Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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This Is A Trust Walk

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  This is a trust walk. You are in a school where your lesson is to step back and trust Holy Spirit’s plan rather than making plans on your own. Thoughts come up regarding your safety and security. This is the time to remember to take these thoughts to the Holy Spirit and not try to solve your fearful ideas with defenses you devise.

You have concerns that Pathways may not receive enough income from the sale of the Wisconsin property in order to purchase what you need in Florida. It seems like a legitimate concern. In Holy Spirit’s mind healing training, you are being led to respond with defenselessness. You are being brought to strengthen your trust muscles. From where you stand you cannot know all the facets of every situation. You cannot know the lessons that everyone concerned is being brought to learn.

This is the perfect time to practice stepping back and listening. This is the perfect time to practice receiving Holy Spirit’s peace and quiet inner joy. When you notice fear thoughts coming up regarding how things are going to work out in the future, practice handing these thoughts to the Holy Spirit, not keeping them and mulling them over and over. Your safety is assured. Holy Spirit’s plan of waking up the Sonship from the dream of separate bodies is assured.

Your job now is to remember Holy Spirit’s presence in your mind through the day. You have a constant Companion holding your hand through all of these changes. In the dream world there will appear to be a constant flow of ups and downs, yet with your constant Companion by your side, you will be able to look past all dreams to the constant feeling of peace and quiet inner joy. You will be able to receive insight consistently in how to be truly helpful and how to implement Holy Spirit’s inner direction. You will be able to remember that in Reality there is no future, there is no past, only the eternal present in God. You will be able to remember that your safety does lie in your defenselessness.

Use this time to practice receiving Holy Spirit’s peace and understanding hour by hour, day by day. You have been lost in ego stories and felt its fearful consequences. You are now ready to wake up from this fearful dream which seems to require defenses to be safe. The more you are willing to accept Holy Spirit’s peace and understanding, the more you will realize that these stories could never be true. You will place your safety in God, not the world.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  I dedicate this day to following Holy Spirit’s direction. I would follow; I would not lead. I remember that the purpose of all doing is to move past belief in separateness to the acceptance of my unity with all in God. I dedicate this day to keeping an open mind and heart that welcomes the Holy Spirit’s Vision. I dedicate this day to making all decisions with the Holy Spirit, not on my own. I am grateful that this practice opens my heart and mind to the Holy Spirit’s eternal gifts of perfect peace, quiet joy and endless Love. Amen

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Placing Our Trust in God

Holy Spirit through Sharyn:
  A new day is dawning. As this new day dawns upon you, keep in your mind a remembrance of His gifts to you. Each moment today, keep in mind His gifts of peace, Love, security, forgiveness. These are just a few of the gifts that He offers you today. The gift of trust is very important at this time. As you walk throughout the day, be aware of trusting in Him and trusting that He will never let you down. Only goodness is His Will for you.

Allow the different thoughts such as “this could happen; that could happen; it could go this way; it could go that way,” to be given to Him. The ideas and thoughts that come to you as ideas are presented to you are to be given Him every moment. Just say, “Father, I trust that You will lead the way and show me what these ideas mean. I trust that of myself I know nothing and in that trust I am given another gift of peace.”

Keep peace your only goal, as you do so often, and you can never fail. From peace come the gifts that God so wants you to accept. So as you walk today, walk with Him knowing He is beside you and remembering that with Him beside you, fear is impossible. Accept the gift of Love today. It is yours. Love yourself and everyone you see as God loves you. Amen

Holy Spirit through Mary:
Go gently today holding Holy Spirit’s Hand. As you go through your day today, imagine that you are holding Holy Spirit’s Hand. See that the Holy Spirit is leading you and you are following. You are stepping back and not deciding what anything means on your own.

Take it one day at a time. It is like you are blind and the Holy Spirit is your “seeing eye dog.” Your trust is important. Ask yourself frequently today, “Where am I placing my trust? In the Holy Spirit or in my own analytical thinking?” Stop frequently and wait and listen before taking action.

