Together, We Light the Way

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Gentle Healing Journal Day 46 11-12-18

Journal for Day 46
God is the Love in which I forgive.

What a remarkable lesson this is! First we are reassured that God does not forgive because God does not condemn. But no matter that; it is His Love that is the basis of all forgiveness. This means that even if I have something difficult to forgive, I can do it because I am not forgiving with my ego self, but with the Love of God, which is always available to me because what is of God is also of me.

I am also told that all forgiveness is forgiveness of self. I have learned to think of it this way; I never forgive the other person, I only forgive my projections onto them. We condemn ourselves with the fear thoughts that we choose to believe, and, seeking relief, we then project those thoughts onto others and see them as guilty.

So when we forgive the other we are really forgiving ourselves and in forgiving we are released from fear and so no longer condemn. “Those who forgive are thus releasing themselves from illusions, while those who withhold forgiveness are binding themselves to them. As you condemn only yourself, so do you forgive only yourself.” As we forgive, we are literally undoing the ego and releasing ourselves from he illusion.

I thought I would not be able to find anyone to forgive, but immediately someone I know came into my mind. It is a “small” thing, and by that I mean it is not something that impacts my life in such a way that I think of it much. But if there is unforgiveness of any kind in my heart, I am still bound to the world. So how could I say that it is a small thing or a large thing? This morning, I am eager to forgive.

Regina’s Tip

The human idea of love is typically very different from the love of God. Since our ideas about love can be mistaken, we can also misunderstand a lesson that uses the word ‘love.’ So, let’s take a minute to look at ‘love.’

Love may be best defined as openness. Other words that help us grasp the meaning of love are allowance, non-judgment, non-interference. An example of love is the space in the room where you are sitting now (or the space outside, if you are outside now). If you contemplate the space around you, notice it is open, allowing, non-judgmental, and non-interfering. For example, if two lovers decide to make love in the space around you, the space does not get in the way of that. Its openness naturally allows that. Likewise, if one person violently murders another person in the space around you, the space does not get in the way of that. Its openness is as equally open to murder as it is to making love. The openness of space is so naturally open, it can’t be anything but open. Judgment and interference are impossibilities for the space around you.

God (our true nature) is exactly the same. It is completely open and it cannot be anything but completely open.
Love = openness.

My Thoughts
This was very interesting to me. It is another way altogether to see love. I wondered how I could see my own true nature as openness and Regina talked about that, too. She says that our natural openness is not the mind that judges, rejects and condemns, etc. She says this about our intrinsic openness.

You might notice that your intrinsic openness allows all sounds and all sensations. Notice there is no block to anything in your openness. It is simply openness. If the mind begins to chatter, look to see the openness that allows the chatter. This openness is completely natural for you. It’s an openness you cannot close.

Here is a process she recommends.

Forgiveness is open-allowance-without-clinging. It might look like this:

~ Someone insults me. (Happening)
~ I get angry. (Effect of believing the mind’s judgment of the previous happening.)
~ I see my anger. (Awareness)
~ I remember my purpose. (Heart)
~ I practice Rest – Accept – Trust. (Open-allowance-without-clinging)
~ The temporary event ends as all temporary events do.

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Gentle Healing Journal Day 45 11-8-18

Journal for Day 45

God is the Mind with which I think.

First, I re-read Lesson 44, God is the Light in which I see. I was reminded, “While you practice in this way, you leave behind everything that you now believe, and all the thoughts that you have made up. Properly speaking, this is the release from hell. Yet perceived through the ego’s eyes, it is loss of identity and a descent into hell.” This fear of losing my identity is the reason the ego fights so hard to keep my attention on its thoughts.

Here is what stood out to me this morning in Lesson 45.

“You think with the Mind of God. Therefore you share your thoughts with Him, as He shares His with you. They are the same thoughts, because they are thought by the same Mind.”

Yesterday, I learned that God is the light in which I see, and I was attempting to reach Him. What an astounding idea! I was attempting to reach God! Today, I am told that I share the Mind of God. We think the same thoughts. I think with the Mind of God. God’s Mind is my mind. I keep writing this in different ways because I want never again to lose sight of this fact. I am not this body with its brain. I am not this ego mind with its thoughts.

What I am is beyond comprehension to the ego mind. I approached this meditation with awe. I did not feel like I reached my real thoughts, the thoughts I think with God, but my desire to do so has taken on a sacredness of purpose that was not there before. I can do this because of what I am.

My failure to achieve my goal this morning was the result of the belief I am something else, something less. But this false identity is falling away because I am losing my interest in it. What did happen, is that my mind became very calm and peaceful with few thoughts. When the meditation was over, immediately thoughts began to enter my mind and the contrast was stark.

