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Text XI. Christmas as the End of Sacrifice P 10, Manual for Teachers 4. Trust.2. 1-6-20

XI. Christmas as the End of Sacrifice P 10

T-15.XI.10. This is the time in which a new year will soon be born from the time of Christ. 2 I have perfect faith in you to do all that you would accomplish. 3 Nothing will be lacking, and you will make complete and not destroy. 4 Say, then, to your brother:

5 I give you to the Holy Spirit as part of myself.
6 I know that you will be released, unless I want to use you to imprison myself.
7 In the name of my freedom I choose your release, because I recognize that we will be released together.

8 So will the year begin in joy and freedom. 9 There is much to do, and we have been long delayed. 10 Accept the holy instant as this year is born, and take your place, so long left unfulfilled, in the Great Awakening. 11 Make this year different by making it all the same. 12 And let all your relationships be made holy for you. 13 This is our will. 14 Amen.

What a wonderful way to end the year! What a plan for 2020! I am determined that this is the year I will have. Actually, I just expect that this is the year I will have. I am taking my place in the Great Awakening. I am certain that all my relationships will be made holy for me. I know I will do my part. I gladly release my brothers and accept my own release. I can’t imagine anything else occurring. This is, indeed, our will.

Right now, I can’t imagine holding anyone prisoner to my grievances, but if that were to occur, I have this perfect prayer of release and I appreciate Jesus for this gift. What has helped me to get to where I am now, to be at peace and to feel the love of God in me and moving through me, was to live this process without exception. Sure, I had grievances and there were people and situations that I judged. I judged myself as harshly as I did anyone else. But I never kept the judgment. I kept going to Holy Spirit and asking for a healed mind.

I did it as often as I needed to. I learned not to feel guilty for the dark thoughts in my mind, and, instead, I learned to feel grateful that I found them so that I could be corrected. I made the peace of God my only goal, and I never made an exception when it came to forgiveness. Everyone is forgiven and everyone is innocent. That is how I discovered that I am forgiven and I am innocent. What a life this has been. I am so grateful.

Manual for Teachers
A. Development of Trust, P 2
2 Next, the teacher of God must go through “a period of sorting out.” This is always somewhat difficult because, having learned that the changes in his life are always helpful, he must now decide all things on the basis of whether they increase the helpfulness or hamper it. He will find that many, if not most of the things he valued before will merely hinder his ability to transfer what he has learned to new situations as they arise. Because he has valued what is really valueless, he will not generalize the lesson for fear of loss and sacrifice. It takes great learning to understand that all things, events, encounters and circumstances are helpful. It is only to the extent to which they are helpful that any degree of reality should be accorded them in this world of illusion. The word “value” can apply to nothing else.

For me, the period of sorting out was mostly me arguing for what I wanted to keep. The hardest thing for me to relinquish was the desire to project blame. I really thought I needed this and that it was of great value to me. I didn’t put it in those words of course but I would argue that circumstances proved that it was clearly someone else’s fault and so, in this case, I was the victim.

My ex-husband was a heavy drinker and would often go out with his buddies and not come back until the early hours. I would not know where he was or if he was ok. I would imagine him driving drunk and getting into a wreck, maybe leaving the road and hitting a tree, sitting injured in the car unable to help himself. Many a night I lay awake playing out this nightmare in my imagination.

I would go through all the scenarios in my head and also through all the emotions. I would be afraid for him, afraid for us if he was injured or died. I would feel resentful and angry, thinking how unfair this was, and how unloving that he would put me through this. I could not see how this could be anything but his fault. I wasn’t the one who was behaving so thoughtlessly and I wasn’t the one who was causing so much grief for his family.

What had to be done to get out of this nightmare of my own making was to look past the apparent circumstances to the truth. He is innocent. I am innocent. No matter what it might look like, and no matter how I might feel, this is the truth. While circumstances shift appearances, our innocence remains the only true and unchanging fact.

From that place of clarity I was able to see that my reluctance to withdraw my projections and accept responsibility for how I felt was the result of thinking that having him to project onto was too valuable to give up. I really wanted my feelings to be caused by his behavior and the circumstances I found myself in. I was as afraid of giving up projecting blame as I would be if asked to look at my own mind, to recognize that it was my thoughts that were hurting me, not his behavior.