Let yourself remember that the truth is that you are resting in God right now. God’s peace and certainty are surrounding you. How could you be uncertain when you are allowing this certainty to enter your mind? The truth is true and nothing else is true. God is what is true and only God exists. Let yourself become steeped in this remembering. And as you practice this today, everything else will take care of itself. Enjoy Holy Spirit’s ride.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Being the thought that you are separate from your Source and strength, the ego is always in fear. Because your Source and strength are eternally present, the only way to seem to be separate from your Source is to see yourself separated by time. So the ego focuses on the past and the future, ignoring now. In the ego’s perception, the past is always full of guilt and attack. It believes either it has been attacked or has attacked. Believing it has attacked brings guilt. Believing it has been attacked brings fear of the future because attack could happen again. This makes the future very frightening.

So the ego weaves complex strategies and plans to protect against an uncertain and fearful future. It believes this is the only way to have some sense of safety, though tenuous at best. This is why it seems difficult for you to move forward into an unknown, unfamiliar circumstance, which is not understandable in reference to your past experience. The ego only knows how to construct an image of the future out of past experiences. Now you are being asked to go where past experiences cannot be used to make an image of the future.

This is a very important classroom for you. This opportunity being presented to you can carry you into a new level of trust in the Holy Spirit’s guidance rather than the ego’s. You are being asked to give up illusionary images of safety for the certain safety offered you by God through the Holy Spirit in your mind. Would you rather have illusions that can change on a whim or have reality that is eternally changeless? Use this opportunity well and you will walk in quiet certainty, serene and joyous. This is the gift that is offered you.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Rise Above to See the Love

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Be happy now. Allow your mind to rise above to see the Love. Love is everywhere. Let your mind be opened by the Holy Spirit. Let yourself feel Love’s soothing, comforting Light. Let yourself soak in God’s healing Light. Let yourself see that this healing Light is everywhere and available to everyone as they are ready and willing to receive it.

Starting your day by opening your mind to the healing power of God’s Love will make a very big difference in how you experience your day. You will feel safe, in need of no defense. You will feel open and loving and giving. You will feel peaceful and happy. You will be receptive to Holy Spirit’s inner promptings throughout the day. This is the day you want and you will experience it this way as you are willing to keep your mind open and receptive to the Holy Spirit’s blessings throughout the day. Have a happy day. As you are willing to accept it, it is yours.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  You have spent seeming eons planning for your safety and happiness in dreams of separation, isolation and aloneness. None of these plans have worked because dreams will never satisfy the Holy Son of God. Only the Heaven of God’s Love is worthy of His Son. Being His Son, only the Heaven of God’s Love is worthy of you.

You have reached the point where you have at least a little willingness to relinquish your plans. This little willingness opens a crack in the door that you have held closed against the loving blessings offered you in every moment by the Holy Spirit in your mind. Now is the time to practice letting go of your plans and opening to the Holy Spirit’s lead. The consequence of choosing Holy Spirit’s lead over your own plan is the end of the world as you have known it. The consequence is ultimately your return to the Heaven that is your Home.

The joy you find in your real Home so outshines the petty pleasures you experience in the world which seem to glow for an instant and then disappear that all attraction to the images of the world will disappear. You will rest in happy laughter in the perfect peace and eternal Love of God. No dreams of separation and isolation will cross your mind. You will share God’s joy as you share and extend His Love. These gifts are yours now, awaiting only your acceptance. Are these gifts not worthy of a little effort to practice stepping back and opening to the Holy Spirit’s lead?

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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You Are One In Love

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Complexity is the ego’s game. The body’s eyes seem to show you a complex world. Remember, the body was made to be a limit. It was made to limit your awareness, to keep you unaware of What you are and Where you are. What and Where you are is so simple that it is incomprehensible to the ego. In fact, the ego does not want to comprehend it because the ego is the desire not to know What and Where you are. You are one in Love. Nothing more and nothing less.