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Gentle Healing Journal Day 44 11-7-18

Journal for Day 44

God is the Light in which I see.

To be honest, I was dreading this lesson. I have always found meditation so hard. This time, as I approached the lesson, I felt my heart sink. What if I still cannot do this lesson successfully? What will that mean for me? I recognized those as dark ego thoughts. Heavy thoughts. Discouraging thoughts. I asked Jesus to help me see this differently.

“God is the light in which you see. You are attempting to reach Him.”

That is the sentence that was most meaningful to me this morning. It was also intimidating. In attempting to reach the light, I am attempting to reach God. I felt fear course through me and again, I realized that is just old ego thoughts trying to darken my mind to the possibility, even to the desirability of success.

So I went to my sanctuary and I sat in my meditation chair. I bought it last year and it’s still like new. ~smile~ I began the meditation and I did notice so many ego thoughts showing up, but I repeated that God is the Light in which I see each time I noticed the thoughts. I remembered that when I say the name of God the angels surround the ground on which I stand. They are here to keep me safe and to shelter my mind from every worldly thought.

Around you angels hover lovingly, to keep away all darkened thoughts of sin, and keep the light where it has entered in (T-26.IX.7:1).

Angels light the way, so that all darkness vanishes, and you are standing in a light so bright and clear that you can understand all things you see (W-pI.131.13:2).

This was very comforting and it was encouraging. I started doing what the lesson said. I would notice thoughts and sink below them. In about 20 minutes, I achieved something I have never done before. I felt the Light of God surround me. I stayed with it for a couple of minutes longer and then I reemerged into the world. It was an extraordinary experience. I thanked Jesus for His help and the angels that they protected my mind from darkness.

© 2018, Pathways of Light.
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Gentle Healing Journal Day 43 11-5-18

Journal for Day 43

God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him.

“3 You cannot see apart from God because you cannot be apart from God. Whatever you do you do in Him, because whatever you think, you think with His Mind. If vision is real, and it is real to the extent to which it shares the Holy Spirit’s purpose, then you cannot see apart from God.”

I don’t actually see anything; I perceive, and there is not perception in God so there is not seeing in God. Reality is such a mystery. It is so very different than what we experience in the world that it is impossible to imagine what it must be like and just as hard to understand. We made the world to be different than reality, and oh boy, did we ever succeed!

The world is not meant to be eternal and so perception is not meant to be eternal. Perception is not knowledge and can never be knowledge and as God’s Son, we are meant for knowledge. It’s ok, though, because we have the Holy Spirit in our mind and that is our link with God. The Holy Spirit’s function is to purify our perception and to bring it as close to truth as we can experience while human.

God is a mystery to us. We are even a mystery to ourselves. How is it that in God we cannot see and yet, we cannot see apart from Him? The Holy Spirit is the answer to that question. As I look about me and as I remember situations and people I have thoughts about it all. These thoughts are my perceptions of them, perceptions from the ego mind.

When I remember that God is my Source and that I am in God and nowhere else regardless of these images I have made from my thoughts, I can remember also that I cannot see apart from God. I can then open my mind to the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of what I see and He will bring it more into alignment with truth. This occurs only because I am in God and therefore I think with His Mind.

I was at the mall the other day and saw that they had something new. It was a gaming area that uses virtual glasses to play the games. I watched the kids for a few minutes as they moved their bodies in a way that made sense only to them because they saw what no one else saw. They saw what was not real. What if they played the games so long that they forgot that what they were viewing wasn’t real? What if they thought the world of their game was reality.

The fact is that the rest of the world was not seeing what they were seeing and would not do so because we were not wearing their glasses. So the world does not see as they see and yet, they remain in the world and can think only with the same mind that the rest of us think with. This is what I imagine it is like for us.

We are using our eyes to see this virtual world and have gotten lost in the stories it shows us. But we haven’t gone anyplace and our Source, our Home, remains untouched by our play. Just as I cannot share in what the kids are seeing, God does not see in the way we see. And yet He did not leave us any more than we left Him.

Just as I could help talk the playing children back to reality so that they would be willing to remove their glasses and rejoin us, God placed in our minds a Guide who can do this for us. So when I say that God is my Source. I cannot see this desk apart from Him, I am acknowledging that my eyes are not showing me what is actually there.

Just as those kids were fighting opponents that only they could see, I am, through these virtual eyes of mine, sitting at a desk that only exists in my imagination. There was nothing before the kid’s eyes, and there is nothing before mine. At least, there is nothing that is as I see it. The Holy Spirit cannot make my world real, but He can reinterpret it for me so that I can get closer to reality, close enough that I can remember who I am.

