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Study of Text, C 13: IX. The Cloud of Guilt, P 4. 11-30-16

4 Atonement brings a re-evaluation of everything you cherish, for it is the means by which the Holy Spirit can separate the false and the true, which you have accepted into your mind without distinction. Therefore you cannot value one without the other, and guilt has become as true for you as innocence. You do not believe the Son of God is guiltless because you see the past, and see him not. When you condemn a brother you are saying, “I who was guilty choose to remain so.” You have denied his freedom, and by so doing you have denied the witness unto yours. You could as easily have freed him from the past, and lifted from his mind the cloud of guilt that binds him to it. And in his freedom would have been your own.

Students often ask me to help them understand what Jesus means by Atonement. I always think of Atonement as undoing, and I think that Atonement and forgiveness are the same thing. I like this explanation even better:

Atonement brings a re-evaluation of everything you cherish, for it is the means by which the Holy Spirit can separate the false and the true…

This is why I bring my thoughts to the Holy Spirit for interpretation. I want Him to separate the false from the true because I cannot do that. As Jesus goes onto say, I have accepted everything without distinction. I have a thought and I tend to believe it, simply because it was in my mind. Actually, I have taught myself not to automatically accept every thought, but I used to do so, and still do so sometimes.

Here is an example. I awoke in the night recently, and lay there worrying about someone dear to me. He is going through a very difficult time and making some hard decisions. I started thinking about all that could go wrong and what those consequences would mean to him. I started feeling so anxious that I knew I couldn’t go to sleep like this. I wanted to be peaceful and sleep through the night. I wanted to stop being afraid for this person.

The reason I was finding it so hard to stop being afraid and to return to peace is that I had automatically accepted my thoughts about the situation as being true; he could make bad decisions and he could suffer dire consequences. What I did was listen to the Rules for Decision section of the Course. Afterwards, I realized that the only thing that happened is that I asked the ego what the situation meant and I joined with the ego in deciding what would happen based on the ego’s interpretation.
I did the steps that Jesus laid out for me to undo that decision and make way for the Holy Spirit to re-interpret for me. He helped me by sorting through the thoughts, rejecting what is not true. What I was left with were some true thoughts that restored my mind to the peace of God that I so wanted. A true thought in my mind was that I must have faith in my brother.

Another was that nothing was happening anywhere except in my mind, which was projecting my fears into a non existing future. The next morning I was guided to this passage: “Your patience with your brother is your patience with yourself. Is not a child of God worth patience?”

All the other thoughts were gone. I wasn’t thinking about all the ways his life could go wrong now, or how unlikely it was that he would succeed. I wasn’t thinking about how this would affect my life, and other lives. I was happy and at peace.
Jesus says the result of not distinguishing between thoughts and simply accepting them all is that guilt has become as true for us as innocence. To free my mind, I had to free this dear person I love. I had to let go of the thoughts that he was guilty of anything and embrace his innocence. I had to let go of the belief in guilt and embrace only the belief in innocence.

Will he make mistakes and will there be dire consequences? I don’t know. But no matter where his lessons take him, I have faith now that all will be as it should be and that he will be successful however it appears in the story. He is guilty of nothing; what happens here is meaningless of itself, and gains meaning only according to our desires. I desire to know only innocence, his and mine. I will be vigilant for thoughts about this situation and ask the Holy Spirit to sort them out for me from now on.

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Study of Text, C 13: IX. The Cloud of Guilt,  P 3.11-22-16

IX. The Cloud of Guilt, P 3

3 The world can give you only what you gave it, for being nothing but your own projection, it has no meaning apart from what you found in it and placed your faith in. Be faithful unto darkness and you will not see, because your faith will be rewarded as you gave it. You will accept your treasure, and if you place your faith in the past, the future will be like it. Whatever you hold dear you think is yours. The power of your valuing will make it so.


