Together, We Light the Way

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Study of the Text 4-17-13

7 If you attack error in another, you will hurt yourself. You cannot know your brother when you attack him. Attack is always made upon a stranger. You are making him a stranger by misperceiving him, and so you cannot know him. It is because you have made him a stranger that you are afraid of him. Perceive him correctly so that you can know him. There are no strangers in God’s creation. To create as He created you can create only what you know, and therefore accept as yours. God knows His children with perfect certainty. He created them by knowing them. He recognizes them perfectly. When they do not recognize each other, they do not recognize Him.

Sometimes I deny a brother in a very obvious way. I read in the paper about someone abusing a child and I cannot understand this kind of cruel behavior. I find that person guilty. Now I do not know him, and because I do not know him I do not know myself who is one with him, nor do I know God because He is Creator of us both. Now that I have misperceived my brother and no longer know him for who he is, I am afraid of him and of myself and God, too.

When I see this brother as cruel and vicious and an abuser, I see those things in myself as well. Perhaps they did not show up in the same way, but I can find cruelty in me. It was cruel of me to judge and attack my brother. I can find viciousness. I feel hatred and want vengeance the moment I judge and condemn this person in my mind. I can find the abuser in me in many little ways. Perhaps I hate this person for showing me the hidden ugliness in my mind.

All of this came about as a result of misperceiving my brother and seeing him through the filter of my confused and frightened mind. I misperceived him and so no longer know him. Not knowing him I am afraid of him. In my fear I condemn him and feel vindicated in attacking him. It could be a single brother I have gone to war with, or it could be an entire nation, such as happened with 9-11. All forms of rejection and attack occur when we fail to recognize our brother.

When my brother lashes out it is because he has forgotten who he is and is afraid. He has misperceived us and thinks we are the enemy he must destroy to remain safe. He is afraid of us and afraid of himself and afraid of God. He is not really attacking us; he is attacking the fear in his mind which he has projected outward.

While my mind is clear I can see my brother as the Holy Son of God that he is and the lashing out as some shadowy aspect of a story. But I am still dealing with perception which is slippery and hard to hold onto. The closer the tragedy gets to me personally, the harder it is to recognize my confused brother, and I forget who he really is. If the six year old child killed at the Boston Marathon was my precious little grandchild would I be able to hold to my healed perception, or would I see the shadowy story as the truth and the idea of the one Son of God as a shadowy and unlikely concept?

That slipperiness is the difference between perception and knowledge. I think (perceive) and the thinking changes with the circumstances. With knowledge the truth is true always and nothing changes it. Right now I deal with perception and I try to remain vigilant for perception that is wrong so that I can allow the Holy Spirit to heal that perception for me.

I am not guilty when the truth slips away from me, because by definition perception changes, but through my vigilance I choose the truth over and over until I learn that the truth is all I want. I use it all for practice. I use the more subtle everyday rejections, such as when I make my fellow driver a stranger to me, or my angry boss a stranger, or maybe even my child becomes a stranger to me when I see the error as real.

The “big” stuff makes good practice because it is easy to catch, but also because it can seem so real. Having so many people agreeing that it is real, and agreeing that this perpetrator is a stranger to the rest of us makes it feel real. I am used to going along with the crowd and it is easy to fall back into that as if reality is determined by the number of people who believe it, or how showy the insult.

Right now, I work with perception. Everything is grist for the mill. I watch my thoughts. I give my willingness to be healed. I accept the Atonement in this situation, too. Slowly my thinking shifts as my perception is corrected. When my perception is made true and stabilizes, God will grace me with Knowledge.

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Study of the Text 4-16-13

6 Right perception is necessary before God can communicate directly to His altars, which He established in His Sons. There He can communicate His certainty, and His knowledge will bring peace without question. God is not a stranger to His Sons, and His Sons are not strangers to each other. Knowledge preceded both perception and time, and will ultimately replace them. That is the real meaning of “Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end” and “Before Abraham was I am.” Perception can and must be stabilized, but knowledge is stable. “Fear God and keep His commandments” becomes “Know God and accept His certainty.”

