Together, We Light the Way

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President Donald Trump

I woke in the early hours and glanced at my phone. I had an alert that Donald Trump won the election. I was momentarily shocked as I truly expected Hillary to win. But now it is time to pray for him. He will need the love of all light workers as he faces the task of being the leader of this nation. We are all blessed with this opportunity to join with this brother of ours for a higher purpose. And if we feel anxiety about what might happen under his administration, this is only our fear projected into the future, and an opportunity to remember to live in the present moment. In this moment all is well and this is the only moment there is. God is in this moment.

In answer to a fearful response to the election results: I look within for what I see that supports this kind of fear based action and thinking, and I allow it to be healed. I see my brother is my brother regardless of his behavior. I pray for him through seeing him as he truly is not as he appears in time and through his ego actions. In other words, my only function is to accept the Atonement for myself and in doing so I am able to offer the miracle of healing to whoever is ready for it. I can see Trump’s ego behavior, recognize it for what it is and still see that my part in this is to trust Jesus’ plan of Atonement rather than to fall into fear, judgment and reaction.

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Study of Text, C 13: VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 7. 11-9-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 7

7 Be you content with healing, for Christ’s gift you can bestow, and your Father’s gift you cannot lose. Offer Christ’s gift to everyone and everywhere, for miracles, offered the Son of God through the Holy Spirit, attune you to reality. The Holy Spirit knows your part in the redemption, and who are seeking you and where to find them. Knowledge is far beyond your individual concern. You who are part of it and all of it need only realize that it is of the Father, not of you. Your role in the redemption leads you to it by re-establishing its oneness in your mind.


God’s gift to me is Christ’s vision and I can bestow that gift to everyone and everywhere. This is what I am to do. I accept the Atonement for myself, and then I see with Christ’s vision. In doing so I offer miracles to those who seek them. To whom do I offer the miracle? That is not my concern. The Holy Spirit knows my part and who it is I am seeking. I just follow His lead.

Ask Him very specifically:
What would You have me do?

Where would You have me go? 

What would You have me say, and to whom?

Asking this is the way we agree to our part in the Atonement. It is our commitment to be a miracle worker.

Since this is my commitment, I realize that whoever is in my life today is there for me to share this holy instant. It may not be immediately evident to me, and often isn’t. But sometimes I am looking for change in my purse to pay the clerk and when I look up, I smile at her and her face lights up for just that moment.

The love that I am has connected with the love that she is. Maybe she doesn’t understand what just happened, and I likely I don’t understand the extent of what has happened, but it happened because I did my part. In that moment I used the gift of Christ’s vision and both of our minds were lightened. What happens next is not my concern.

Sometimes it is a word or two, or a teaching. Sometimes it is just my presence at the right moment. Sometimes it is the example I set as I react with love rather than defense. I have no way to know what is helpful in the moment, or who it is that is ready for the miracle. And believe me, love in any form is the miracle, the part that matters.

3 Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.

I have spent a long time learning what love is, and learning to release everything that is not love. In so doing, I have allowed purification and so miracles are my right, and they are my responsibility. What I have also learned is that it is a responsibility that I carry lightly. I need only stand ready to express love and where and how will be decided by the Holy Spirit and communicated to me in some way. The only thing that blocks this is ego thoughts I have not released. So I remain vigilant for those thoughts and ready to release them.

© 2016, Pathways of Light.
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Study of Text, C 13: VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 6. 11-7-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 6

6 They are all the same; all beautiful and equal in their holiness. And He will offer them unto His Father as they were offered unto Him. There is one miracle, as there is one reality. And every miracle you do contains them all, as every aspect of reality you see blends quietly into the one reality of God. The only miracle that ever was is God’s most holy Son, created in the one reality that is his Father. Christ’s vision is His gift to you. His Being is His Father’s gift to Him.


I am having trouble with this paragraph. It is hard for me to understand, and I guess the reason it is hard to understand is that Jesus is explaining something unexplainable. But I am going to look at it closely and ask for clarity. Here is what I understand.

They are all the same; all beautiful and equal in their holiness. That is us. We are aspects of a whole, all equal, all the same, all holy.

And He will offer them unto His Father as they were offered unto Him. That is, our awakening is the Holy Spirit’s function given Him by God. In fulfilling His function the Holy Spirit gives us back to God, awakened.

There is one miracle, as there is one reality. And every miracle you do contains them all, as every aspect of reality you see blends quietly into the one reality of God. We are studying A Course in Miracles. We are miracles and we are learning to give miracles, to do miracles, to perform miracles. These are all ways that Jesus refers to this aspect of our function here.