The world is our projection so what can it give us except what we put there and then find and believe and want. Therefore, it is important not to support with our faith what we no longer want. In fact, as we refuse to support what we find in the world, it will lose substance, it will be undone. For instance, we wanted conflict and so conflict shows up in many ways. We got to see the true nature of conflict and what it does to our peace of mind during this election and its aftermath. Conflict has already been projected, but we can undo its effects as we choose not to put our faith there.

When I hear, or read something that encourages conflict about the election and what is going to happen now, I have a choice. I can treasure that conflict, and add to it, or I can help to undo it by withdrawing my belief. The Course tells us this:  “ ... and if you want peace, you must give up the idea of conflict entirely and for all time.” So why does it seem to be so hard to stay out of the conflict? I notice that even though I don’t engage the conflict in an active way, I am still engaging within my mind when I become anxious about what I just read, or I become angry or resentful or afraid.

I withdraw from the conflict because while I still choose conflict, I also know that I want the peace of God. So when I see that I am putting my faith in conflict, I choose again. I ask the Holy Spirit to heal my mind of the belief that I want conflict. In the past (and a second ago is the past) I wanted conflict, but I don’t want the future to be the same as the past, so I am letting go of the past right now in this moment.

I have placed within the world what I do not want to see in myself. But I can withdraw my belief in it. I can change my mind about giving it my faith and my desire. As I do this, the world of ego is undone. I will pay close attention to that which I value, and when it robs me of the peace of God, I will make a different decision, because as Jesus says, whatever I hold dear I think is mine. The power of my valuing will make it so. When I am unhappy, I will ask, “Do I still want this?” If not, then I will give it to the Holy Spirit and ask for a healed mind.

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Study of Text, C 13: IX. The Cloud of Guilt, P 2. 11-21-16

IX. The Cloud of Guilt, P 2

2 Release from guilt is the ego’s whole undoing. Make no one fearful, for his guilt is yours, and by obeying the ego’s harsh commandments you bring its condemnation on yourself, and you will not escape the punishment it offers those who obey it. The ego rewards fidelity to it with pain, for faith in it is pain. And faith can be rewarded only in terms of the belief in which the faith was placed. Faith makes the power of belief, and where it is invested determines its reward. For faith is always given what is treasured, and what is treasured is returned to you.


Do I want to undo the ego? Oh yes! Release from guilt is the way to do it, and since I am meant to undo the ego, I can let go of the belief in guilt. This phrase stood out to me: Make no one fearful… It stood out to me because I have had occasion lately to decide if I want to make someone fearful. I was afraid for someone I love and I had the thought to manipulate and control his behavior through fear.

Of course that was only my fear talking, and I caught it right away, thank God. I knew immediately that I did not want to do anything that would increase his fear. It would have been cruel to do that, and it would have increased guilt in him and in me. It is guilt that I am trying to release so projecting onto others is counterproductive, to say the least.

When I have the desire to project guilt or to accept it in myself, I am putting my faith in guilt. I am saying that guilt is my salvation and I believe in it so strongly that I am willing to suffer and willing for others to suffer just so that I can have guilt. Guilt is of the ego and putting my faith in the ego is always going to cause me pain. Pain is what the ego does and what it is.

I used to treasure guilt, but now I am learning to treasure innocence. I have already decided that guilt is not real, but rather something that we made when we made the ego. I have already decided that I want to let go of the belief in guilt and I want to stop using guilt as a tool to control and manipulate. I want to stop using guilt to punish myself and others. I want to stop projecting guilt in a fruitless effort to make myself feel better and appear innocent through comparison. Now I am spending my time mastering this new choice. And it is taking some time, but getting easier as I practice.

