Together, We Light the Way

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Study of the Text 5-22-13

8 The issue of authority is really a question of authorship. When you have an authority problem, it is always because you believe you are the author of yourself and project your delusion onto others. You then perceive the situation as one in which others are literally fighting you for your authorship. This is the fundamental error of all those who believe they have usurped the power of God. This belief is very frightening to them, but hardly troubles God. He is, however, eager to undo it, not to punish His children, but only because He knows that it makes them unhappy. God’s creations are given their true Authorship, but you prefer to be anonymous when you choose to separate yourself from your Author. Being uncertain of your true Authorship, you believe that your creation was anonymous. This leaves you in a position where it sounds meaningful to believe that you created yourself. The dispute over authorship has left such uncertainty in your mind that it may even doubt whether you really exist at all.

When I first read this it made me very uneasy, to the point that I did not allow myself to understand it even though it is pretty clear. I am more accepting of it now. Clearly, I have confused myself about my identity. I was created by God and so am like God. I decided to play with the idea that I am different and so imagined a self that was unlike God. I made up a self, decided it was me, and in so doing, imagined I was the creator of my self. This was confusing and frightening and so I projected this delusion onto others. Now it is really confusing and even more frightening because I seem always to be fighting for authorship.

What kind of self have I made? I am a fragile body, separated from all other bodies and every thing around me, living in a point in space and time. I have adventures in which I seem to be in danger, and I have to figure how to survive. I give my self exciting moments and fun moments, and moments of exquisite happiness, but behind even these moments is the uncertainty that is inevitable within the constraints chosen for this existence, which is mortality. Eventually I run out of options, and I die. It sounds like a video game and is no more meaningful.

I made up certain concepts that drive the story and describe its parameters. There is loss, lack, guilt, and fear. Everything that happens in this world is motivated and described by one of these concepts. I have many stories based on loss. I lose a friend to death, I lose a job to the economy. I don’t have enough money, I lack friends, good health, someone to love. I feel guilty for everything, for what I did and what I failed to do. I am afraid all of this will catch up to me and I will be punished.

How do I project this onto others? I made this. I made the whole world as I experience it and I am afraid of what I have done. I am uneasy with the self I made so I try to make others responsible. When my chosen story goes awry, I look for the cause of my failure in those around me. A friend dies and I say that it is God’s Will. I lose my job and I place the blame on my boss or the uncaring company I work for. A relationship goes awry and I blame my partner and look for a better one.

So what has happened is that I am in constant siege over my authorship. I battle God Who thinks He made me like Himself, as I insist that I am weak, frail, beleaguered and mortal. I battle other people who I have blamed for causing me to act in certain ways and thus seem to be defining who I am. I am left in in such confusion about my authorship that I don’t know who I am or even if I exist at all. 

God’s love for us is unwavering. He does not judge us wrong for our choices. The fear that He does, and that we will be punished, is a concept we made up. In truth, God wants only our happiness. This is why He created a Guide and a Comforter and placed It in our mind. We are given the way out of our predicament. We are given a way to undo what we have done.

As we choose to forgive the world we made and the idea that we are our own creator, the Holy Spirit acts on our behalf to undo the world. Now that I am ready to wake up from this absurd dream, I notice when I am living a guilt story and remember that guilt is a concept I made up. I notice how unhappy I am when I feel guilty or when I project guilt. I choose again by asking the Holy Spirit to heal the belief in my mind that guilt is real and has real effects.

I do the same with the other concepts I made up. I continue to undo the world in this way until I am free of the suffering that comes from being confused about my authorship. God is the Author and I am His creation. This is what I am remembering as I allow the Holy Spirit to heal my mind. Each time I let go of a wrong minded belief, my mind clears a little more and I am beginning to lose interest in playing at being my own creator.

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Study of the Text 5-21-13

7 I have spoken of different symptoms, and at that level there is almost endless variation. There is, however, only one cause for all of them: the authority problem. This is “the root of all evil.” Every symptom the ego makes involves a contradiction in terms, because the mind is split between the ego and the Holy Spirit, so that whatever the ego makes is incomplete and contradictory. This untenable position is the result of the authority problem which, because it accepts the one inconceivable thought as its premise, can produce only ideas that are inconceivable.