While you believe you are in the dream of separation, you need help to let it go. That is the function of the Holy Spirit, your true Self, in your mind. In the dream it seems that you are being directed to move to a completely different environment, from Wisconsin to Florida. Remember dreams are always made up of symbols. This move is just a symbol. It is an outward expression that represents a call to let go of previously held limits of what you think your are and what you think you are to do. It is a symbol of opening to a greater joining. It is a symbol of opening your circle to be more inclusive in service of the Holy Spirit. It represents a move to greater willingness to join with what appears to be others in service to Holy Spirit’s plan of awakening.

This shift, symbolized by the move, is taking you out of your comfort zone of what you have believed you “knew.” Because of this there seem to be many unknowns. This is true in your perception on the level of form. Your practice now needs to be to redirect your attention from the level of form to the level of mind. Focus on shifting to greater openness in your mind. The form will come into being of its own as your mind releases self-imposed limitations. In the past few weeks you have made great strides in opening your mind. There is much more opening to do.

These morning sessions of opening to Holy Spirit’s inspiration are very helpful for you. Be diligent in this practice. It serves you well. Now is not the time to focus on the details in the world of form. Now is the time to focus on following Holy Spirit’s guidance into a greater expression of inclusion and extension of Holy Spirit’s plan of awakening. The details will come in their time. This attention at the level of the mind is important to prepare you to receive the details. The details are simply the symbolic expression in the dream of the Holy Spirit’s plan that leads to the release of the world from the dream.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Be patient. Be relaxed and let it come to you. Don’t try to go out and get it. Know that the Holy Spirit is guiding it very gently, very carefully, and understands the perfect timing for everyone concerned regarding this “new venture.” Many people who will be involved and will be participating at very high levels need time to be brought into alignment with Holy Spirit’s greater plan. You cannot possibly know these things. Only the Holy Spirit understands the big picture. That is why it is so important for you now to continue your daily, hourly practice of stepping back and checking in with Holy Spirit’s direction with everything you encounter in the dream.

Remember you are being carried. Remember it is falling in your lap in the most perfect way possible. Your job is to trust, stay relaxed and do what is right in front of you to do right now. Use this time to practice letting go of the past and letting go of the future and opening your mind to the eternal presence of God’s peace and Love and joy.

Resist the temptation to try to figure it out yourself. It is impossible. Give it up. This is the perfect mind training you need in Holy Spirit’s inner school of waking you up from the dream of separation.

Remember back 30 years ago when you were directed to leave the Inner Peace Movement staff. Many days you were guided to simply relax and allow it to unfold. Remember that the perfect circumstances came together that led you to Holy Spirit’s next plan for you in your training. Trust that the same Help is in operation right now.

It may seem to you right now that there are many unanswered questions that you would like the answers to right now. You are being asked to trust and know that the perfect circumstances are unfolding in perfect order. All you want now is to be of service to Holy Spirit’s plan. Stick with that focus each day and watch the Holy Spirit do it’s healing work — in many ways unknown to you consciously. Many people are involved in this new venture. The Holy Spirit is bringing it together from many directions at once. Your job is to trust that this is happening and continue to do the work that is right before you this minute. All is totally in perfect order. Relax and enjoy the ride. You are being carried.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Dismantling Your Barriers to Love

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  Love is everywhere. Love is all there is. You will see that this is true as you stop defending against it. You are in the process of dismantling the barriers to Love.

Love is union. Love is joining as one. Laying down your barriers to Love means letting go of belief in Love’s opposite, which is separation. Oneness and separation cannot both be true. You have a Guide in your mind That can bring you the awareness of oneness as you are ready. Along with awareness of union comes God’s gifts of peace and joy. This is your inheritance.

