Together, We Light the Way

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Study of Manual for Teachers 5-31-12

5 Even those who no longer value the material things of the world may still be deceived by “psychic” powers. As investment has been withdrawn from the world’s material gifts, the ego has been seriously threatened. It may still be strong enough to rally under this new temptation to win back strength by guile. Many have not seen through the ego’s defenses here, although they are not particularly subtle. Yet, given a remaining wish to be deceived, deception is made easy. Now the “power” is no longer a genuine ability, and cannot be used dependably. It is almost inevitable that, unless the individual changes his mind about its purpose, he will bolster his “power’s” uncertainties with increasing deception.

In understanding what Jesus means in this paragraph, I am going to return to my own experience. I was doing spiritual counseling and I was uncertain what to say. I asked Holy Spirit for words and nothing came. This is always a difficult moment for me. Sometimes when I do not hear words, that actually is the answer. I am to say nothing. But the ego is very uncomfortable with that answer.

The ego wants to answer. It wants to look good, to be the one that has wise words and solutions. Actually the ego just loves it when others think well of her. The ego is always in competition with the world, and to be admired and appreciated feels like winning. So when the Holy Spirit gives me no words the ego wants to fill that silence with its own words.

I am not without an ego and I am aware of the desires of the ego. I feel the ego desire to speak and to uphold its shaky reputation as wise woman, and each time it happens I must choose the voice I would listen to. I must decide again if my purpose is to be the most unique and special separated self I can be, or if my purpose is to awaken from that self and be as God created me.

All of this happens in my mind in a moment, a micro second, and it doesn’t feel so clear cut as it seems when I write about it. I ask for words, there are no words and I think that it is time to be silent, but then I wonder if I have lost that connection and can’t hear, and I have to say something to cover that up, and I start talking. It all happens very fast and sometimes the thing I am aware of is nothing coming to me and then I am talking. I can always tell when this happens, when I am talking on my own, because it feels wrong. Then I have to decide; shall I shut up or keep talking.
The error lies in that moment when I forget my purpose which is to heal and be healed by allowing myself to be a channel for Holy Spirit. I begin to think that my purpose is to be special and it is that moment of choosing ego that I feel uncertain and think I must bolster my “power’s” uncertainties with increasing deception. That is when I keep talking even though the Source of my words has become silent. Now my words are a deception.

This happens less and less now because my desire to be special is diminishing. When it does happen I can often catch it really quickly because I truly don’t want to fool myself anymore. Even though it feels like we do things unconsciously, that isn’t really true. We always know exactly what we are doing, and then we hide this knowledge from ourselves and pretend ignorance.

I will always wind up acting on my desires even when I pretend I don’t know that desire, or pretend to myself that I have given it up. No matter how cleverly I disguise my intentions, I am told out by my life which perfectly expresses those unacknowledged desires. So when I notice that I am babbling and that it feels really uncomfortable, I just realize what it happening, make a different choice and wait for Holy Spirit to give me words again.

No need to feel guilty or make amends. This going off course will happen until my mind is completely free of the desire to be separate and special. My job is to notice the evidence of that desire and to choose again. As I do this, my motivation becomes purer and my gift more dependable.

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Study of Manual for Teachers 5-30-12


4 Nothing that is genuine is used to deceive. The Holy Spirit is incapable of deception, and He can use only genuine abilities. What is used for magic is useless to Him. But what He uses cannot be used for magic. There is, however, a particular appeal in unusual abilities that can be curiously tempting. Here are strengths which the Holy Spirit wants and needs. Yet the ego sees in these same strengths an opportunity to glorify itself. Strengths turned to weakness are tragedy indeed. Yet what is not given to the Holy Spirit must be given to weakness, for what is withheld from love is given to fear, and will be fearful in consequence.

It’s very clear that psychic abilities, when they are genuine, are useful to our awakening, but they are useful only if given to the Holy Spirit, Who will guide their use. If we ask Him to be in charge we don’t have to worry that they will be misused. Everything can be used by the Holy Spirit to help us awaken if that is our choice, but if it is not used for that purpose, then it will be used by the ego to keep us in fear.

I’ve had a fascination with astrology for a long time, and recently with numerology to a lesser degree. In both cases I was amazed at how accurate the readings have been. I have never been confused about how to use this information. I read my personality traits and I don’t see them as a box that limits me in any way. Instead, I see what I came here to work on, as well as the tools I can use to do the work. It’s interesting to me to read those traits now and note the ones that used to be true, but that I have left behind.

I used to be conflicted about psychic readings. I wanted them, but I approached the whole thing with skepticism. I wanted this person to give me something they had and I did not. I sought to have my special needs to be met by someone with special gifts. It was a special relationship in which I was trying to fill a lack in myself by taking what the other person had to offer, thus making it another sad exercise in defense and attack. When approached in this way, it was just another way to reinforce separation, and it was never as helpful as it could have been.