As a Son of God it is inconceivable that I could be angry, sad, depressed, jealous, fearful, or any of the other symptoms that I have experienced. And yet, I seem to be all of these things at one time or another. It is inconceivable that the Son of God could be sick, could suffer and then die. And yet, that seems to be the inevitable fate of us all. How can both of these things be true? How can it be that I am experiencing the inconceivable?

They cannot both be true. Either I am still as God created me, or I am something different. I cannot be something different so I must still be as God created me. If I seem to be different, I must be dreaming. If I am dreaming, then I want to wake up. I keep thinking of the movie, Inception, a movie of dreams, within dreams, within dreams.

This is what is happening to me. I am dreaming, and dreaming of dreaming, and now I will dream of waking up. In my dream of waking up, I have discovered, not only that I am dreaming, but also the source of the dream stories. The thoughts in the sleeping mind, the things that I believe to be true, make the world I dream of. In my dream, I have discovered the way out of the confusion. It seems I have a Guide.

I am learning to watch for those thoughts and let them be changed for me by my Guide. I am learning to ask for direction, and to ask for clarification. I am too confused to make decisions on my own and I need help, which I receive from my Guide. Through following that Guide, that I call the Holy Spirit, I am learning that I can have a better dream, a happier dream, and eventually, to wake up from the dream.

As it turns out, this is pretty simple. There are sign posts that I watch for to know if I am dreaming with my Holy Spirit, or if I am trying to dream alone. If I am afraid or guilty, if I feel shame or loss, these are signs that, in my confusion, I have turned away from my Guide and am trying to navigate this dream on my own again.

The stories I dream are compelling. They feel so real and are often so urgent, so critical, that I dare not turn my back on them. I need to be there, to be doing something. I need to make something happen. The need for action is so fierce, the need for vengeance and retaliation, for defense and attack, so real that I forget I am only dreaming. I forget how inconceivable it is that I, the Son of God, could be attacked, could be endangered.

I used to think that there was something to be gained from being on my own, finding my own way back, succeeding without help. I was like a little child who insisted on doing it by myself even though it was beyond my capability. And like a little child, I sometimes stubbornly insist that this is my story and I am in charge of it, and I don’t want to give it up. But I am learning that it is not truly my will that I be lost in this dream forever, and that it is my will that the Holy Spirit guide me out of it.

Technically, waking up from the story is the easy part. I acknowledge that I am 100% responsible for what seems to be happening in my dream. I decide to choose differently, and ask for help. I admit that I don’t know the solution or how to get there, but that I am willing to follow. I accept the help given me. That is all there is to it. I don’t have to do anything or figure anything out. It’s as simple as one, two three.  I did it. I change my mind. I accept correction. That’s it!

The sleeping mind likes its stories and its dramas and the part of me still engaged in this dream doesn’t always want to give it up. It will insist that this dream is different than that dream. Dreaming of death is far more serious than dreaming of a new relationship, for instance. The mind sees the dream of death as needing a different solution from the solution needed in relationship changes.

It finds the idea that the solution is always the same to be ludicrous. The stories are so different and some are much bigger deals than other stories. How could it be that the answer is always the same? That the solution to its carefully crafted dramas to be so simple, the mind finds insulting, and resists it fiercely.

This is why it takes a lot of practice to learn to trust the Holy Spirit implicitly. I made up my own dream. I believed in it. I loved it and wanted to keep it. Because who I am is not diminished even by my denial of the truth, the power of creation makes the illusion seem so real. But there is the truth in my mind and it calls to me.

In using each story as an opportunity to remember what the truth wants me to know, I am losing my taste for dreams. And I have learned it really is that easy to wake up. It just isn’t always so easy to want to wake up. But it’s getting easier and it is the daily practice that makes this so.

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Study of the Text 5-20-13

6 God offers only mercy. Your words should reflect only mercy, because that is what you have received and that is what you should give. Justice is a temporary expedient, or an attempt to teach you the meaning of mercy. It is judgmental only because you are capable of injustice.

I wanted to be sure I understood this simple paragraph. I looked up mercy and it said compassion and I looked up justice and it means fairness. So I am told that I should have compassion for because I receive compassion. It also told me that I am being taught the meaning of compassion through fair treatment. This is a temporary measure involving judgment, but only because I believe in unfairness.

