your mind may need to be answered in the world of form. But with the practice of handing them over to the Holy Spirit for His guidance, the answers will always serve the highest good of all. They will always be answered in peace.

Other questions that occur to you may simply be ego diversions. The practice of taking all questions to the Holy Spirit will help you recognize and dismiss the diversions and also see the Holy Spirit’s answers to those that are part of expressing His plan in the dream. On your own, you cannot do this. But with the Holy Spirit, it will be a journey of healing, freedom, peace and happiness. It is worth the practice.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Allow Your Mind to Quiet

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Allow your mind to quiet. You have all these ideas floating around in your mind about how this move could be accomplished. You grab on to some of them in hopes that they will provide you some safety. You are asked now to just gently let them all go. Let them flow by without grabbing on to them. If you need to do so, ask for help in letting them go. Just open your mind to the idea that you are receiving help in a way that is perfect for you right now. Your willingness to receive Holy Spirit’s help is what allows it to come in to your experience.

Imagine all your inner doors and windows wide open to Holy Spirit’s help. Imagine that help in the form of Light. Watch as the Light enters your mind and very gently, all the false ideas that you were involved with disappear. What is left is the feeling of peace and gentleness and the knowing that everything is going to be all right. As you let in the Light of Truth, all your fears subside and you are left with a sense of well being and safety.

You rest a while in the eternal presence of Love. Fear of what may happen in the future gently disappears. You know you are in good hands and that in truth you are invulnerable. You cannot be anywhere but in Heaven. You let in the awareness that you are in Heaven now and that truth can never change. So it matters not what happens in the dream. The idea of loss is but an illusion. The idea of protecting what you have is but an illusion. Separate things are just images.

These images will come and go, but what is eternal never changes. And you are eternal. You can never change from the eternal Love you are. Let yourself soak in this remembering. Let it very gently heal all the parts that think it has to defend against loss. Let yourself remember that you can never lose What you are and Where you are in truth. Let the lessons that come with this move bring you to a place where you easily pass by those fears. Let this move strengthen your trust muscles. You are safe.

Dreams of separation are really nothing. Let the Holy Spirit bring you an awakening dream where you are led to the understanding that in reality you never left Home, you cannot leave Home. That is why you are safe. Give time to letting that sink in.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  The ego insists that you are weak, vulnerable and at risk of attack in every moment. It is always in a state of hyper alertness and readiness to defend. This is only natural because whatever belief you identify with you will see portrayed everywhere you look. The ego is the idea that attack is possible, that separation from God, our Source, is possible. The daily practice of turning all of your thoughts over to the Holy Spirit for His interpretation is the means for shifting your allegiance from the ego thought system to the Holy Spirit’s.

Since the Holy Spirit’s thought system is of unity and wholeness, it brings an innate sense of safety. Because the Holy Spirit teaches that you are one with your brother and with God, there is no other “out there” that could attack or harm you. So when you align your thinking with the Holy Spirit, deep peace is inevitable. When you are certain of your safety, you have no fear and you rest in ease. This is the gift that is given you in return for your gift of all your thoughts to the Holy Spirit.

In every moment you are choosing between the ego’s thought system of guilt and terror and the Holy Spirit’s thought system of innocence and peace. The choice is easy when recognized in its true simplicity. The choice only seems difficult because the images of the ego seem to be appealing and cleverly disguise the terror and guilt they hide.

That is why you need to practice giving all your thoughts to the Holy Spirit and opening your mind to His interpretation. He will gently lift the veil of these disguises and show you they have no substance. They are nothing. With the veil lifted, you see that all that ever is really there is Love. Love is What you are because Love is all there is. You can learn to recognize this. Let yourself be taught by the Teacher in your mind. Accept His gift and be free.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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This Is A Trust Walk

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  This is a trust walk. You are in a school where your lesson is to step back and trust Holy Spirit’s plan rather than making plans on your own. Thoughts come up regarding your safety and security. This is the time to remember to take these thoughts to the Holy Spirit and not try to solve your fearful ideas with defenses you devise.

You have concerns that Pathways may not receive enough income from the sale of the Wisconsin property in order to purchase what you need in Florida. It seems like a legitimate concern. In Holy Spirit’s mind healing training, you are being led to respond with defenselessness. You are being brought to strengthen your trust muscles. From where you stand you cannot know all the facets of every situation. You cannot know the lessons that everyone concerned is being brought to learn.

This is the perfect time to practice stepping back and listening. This is the perfect time to practice receiving Holy Spirit’s peace and quiet inner joy. When you notice fear thoughts coming up regarding how things are going to work out in the future, practice handing these thoughts to the Holy Spirit, not keeping them and mulling them over and over. Your safety is assured. Holy Spirit’s plan of waking up the Sonship from the dream of separate bodies is assured.

