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Study of Text, Chapter 11, VII.The Way to Remember God, P 7. 1-15-16

II. The Way to Remember God, P 7

7 A little while and you will see me, for I am not hidden because you are hiding. I will awaken you as surely as I awakened myself, for I awoke for you. In my resurrection is your release. Our mission is to escape from crucifixion, not from redemption. Trust in my help, for I did not walk alone, and I will walk with you as our Father walked with me. Do you not know that I walked with Him in peace? And does not that mean that peace goes with us on the journey?


I read, “I will awaken you as surely as I awakened myself,” and I just sat and cried awhile. It was tears of joy but also tears of longing. Kind of a mixed bag, that, but that is where I am right now. Kind of mixed up. I know what I never knew before, but I also become confused, still. I also cry tears of gratitude that I cannot stay in this mixed up place forever, because I do not walk this path alone.

Jesus is very real to me now. I know that on some level I have not reached yet, this is not exactly accurate. He is me and I am him and we are not separate in any way, nor are we separate from God. But right here, right now, in this place and state in which I know myself, Jesus is my brother and I walk with him in complete trust. I turn to him in my fear and my guilt and my confusion, and just as he promised, he takes my hand and walks me through it.

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Study of Text, Chapter 12, II.The Way to Remember God, P 6. 1-14-16

II. The Way to Remember God, P 6

6 You still want what God wills, and no nightmare can defeat a child of God in his purpose. For your purpose was given you by God, and you must accomplish it because it is His Will. Awake and remember your purpose, for it is your will to do so. What has been accomplished for you must be yours. Do not let your hatred stand in the way of love, for nothing can withstand the Love of Christ for His Father, or His Father’s Love for Him.


I want what God wills. There is still some confusion left in my mind and so I forget that and return to wishing with the ego until I notice what I have done, and then I remember my purpose. I want to wake up from this dream story and know my oneness with God again. I want to remember the love that I am and the love that is my Father. I want to remember what it is like to love God without any fear or uncertainty.

Because this is my will and my heart’s desire, I must have it. Nothing can stand in the way of God’s Will and I share that Will. I must have this because it has already been accomplished for me. I am happy to be vigilant for the hateful ego stories that block my awareness of my true self. And any story that blocks the awareness of loves presence is hateful even if it is disguised as pleasant or even wonderful. All illusions are hateful because they keep me from knowing the love of God.

It helps me stay on course as I remember that this is true. The illusion is still an illusion when it seems to be a happy illusion, and illusions keep me from all that is real. I love my children and yet this love is a pale thing next to the love of God. I am happier and more peaceful in my story than I ever have been, and yet, it is nothing compared to the peace of God and the joy that is mine right now.

Here is what the ego offers me, the temptations that entice me to stay in the dream.
·      The illusion of a separate personal self
·      The illusion of love
·      The illusion of winning
·      The illusion of success
·      The illusion of happiness
·      The illusion of emotions
·      The illusion of choices
·      The illusion of decisions
·      The illusion of meaning and purpose
·      The illusion that maybe the next story will be better, more interesting, happier, more exciting
·      The illusion of victimhood
·      The illusion of lack and loss
·      The illusion of being unfairly treated
·      The illusion of fear and guilt
·      The illusion of pain, suffering and death

Here is what God offers me.
·      Everything, all of Himself

Today, I ask my Helper to remind me of what it is I want. When the ego offers me it’s “gifts” I will choose God instead. If I fail to do that, I will notice my error and choose again. This seems to be working for me. I feel the shift in understanding and the shift in awareness. I feel something I don’t know how to describe, and I want it all the time.

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Study of Text, Chapter 12: !. The Way to Remember God, P 5. 1-12-16

II. The Way to Remember God, P 5

5 Let us not save nightmares, for they are not fitting offerings for Christ, and so they are not fit gifts for you. Take off the covers and look at what you are afraid of. Only the anticipation will frighten you, for the reality of nothingness cannot be frightening. Let us not delay this, for your dream of hatred will not leave you without help, and Help is here. Learn to be quiet in the midst of turmoil, for quietness is the end of strife and this is the journey to peace. Look straight at every image that rises to delay you, for the goal is inevitable because it is eternal. The goal of love is but your right, and it belongs to you despite your dreams.