How do I use this in my life? The example that comes to me is not about another person, but about compassion and fairness to myself. Yesterday, I had more free time than I normally do. I spent it walking in the park, watching a little TV, and reading a novel. I enjoyed my day for the most part, though I worried a little that I was wasting time.

This morning I am back to being busy and as soon as I am through with my journaling, will get dressed for work and the week will have little free time in it to catch up on paper work, writing and other things I can only do when I squeeze a little time from the weekend. Watching my thoughts, I notice that I feel guilty and foolish for not using my free time to do those things that really needed doing.

I realize, as I watch my thoughts, that I think I am guilty for my behavior and that I will be punished by not having free time because I misused it and proved I don’t deserve it. I am not being compassionate to myself. I have tried myself in the ego court of law and judged myself guilty and deserving of punishment. This is why I must learn to be merciful and just.

The Holy Spirit is not judging me and berating me for my lack of industry this weekend. Those are thoughts from the ego mind. As I listen to the Voice for God I am assured that there is no shortage of time and that God does not judge me according to how much I get done. I receive nothing from God except Love and that love is not conditional on anything I do or fail to do.

The Holy Spirit looks at my thoughts with me, and He is compassionate to me because he understands why I feel like this. He knows the ego is merciless and unfair and that I believe its judgment of me. But He also knows that none of this is real and that I remain innocent as the day I was created regardless of the ego beliefs, and regardless of my behavior.

I am presented with two entirely opposed thoughts; the ego, which I made finds me guilty, and the Holy Spirit, which is the Voice for God, finds me innocent. This is always the case and it is always my choice, which one I believe. Mercifully, I choose the Holy Spirit as my Guide and put my faith in His judgment.

As I accept the Holy Spirit’s judgment, my mind is healed and I am at peace. Instead of worrying that I should have written that article and done something with that stack of receipts, I am grateful for the restful day I had. Instead of thinking that I don’t know when I am going to get time to do these things, I wait with curiosity and happy anticipation to see how life will arrange itself to make time for me to do what needs to be done. 

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Study of the Text 5-17-13

5 When you feel tired, it is because you have judged yourself as capable of being tired. When you laugh at someone, it is because you have judged him as unworthy. When you laugh at yourself you must laugh at others, if only because you cannot tolerate the idea of being more unworthy than they are. All this makes you feel tired because it is essentially disheartening. You are not really capable of being tired, but you are very capable of wearying yourself. The strain of constant judgment is virtually intolerable. It is curious that an ability so debilitating would be so deeply cherished. Yet if you wish to be the author of reality, you will insist on holding on to judgment. You will also regard judgment with fear, believing that it will someday be used against you. This belief can exist only to the extent that you believe in the efficacy of judgment as a weapon of defense for your own authority.

This paragraph had a very strong influence on me from the first time I read it. I had always thought I was tired because I did too much, or didn’t get enough sleep. Sometimes I would be very emotional and would feel tired, but did not get the connection. Reading this paragraph, I understand that the body is not tired; it is the mind that is tired.

I did not at first understand the significance of this idea. Now I understand that the body isn’t tired, strong, weak, sick or anything else. The mind is these things and it is projected outward so that it seems the body is the problem. Believing my projection is real, when the body gets tired I give it rest and if it is tired too much, maybe I give it iron supplements, or take it to a doctor.

Can you see the absurdity in this? Because I value the idea that I could be the author of my reality I would see my body as, not just tired, but sick and suffering before I would give up judgment. It is important that I understand what I am doing and why, because I am not going to stop doing it until I do.

Pretending that being tired meant I needed more sleep or some magical remedy simply assures the problem will never be resolved. I will get sleep and feel better because that is what I decided on, but I will just get tired again because the real cause of my weariness has gone uncorrected.

As I have become willing to see the cause, I have become willing to allow my mind to be healed. It did not happen all at once. Imagine that the belief that the body is autonomous and that it gets tired because of something that happens in the world is a wall in my mind. Behind this wall is a building made up of many blocks, and each block represents a situation in which judgment is used to maintain the core of the building, which is the belief that I am my own maker.

Ever since I read this paragraph the wall has been crumbling. I have tried to ignore it, but it has crumbled away to the degree it can no longer hide the building. Now I see the building and can no longer pretend it is not there. I have started dismantling it one block at a time. Here is an example.