Now when I receive a reading from a psychic I first ask the Holy Spirit to bring forward what will be most useful. I approach this as two brothers joining for a single shared purpose so the encounter will be a holy one. I don’t see the psychic as special and me as lacking. We are aspects of the same holy Self, joining, sharing, giving and receiving equally. Everything is simple when I realize that all things have only one purpose, and that is to help us all to awaken from the dream that we are separate.

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Study of Manual for Teachers 5-29-12


3 The seemingly new abilities that may be gathered on the way can be very helpful. Given to the Holy Spirit, and used under His direction, they are valuable teaching aids. To this, the question of how they arise is irrelevant. The only important consideration is how they are used. Taking them as ends in themselves, no matter how this is done, will delay progress. Nor does their value lie in proving anything; achievements from the past, unusual attunement with the “unseen,” or “special” favors from God. God gives no special favors, and no one has any powers that are not available to everyone. Only by tricks of magic are special powers “demonstrated.”

My ability to write and to teach are the abilities I was guided to develop because these are the abilities Holy Spirit would have me use for His purposes. They have nothing to do with the “me” self. I have always wanted to write, but the reason I wanted to write was so that I could be famous and make lots of money. That was the ego’s reason. But every time I tried to write it was just horrible. Still, the desire was there and I would try from time to time with the same discouraging results.

The desire to write was there because Holy Spirit had use for it, but it was not time. I had to get to a place in my mind where I was willing to use that skill for a higher purpose. I think that if I had been an established author earlier in my life, I would have interfered with the Holy Spirit’s message. I would have thought I knew something about writing and would have listened to my thinking mind. I can only hear one voice at a time and to effectively hear Holy Spirit, I must stop listening to ego.

I wonder what use the Holy Spirit has for other forms of communication. For instance what about a gift such as mediums have? I try to imagine what that would be like and how I could be used if that were a gift of mine. I can see how a person might use it as a parlor trick, or to make themselves feel special, to impress people, or to make money. Evidently really good mediums can make a great deal of money, and there is nothing wrong with making money, but I can see how any of these uses would be a really major distraction and delay if any of them were the chosen purpose.

On the other hand, that gift could be given to the Holy Spirit for His use and I imagine that it could be very helpful. It might be useful to encourage the belief that death does not affect life, that we continue as before with or without a body. Whatever use it has, if it is used by the Holy Spirit, only good could come of it.

Because I don’t have any of these psychic gifts I have been imagining that one of them would develop. I am doing this so that I can understand what Jesus is telling me. I imagined possible uses and also imagined pitfalls and thought I was through. Then Holy Spirit caught my attention and pointed out that to be helpful, any gift should be used by Holy Spirit, rather than for Holy Spirit.

I thought about that for a moment and realized that it might be easy to fall into the ego habit of deciding for myself how an unusual ability should be used. It would be easy to fool myself if I seemed to be using it for spiritual purposes, but all things, to be truly useful, must be placed under Holy Spirit’s direction. I see what You mean, Holy Spirit; by You, rather than for You.

Once again, I see that I must become empty of self-will if I want to experience Self-Will. The ego would want to use unusual abilities to glorify Myron. A different choice would be to set aside that idle wish and look within the Heart for my True desire. I would find that I want to become empty of self so that I could be lived by Self.

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Study of Manual for Teachers 5-28-12

2 Certainly there are many “psychic” powers that are clearly in line with this course. Communication is not limited to the small range of channels the world recognizes. If it were, there would be little point in trying to teach salvation. It would be impossible to do so. The limits the world places on communication are the chief barriers to direct experience of the Holy Spirit, Whose Presence is always there and Whose Voice is available but for the hearing. These limits are placed out of fear, for without them the walls that surround all the separate places of the world would fall at the holy sound of His Voice. Who transcends these limits in any way is merely becoming more natural. He is doing nothing special, and there is no magic in his accomplishments.

I’ve never experienced most psychic abilities, but I have noticed that as I am “tuned in” to Holy Spirit, my life flows more smoothly. I hear disturbing news about a friend’s health and I realize I don’t believe it. I don’t worry about that person or think in terms of what will happen next and whether she will survive it. I just know that the problem will resolve itself or something. It is never clear-cut or in words, just a knowing.

I drive a lot and often this in rural areas, sometimes so rural that even my GPS becomes confused. If I relax and ask for guidance, I am inevitably “led” to the right place. I thought about this because it happened again recently. I was going to a wedding, and though I know they can’t start without their minister, I don’t like to be late. Brides are nerved up enough without me adding to their stress level.