The ego mind is all about saving nightmares. This morning as I was doing Lesson 12, I am upset because I see a meaningless world, I wrote in my journal about how I used to be upset about the messiness of my life. ( I would listen to the ego mind tell me I needed to stop being messy so that I will feel better. I needed to be more organized and get things done on time. Well, that had been my goal for most of my life and here I sit in my messy office. Very nearly sixty seven years has not been enough time to fix this problem.

I have stopped hiding under the covers where this problem is concerned. I have chosen to look right at it, and to see that my messy life is not what upsets me, but rather it is my thoughts about what that means. I had been giving it the meaning that I am not ok, that I am unworthy and vulnerable. With the Holy Spirit’s help, I have let go of this meaning, and I have found peace in my life.

Now I look at my messy desk and laugh. Then, instead of being anxious that something important, something urgent, is hiding under those piles of paper, I just ask the Holy Spirit what it is I should do now. What I have discovered is that if there is something to be done in the world, I will be told what it is. The thought to do a particular thing will just appear in my mind. I am learning to trust my life to His care.

The Holy Spirit is the Help given us by God. Before we dreamed of separation, we didn’t need Help, but now that we do, we are given that Help. I am learning to turn to Him in every situation. When I become anxious about anything, I get still for a moment and in that stillness I am inviting Help. As peace settles over me, I look at the perceived problem with my Helper and allow the solution to be given me. Often the only thing that I need to do, is realize that my thoughts are upsetting me, and allow the Holy Spirit to correct those thoughts.

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Study of Text, Chapter 12: !. The Way to Remember God, P 4. 1-11-16

II. The Way to Remember God, P 4
4 Remember what was said about the frightening perceptions of little children, which terrify them because they do not understand them. If they ask for enlightenment and accept it, their fears vanish. But if they hide their nightmares they will keep them. It is easy to help an uncertain child, for he recognizes that he does not understand what his perceptions mean. Yet you believe that you do understand yours. Little child, you are hiding your head under the cover of the heavy blankets you have laid upon yourself. You are hiding your nightmares in the darkness of your own false certainty, and refusing to open your eyes and look at them.


Yesterday I had a guilty thought that led to frightening thought that led to a general sense of unease. By the end of the day I was feeling tired and listless. I was that child who was hiding under the covers of my certainty that guilt and fear are real and threatening. But not quite the same child who used to have the covers pulled up over her head and lay there shivering and terrorized by her own beliefs.

The difference was that even though I was attracted to the guilt and fear, I was also aware that there is a way out. I had the covers pulled up, but beneath the covers I was talking to Holy Spirit. I was saying, “Here I am, under the cover of these false beliefs. Please correct my thinking.” Then I would let my mind go hazy again and distract myself with something so that I would not hear the answer. Oh man, sometimes I am so silly.

This morning’s lesson reminds us that our thoughts are meaningless. It says that we can counteract our ego thoughts by remembering that they don’t mean anything. When I had this guilty thought I might have said to myself, “This thought doesn’t mean anything.” Instead, I said to myself that this thought means I am unworthy and condemned.

Today I am sane again and I am laughing at the nonsense of yesterday. I am also feeling grateful for the simple lessons and the many tools we have to bring us to our sanity. I am going to use today’s lesson often. I feel excited to think about doing this lesson, and I see how I can use it to fully awaken if every time I have an ego thought that encourages the illusion, I simply remember that this thought does not mean anything.

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Study of Text, Chapter 11, VII.The Way to Remember God, P 3. 1-8-16

II. The Way to Remember God, P3

3 Perceive in sickness but another call for love, and offer your brother what he believes he cannot offer himself. Whatever the sickness, there is but one remedy. You will be made whole as you make whole, for to perceive in sickness the appeal for health is to recognize in hatred the call for love. And to give a brother what he really wants is to offer it unto yourself, for your Father wills you to know your brother as yourself. Answer his call for love, and yours is answered. Healing is the Love of Christ for His Father and for Himself.


Clearly, sickness of any kind is not God’s Will. It is not love, but a call for love. Wherever I see sickness I am to see wholeness, and this is the love that heals. I can think of it as forgiveness. Where I see sickness, I forgive what is believed to be true. I could also say that I accept the Atonement for this situation, and that would the same thing.

I do this because as my brother is healed, so am I. We are all part of a single whole and if any part of this whole is sick, the whole is sick. But what if I see some form of sickness and I believe in it? What if I see sickness and that is all I can see? What if I can’t see the truth behind the façade? Then I ask that my mind be healed.