Someone sent me a “joke” based on the apparent ignorance of some people. At first I laughed and then I noticed that I didn’t want to laugh at this. It really is disheartening to judge my brother. A block that makes up the structure protecting my belief that I am my own god has been removed as I chose against judgment.

Last night when I got home from working out of town, I saw that my grandson was not home. I texted my daughter to let her know I had a little gift for her and she said that she was going to a graduation for her cousin on her step-mother’s side of the family. I started thinking about being alone and not included and felt resentful. I began to feel sad and lost interest in the projects I had planned to do. I felt tired and just wanted to watch TV or read a book.

This is an example of exactly what Jesus is talking about when he says that judgment is what makes us tired, and it is judgment that keeps the idea of separation going. I want to be my own author, to be my own maker. Yesterday, I was making a woman living alone and lonely; separate even from the ones she loves the most. I made myself a victim of unthinking and uncaring children. I wore myself out with all my judgments.

Luckily for me, I have been practicing mind-watching for a long time now. I recognize the difference between true thoughts and ego thoughts. I have decided for God so often that it is my default choice now and very quickly choose differently through asking the Holy Spirit to heal my mind.

It is through this process of watching the mind, asking for correction, and accepting the healing, that I have become willing to remove the blocks that have hidden the source of my problem. I have become willing to look without flinching (or at least not much) at the belief that I want to be my own author.

I have become willing to see that I had deliberately chosen to make myself this separate and alone and lonely woman and I didn’t care who I had to make guilty to achieve that goal. And I didn’t care how bad it made me feel when I was successful in my objective, as long as I could see myself as the maker.

Most importantly, I have become willing to let go of the idea that I want to be my own god. I am still removing blocks, and will do so until that tiny mad idea stands unshielded by my judgments and I will see it die its final death. I’m OK that this is done in small steps and I am not worried about it. I’ve learned to let go of guilt about this kind of thing. It turns out that guilt is the glue I made to assure my illusion stays in place so I am letting that go, too.

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Study of the Text 5-16-13

4 You are very fearful of everything you have perceived but have refused to accept. You believe that, because you have refused to accept it, you have lost control over it. This is why you see it in nightmares, or in pleasant disguises in what seem to be your happier dreams. Nothing that you have refused to accept can be brought into awareness. It is not dangerous in itself, but you have made it seem dangerous to you.

I felt a little confused about this paragraph and asked for understanding.
In the first sentence I am told that I am fearful of the things I perceive but refuse to accept. So what is it that I have perceived but refused to accept? That would be the things I project onto others. I notice a thought in my mind but feel guilty or afraid of the thought and quickly project it. I see it (or perceive it) outside me and I think I am free of it, but now I am nervous because, outside of me, I have no control over it.

Jesus, could you give me an example of this?

The whole world I see is an example of this. A specific example would be the belief in lack. I project this belief onto the world as financial poverty. I see poverty everywhere I look. I see people starving to death while others have so much they cannot even use it all. I don’t know what to do about it and think because I cannot find a solution that I am guilty. I buy some luxury and I feel guilty because I could have used that money to feed some hungry child. Then I realize there is no way I can fix this problem, that it is out of my control, and this makes me fearful and angry.

I believe in loss and so I project that belief onto the world. I am in love, giddy with it, and I think I will love this person until I die and even death cannot end my love. Then I fall out of love and I lose that wonderful feeling. I don’t know what to do about it. I can’t make love last forever and now I can’t be happy without it. Love is out of my control and I am victim to its loss. I either run out to fill that loss with someone else, or I become afraid to lose again, and so defend myself against it and never allow myself to fall in love again.

I believe in suffering and so I project suffering onto the world. I see people with cancer everywhere I look and I am afraid because it seems so horrible. Even if I never have it or even if no one I love has it, I am afraid because it is possible and so I live in dread. I read every article on it and try every preventative measure to keep it at bay, but I don’t know if any of them will work so I am still in fear. Or I project it onto this body I think of as my self. I have cancer and it just appeared. I have no control over it and can only try to defend this body from it’s ravages.

These are possible scenarios. In each one the thought or belief is in the mind and in an effort to get rid of the belief, it is thrown out (projected). It then seems to be outside, no longer in my mind but out “there.” It is not me, not my fault, and I am not guilty for having that thought. That is the idea, anyway. But out there, I have no control over it and so now I am afraid.