Your job now is to remember Holy Spirit’s presence in your mind through the day. You have a constant Companion holding your hand through all of these changes. In the dream world there will appear to be a constant flow of ups and downs, yet with your constant Companion by your side, you will be able to look past all dreams to the constant feeling of peace and quiet inner joy. You will be able to receive insight consistently in how to be truly helpful and how to implement Holy Spirit’s inner direction. You will be able to remember that in Reality there is no future, there is no past, only the eternal present in God. You will be able to remember that your safety does lie in your defenselessness.

Use this time to practice receiving Holy Spirit’s peace and understanding hour by hour, day by day. You have been lost in ego stories and felt its fearful consequences. You are now ready to wake up from this fearful dream which seems to require defenses to be safe. The more you are willing to accept Holy Spirit’s peace and understanding, the more you will realize that these stories could never be true. You will place your safety in God, not the world.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  I dedicate this day to following Holy Spirit’s direction. I would follow; I would not lead. I remember that the purpose of all doing is to move past belief in separateness to the acceptance of my unity with all in God. I dedicate this day to keeping an open mind and heart that welcomes the Holy Spirit’s Vision. I dedicate this day to making all decisions with the Holy Spirit, not on my own. I am grateful that this practice opens my heart and mind to the Holy Spirit’s eternal gifts of perfect peace, quiet joy and endless Love. Amen

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Placing Our Trust in God

Holy Spirit through Sharyn:
  A new day is dawning. As this new day dawns upon you, keep in your mind a remembrance of His gifts to you. Each moment today, keep in mind His gifts of peace, Love, security, forgiveness. These are just a few of the gifts that He offers you today. The gift of trust is very important at this time. As you walk throughout the day, be aware of trusting in Him and trusting that He will never let you down. Only goodness is His Will for you.

Allow the different thoughts such as “this could happen; that could happen; it could go this way; it could go that way,” to be given to Him. The ideas and thoughts that come to you as ideas are presented to you are to be given Him every moment. Just say, “Father, I trust that You will lead the way and show me what these ideas mean. I trust that of myself I know nothing and in that trust I am given another gift of peace.”

Keep peace your only goal, as you do so often, and you can never fail. From peace come the gifts that God so wants you to accept. So as you walk today, walk with Him knowing He is beside you and remembering that with Him beside you, fear is impossible. Accept the gift of Love today. It is yours. Love yourself and everyone you see as God loves you. Amen

Holy Spirit through Mary:
Go gently today holding Holy Spirit’s Hand. As you go through your day today, imagine that you are holding Holy Spirit’s Hand. See that the Holy Spirit is leading you and you are following. You are stepping back and not deciding what anything means on your own.

Take it one day at a time. It is like you are blind and the Holy Spirit is your “seeing eye dog.” Your trust is important. Ask yourself frequently today, “Where am I placing my trust? In the Holy Spirit or in my own analytical thinking?” Stop frequently and wait and listen before taking action.

Let yourself remember that the truth is that you are resting in God right now. God’s peace and certainty are surrounding you. How could you be uncertain when you are allowing this certainty to enter your mind? The truth is true and nothing else is true. God is what is true and only God exists. Let yourself become steeped in this remembering. And as you practice this today, everything else will take care of itself. Enjoy Holy Spirit’s ride.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Being the thought that you are separate from your Source and strength, the ego is always in fear. Because your Source and strength are eternally present, the only way to seem to be separate from your Source is to see yourself separated by time. So the ego focuses on the past and the future, ignoring now. In the ego’s perception, the past is always full of guilt and attack. It believes either it has been attacked or has attacked. Believing it has attacked brings guilt. Believing it has been attacked brings fear of the future because attack could happen again. This makes the future very frightening.

So the ego weaves complex strategies and plans to protect against an uncertain and fearful future. It believes this is the only way to have some sense of safety, though tenuous at best. This is why it seems difficult for you to move forward into an unknown, unfamiliar circumstance, which is not understandable in reference to your past experience. The ego only knows how to construct an image of the future out of past experiences. Now you are being asked to go where past experiences cannot be used to make an image of the future.

This is a very important classroom for you. This opportunity being presented to you can carry you into a new level of trust in the Holy Spirit’s guidance rather than the ego’s. You are being asked to give up illusionary images of safety for the certain safety offered you by God through the Holy Spirit in your mind. Would you rather have illusions that can change on a whim or have reality that is eternally changeless? Use this opportunity well and you will walk in quiet certainty, serene and joyous. This is the gift that is offered you.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Rise Above to See the Love

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Be happy now. Allow your mind to rise above to see the Love. Love is everywhere. Let your mind be opened by the Holy Spirit. Let yourself feel Love’s soothing, comforting Light. Let yourself soak in God’s healing Light. Let yourself see that this healing Light is everywhere and available to everyone as they are ready and willing to receive it.