The wedding was taking place out in the country at their home and even though I had been there for the rehearsal, I was coming from a different direction this time. I put the address into my GPS and wound up on a dead end road. I felt a moment of panic because I had not allowed time to get lost when I headed out. I stopped a moment to allow myself to relax and to rest the thinking mind. I turned off the GPS and asked Holy Spirit which way to go. I turned around and went straight to the house.

Another way this kind of intuitive knowing is helpful is when I am facilitating a student or doing some spiritual counseling. I always ask the Holy Spirit to guide my words. Sometimes I will say something that is absolutely perfect without even knowing it until afterwards when the person tells me. Sometimes I will say things that don’t even make sense to me and yet, they are perfect. Sometimes I am as surprised by what comes from my mouth as is the person I am speaking to.

Most of the time this is not very dramatic. I say what I am led to say and it just feels like a helpful conversation. But I know what a conversation coming from the ego thinking mind sounds like, and I know that when it comes from Spirit it is an entirely different thing. If this connection with Holy Spirit were not available to me, I guarantee you that I would not be a minister at all. I certainly would not be teaching and facilitating and counseling people. I am under no delusions that I am a gifted, or even skilled, communicator.

One of the most dramatic differences shows up in my writing. I have tried to write something without Spirit guidance and believe me when I say that I am not a gifted writer either. I am not any kind of writer. But from the day I started listening to Holy Spirit as I write, the words have flowed easily and helpfully.

I don’t think of this intuitive speaking and thinking or even writing as being psychic, but it is something out of the ordinary. It is not the way we usually think of communication. It is communicating without the involvement of the thinking mind, and that is always a good thing.

The thinking mind only recycles the bits of information I have stuffed into it in the past. Guidance comes from an All-Knowing Source and does not depend on, nor is limited to, information gathered from past experiences. It is not even limited to this little sliver of mind I call my own. It is from the whole Mind and so is relevant to any and all involved.

This ability to hear Holy Spirit is certainly not limited to a few “special” people. Anyone can do this and everyone is meant to do it. All that is required is the desire to do so and the willingness to put aside the self if only for the moments needed to hear Spirit. Holy Spirit will not out-shout the ego voice.

He speaks clearly and quietly and does so whether we are actively listening or not. But to hear Him, we have to stop listening to the ego voice, the voice of the self. That is all we have to do, and eventually we all will do it. The Course tells us that it is possible to hear only this Voice. Even though I am not there, I am getting closer and closer to that day.

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Study of Manual for Teachers 5-27-12


1 The answer to this question is much like the preceding one. There are, of course, no “unnatural” powers, and it is obviously merely an appeal to magic to make up a power that does not exist. It is equally obvious, however, that each individual has many abilities of which he is unaware. As his awareness increases, he may well develop abilities that seem quite startling to him. Yet nothing he can do can compare even in the slightest with the glorious surprise of remembering Who he is. Let all his learning and all his efforts be directed toward this one great final surprise, and he will not be content to be delayed by the little ones that may come to him on the way.

I used to be enamored of the idea of being psychic. I really wanted this mysterious ability for myself. Of course the reason I wanted it was to be special and to have something others didn’t. This is the way we misuse ideas and is typical of ego thinking. Later I kicked the baby out with the bathwater and decided that it was the desire for the ability that was the problem and so I gave myself a new identity. I am one who has no psychic ability. I have been very determined to be that one.

I still like the idea of psychics and have always totally believed in them, though as time went on I noticed that many were not very good at it, and this became just another way in which I used judgment to create more separation; there are good psychics and bad psychics and all of them are different from me.

I also realized that I really wanted to know what was coming and this desire often stemmed from fear of the future, and a desire to be in control. Even wanting to know if I would meet a tall dark stranger took me out of the moment and put me into the ego desire to make another story and to distract myself from the only purpose I have.

And yet, there is nothing the Holy Spirit will not use for my good if that is my true Heart’s desire. One day I had a strong feeling to call a particular psychic. I didn’t know why but I didn’t question it. It was tempting to get distracted by all the fun stuff she said, but I also recognized the reason I was to call. She said some things that helped me to get on track with a part of my ministry that I had been ignoring. Once I recognized this, I realized that I had been getting this same message from Holy Spirit, but had not been paying attention. This more dramatic message caught my attention.

I think there is no restriction on what I am able to do if I am open to it. I am no longer interested in doing anything for the purpose of being special, being different, being admired. The ego mind wants and wants and wants and it mostly wants to be in control, to decide what everything is for, and to use everything to reinforce the separation idea. I want to always use whatever the Holy Spirit would have me use for His healing purposes. I would be psychic or not psychic according to what would be helpful, and I would not decide what that is

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Study of Manual for Teachers 5-26-12

6 The emphasis of this course always remains the same;-it is at this moment that complete salvation is offered you, and it is at this moment that you can accept it. This is still your one responsibility. Atonement might be equated with total escape from the past and total lack of interest in the future. Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time. No teaching that does not lead to this is of concern to God’s teachers. All beliefs will point to this if properly interpreted. In this sense, it can be said that their truth lies in their usefulness. All beliefs that lead to progress should be honored. This is the sole criterion this course requires. No more than this is necessary.