I had to go through many such scenarios before I was fully convinced that there is no value in projecting blame. Now the temptation never arises. I know that this story is not my reality and not anyone else’s reality. We are all here living out our scripts as if it is real so that we can look at our beliefs and make a decision as to what we want to continue believing and what we want to release. That is all that’s happening here. There is no way anyone could be guilty of that. It is our purpose.

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Text XI. Christmas as the End of Sacrifice P 9, Manual for Teachers 4. Trust. 1-3-20

XI. Christmas as the End of Sacrifice P 9

T-15.XI.9. God offers thanks to the holy host who would receive Him, and lets Him enter and abide where He would be. 2 And by your welcome does He welcome you into Himself, for what is contained in you who welcome Him is returned to Him. 3 And we but celebrate His Wholeness as we welcome Him into ourselves. 4 Those who receive the Father are one with Him, being host to Him Who created them. 5 And by allowing Him to enter, the remembrance of the Father enters with Him, and with Him they remember the only relationship they ever had, and ever want to have.

How wonderful to think of being one with God and to think that this can happen now, at least it will occur according to what is possible here. I’m not sure exactly what this is like. But Jesus says that as we host God, he welcomes us into Him. Since in reality, we are still in God, this must speak to our experience of being in Him. I know that I already feel different. I feel happier and more peaceful and without a lot of interruption in that happiness and peacefulness. And yet, I feel like there is more to this, much more. I look forward to whatever is to come.

I still experience ego thoughts but I seldom believe them even for a brief time, and though I might get distracted by an ego thought, it does not persist. I continue to watch my thoughts and I am alert to guidance. One thing that feels different to me is that it all feels so natural and simple. It doesn’t feel like I have to work at this anymore; rather, it feels like every change simply happens and all I need to do is not prevent it.

I know I feel so much love for Jesus my brother and for God my Father. I also feel loved by God and I don’t doubt that love anymore. And if there is still some doubt or some fear of which I am not consciously aware, I am ready to face that when it is time to do so and let that be undone by the Holy Spirit as He has done with all other obstructions.

Manual for Teachers

2 All differences among the Sons of God are temporary. Nevertheless, in time it can be said that the advanced teachers of God have the following characteristics:

1. Trust

1 This is the foundation on which their ability to fulfil their function rests. Perception is the result of learning. In fact, perception is learning, because cause and effect are never separated. The teachers of God have trust in the world, because they have learned it is not governed by the laws the world made up. It is governed by a power that is in them but not of them. It is this power that keeps all things safe. It is through this power that the teachers of God look on a forgiven world. 

When I think about the world as it appears now with so much divisiveness, one could wonder how it is that we are to trust. The world today seems to be a very unsafe place. But that would only be true if I am looking with the ego. There is nothing to trust from the ego point of view, but I am not the ego. I am the Christ and I trust the Christ. I trust that God was not mistaken when He created us. I trust that Jesus was not mistaken when he chose us as his channels. I trust the power of God in us, and I trust that power is Love. I trust the inevitability of the Awakening.

If I see my brother strike out in fear and anger, I trust it is a call for love and that call will be answered. I trust that no matter how great his fear or terrible his rage, Love is his center. I trust that he will finally accept his truth and surrender to love. Nations are just a gathering of my brothers and reflect the same fear as the individuals, but also the same core of Love. I trust the Love they are to be revealed.

I envision each nation as a gathering of individuals who appear dark with just a tiny spark of light in their heart. Scattered among them are God’s teachers glowing brightly and those nearest him, as they are ready, feel their light sputter to life as it is ignited by their teacher. It is just a matter of time that all lights will come to life and where will the darkness go then? I trust Jesus and his plan of Atonement to awaken us to that light that can never be extinguished.

I trust that I can disregard the appearance of the world I see with my eyes. It is just a picture of the confusion in the mind. Behind that confusion is the real world, which could not possibly resemble this illusion in any way. In fact, the real world is the opposite of the world I see in every way. This is the world I trust. And I trust that my illusions of pain, suffering and death can do nothing to affect it.

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