Starting your day by opening your mind to the healing power of God’s Love will make a very big difference in how you experience your day. You will feel safe, in need of no defense. You will feel open and loving and giving. You will feel peaceful and happy. You will be receptive to Holy Spirit’s inner promptings throughout the day. This is the day you want and you will experience it this way as you are willing to keep your mind open and receptive to the Holy Spirit’s blessings throughout the day. Have a happy day. As you are willing to accept it, it is yours.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  You have spent seeming eons planning for your safety and happiness in dreams of separation, isolation and aloneness. None of these plans have worked because dreams will never satisfy the Holy Son of God. Only the Heaven of God’s Love is worthy of His Son. Being His Son, only the Heaven of God’s Love is worthy of you.

You have reached the point where you have at least a little willingness to relinquish your plans. This little willingness opens a crack in the door that you have held closed against the loving blessings offered you in every moment by the Holy Spirit in your mind. Now is the time to practice letting go of your plans and opening to the Holy Spirit’s lead. The consequence of choosing Holy Spirit’s lead over your own plan is the end of the world as you have known it. The consequence is ultimately your return to the Heaven that is your Home.

The joy you find in your real Home so outshines the petty pleasures you experience in the world which seem to glow for an instant and then disappear that all attraction to the images of the world will disappear. You will rest in happy laughter in the perfect peace and eternal Love of God. No dreams of separation and isolation will cross your mind. You will share God’s joy as you share and extend His Love. These gifts are yours now, awaiting only your acceptance. Are these gifts not worthy of a little effort to practice stepping back and opening to the Holy Spirit’s lead?

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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You Are One In Love

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Complexity is the ego’s game. The body’s eyes seem to show you a complex world. Remember, the body was made to be a limit. It was made to limit your awareness, to keep you unaware of What you are and Where you are. What and Where you are is so simple that it is incomprehensible to the ego. In fact, the ego does not want to comprehend it because the ego is the desire not to know What and Where you are. You are one in Love. Nothing more and nothing less.

While you believe you are in the dream of separation, you need help to let it go. That is the function of the Holy Spirit, your true Self, in your mind. In the dream it seems that you are being directed to move to a completely different environment, from Wisconsin to Florida. Remember dreams are always made up of symbols. This move is just a symbol. It is an outward expression that represents a call to let go of previously held limits of what you think your are and what you think you are to do. It is a symbol of opening to a greater joining. It is a symbol of opening your circle to be more inclusive in service of the Holy Spirit. It represents a move to greater willingness to join with what appears to be others in service to Holy Spirit’s plan of awakening.

This shift, symbolized by the move, is taking you out of your comfort zone of what you have believed you “knew.” Because of this there seem to be many unknowns. This is true in your perception on the level of form. Your practice now needs to be to redirect your attention from the level of form to the level of mind. Focus on shifting to greater openness in your mind. The form will come into being of its own as your mind releases self-imposed limitations. In the past few weeks you have made great strides in opening your mind. There is much more opening to do.

These morning sessions of opening to Holy Spirit’s inspiration are very helpful for you. Be diligent in this practice. It serves you well. Now is not the time to focus on the details in the world of form. Now is the time to focus on following Holy Spirit’s guidance into a greater expression of inclusion and extension of Holy Spirit’s plan of awakening. The details will come in their time. This attention at the level of the mind is important to prepare you to receive the details. The details are simply the symbolic expression in the dream of the Holy Spirit’s plan that leads to the release of the world from the dream.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Be patient. Be relaxed and let it come to you. Don’t try to go out and get it. Know that the Holy Spirit is guiding it very gently, very carefully, and understands the perfect timing for everyone concerned regarding this “new venture.” Many people who will be involved and will be participating at very high levels need time to be brought into alignment with Holy Spirit’s greater plan. You cannot possibly know these things. Only the Holy Spirit understands the big picture. That is why it is so important for you now to continue your daily, hourly practice of stepping back and checking in with Holy Spirit’s direction with everything you encounter in the dream.

Remember you are being carried. Remember it is falling in your lap in the most perfect way possible. Your job is to trust, stay relaxed and do what is right in front of you to do right now. Use this time to practice letting go of the past and letting go of the future and opening your mind to the eternal presence of God’s peace and Love and joy.

Resist the temptation to try to figure it out yourself. It is impossible. Give it up. This is the perfect mind training you need in Holy Spirit’s inner school of waking you up from the dream of separation.

Remember back 30 years ago when you were directed to leave the Inner Peace Movement staff. Many days you were guided to simply relax and allow it to unfold. Remember that the perfect circumstances came together that led you to Holy Spirit’s next plan for you in your training. Trust that the same Help is in operation right now.

It may seem to you right now that there are many unanswered questions that you would like the answers to right now. You are being asked to trust and know that the perfect circumstances are unfolding in perfect order. All you want now is to be of service to Holy Spirit’s plan. Stick with that focus each day and watch the Holy Spirit do it’s healing work — in many ways unknown to you consciously. Many people are involved in this new venture. The Holy Spirit is bringing it together from many directions at once. Your job is to trust that this is happening and continue to do the work that is right before you this minute. All is totally in perfect order. Relax and enjoy the ride. You are being carried.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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