I don’t have any particular fear of sickness of the body, nothing that scares me into dread. I don’t want any sickness at all, but nothing stands out as particularly upsetting. I notice that when someone I care about has a sick body, I can more easily see through that. I see them in their classroom, learning the lessons they came to learn, but completely unaffected by that lesson. I also see them as capable of learning that lesson. Sometimes I have trouble holding onto the idea of them as sick at all because I see only the potential healed self. That is me giving them the love they are unable to give themselves at this time, and it is healing.

On the other hand when I see someone in great pain, I tend to have a more visceral reaction, because I hate pain. I’ve worked on the idea of pain as illusion and have accepted some healing in this area, so sometimes I do better with this. When my son was in extreme pain, I was lost in his illusion and so was not able to answer his call for love. I was paralyzed in fear for him. I did remember to ask for healing of my mind, so that was good. Because of my own fears I was unable to see that one illusion is the same as another. Illusions can’t really be more or bigger or worse. It is only my beliefs that make it seem so.

Another form of sickness is lack. Sometimes I slip into that belief. For instance, with my upcoming retirement looming nearer, I notice I fall into fear about lack. It is not total by any means, but I will see these little thoughts that I won’t be able to buy this, or go here, or do that, when I retire and I feel a sense of loss. So this shows me there is still a belief in lack in my mind. As a result, when I see someone with less than me, especially an older person, I project my fear onto them and feel sympathy. This is not answering a call for love with love. It helps no one.

As I have been turning this belief over to Holy Spirit and asking Him to show me a different way to see it, I have noticed a shift. I still notice the thoughts but there is little emotion attached to them. I don’t get upset about it as I did just a couple of months ago. I love when that happens; it is a miracle, that change of mind. It is a miracle because the ego mind didn’t do it. I wanted healing more than I wanted to hold onto the fearful thoughts and so it occurred.

Now, I can see those with less and not be completely useless. I can mostly see through the form of their story to the reality of their being. I am answering their call for love more often than not. This answer to their call is also the answer to my call. When we share a belief in the illusion, we uphold and strengthen that belief. When at least one of us allows that belief to be loosened in our mind, we both experience a healing.

Sometimes I envision it like this. When we thought about the idea of separation our mind projected a picture of the Sonship being shattered into billions of pieces and scattering across the landscape of our vast and holy mind. Now that we have decided to awaken from that strange and impossible dream, when we see the many forms those pieces of ourselves took, we are beginning to recognize them for what they really are. In the recognition of our self in them, we are gathering them back into the wholeness that we really are. We do this as we see that each one of the pieces represents a lack of love, and as we supply that love, our scattered piece flows naturally back into the Oneness of the Father and His Son.

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Study of Text, Chapter 12, II.The Way to Remember, P 2. 1-7-16

II. The Way to Remember God, P 2

2 The light in them shines as brightly regardless of the density of the fog that obscures it. If you give no power to the fog to obscure the light, it has none. For it has power only if the Son of God gives power to it. He must himself withdraw that power, remembering that all power is of God. You can remember this for all the Sonship. Do not allow your brother not to remember, for his forgetfulness is yours. But your remembering is his, for God cannot be remembered alone. This is what you have forgotten. To perceive the healing of your brother as the healing of yourself is thus the way to remember God. For you forgot your brothers with Him, and God’s Answer to your forgetting is but the way to remember.


We have obscured the light in our mind with our ego beliefs, but we have done nothing to the light itself. It shines as brightly as ever. The fog that covers the light is of our own making and we can dispel it simply by changing our minds. The fog has no power other than the power we give it through our desire for it to be there.

As we are trying to wake up now, it seems strange that we would be deliberately obscuring the light, but this is what is happening. The reason it is happening is that the mind is still split. There is still a part of the mind that wants its own special separate self to continue as if it exists, and it wants its own thoughts and it wants to decide for itself the meaning of existence. This part of the mind stands in opposition to awakening and clouds the truth to maintain the illusion.

But this separate part of the mind is not an opponent, but simply a choice within the one mind. We made a choice to have an experience and that choice plays out over and over in many different ways until we decide to make a different choice. So we are not at war with something outside our mind, nor at war with ourselves. We are simply viewing options and deciding what it is we most deeply desire.