It has been in this study of the Manual for Teachers that I have finally understood that awakening is not an escape from my life. I had begun to understand this, but now I really get it. There is nowhere to go and no time to be. There is only now. I awaken now. I awaken here. Heaven is now. Heaven is here. I lack nothing. There is nothing for me to do, nowhere for me to go. All this work I do is for the purpose of reaching a decision to be what I am. With that decision all is done. However, it must be a decision with no exceptions. It must be wholly desired.

I have come to terms with the fact that from this limited experience I have decided on there is only so much that I will understand. I have made a world of very narrow focus in which I allow myself only a bit of awareness. It seems that I will be limited in this way as long as I continue to choose separation, and so I must trust what I cannot at this moment see and understand. But all is awaiting a new decision on my part. Truth goes nowhere and does not change because I have decided not to acknowledge it. I will know what I am willing to know and eventually I will know all.

Concepts like reincarnation are helpful to the extent that I use them to bring me closer to my true desire. And all concepts can be reinterpreted to accommodate this choice if that is my desire. It seems that is the function of the Holy Spirit in my mind. The Holy Spirit has been showing me this lately as it applies to different religions and different spiritual paths. There were ideas that I had thought were wrong and something to be avoided, that He has reinterpreted for me and the truth at their core has been exposed.

It makes me laugh to think how confused I was that in my search for truth I was going deeper into separation as I judged and rejected. That is what happens when I try to use the ego thinking mind. Judging and separating is all the ego knows so that is all it gives me. Holy Spirit, I set my thoughts aside and wait patiently for your words. 

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Study of Manual for Teachers 5-25-12

5 Does this mean that the teacher of God should not believe in reincarnation himself, or discuss it with others who do? The answer is, certainly not! If he does believe in reincarnation, it would be a mistake for him to renounce the belief unless his internal Teacher so advised. And this is most unlikely. He might be advised that he is misusing the belief in some way that is detrimental to his pupil’s advance or his own. Reinterpretation would then be recommended, because it is necessary. All that must be recognized, however, is that birth was not the beginning, and death is not the end. Yet even this much is not required of the beginner. He need merely accept the idea that what he knows is not necessarily all there is to learn. His journey has begun.

When I first read the Course I was one of the very few people I knew who believed in reincarnation. It made so much sense to me that I couldn’t believe my friends thought I was the weird one. When I saw the title of this section I was both excited and nervous. I was excited to see if I was right and nervous that I wasn’t. I had a lot invested in my belief in this concept. And that’s the problem with concepts. The best concept we can devise is going to fall short of the truth and if we become attached to it we will limit ourselves.

Frankly, I was disappointed with the explanation given here. I wanted a definitive yes and I wasn’t getting it. I was surprised at how much I wanted to be right and that should have told me something right there. It was a long time before I stopped protecting my beliefs. Eventually I was able to drop my defenses and to let go, first some of my concepts, and finally the idea that I know anything. This surrender of self has made room for new ideas, but now I hold them lightly knowing that they will be replaced or expanded upon as I am ready.

For instance, I now understand that it is possible to move my awareness from this body to another at will. I have even had that experience, albeit while I was sleeping and my defenses were completely down. I know that it wasn’t a dream because I woke up during the process and felt the movement of Love and it was the most astonishing thing I have ever experienced. By the way, astonishing doesn’t even begin to cover it. It’s like saying Everest is a really big mountain. I’m looking through all the synonyms for extraordinary and astonishing and the word I need doesn’t seem to exist.

From this experience came a new understanding of what I am but I hold that understanding lightly as well because I know that it is just a taste and not the whole thing. As unbelievable as that experience was, you would think it would change everything, and it has, but not as completely or as permanently as I would like. I find it hard to hold onto that feeling and as it fades I long to have it back. I notice how easy it is to fall back acting like I am separate from everyone else. Sigh.

The Holy Spirit was very patient with me and allowed me all the time I needed to loosen my hold on what I believed so that He could begin to reinterpret for me, but only as I was ready and only as it was helpful. The Holy Spirit is my Teacher and is my model. I try to be like Him. I try to remember that I can’t tell someone else what that person should believe.

I try never to tell someone else they are wrong and don’t understand because that is not what my Teacher does. I try very hard to be as empty as I can be and to listen for what the Holy Spirit knows is the right words to share with each student that is sent to me. When I fail in that, I forgive myself and try again.

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