A couple of weeks ago I decided that I wanted to be free of the belief that food makes me fat. I fully understand the concept that it is guilt that makes me fat. It is the belief in my mind that fat is caused by food, and it happens when I am guilty for eating something I have decided should be on my no-no list. I understand this and I believe it is true. This is working with the thinking mind and is, for me, the first step out of that particular hell.

The second step is deciding it is time to let this go. I made a commitment to allow my mind to be healed. I recognized that I am imprisoned by this belief. It is like a box I can’t get out of and I keep bumping into the sides and hurting myself. It feels like my whole life revolves around what I eat. I am either afraid of my food choices, confused about what I should eat or what it means, or feeling guilty about what I eat. I am tired of this and ready for a final solution.

So having made that decision I am now vigilant for thoughts that keep me imprisoned in this story of being victim to food, to this body, to my own choices. When I notice them I ask for the miracle. I ask that my mind be healed of these beliefs and I accept the Atonement in this situation. This is the way I allow my perception to be corrected.

I am absolutely amazed at how persistent these beliefs are. For instance, I often during the day assess what I have eaten to see if I have taken in too many calories or carbs. When I notice that I am doing this I gently remind myself that food is not the problem. Again, I ask for healing. I wonder if I resist because I would rather be not very good at controlling my world than to admit that I made all this up and it is meaningless.

I did this with time and it feels so good to be free of the idea that time is real and it is my job to work within those fixed boundaries. I am doing this with pain. I am allowing my mind to be healed of the belief in pain, sickness and death. I say this as I sit here with a cold or sinus infection or something.

I just told someone on Sunday that I haven’t had a cold in so many years I barely remember what it is like. It seems like every time I say something like this, I reassess what I want to believe. But I am not suffering. I have symptoms. I have sinus drainage and so a sore throat. I have a little fever and some achiness. This is what it feels like.

Suffering, on the other hand is when I think it should not be happening and I am at war with it. There is nothing to fight against. I know that I made this up. Pain and sickness and suffering are not possible because they are not in God. I open my heart to Love and ask that my mind be healed of the belief in pain and sickness that I still cling to.

I look at different beliefs that I have always accepted as “just the way it is” and ask that I remember the truth instead. I made these rules and laws, projected situations that seemed to prove the rules and concluded they have validity because, well… there they are. Now I am undoing all this as I ask that the Holy Spirit come into my mind and undo what I have done.

In this way my perceptions are brought closer to truth and stabilized so that I am not always having to go back and do it again simply because the form of the untrue thought looks a little different. When my perception is completely stabilized then God will be able to communicate His knowledge directly to me. He will reveal the truth and I will no longer simply believe, but I will know, never to waver in that knowing, never to question the truth again. I knew before and I will know again.

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Study of the Text 4-15-13

5 The Bible tells you to know yourself, or to be certain. Certainty is always of God. When you love someone you have perceived him as he is, and this makes it possible for you to know him. Until you first perceive him as he is you cannot know him. While you ask questions about him you are clearly implying that you do not know God. Certainty does not require action. When you say you are acting on the basis of knowledge, you are really confusing knowledge with perception. Knowledge provides the strength for creative thinking, but not for right doing. Perception, miracles and doing are closely related. Knowledge is the result of revelation and induces only thought. Even in its most spiritualized form perception involves the body. Knowledge comes from the altar within and is timeless because it is certain. To perceive the truth is not the same as to know it.

Jesus says that we receive knowledge as a result of revelation. Revelation is information revealed. This means that we don’t get to knowledge on our own. We don’t get there through logic or judgment or reasoning or any kind of learning. We receive knowledge. It is revealed to us. It comes from the altar within. It is certain and unchanging because it is of God. It is timeless.

To love means to know. While I question God, that is to doubt or to not understand, I do not love Him. The same is true for myself and for anyone else. When I have been given knowledge and accepted that knowledge I am certain and there is nothing to ask, to wonder, to do.