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Study of Text, C 13: IX. The Cloud of Guilt, P 1. 11-18-16

IX. The Cloud of Guilt, P 1

1 Guilt remains the only thing that hides the Father, for guilt is the attack upon His Son. The guilty always condemn, and having done so they will still condemn, linking the future to the past as is the ego’s law. Fidelity to this law lets no light in, for it demands fidelity to darkness and forbids awakening. The ego’s laws are strict, and breaches are severely punished. Therefore give no obedience to its laws, for they are laws of punishment. And those who follow them believe that they are guilty, and so they must condemn. Between the future and the past the laws of God must intervene, if you would free yourself. Atonement stands between them, like a lamp shining so brightly that the chain of darkness in which you bound yourself will disappear.


“Guilt is the only thing that hides the Father, for guilt is the attack upon His Son.”
Over and over, Jesus tells us that guilt is something we must let go. We must let go of placing guilt on others and of believing we are guilty. Both are attacks on the Son of God and hide from us the awareness of God. Guilt is what keeps us from peace and happiness, and keeps us from remembering Love. It is the cause of all suffering and the reason we choose death over God.

“The guilty always condemn, and having done so they will still condemn, linking the future to the past as is the ego’s law.”
Here is how that works. When everything changed at work, I felt resentful. I projected the blame for my feelings on my boss and everyone else. I made them guilty of my unhappiness with my situation. The thought that they were guilty stained everything they did. It was like their actions were passing through a dark filter and all that came through was stained with guilt.

I interpreted their words and actions from the standpoint that they were guilty, and so what they said and did seemed wrong to me and I felt further resentment. Not only that, but I expected to be attacked. I thought about what they would do next and how that would affect me. I was linking the future to the past, and thus sustaining the ego.

“Atonement stands between them, like a lamp shining so brightly that the chain of darkness in which you bound yourself will disappear.”
This went on for as long as I could stand it. Finally, my desire for peace kicked in and I asked for healing. I accepted that healing, that is, I accepted the atonement for this situation and the beliefs that were driving it. It was truly as Jesus says, the Atonement stood between the past and the future and broke the dark chain of guilt. I began to hear and see differently.

They suddenly seemed like friends instead of enemies and in the time we have had together I have learned that I like them and enjoy working with them. I am going to be happy to retire, but at the same time, I wish I had more time to spend with these people. It is truly a miracle when we accept the Atonement. I am going to be eternally grateful for this experience, both because I will leave that job with all relationships healed, and because I will never forget the lesson I learned about letting go of guilt.

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Study of Text, C 13: VIII.From Perception to Knowledge, P 10.11-16-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 10

10 Yet in this world your perfection is un-witnessed. God knows it, but you do not, and so you do not share His witness to it. Nor do you witness unto Him, for reality is witnessed to as one. God waits your witness to His Son and to Himself. The miracles you do on earth are lifted up to Heaven and to Him. They witness to what you do not know, and as they reach the gates of Heaven, God will open them. For never would He leave His Own beloved Son outside them, and beyond Himself.


God created me perfect and so perfect I am. Yet, as Jesus says in the first sentence, my perfection is un-witnessed in this world. Well, I get that! I find no witnesses to my perfection and that is the reason I often fall for the ego interpretation of things. I realize that my thoughts and actions and words witness to the ego thought system more than I would like, even now after all this time of study and practice. Even at my best, my perception witnesses to something truer, but now truth.

But God knows my perfection, so nothing has actually changed, and that is my salvation. It is our salvation. We do not share His witness to our perfection because reality can only be witnessed to as one. We still, in this world, see division and that is not one. What I see happening in my life and in the lives of others is a shift toward oneness. We do this through miracles.

We ask for another way to see and accept that vision, recognizing that the eyes do not show reality. Instead we trust the Holy Spirit’s Vision until that vision becomes our own. First the mind changes and then the changed mind projects that change onto the world, and miracles are made manifest. This is why we study this book, why it is called A Course in Miracles. Miracles matter, not the miracles themselves, but the love they represent. It is through performing miracles that we return our minds to reality and remember that we are the Sons of God.