What he seems to be telling us in this paragraph is that every miracle we do contains all miracles. This reference brings to mind a hologram. Here is what I read about holograms: “…the word hologram comes from the Greek words holos, “whole,” and gramma, “message.” If a hologram is cut into pieces, each piece projects the entire image…”

Could it be that we are a whole and each aspect of us (the selves we cut into pieces) contains the whole? Jesus is telling us that miracles are like that. Each miracle, regardless of the form it takes, contains the whole, contains all miracles. Maybe that is what he is saying in the first principle of miracles: There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not “harder” or “bigger” than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.

And this part of the sentence: …as every aspect of reality you see blends quietly into the one reality of God. I think this is saying that the miracle exposes an aspect of reality, some aspect of Love, and these aspects are part of God as well. God is the one reality and there is nothing else.

The only miracle that ever was is God’s most holy Son, created in the one reality that is his Father. So, the Son of God, of which we are an aspect, is the one miracle. Again I reference the hologram. An apple is photographed in a certain way that allows a holographic image to be seen. When this happens, you have the original image of an apple and you have a small image taken from the original. The small image contains everything the original contains. The Son of God is the miracle, and all the other miracles we perform are the original miracle in every way. Only form makes them appear as if they are different.

And the miracle that is the most holy Son was created in God. So there is still only God.

The Holy Spirit is the Thought of Correction and what is a Thought in the Mind of God is creation. So the Holy Spirit, like the Son, is also in God, therefore, there is still only God. His being is His Father’s gift to Him. And the Holy Spirit’s gift to us is Christ’s vision. Christ’s vision allows us to see only the truth without the errors of the ego distorting it. It is with Christ’s vision that we are able to see the beautiful brilliant light that is our brother in spite of the character he seems to be playing.

This is my present best understanding of this paragraph.

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Study of Text, C 13: VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 5. 11-4-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 5

5 This is the miracle of creation; that it is one forever. Every miracle you offer to the Son of God is but the true perception of one aspect of the whole. Though every aspect is the whole, you cannot know this until you see that every aspect is the same, perceived in the same light and therefore one. Everyone seen without the past thus brings you nearer to the end of time by bringing healed and healing sight into the darkness, and enabling the world to see. For light must come into the darkened world to make Christ’s vision possible even here. Help Him to give His gift of light to all who think they wander in the darkness, and let Him gather them into His quiet sight that makes them one.

Every time I see someone as if this is the only moment of their existence, I am seeing them in reality, and I am undoing the separation. I see that one as they are now and without a past and that is a miracle. It is a miracle of true perception, and a miracle of healing brought into the world. If I see my son as if a moment ago doesn’t exist, he is pure in my mind. If I do that for you, you become pure in my mind. Now you are the same. If I have done it for me, then we are all three the same. The miracle has helped me to know that we are all aspects of the One. We are each whole and each part of the Whole.

As I do this in the world, I have accomplished forgiveness in its truest sense. I have accepted the Atonement. This is my gift to the world, this deliberate choice to use Christ vision to bring light into a darkened world. Every time I do this for anyone, I help the Holy Spirit to light this brother’s way. This is such a lofty goal, that I feel joy as I think of it. It is so easy, so simple, so necessary. Then I have some meaningless grievance against someone and I forget my lofty goal, and instead I nurse my grievance as a way to justify my judgment. It doesn’t make me happy and it doesn’t gift the world, so I don’t know why I do it.
Maybe I will remember to choose differently the next time.

I imagine us all walking around with costumes and acting out our parts on a stage. When we are through with our part, we go back stage and take off our costume, which includes walking away from the body, which is just another part of the costume. As we do so, we all stand there together, and we are all exactly the same. Without the body-costume, there is no way to tell one from another, really. We walk away from the costume and with it the play with all its dramas. Could you imagine being angry with an actor because of the part he played for a brief moment in time? Without the costume what would there be to distinguish one aspect from another aspect? Without the past performance to refer to, and without a specific person to attach to that performance, how could we hold onto any grievance, anyway?

This visualization is helping me to see everyone as the same and to let go of the past. I just imagine them walking out of the scene they just played and into another. That previous scene simply ceases to exist. There, the past is gone. Then I imagine this longest running play ending. I imagine us shucking off the bodies and expanding as light that we know as unending. Light blending into never ending light. There, we really are the same, just aspects of a whole. I don’t know what we are in reality, I guess, but this is a helpful image for me.