Perception, miracles and doing are closely related. I am still at the stage of having my perception corrected so that it becomes true perception, that is, very close to knowledge. I do this through miracles, as miracles are a change of mind. I realize that my perception must not be true because it is not like what I would think with God, and so I ask for a miracle. I ask that my mind be changed. This is done and I am closer to truth.

The final step, from true perception to knowledge, is taken by God. He reveals Himself and then we know. There is nothing else to ponder. There is nothing to do. When we know God we know our selves and we know our brother.  I imagine (perceive) what this must be like, and though I cannot know for sure if I am right, I think it must be wonderful.

How blessed to know that God is Love and nothing else, to never doubt this and to know exactly what that means. How blessed to know that my brothers are Love and never a threat to me. How blessed to know my friend is Love and to never become confused about that, to never believe in her confusion.

How blessed to look at my son and see perfection, to never become confused by the suffering the body’s eyes show me. How blessed to never again forget that I am not living this life but observing my mind playing with ideas. It makes me cry to think that this unwavering certainty could be mine, and it makes me cry to realize that it is not mine yet.

Right now my perception wavers, sometime seeing truly and other times seeing with the ego. But I do the work and accept the Atonement as I am able. I get closer to true perception every day and I “know” enough now to trust that all will be revealed when I am ready to receive it. With knowledge all doubt and uncertainty will be gone and never again will I be confused. I will know that I am as God created me. I will know that there is only Love.

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Study of the Text 4-12-13

4 True vision is the natural perception of spiritual sight, but it is still a correction rather than a fact. Spiritual sight is symbolic, and therefore not a device for knowing. It is, however, a means of right perception, which brings it into the proper domain of the miracle. A “vision of God” would be a miracle rather than a revelation. The fact that perception is involved at all removes the experience from the realm of knowledge. That is why visions, however holy, do not last.

This paragraph explains why it is that I can have the most remarkable spiritual experiences, so vivid and real that I cannot doubt them, and so extraordinary that I cannot imagine losing them, and yet I do. They begin to fade and I cannot recover the feeling. Sometimes I have to go back and read what I wrote about them to even remember they happened.

I am happy for them anyway because I am encouraged that something is happening. They are like little gifts that foreshadow the real thing. It is like I am being reassured that I am on the right path. Some of these experiences have been… I don’t even have words to describe them… amazing certainly doesn’t cover it, so out of my experience of the world as I know it, but more than that.

I have felt Love, or as much of it as I can stand, and while I can’t bring that feeling back up, I will never forget it happened. So now I know that Love is real, and it is not what I have been feeling here in the illusion. And Jesus is telling me that this experience, as powerful as it was, was not the real thing. It is still in the realm of perception and there is something more.

As we are learning the difference between perception and knowledge, I have to laugh at all the time I think I knew something. Sometimes I was so certain that I knew something that I was willing to argue the point, and even when I did not open my mouth, my mind was busy building defenses against the other person’s point of view. I was deluded.

Perception is shifting and changing and uncertain. Perception would need defense, but then why defend something that is shifting, changing and uncertain? What would be the point? Instead of thinking that the other person is wrong, I am learning to ask the Holy Spirit to show me the truth in their words. Instead of defending what I think I know, I am learning to ask for ever more clarity, truer and truer perceptions.

In so doing, I am no longer interested in bending others to my way of thinking. In fact, I find this funny even to think about. On those rare moments when I forget and think I know something or that someone else needs to see things my way, I forgive it and then have a good laugh at myself.

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Study of the Text 4-10-13

2 All your difficulties stem from the fact that you do not recognize yourself, your brother or God. To recognize means to “know again,” implying that you knew before. You can see in many ways because perception involves interpretation, and this means that it is not whole or consistent. The miracle, being a way of perceiving, is not knowledge. It is the right answer to a question, but you do not question when you know. Questioning illusions is the first step in undoing them. The miracle, or the right answer, corrects them. Since perceptions change, their dependence on time is obvious. How you perceive at any given time determines what you do, and actions must occur in time. Knowledge is timeless, because certainty is not questionable. You know when you have ceased to ask questions.

