Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Letting Holy Spirit Be My Interpreter

  As we prepare for the move, there are many who offer advice with the intent of being helpful. This advice may be inspired by the Holy Spirit. Or it may be an attempt to use past learning as a defense. My job in this process is to practice maintaining my connection with the Holy Spirit in my mind to let Him be my interpreter. I do believe that one way the Holy Spirit brings guidance to me is through the voices of others. But it is important that I allow time and listen for the Holy Spirit’s discernment.

Sometimes we have brainstormed ideas of things to do. This can be a good way to help me break free from old habits of thinking. The key for me is to not get swept up in the enthusiasm of brainstorming and leave Holy Spirit in the dust. The Holy Spirit knows that time is not real and is never in a hurry. I have all the time I need to step back, calm my mind and open to Holy Spirit’s vision. This practice will keep the way smooth.

Holy Spirit:
  Let yourself be carried. No effort is required on your part, only vigilance to keep your mind attuned to Me. With this vigilance, your way is smooth. Be wary of a sense of hurry. Hurry comes from belief in time and must therefore be of the ego. Move in ease. As you take each step with Me, you will see how My plan always leads to greater happiness and greater peace.

  I see right now that my job is to step back and wait on Holy Spirit’s direction. There are so many things to do that I don’t know where to start first. That’s a good thing. It is time for me to recognize again that on my own I do not know. Now is the time for me to rest in God a little while.

Holy Spirit:
  It is helpful now to remember that this is a dream. It is helpful now to remember that you are still as God created you. You are still safe in Heaven, at Home in God, now and always. Remembering helps you put the world in perspective. The world of unique bodies is indeed a dream. All you want is to be truly helpful. All you want is to serve Holy Spirit’s plan and not make plans on your own.

This requires stepping back often and allowing the truth of your reality to come into your awareness. This helps greatly in clearing out the clutter in your mind. This helps put everything into its proper perspective. This helps you ask of everything, “What is it for? Is this in Holy Spirit’s plan or am I making plans on my own for my own defense?”

Remember to give time for quiet and rest. Let yourself rest in God. Let the Holy Spirit manage your time. The Holy Spirit will take out all useless endeavors and bring you to the awareness of what is truly important. Give mind healing time. And what is truly needed will unfold in a beautiful and simple way, with no efforting. Give time to rest in God.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Today I Will Be Still and Listen

  Yesterday we did some more clearing out of closets. We even discovered some things we didn’t remember we had. It felt good to do this clearing, letting go of what no longer serves. I’ve talked before about my pack rat tendencies. I’m seeing more clearly how this is a defense against an uncertain future. It is saying that I don’t trust God’s Love. Yet what could be more certain that God’s eternal Love? This moving process is an amazing lab assignment for the practice of trusting in my Source of strength. Each day it seems like a joyous step forward toward the Light of Heaven.

Today I hold this prayer in my heart: Holy Spirit, guide my thoughts today. Help me to disregard old meanings from the past that I may be tempted to use as the basis for interpreting the present. Help me to feel your strength and comfort. Help me to feel your certainty and to see your certainty everywhere. Today I would serve your plan and only your plan because I know that in truth it is my plan. It is my means of reaching the Light.

  Today I will be still and listen. Today I will practice resting in God’s healing Light. Today I will be patient and follow. This is how I will allow true and lasting happiness into my life.

When so many things are going on in the outer world, I need to be vigilant to allow time to let my mind quiet and listen. Otherwise I can easily get caught up in all the many activities that come with making a move. I trust that the Holy Spirit is leading me toward the perfect circumstances for my healing and the healing of the Sonship. Let me remember today that only Love is real.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting Myself Be Led in the Present Moment

1-31-08 Messages

  Right now I feel this whole “move to Florida” is an exercise in staying in the present moment and listening for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have carried with me such a habit of planning for the future on my own. The lesson Holy Spirit is leading me through is to let myself be led in the present moment.

For example, early this morning I thought that maybe it would be good to start working on clearing out things in the back office. When I went to Spirit with it, Spirit showed me a better way. We have still not finished clearing the top shelves of our bedroom closet. Spirit recommended that this be done first and take the things we don’t need to Goodwill. It will provide the space that will be needed for things from the back office. We are going to paint the back office so the whole room will need to be cleared out.

Holy Spirit:
  Consider every day your lab time in Holy Spirit’s school of awakening from the dream. In truth there is no past and there is no future. You are learning now to stay in the present moment and listen to your Teacher Who will teach you what is best for the present moment as you step back and listen.