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Study of Text, C 13: VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 4. 11-2-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 4

4 Apart from the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit has no function. He is not separate from Either, being in the Mind of Both, and knowing that Mind is One. He is a Thought of God, and God has given Him to you because He has no Thoughts He does not share. His message speaks of timelessness in time, and that is why Christ’s vision looks on everything with love. Yet even Christ’s vision is not His reality. The golden aspects of reality that spring to light under His loving gaze are partial glimpses of the Heaven that lies beyond them.


Ooh, I like this glimpse at the Holy Spirit. He is part of me (the Son of God) and a part of God, in the Mind of Both. And He knows that Mind is One. Here is something else that I love to read here. He is a Thought of God, and God has given Him to me because He has no Thoughts He does not share. Imagine that! God has no Thoughts He does not share with us. And I think that Thought is not the same as the thoughts we have. I think that what is a Thought in God’s Mind is a Creation.

The Holy Spirit brings some of Reality into our illusion. He says that his message speaks of timelessness in time. I was thinking about those times when I needed Him to manipulate time for me so that I could get my writing and my posting done before I absolutely had to stop and go to work, and He did! I would finish my writing and make my last posting and look at the clock to see that almost no time passed. I don’t know if this kind of thing is what Jesus means by that sentence, but it sure feels like a miracle to me. It feels like timelessness brought into time.

And he says that Christ vision works the same way. Through His vision we see love everywhere we look. I haven’t been able to do this universally and consistently, yet, but I have had glimpses and it is remarkable. It can happen right in the middle of a grievance, and simply because I want Christ vision more than I want to justify my grievance. I can be very angry or very resentful and ask for another way to see it, and everything changes. Just like that! It is a miracle when it happens.

As wonderful as it is, Jesus says Christ’s Vision is not His Reality. It is just a glimpse of the Heaven that lies just beyond that miraculous change. Can you imagine what it must be like to see only God everywhere you look? Cate says that is what she sees. I long to join her there in that place where she sees with Christ. That is why I never for a moment stop looking at the mind, letting Holy Spirit heal what I find there that is not God. I really do believe that I can learn that I want to see only with Christ vision, and that this holy vision is meant for me. I believe that all I need is to wholly desire, to desire nothing above that elevated vision, in order to have it.

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Study of Text, C 13: VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 3. 11-1-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 3

3 Perfect perception, then, has many elements in common with knowledge, making transfer to it possible. Yet the last step must be taken by God, because the last step in your redemption, which seems to be in the future, was accomplished by God in your creation. The separation has not interrupted it. Creation cannot be interrupted. The separation is merely a faulty formulation of reality, with no effect at all. The miracle, without a function in Heaven, is needful here. Aspects of reality can still be seen, and they will replace aspects of unreality. Aspects of reality can be seen in everything and everywhere. Yet only God can gather them together, by crowning them as one with the final gift of eternity.


Because my mind is stuck in time right now, it is impossible to have more than a vague idea of what Jesus is telling me in this paragraph. How can I understand eternity while I believe in time? But I do understand that God takes the last step in bringing me home. I understand that creation cannot be interrupted in spite of my dream of doing so. I accept that separation is a faulty formulation of reality and it has no real effects.

I also know in a small way that aspects of reality can still be seen and that they will replace aspects of unreality. I have moments of universal and unconditional love. I have experienced miracles in which the laws of time and space were completely undone. I have had miracles in which my mind was suddenly and inexplicably healed in an instant, of an idea that was not true. I have felt some aspect of God’s love and been so overwhelmed I could only sit and cry in joy. So, I believe in those aspects of reality.

That last step that is God’s part is beyond my understanding and my experience, so I will just focus on what is my part, and be grateful that the Holy Spirit does His part, and grateful to Jesus for his part. I continue to watch my mind and continue to cultivate my willingness, and more and more I have come in touch with my purpose and my truest heart’s desire. I am learning patience and to be gentle with myself and everyone else.

Even when I stumble along the way, as I have done with my response to my son’s challenges, I know that the peace of God is everything I want, both for me and my son. So I just keep moving forward, accepting help from my Brother, Jesus, and accepting healing from the Holy Spirit. I know that this situation is not bigger or harder than any other, it just represents an unhealed place in my mind that needs to be seen and released. I know this even as it feels impossibly hard, and really big. Not one bit of this situation is reality, and I am willing to know this in my heart.

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