Jesus says that the miracles we do on earth are lifted up to God and they witness to what we do not know. This is our path back home. The gates to Heaven are open to us, and the miracles we do here lead us to those gates and to the welcoming presence of God. Perhaps you think you have never performed a miracle but I bet that you have. Each time that you believe the ego and then change your mind and ask the Holy Spirit to heal your mind, you have an opportunity to change miraculously. All you need to do is accept that healing.

Sometimes the manifestation of the miracle is obvious, sometimes even astounding. But often the manifestation is subtle at first and perhaps not recognized. At those times it becomes clear only in retrospect as you review your life and recognize how much happier and more peaceful you are now, and know it is because you have been practicing what you are learning through A Course in Miracles. That is no small miracle. And it may be even more to it. It may be that when you came to a fork in the road, your past study and your past choices for God take you down a gentler path and you have saved a thousand years, even though you do not realize it.

I wonder if I decided today that I want the miracle, not as a possible outcome of a daily practice, but as a decision I make, how would that change things? What if I start the day asking the Holy Spirit what miracles He would have me perform today? I am going to do that. I am asking and expecting an answer. I am going to keep my mind and heart open so that I will recognize the answer when it comes to me.

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C 13: VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 9. 11-14-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 9

9 As miracles in this world join you to your brothers, so do your creations establish your fatherhood in Heaven. You are the witnesses to the Fatherhood of God, and He has given you the power to create the witnesses to yours, which is as His. Deny a brother here, and you deny the witnesses to your fatherhood in Heaven. The miracle that God created is perfect, as are the miracles that you established in His Name. They need no healing, nor do you, when you accept them.


I understand that miracles in the world join me to my brothers. I think of this as happening on two levels. I forgive in my mind and from that pure place of love I project love. In the world this appears as a miracle in form. Maybe the person who I didn’t like and who didn’t like me suddenly becomes friendly and kind. Maybe the sickness I believed in until I forgave the idea, in the world disappears. However the miracle appears, it creates a sense of oneness, of unity with my brothers and sisters. It may appear as form in the world, or maybe not, but the joining has occurred.

What I don’t really get is the part about my creations. I do understand that we as the Son of God are witness to His Fatherhood. That makes sense. I have children in this world and they are witnesses to my motherhood. They prove I am a mother. So we prove that God is Father. Then I get to the part that confuses me. God gave me the power to create my own witnesses. He does not mean that I can have children in the world because that is not creation; that is making.

So what are my creations? The reason that I have trouble with this is that I cannot envision formlessness.  And because if creation is extension, then I would create more of me and I don’t have a handle on me, either. There is still too much identity with ego. Or at least while I don’t fully identify with ego anymore, I don’t have an image with which to replace it. I guess what I mean is that I don’t remember anything but form so what I am feels alien and impossible to grasp. So the idea of my creations is intriguing, but not tangible. It is something I take on faith.

Now here is where I get really confused. “Deny a brother here, and you deny the witnesses to your fatherhood in Heaven.” I think he must mean that my brothers here are all, as one, the Sonship, and if any are denied we are not whole. Our creations exist as witness to the Sonship as it exists, whole and complete, so if it is not whole and complete, it is not the Sonship that created them. Of course it was done, and we are whole, but when we deny any part of our Self, we also deny our creations. Well that is being untangled in my mind a bit. Maybe this is why I have no memory or concept of my creations. I still deny my brothers and so I have lost the awareness of my creations.

And then he says: “The miracle that God created is perfect, as are the miracles that you established in His Name. They need no healing, nor do you, when you accept them.” We are the miracle that God created and we are perfect, and our creations that we established in His Name are perfect also. We do not need healing, but only acceptance of what we are and what our brothers are. If we are ever able to accept our true identity, we must accept that our identity is whole and that means none are denied.

There are none I can push away and say that one is not me. I test my resistance as I open my arms and invite in different people, the pedophile, the racist, the murderer, the cruel and the hateful. Do I feel any resistance? How about making it personal? The coworker who seems intent on making my job hard, Trump who seems to be so different from me? Can I accept them both as me, part of the Sonship that I am?