Your confidence will build day by day as you will see that it works so beautifully. As your confidence grows, your habit of stepping back and listening for guidance will be strong and clear. Your trust will be strong. Your levels of peace and joy will blossom as you realize you are in Holy Spirit’s garden.

Remember daily, hourly, that you do not know, but inside there is your Teacher Who does know. Let yourself be taught moment by moment and you will be brought to the awareness of Love’s Presence. You will return to Heaven.

  I have had a habit of seeing that something needs to be done and jumping in and doing what I think it is. There are two problems with this approach. First when I’m in this mode, I’m not stepping back and listening to Spirit’s lead. I’m fully engaged in my own plan. Second, the habit of doing it myself limits what can be accomplished to what I can do myself. There are old ego thoughts in the back of my mind like, “If you want it done right, do it yourself.” “It needs to be done now so I need to do it.” 

There is another more subtle hidden agenda. I’ve observed that if I pass on the project to someone else, I don’t get the feeling of accomplishment when it’s done. These are examples of the ego’s insanity, self-centered focus and limited thinking. Who’s in charge here? This attitude is not an attitude of service to the whole. It keeps me in a box, slows me down and limits the fulfillment that comes with serving Holy Spirit’s plan and awakening to Love.

The lab time that the move to Florida provides is an opportunity for me to practice living with a different attitude, an attitude of accepting help. It starts with accepting Holy Spirit’s help. I see that my unwillingness to have others help with projects is an outer effect of unwillingness to accept Holy Spirit’s help. Once again the world is always a reflection of my thoughts. Because of these old habits I need to be very vigilant to maintain an openness to Holy Spirit’s guidance and not go off into planning on my own.

Holy Spirit:
  You have often observed that your best time management occurs when you step back and let Me lead the way. You have given yourself an opportunity now to practice this again and again, day by day, hour by hour. In your heart you want to learn this lesson well. So you have put yourself in the perfect classroom to learn it.

There are many, many benefits you do not yet see that will come from this practice. It is part of expanding your circle of inclusion, of joining with many who share your dedication to awakening and helping your brothers do the same. You will experience great joy in this joining. The fulfillment you have felt from accomplishment of your individual projects will be eclipsed by the joy and gratitude of experiencing the helpfulness that comes with joining.

The Pathways of Light courses provide tools to help people awaken from the dream and help them help others awaken. The practice of accepting Holy Spirit’s help and accepting the help of “others” with the move to Florida is setting the stage for developing more helpful tools for awakening from the dream. The exercise of moving to Florida as a practice for following Holy Spirit’s lead is preparation for an expanded level of helpfulness.

Listen, follow, accept and trust. This is how you open to the expression of God’s limitless abundance.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Give Your Day to God

Yesterday we took our first load of “stuff” to a St. Vincent de Paul thrift store. By emptying those shelves, it made a clear and open space for storing the things that are still needed in our service to Spirit. It felt so good to let go of what we did not need and pass it on to someone who has use for it. I think this is symbolic of our need to make room for God. At times the world crowds in so strongly that it seems that there is no time left to be still and listen. If my mind is too filled up with worldly concerns, it is not open to receive what God has to give.

It is amazing the many gifts this move is offering that I did not foresee. Cleaning closets has not been at the top of my most favorite things to do. But now that I am doing it, it is bringing me a great sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Holy Spirit:
As you go through your day, give your day to God. Allow it to unfold as God would have it be. It will be filled with peace. It will be filled with trust. It will be filled with Love. Follow each moment and trust in the Holy Spirit’s plan, not your own.

  I am seeing the value and blessing that comes with being willing to step back and follow Holy Spirit’s lead. The Holy Spirit is in our minds to bring us God’s gifts of peace and Love and happiness. Choosing to ignore the Holy Spirit in my mind is choosing against peace, Love and happiness. With this recognition, the insanity of choosing not to listen and follow is obvious.

The day by day, moment by moment practice of following and not deciding on my own is becoming more and more motivating. The appeal of the gifts that come with following are incentives to keep practicing. I like having peaceful days. I like being happy. I like not having to struggle.

I’m not sure I could say that I follow Holy Spirit as much as 50% of the time. I have a well established habit of believing in my own ability to solve problems. The temptation to shift into “mister fix it” mode is ever present. But I catch myself more quickly now. I am teachable. I am learning that I like the results better when I follow Holy Spirit instead of the plans I make on my own. When I follow Holy Spirit, it is always a joy ride. I am willing to keep practicing.