You ask, “How do I let go of my barriers to Love?” The answer is to hand over all your false ideas, all your false beliefs, to the Holy Spirit where they will be undone for you. As long as you keep your opinions, your beliefs, your treasured ideas to yourself, you will continue to experience a world of separation, which is the opposite of God. God or Love is union, oneness. Love is one undivided whole, with no differences of any kind.

Your treasured ideas of separate bodies, separate times, separate spaces, private thoughts, are all barriers to allowing in the awareness of oneness. As long as you hold on to the belief in time and space, you will not know your reality as Love right now. Love is eternal, so Love is right now. It is impossible to know Love’s eternal unity and continue to insist on making a world of separate bodies real.

Forgiveness is the process of letting go of believing in what could never be true. Forgiveness is a process of letting go of your persistent belief in separation. Your belief in a world of unique bodies is what holds it in your experience. You no longer need to maintain this belief and you have within your mind and inner Guide, the Holy Spirit, Which leads you out of all false beliefs.

You are eternal Spirit. You are Love’s continuous extension. Love is your Source and you are the continuation of your Source. You cannot be different from your Source. You cannot be different from Love. Now is the time to recognize that you are only Love and only Love can be extended from you. Nothing else is real. Any other experience is just an hallucination. Hallucinations of separation are nothing and nowhere.

Forgiveness is what brings you this awareness. Forgive and all things that are not of the truth will disappear from your sight. Forgive and free yourself from the limited image-making of the ego. Nothing that is not of God was ever born or ever dies. It merely ceases to seem to be. You are in Heaven now because you are Heaven. You are worthy and deserving of returning to the awareness that only this is true.

Start now by keeping your mind open to your inner Teacher, the Holy Spirit. Stay with Holy Spirit through your day, touching in as often as possible. You will soon see that the Holy Spirit is always with you, ready to bring you the awareness of the truth, as you are willing. The Holy Spirit shows you the difference between illusions and reality. The Holy Spirit brings you peace of mind and leads you into kind and gentle ways. You are shown moment by moment how to be truly helpful. You realize that on your own you know nothing. But with Holy Spirit, you are led out of the ego’s beliefs which only lead to unhappiness. The Holy Spirit brings you the happy dream where all belief in separation is undone. Keep your mind open to the Holy Spirit. Make this your constant goal and you will find that it is easy. On your own, it is impossible.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Stay in peace. Lack of peace indicates that you are defending. It may look like you are defending against a circumstance or someone’s actions, but you are really defending against Love. Believing that there is a separate body or image that can harm you is defending against Love. So if you notice lack of peace, step back. Allow your mind to quiet and ask for the Holy Spirit’s peace. Open your mind and heart to His gift. From that place of peace, you will see differently. Because in that peace you are open to the Holy Spirit’s vision. Practice this moment by moment and the world you experience will change. This is a practice of release from limitation. It is a practice that leads you Home.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Step Back From What You Seem to Perceive

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Remember that the body’s senses were made to exclude reality. The body, being an illusion itself, can only perceive illusions. Learn not to try to interpret on your own what the body’s senses show you. What they show you is a mask, a veil, a cover-up made to hide the truth. The Holy Spirit must be your Guide in all things while you believe you are in this world. He sees what you see, but believes it not. He knows of your oneness with God and will help you see that by reinterpreting the images that were made to hide.

In every moment, step back from what you seem to see or perceive. As you practice letting Holy Spirit be your interpreter in all things, the seeming complexity of the ego’s dream will fade. You will find your certainty increasing. This certainty that comes with following the Holy Spirit’s guidance is based on the changelessness of God. And what could be more certain than that? Trust becomes easy as you remember that what you are trusting in is all that is certain because you are trusting in God. As has been said before, let all your doing be an exercise in the practice of stepping back and letting Holy Spirit be your Guide, your Interpreter in all things. This is a path of peace that leads you Home to perfect happiness and Love eternal.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  At a time when everything appears to be changing, it is helpful to remember that you are in Holy Spirit’s school. It is important to remember that the Holy Spirit is your Teacher and Guide. It is important to remember that you are the student and the Holy Spirit is the Teacher. When you remember you are in a school and that you have a Teacher to guide you, you do not make assumptions on your own about what anything means in the world. Instead of deciding on your own what any circumstance means, you step back. You wait and listen. You allow yourself to be taught. You remember that believing in the world is just a reinforcement of pure insanity.