The solution is to stop trying to control it out there, which, of course, is impossible. As long as I perceive the idea as something outside myself I will continue to feel victimized by it, but as I withdraw my projections, and acknowledge the thoughts, I can allow them to be healed. When I see poverty, instead of joining a cause to eradicate it, I realize that the idea of poverty is in my mind and that is where it must be healed.

When I see loss, instead of feeling helpless to do anything about it, I acknowledge that the loss I see is just a symbol of the idea of loss I believe in. I ask the Holy Spirit to heal the belief in loss in my mind, and I accept His healing. A mind that does not believe in loss will not see loss. A mind that does not believe in suffering will not see suffering because it will not project suffering or loss.

This seems impossible to me, and yet, even with the little mind healing I have experienced, I know that it is the truth. The ego mind wants to object. Even if I allowed every false thought in my mind to be healed, I would still suffer when my child suffered. But everything is a projection of my thoughts. If I my mind was completely healed how could I project a suffering child?

From this place of identifying with the ego mind, it is very hard to remember that my story of Myron is just a story and that none of it is real. But every time I notice a thought that is not in alignment with truth and allow that thought to be healed, I loosen my hold on that false identity of Myron. The darkness recedes a little and there is more light in my mind. I begin to see.

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Study of the Text 5-15-13

3 You have no idea of the tremendous release and deep peace that comes from meeting yourself and your brothers totally without judgment. When you recognize what you are and what your brothers are, you will realize that judging them in any way is without meaning. In fact, their meaning is lost to you precisely because you are judging them. All uncertainty comes from the belief that you are under the coercion of judgment. You do not need judgment to organize your life, and you certainly do not need it to organize yourself. In the presence of knowledge all judgment is automatically suspended, and this is the process that enables recognition to replace perception.

Oh, I love this paragraph! First, I do understand how much I hurt myself through judging. I know that I lose my peace each time I judge myself or a brother! I am judging less and less and I have had times when judgment was suspended, so I know how it feels to be free of that burden. This is why I continue my daily process of forgiving. I want more of that freedom.

Yesterday, I said that I didn’t know how to live in this world without judgment, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to do so, trusting that I will not be asked to do the impossible. So many times I have heard people say that everyone judges and that you must judge just to be in this world. I have felt the temptation to believe that myself, but I know it cannot be true.

In this paragraph, Jesus assures me that I don’t need judgment. I don’t need it to organize my world and I don’t need it to organize myself. He says that knowledge will take the place of judgment. If I am talking about living completely identified with ego then I must judge to be in the world, but we are no longer so identified with ego, are we? Our mind is split and we are learning to identify with the Truth in our mind, rather than with ego. We don’t need judgment anymore because we have access to knowledge. It comes through Holy Spirit. If we decide then we must judge. If we ask, then we will be told.

Of course for knowledge to take the place of judgment, I must let go of judgment. I have to release the idea I need to judge or want to judge so that I can be given something else. I am heartened to hear this because that is what I am doing. I do this every day all day long. Every time I notice that I am judging, I offer that thought to the Holy Spirit to be healed. I open my heart to His answer.

Another way I am doing this is by not deciding alone. Jesus said that if I will ask him if he agrees with my decision before I make it, then it will not cause me fear. So I have made a habit of doing this. Here is an example. I thought of going to one of Nouk’s workshops but when I waited for confirmation, I didn’t feel it. I checked in a couple of different times, but I didn’t feel a yes. Then recently, I received a notice about one in Portland and got a strong yes on it. I don’t know why it was no before and now it is yes, but I cannot know everything and the Holy Spirit does.

Sometimes it is not so clear. For instance, I had the thought that I should stop taking a certain medication. The next time I went to the doctor I mentioned that I was going to stop using it. He was adamant that I shouldn’t stop and so I deferred to his judgment. I let myself be swayed by his fear. But it bothered me. I know that all our judgments are based on fear in some form, and so I don’t trust them.

I asked again about the medicine. I talked to Jesus about my uncertainty and asked him to help me know for sure that he was guiding me in this. What happened is that I began to get nauseated every time I took the pill. I stopped taking it and now I feel fine. There was a time when I would have been too afraid, and my doubt too strong to listen to guidance in this way, but all the little practices have built my confidence and motivated me to trust.