Holy Spirit:
  Stay in ease. Stay in peace. This is how you keep your communication open to receive My inspiration. When there is a sense of struggle or difficulty, it is a sure sign that you are defending against the images of the world and have closed your mind to My lead. By staying mindful of your condition of ease and peace, you can quickly step back from defenses and open your mind once again to my gentle guidance. Hold to ease and peace today and it will be a happy day.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting the Gift of the Present


My head feels filled with so many thoughts coming in about distrust or self-worth, not living in the moment—futurizing or living in the past. It’s thoughts of letting go.

Holy Spirit:
Letting go is only as hard as you make it. I will go before you and prepare everything so that there is no need to fret or worry, no stones to trip on. I will clear the road and may way for your happiness. Sometimes when you can’t physically see where you are going, the ego mind brings in a lot of distrust.  That’s ego. Just think, “I’m willing to let this go. I’m willing to trust that whatever happens or wherever I go, I am being led by You, Holy Spirit. I’m willing to trust that only You know what is best for me.”

All the thoughts that go through my mind are a result of not living in the moment. This very moment is a gift. This very moment is the time I am given to spend with Holy Spirit. When I live in the moment, there can never be worries or concerns of letting go or how will this happen, or how will that happen. Because all those thoughts are either trying to bring the past to the present or trying to figure out the future. By doing that, I lose the gift of the present.

The present is all there is to see. The present is the only time to be Me. The present moment is God’s gift to you to spend with Me and allow Me to guide you and carry you. That truly is the only meaningful purpose of time. Walk with Me and talk with Me and be aware of My presence every moment. Live in the now and your life will be much happier, easier and fulfilled.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting God’s Gifts

  With so much going on in our lives right now, e.g. Pathways course translations, clearing out the clutter, looking at possible renovation ideas to enhance the value of the property, I find it challenging sometimes to let my mind completely quiet. One way that has worked particularly well for me is to imagine that I am under a waterfall of Holy Spirit’s Light. I imagine that I am like a sponge absorbing the healing peace and quietness that comes when I am willing to accept God’s gifts.

As I do this, it seems that the Holy Spirit just takes over with no efforting on my part. It seems like I become the observer as I feel the level of peace deepen as the Holy Spirit does Its healing work in my mind. It becomes easier to relax even deeper and just give in to it, instead of resisting it. It feels like I’m being carried.

Holy Spirit:
  Often it is helpful to use these images to ramp you into a place of peace when all the thoughts of the world crowd your mind and you find it difficult to let your mind quiet and listen. Each person will find their own images that work for them. What is most important is your level of willingness to let the Holy Spirit help you. As you are willing to let go of the reigns, the Holy Spirit knows just what to do to help you in a way that is perfect for you right now.

You are in Holy Spirit’s school, and the Holy Spirit is the best Teacher you can possibly have. Your Mentor within is always ready and willing to bring you to a greater level of awareness of the truth. The Holy Spirit will show you where your true inner strength lies. The Holy Spirit will fill you with a knowing that you are truly safe, you are truly innocent, you are truly loved and you are still Home in God.

In the dream there is a constant flow of “problems.”  As you willingly let yourself be transported above the problems of the world, you are able to feel the feeling of inner calm and peace that has nothing to do with this world. You give your mind a rest from all the busy doings of the day. These times of rest are very important. They give you a different outlook, a sense of calmness and well being that deeply nourishes that part within you that wants to return Home. Then, when you go back to the activities of the world, you can carry that feeling of peace and inner strength with you so you are able to handle situations with a sense of well being and love. You know that everything is all right, no matter what problem shows up in the dream in the moment.

This the gift the Holy Spirit brings you. It is a gift beyond measure. It liberates you from the ups and downs of the world and brings you sense of certainty and confidence that you have all the help you need for every circumstance that shows up in your dream. You know your inner Teacher is right there with you, leading the way and giving you inspiration as is needed.

  As we take steps along the path leading to Florida as guided by Spirit, the certainty that Spirit does want us in Florida to do our part in His plan becomes stronger. There does not seem to be much resistance in me to this move. Where the resistance does seem to show up is in the letting go of clutter and doing the clearing that is part of the process. Resistance is resistance, no matter the form. The ego is clever at disguising its defenses. But any defense reflects a wish to make separation real and deny our unity with Love. No matter the appearance, this is the underlying motive.

Holy Spirit:
  As has been said several times before, the forms and images in the world are simply symbols of your beliefs and thoughts. They are an outward reflection of an inward condition. Each time you let go of a form in the world, be it an old sock or a 40 acre property, it symbolizes your release from identification with form and a step toward your recognition of your eternal formlessness in Love.