You watch the comings and goings of the events in the world, with their constant change, with Holy Spirit. You allow the Holy Spirit’s peace to infuse your mind with a sense of safety. You place your trust in the Holy Spirit and not in the things of the world. You accept the Holy Spirit’s feeling of calmness and consistency and knowing that everything is all right, no matter what the dream looks like. You join with Holy Spirit’s view of the world and remember that waking up from the dream is the only meaningful purpose of the world.

From the Holy Spirit you receive God’s peace and extend God’s peace. You receive God’s Love and extend God’s Love. You receive God’s joy and happiness and extend the happiness and joy of God. Know that this is your true purpose. You know too much to be attracted by the ego’s valuing of the valueless. You feel secure and strong as you anchor yourself in Holy Spirit’s state of awareness. You know there is nothing to fear. All you want is to consistently step back and follow Holy Spirit’s lead, moment by moment.

With Holy Spirit you are not attracted to place your trust in anything in the world. You place your trust in God, not in the shifting sands of the ego’s merry-go-round. You feel an inner happiness. You still see the ups and downs, the winning and losing of the ego’s ride, but you do not take it seriously. You happily remember that it is a dream, and this is not your true Home. You feel truly grateful that you can be of service to the Holy Spirit’s plan of atonement. You know that everything that appears to be showing up in the dream can be used by the Holy Spirit for awakening and you choose to stick with Holy Spirit now.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Our Only Meaningful Purpose Is to Awaken from the Dream

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  What is our purpose? Why are we dreaming that we are here in this seeming world of separate bodies with separate minds? What is the purpose of the world as defined by the Holy Spirit, and what is our true purpose while it appears that we are here?

We are now learning that our only meaningful purpose is to awaken from the dream of individuality and join with our brothers to do the same. We now know that as we join with our brothers, we are really joining ourselves, for we don’t go Home alone. We are learning that we are one, not many. The simplicity of awakening to the truth is evident as we give our minds over to the Holy Spirit to be purified of all insane ideas of separation.

Because we have joined with an insane thought system, we now know that we need to listen in quiet to our true Self, Who will bring us out of our insanity. We cannot do it on our own. We must be willing to recognize all our private, individual opinions and hand them over to the Holy Spirit to be shown their meaninglessness. We have valued the valuless and now we need a Teacher Who will show us where all true value lies. It takes our consistent willingness to be shown the difference between what is really valueless and what is truly valuable. We are trainable. We are willing to learn from our inner Teacher Who is always there in our minds, waiting for us to be quiet and receptive.

Now we know that this is what time is for — to let our minds be purified of all the confusion and conflict found in the ego’s state of mind. As we are willing, the Holy Spirit helps us undo this confusion, which brings us peace of mind.

The Holy Spirit also will shows us how to be truly helpful in an insane world where separate interests are thought to mean anything. It is the Holy Spirit That will show us the reality of our oneness behind the senseless images of differences the ego formulates. It is the Holy Spirit That awakens us to the truth in a way that helps everyone lost in thinking the dream of individuality is real.

Now we know that our one job is to step back and wait on insight from the one Self That knows how to be truly helpful in every situation. When allowed into our minds, the Holy Spirit always paves the way to true and lasting happiness, to accepting our inheritance as a Son of God.

We are God’s One Son, ready and willing to let our minds be healed of all our wild imaginings of individuality. We would follow; we would not lead. We are willing to do it Your way, Holy Spirit, not our own. In order to do it Your way, we know we must be still and listen. We are ready and willing to do this now.

© 2008, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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