Another idea that stands out to me is that I cannot know myself or my brother if I judge us. We are perfect. We are whole, and complete. We are part of God. What is there to judge? How could we be judged? Who could judge us? To judge another or even to judge one’s self is to forget one’s identity. When I judge myself I ask, “Who am I?” It is a good question and the answer undoes the judgment.

I do the same for the brother I have judged. “Who is this one before me, Jesus? My judgment has clouded my mind and hidden his identity from me and so I don’t know him.” Because I don’t know my brother I don’t know myself. He is part of me and if he is lost to me, then I am lost as well. I cannot be whole without him and I cannot be my Self if I am not whole. My very salvation depends on me letting go of this nonsensical idea that I can judge and want to judge.

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Study of the Text 5-14-13

2 The choice to judge rather than to know is the cause of the loss of peace. Judgment is the process on which perception but not knowledge rests. I have discussed this before in terms of the selectivity of perception, pointing out that evaluation is its obvious prerequisite. judgment always involves rejection. It never emphasizes only the positive aspects of what is judged, whether in you or in others. What has been perceived and rejected, or judged and found wanting, remains in your mind because it has been perceived. One of the illusions from which you suffer is the belief that what you judged against has no effect. This cannot be true unless you also believe that what you judged against does not exist. You evidently do not believe this, or you would not have judged against it. In the end it does not matter whether your judgment is right or wrong. Either way you are placing your belief in the unreal. This cannot be avoided in any type of judgment, because it implies the belief that reality is yours to select from.

The sentence that stood out for me in this paragraph says that I believe that reality is mine to choose from. I think that I can decide that one person deserves my love and another doesn’t. I believe that I can decide that one situation in my life is good and another situation is bad. This choosing what is acceptable and rejecting the rest is the basis of all conflict.

In any group of people you will find this arbitrary choosing of sides. Some people will be vehement that abortion is murder and others will jealously guard their right to choose for themselves. To some it will be so self evident that we need to control the number of guns out there that they think the group that feels threatened by new gun laws are insane. Neither side can fathom how the other thinks.

When countries do this, it leads to war. When groups do this it leads to divisiveness, hatred, fear, and attack. As an individual within either group, it leads to a firmer belief in separation. Judging is the way we keep the ego belief in place. It is the way we build the illusion and make it stronger in our mind.

One of the things I never understood was how I was supposed to live if I stopped judging, even if I could stop judging. But now I don’t worry about that. I don’t think about how it should look. I don’t try to stop judging. I just notice when I am judging and I ask that my mind be healed.

When I hold onto a judgment I notice that I feel unhappy, mildly anxious, maybe. There is a part of my mind that knows judgment is out of alignment with my true nature, and I am uncomfortable with this behavior even when it is on an unconscious level. And much of the judgment in my mind happens without me even noticing, but the effect of the judgment is there whether I am aware of where it came from or not.

I’ve been watching some of these issues as they have been discussed on Facebook, and one thing is obvious. The more certain the person is that they are right, a position they came to through judgment, the greater the fear, and fearful people are vicious. I notice that when I take a side I lose my peace, no matter what side I choose and no matter how certain I am that I am right.

I was trying to think of a current issue that I could use as an example of how it feels to have no opinion, one that I have no judgment about, and I couldn’t think of one. I seem to judge them all and to have preferences about them all. Some of them I see from both sides, but I see one side as right and then looking at it differently, I see the other side as right. In no case do I see only innocence because when I choose a side, I choose against the other side. To the ego mind, if one is right then the other is guilty of not being right.

I don’t know how to live in the world without judging, but I do know how to watch my mind for judgments. I know that I want peace more than I want to be right about anything. I know that I can ask that my mind be healed of every divisive belief in it. I know that in any moment, I can ask the Holy Spirit how to see, and I will be given that vision. I can do this instead of deciding (judging) for myself how I should see. I know that this is my part and I can do it without knowing any more than that.

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Healing Family RelationshipsHealing Family Relationships Applying the Principles of A Course in Miracles 6 CD audio book by Rev. Myron Jones. Learn how family relationships offer fertile grounds for forgiveness and healing your judgments of the world. More.