Jesus starts this paragraph by telling me that I don’t know who I am. I understand this. I have thought I was Myron for nearly all of my life. Even now that I know I am not Myron, I still don’t remember who it is I am. Even the little bit I do remember, I forget and then must remember again. And though I accept the idea that I am the Son of God, I don’t really know what that means, nor do I really believe it. I believe Jesus when he says it is true, but I also don’t believe it.

If I truly believed it I would live it, and that isn’t happening. I am living a conflicted life, sometimes listening to the ego mind and sometimes laughing at the ego mind, but never am I simply living as the Son of God. I am making headway as I ask questions of the Holy Spirit and receive answers. I ask for healing of the mistaken thoughts in my mind and receive healing, and I can then ask better questions. My perceptions are being corrected, but corrected perceptions are not knowledge, a step toward knowledge, but not the same as knowledge.

Jesus points out that while I don’t recognize myself, recognize means to “know again” and that is encouraging because if I knew myself before, then I can know myself again. Right now my job is to continue to question my thoughts and accept Jesus’ plan for my redemption. While the correction of my perception is not knowledge it is bringing me closer to recognizing myself. I will do this until there are no more questions and what is left will be knowledge.

Jesus says that I don’t recognize my brother, either, and I see that this is true. Just this past week I have failed to recognize my brother in three of his disguises. I looked at my sister-in-law and saw a sick and failing body. My vision stopped at her body and I believed the illusion I saw with the body’s eyes. How could a fragile and sickly body be my brother, who, like me is the Son of God. I saw my daughter as suffering and endangered. How could this precious child of God suffer? I looked at the illusion and allowed my vision to stop there, so I did not recognize my brother in this one either.

I don’t recognize God either. If I recognized God, I could not believe in pain, suffering and death.  I would not believe in guilt or sin or fear. If I recognized God, I would never be drawn to any of these illusory beliefs. If I recognized God, I would never imagine I could actually be a body. If I recognized God, I would have no fear of Him and would happily return my whole mind to Him. But I once recognized Him and so I will again.

What I know so far: I cannot get to knowledge through thinking, because thinking is just the rearranging of perceptions. Perceptions must be healed through a miracle, that is, through my desire to be healed I accept the Atonement, and my mind is miraculously healed. I also have learned that no matter how healed they are, perceptions change and are not whole; they are uncertain and temporary and so are not knowledge. How I think determines how I act and all of this occurs in time which is an illusion and so not knowledge. So really what I understand about knowledge is what it is not.

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Study of the Text 4-9-13

III. Perception versus Knowledge
1 We have been emphasizing perception, and have said very little about knowledge as yet. This is because perception must be straightened out before you can know anything. To know is to be certain. Uncertainty means that you do not know. Knowledge is power because it is certain, and certainty is strength. Perception is temporary. As an attribute of the belief in space and time, it is subject to either fear or love. Misperceptions produce fear and true perceptions foster love, but neither brings certainty because all perception varies. That is why it is not knowledge. True perception is the basis for knowledge, but knowing is the affirmation of truth and beyond all perceptions.

I have thrown the word know and the word knowledge around a lot, but I would be more accurate to say I perceive. I think I know something, when, really, I have only a particular perception of it that I like a lot. I must be getting smarter because nowadays I seldom believe that I know anything.

Jesus says that before I can have knowledge I must straighten out my perceptions. The mind perceives and misperceives. Its misperceptions produce fear and its true perceptions foster love. When my daughter was upset with something in her life recently, I thought I knew what to do about it. This was a misperception, not a knowing, and the misperception threw me into confusion and fear. Then I perceived that I must be in error and so I asked for correction. When I accepted that correction, I felt love and peace.

This is how I am to straighten out my perception. True perception leads me to knowledge, but is not knowledge itself. Knowledge is power because it is certain and unchanging. It is not subject to variations. Knowledge is beyond all perceptions. When I was in the middle of my daughter’s ego story, my perception was wrong-minded, then I asked for clarity and saw it differently, but then something else would happen and I would again be uncertain and misperceive. When another ego story comes around I will apply perception to it and maybe it will be true and maybe not. This is typical of perception.