The confusion occurs as we forget who we are. We become identified with the ego mind and think that to cede power to the God Mind is to lose. In truth there is no ego mind. It is an illusion. We are part of the God Mind and to surrender to that choice is to gain everything we gave up to have this crazy little experience.

We gave the fog power to obscure our reality and now we must withdraw that power. We are doing that now, and we continue the process each time we choose to turn from ego thinking to God Knowing. Separation is the theme of the illusion and so as we join we undo the illusion. In other words, we undo separation through joining.

I know the truth for my brother and this teaches me the truth about myself. See how perfect the plan is for our return to God? We chose the idea of separation as our illusion, now we choose the idea of unity to return to reality. My brother thinks he is sick, and I shine the light of truth into his mind to heal him.

The very idea of this awakens the memory of unity in my mind. As Jesus says: “for his forgetfulness is yours. But your remembering is his, for God cannot be remembered alone. This is what you have forgotten.” And remembering I am healed with my brother and he is healed with me is the way to remember God. Did I ever think that my brother’s awakening had nothing to do with me?

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Study of Text, Chapter 12: !. The Way to Remember God, P 1. 1-6-16

II. The Way to Remember God, P 1
1 Miracles are merely the translation of denial into truth. If to love oneself is to heal oneself, those who are sick do not love themselves. Therefore, they are asking for the love that would heal them, but which they are denying to themselves. If they knew the truth about themselves they could not be sick. The task of the miracle worker thus becomes to deny the denial of truth. The sick must heal themselves, for the truth is in them. Yet having obscured it, the light in another mind must shine into theirs because that light is theirs.


“Miracles are merely the translation of denial into truth.” I think the reason they seem so extraordinary at times is that we are so confused about what is the truth and what is an illusion. So if someone has cancer and seems to be near death and then they are healed and completely recover, this seems like something so miraculous we can hardly believe it. In fact, the ego mind will start by being astounded, but then often tries to find explanations that make more sense to it.

But here is what really happens. The mind is so confused it thinks that we are something that can be sick and die. And further, that it takes a miracle of science to change that, and often there is no miracle yet discovered by man and so sickness leads to death. This mind is in denial of the truth.

It denies that we are the Son of God, that we are invulnerable, that we are spirit not body. It denies that the mind is the maker of all things experienced in form, and therefore the maker of the appearance of sickness and death, and so can undo that choice. It now becomes the function of the mind to deny the denial of truth and that appears as a miracle to the confused mind, but it is merely the return to reality.

Why would the mind choose pain and suffering and even death? It is because, in its confused state, it does not love itself. So sickness of any kind, of the body, of relationships, of any form within the world that does not reflect perfection, is a call for the love that would heal them. If I am afraid that I will not have enough money when I retire, that is a call for the love that would heal my belief in lack.

If I have a grievance against someone, that is a call for love that would heal my mind of the belief that I am a victim to that person. If I hurt my body in an accident, that is a call for love that would heal my belief that I am guilty and deserving of pain. In each case I have denied the truth about myself, and I need a miracle that will deny the denial of truth. I need to heal myself, and I can heal myself because the truth is in me.

But what if the truth is obscured by my confusion? What if I cannot see the light in my mind? Then you can heal me by shining the light of truth into my mind and clearing the darkness so that I will again be aware of the truth. If sickness is just the denial of truth, then healing is simple and easily accomplished. The degree of or type of sickness is irrelevant. It is a denial of truth regardless of the form it takes. All that needs to be done is to deny the denial of truth.

This is the way we pray for each other. We look at the form the denial of truth has taken and know that it is meaningless. We know that the poverty, the broken relationship, the cancer, each of these is just a reflection of a mistake in thought and none of them is true. When I think I am sick, please do this for me. Shine the light of truth from your mind into mine.

Do not feel sorry for me. Do not recommend an alternative healing. Do not fear for me. Just know that I have denied the truth of my being and am now confused to the point of sickness. Know that I have the Solution, the Answer to my problem, and it is in my mind. This is the way I would hope someone would pray for me and this is the way I pray for anyone who needs my prayer.

I see the appearance of a confused thought and I know that while this is their experience, it isn’t truth. I see the reality of their identity as the Son of God and know that this is the only thing that is true. This is the light of truth coming from my mind and shining away the darkness that has temporarily obscured the light in theirs.

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