When I accept all my brothers, I accept my creations and I accept our Creator. There is in my mind, a memory of my creations and a memory of God. I long for that memory to be in my awareness, so I am willing to allow the healing that will bring me to that memory, at least as much as is possible here, and completely when I am with my Father again. I do this as I forgive all thoughts that separate me from my brothers.

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Study of Text, C 13: VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 8. 11-10-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 8

8 When you have seen your brothers as yourself you will be released to knowledge, having learned to free yourself through Him Who knows of freedom. Unite with me under the holy banner of His teaching, and as we grow in strength the power of God’s Son will move in us, and we will leave no one untouched and no one left alone. And suddenly time will be over, and we will all unite in the eternity of God the Father. The holy light you saw outside yourself, in every miracle you offered to your brothers, will be returned to you. And knowing that the light is in you, your creations will be there with you, as you are in your Father.


It has been a long time now since I did something that affected a brother and did not consider that what affects one, affects all. I cannot do or say something unkind, even think something unkind without affecting myself and the entire Sonship. Though I sometimes go back to thinking of this one or that one as separate, or sometimes a particular situation triggers a response that is intended to defend or attack. But that is now the exception instead of the rule, and even then there is a knowing in me that I am mistaken.

When I think of our complete unbroken union, I often think of the Borg. If you are not a Trekkie, let me explain. The Borg are a race of people in the Star Trek series. They are a collective; each individual a part of the whole. To me, the Borg represent an ego version of the idea of union. They act as one and act in accordance to the good of the whole, but they are without compassion or love or kindness. Their imperative is survival of the whole through assimilation, defense and attack.

But I think in terms of Love. What if we remembered the truth about our nature? What if we remembered we were gods, and remembered that means we are Love itself? We would then turn as one, not to defend or attack, but turn in compassion, turn in peace, turn in joy and certainty and fearlessness. I think that we are actually doing this now. Each of us, as we allow our minds to be healed, is remembering that this is what we are. We are each whole and part of a whole.

We do not assimilate others into our wholeness, but rather we live a life that invites union. As more and more choose to live as one and as the Son of God that we are, the stronger the pull toward that union, and the more impelling it becomes. Love is the force that ties us together. There is a different force, though, that drives us apart, and that is fear and guilt.

When we choose to believe in fear and guilt rather than love we are polarized. We saw that happen recently in the campaign for president. An entire nation began taking sides against each other and in their fear they attacked, friends and even family members turning on each other. Even though a decision has been made, a president elected, there is no peace because there has been no overriding decision for love.

More than ever before we are given an opportunity as spiritual beings to be the love that we are and in so doing to be the miracle workers that we are asked to be. I understand the temptation to turn toward fear, but I also know that this is an ego desire, not my true desire. I think of all that could go wrong and soon the ego mind is off and running and I am filled with regret that our fear turned us toward an idea of defense and self-centered action. I am filled with fear as to where this might lead us.

But then I remember that nothing is happening except that I am projecting my ego fears onto a future, and that is not something I want to do. All thought produces form at some level and this is not a future I want to produce. Also, God is not in the future; He is in this moment. Sometimes I have to drag my mind, kicking and screaming, back to the now, but I do it. I remember that I cannot enter God’s presence if I attack His Son. We are God’s Son and if we attack any part of that Sonship, we are attacking the Whole.

For some lightworkers, their part of this story may be to enter the political arena, or to influence that arena. If so, it must be done from compassion and love and with kindness. It must be done without placing guilt and without working from a place of fear. It must be done with constant guidance. Otherwise, the worker has turned from light and toward the darkness.

We cannot, as A Course in Miracles students, assimilate others, we can only show them the light and that light will offer an irresistible invitation. My intention and my devotion is toward that light and toward the Love in Which I was created. I invite you to join me in this powerful intention. Let us unite with Jesus under the holy banner of His teaching, and as we grow in strength the power of God’s Son will move in us, and we will leave no one untouched and no one left alone.

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