If I knew instead of perceived, there would be no uncertainty and no variation in how I saw things. No matter how distraught my daughter was there would never have been an answering fear thought in my mind. I envision my mind as a crooked road and with the Holy Spirit’s help it is being straightened. That is my job now, to straighten out the road. Knowledge does not need my help and will come of its own.

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Study of the Text 4-8-13

6 The way to correct distortions is to withdraw your faith in them and invest it only in what is true. You cannot make untruth true. If you are willing to accept what is true in everything you perceive, you let it be true for you. Truth overcomes all error, and those who live in error and emptiness can never find lasting solace. If you perceive truly you are cancelling out misperceptions in yourself and in others simultaneously. Because you see them as they are, you offer them your acceptance of their truth so they can accept it for themselves. This is the healing that the miracle induces.

This is what I understand Jesus to be telling me. Often my eyes will seem to prove that there is something besides God, but this is untrue. In other words, don’t believe my eyes. And don’t bother trying to improve on the untrue, trying to make it true. This won’t work and will just keep me in hell longer. For instance, I know someone who is very depressed. I look at him and I see all the signs. I like this person very much and want to help.

The way I would help in the past is to see the problem, read all I could about it, looking for solutions, and then do what is most strongly recommended. Jesus is telling me that this is not going to work, that I cannot find solace by trying to make untruth true. What is untrue is that this person is depressed. He feels like he is depressed and acts like he is depressed, but he is in God and there is no depression in God, so he cannot be depressed. That is the truth about him.

To really help him I will know the truth. I will see him as he really is, free of his projections, and free of mine. I accept the truth for him because right now he cannot. If I hold to that truth it will help him to accept it for himself. Jesus says this is the healing the miracle induces. This can be very hard for me to do, by the way. I am used to believing what the eyes show me. I am not used to seeing past the illusions to the truth.

It helps me to remember that everything I see with the body’s eyes is a reflection of a thought. The mind believes something then projects that belief, and uses the eyes to show them what the belief looks like. What I am trying to do is to remember that the reflection is not the truth. The thought that made the reflection is not the truth. There is only one truth: God created a perfect Son and that Son remains in His Father, a perfect creation.

The truth is in all of us, a light that is never extinguished. The stronger my memory of the truth, the brighter that light shines. When my memory is strong the light shines so brightly that it strengthens the light in other minds, and reminds them of who they are. That is how we wake each other up.

Have you ever been in a storm or some circumstance where the electrical power would fade in and out? The light bulb would dim and then brighten, then dim again until the electrical source stabilized. That is the picture I get of the light in my mind. Right now I go through periods when the light shines brightly and I know the truth and have no doubts. Then something triggers the untrue thoughts that are still in my mind, and the light dims and flickers.

When my light is strong, I have no trouble realizing the truth about my friend. The depression he experiences seems very real to him, but it is only a thought form. When the depression causes him to do something scary, something self destructive, I begin to doubt the truth and my light flickers and fades and I start thinking there must be something I can do to help him, something I can say to him that will make it better, some medicine that will cure him.

Now I am in the dream with him trying to drag him to safety, but there is no safety in the dream. Truth is the only safety there is and there is no truth in the untrue. Sometimes when I am in this confused state I believe that if I try to give him the right spiritual direction that this will help him. But if I am telling him all the right words, but I am doing it because I believe in his illusion, then I am just allowing my ego to borrow the right words. It is still ego.

My depressed friend needs only one thing from me. He needs me to keep my Inner Eye on the truth so that I am not deceived by the body’s eyes.  And if some action of his triggers my issues and I see that my focus has wavered, then this is an opportunity to heal what is in me that needs healing. This is the dance of awakening.  I am grateful for the opportunity to shine a light for my brother, and equally grateful for the opportunity this relationship gives me to strengthen that light.

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