After Reading Regina’s Tips

Regina says, “It is possible that your ego will tell you that you are only making up the related thoughts that come to you as you practice the workbook lessons, but if you remember that you don’t make up thoughts, YOU RECEIVE THEM, then you will know the thought about making up related thoughts is just a lower vibration thought trying to pull you back into the lower vibration thought stream again. Stay high.”

Reading this reminded me of when I first began doing the lessons. I had exactly that thought, that I was just making these thoughts up. I learned to accept that these thoughts were given to me by something outside my ego mind, and later still that I learned that all thoughts just show up rather than being made up by me. That was a very important lesson. I am not my thoughts and knowing that is what helped me shift out of guilt and into something more helpful.

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Gentle Healing Journal Day 42 11-4-18

Journal for Day 42

God is my Strength. Vision is His gift.

“You will see because it is the Will of God. It is His strength, not your own, that gives you power. And it is His gift, rather than your own, that offers vision to you.”

I know that above all else I want to see, and this lesson assures me that this is possible at any time anywhere. It also explains why this is so. Vision is God’s gift to me It is God’s Will that I receive it. Therefore, I cannot fail. I do receive His vision often. I will lose my peace because I got entangled in an ego story and then I remember that the peace of God is all I want. With this goal in mind, I can ask for another way to see, and suddenly, there it is. Each of those moments of vision is leading me to the day that Christ Vision is how I see everything.

“Your passage through time and space is not at random. You cannot but be in the right place at the right time. Such is the strength of God. Such are His gifts.”

This is one of my favorite passages. I have a purpose while I am here. That is the reason I always look at whatever is happening in my life as part of that purpose. It can be something that feels big, a problem with one of my children, a death of a loved one, a crisis of faith. Or it can be something that is seemingly small, I gained five pounds, I spent too much money at the mall, I know I need to exercise more and yet I don’t. Each of those issues has the same purpose. I am here to awaken and to help others to awaken.

It’s funny, but sometimes the little stuff is what trips me up. I can recognize my purpose in the death of a loved one, and I will not hesitate to look at my thoughts and feelings with the Holy Spirit. I will not hesitate to ask for vision in this case. But when step on the scale, I tend to do it alone. I look for solutions in a different diet. I hesitate to ask what it is for and I hesitate to ask for vision. Weird behavior.

But my passage through time and space is not at random. Each of these situations is purposeful. Each one is an opportunity for me to ask for another way to see. Each is equally important because each situation is an opportunity for me to undo the ego and accept the gift of God. There is no doubt that I can accomplish this because I am not depending on my own strength to do so.

God’s gift is vision, and so is His strength. It was a gift in my creation. So if I fail to ask what it is for and if I fail to receive vision, it is only because I choose not to do so. Weird and crazy behavior. It is important that I accept that God does not fail me, but that I fail myself. From there, I can choose again and choose in perfect confidence that I will be answered and I will succeed.

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Gentle Healing Journal Day 41 11-1-18

Journal for Day 41

God goes with me wherever I go.

Of course, God goes with me wherever I go. We are inseparable. There is not even the most microscopic degree of separation between us. We are one with each other. Every problem I have ever had or could conceive of is because I think I could be separated from God. I think I could go someplace without God. It is completely impossible and therefore, I have no problems.

In the illusion of a world that I have dreamed up, the place where I pretend that God cannot trespass, my problems seem very real and they are serious and sometimes tragic. But how could there be tragedy in God? And how could I, who am one with God experience anything not in God? That God goes with me wherever I go is the reason there is nothing my holiness cannot do. God is my holiness and God is in me as I am in God.

My creative imagination, which also comes from God, has made up this world that I envision. To borrow from the Buddhists, my mind is a clear blue sky and the clouds floating across it are my thoughts. When these thoughts are dark they obscure the sky but they cannot destroy the sky. In the same way, the thoughts of an existence opposite of God are obscuring what I am, but cannot change or destroy what I am.

The fact that I believe I have changed or destroyed God is the reason I have been afraid to have the obscuring clouds removed. It is a silly bit of reason, as if I could think away God and still exist. Jesus says that meditation will quicken my return to sanity and help me to move through the clouds to the clear sky behind them.

I’m doing the best I can with meditation. I am also releasing the dark thoughts to the Holy Spirit and doing so with ever-increasing confidence that they are gone. I then replace them with true thoughts, knowing that because I want to awaken, the help I need is given to me. As Jesus says: “Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world.”

My holiness that is of God will envelop each problem and heal it for myself and for anyone else. My holiness does not need my help to do this. It only needs my desire that it come forward. My desire is very strong because I would no longer suffer out of allegiance to these dark thoughts. There is nothing to seek. All that I need is in me. All I need is me.

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