The steps you take on this path lead you to joy beyond words. It leads you to the reuniting of the will you thought was your own with the Will of God, which has always been yours in truth. Is it not worth letting go of an old sock to take a step toward your return Home?

When you are deciding between keeping an attachment to form or letting it go, there is no order of value to your awakening between deciding to let go of an old sock or deciding to let go of a place you have called home for 20 years. Both are really the same decision. You decide between identifying with separation and moving toward identifying with your holiness. There is no lesser order of magnitude. You are deciding between identifying with nothing and claiming everything that is given you by God.

So as you go through your day sorting the discards from the ‘keepers,’ pay attention to how each decision feels. Does it feel like it would be helpful on your path of awakening or does it feel like it is anchoring you in the past and the world of form? The first will feel light, happy, peaceful and energizing. The latter will feel heavy, empty or lifeless. Try using this today. Be aware of how it serves you in your process of moving forward on the path to Florida.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Recognizing Forms of Defense

I could be called a second generation pack rat. I save things thinking they may be helpful some day. And it seems like I do need something I saved just frequently enough to justify continuing the pack rat habit. I am seeing now how this is just another form of defense. Saving something I have no use for now but may someday is a form of planning for my safety. It represents a belief that sometime in the future I may experience lack, so I need to prepare for it now.

As we prepare for the move, I am faced with all those defenses of the past in the form of collections of stuff that I haven’t needed for years. Even now my tendency is to think I might still need it. Once again it is an opportunity to practice following Holy Spirit’s lead. It is helpful that I have no idea what the circumstances we will be moving to will be like. It forces me not to depend on my own “reasoning” to prepare for the future.

There are things that will be helpful to take with us, but the decision to take or leave needs to be made with the Holy Spirit. When I step back and honestly and openly ask for help, decisions become simple and easy. When I try to add my defenses into the decision making, the decisions become complicated and hard.

Holy Spirit:
You are being carried. You have always been carried. When you honestly look back at your life experiences, you see that even in the darkest moments, you were being carried. You will always be carried because the strength of God is always in you.

Your attempts to prepare for the future come from your belief that you have separated yourself from God. That could never be, though you can dream of being alone and weak. This experience of moving can serve your awakening well if you use it as your strength conditioning to develop your trust muscles.

Having placed your trust in your own isolated identity, you have every reason to feel weak and vulnerable. This is only because you have placed your trust in empty images. Now you can practice placing your trust in the strength of God in you that is your own. Your trust may seem easily shaken, but that is only because you associate trust with belief in empty images.

Now you have an opportunity to practice placing your trust in all the Power That is, all the strength. As you allow yourself to experience the effects of placing your trust in strength instead of weakness, it will become easier and easier. You will feel less and less of a need to hang on to things, be they forms or simply beliefs in your mind, in order to feel safe. You will learn that you are absolutely safe beyond question. So today is another day bringing you rich opportunity to practice remembering that the strength of God in you goes with your wherever you go.

  It is abundantly clear that we could not do this move without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is abundantly clear that we know nothing on our own. What a great practice this is, giving each day to the Holy Spirit. Each day seems to bring up new questions, new possibilities as to which steps we should take each day. Do we renovate these facilities or do we leave that to the new owner?

The Holy Spirit knows the big picture for each step along the way that would be the most helpful for everyone concerned. In this game of separate bodies with separate minds, we can not possibly know what would be truly helpful for everyone concerned. This means that the practice of stepping back and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead with every step in this process gets strengthened day by day.

Holy Spirit:
  Remember again that you are in a school and that the Holy Spirit is the Teacher. Remember again that it is only the Holy Spirit That knows what everything is for. Take today and treat today as lab time in refining the practice of stepping back and listening for Holy Spirit’s guidance. Hour by hour, and sometimes minute by minute, you are learning to let go of thinking that you know anything.

You are learning that the identity you have identified with is ultimately nowhere and nothing. You have nothing individually to defend against because there is no such thing as individuality. You are learning to side with the truth that only Love is real and that the ego’s image making is not what you want to make real. You are learning to allow the Holy Spirit to write the script instead of judging anything on your own. Learning this from Holy Spirit’s school is the most important thing you can learn.

In truth you reside outside of time and individual forms. In truth you remain as God created you. This is why you are invulnerable. This is why you are safe. This why your natural Home is in God’s peace. Allow yourself to remember this. Allow yourself to strengthen the consistent habit of allowing the Holy Spirit to write the dream script and give you the meaning behind everything that shows up in the dream. This is how you teach through demonstration.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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