Together, We Light the Way

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Study of the Text 11-7-12

2 “Heaven and earth shall pass away” means that they will not continue to exist as separate states. My word, which is the resurrection and the life, shall not pass away because life is eternal. You are the work of God, and His work is wholly loveable and wholly loving. This is how a man must think of himself in his heart, because this is what he is.

This first sentence was very confusing to me. I think it means that right now we see Heaven and earth as being separate. I am in earth and so I am not in Heaven. But Heaven and earth as separate states will be understood to be an error. There is only one, and never is there more than one no matter what we are talking about. There only seems to be separation.

Jesus says his word is the resurrection and the life, and it feels to me like that means his word will never cease to exist, will not change or become something else. It is like all else that is truth; it is changeless and eternal. I also feel like his word is more than the words in the Course, but I don’t know how to explain that. Sometimes I ask for clarity and I simply know something I didn’t know before, but sometimes, more excitingly, I am different than I was before. No words or concepts were part of this change. I think that is closer to what Jesus means when he uses the phrase, “my word.”

The last part of this paragraph reminds us of our true nature which is love, and it also reminds us that our nature is immutable because we are the work of God. I love that phrase and use it as an anchor to hold me in truth when the ego mind is vying for my attention. When I seem to fall short of being love, I know this cannot be true because I am the work of God. I may be pretending to be less than love and then acting as if it were true, but I cannot really be less than love because I am created as love.

I am the work of God. This is how I must think of myself in my heart. When I first read that I must think this way, I felt like I was being told that if I failed to think of myself this way I was guilty, or to use a word from my days as a Catholic, it would be a “sin” to see myself differently. What I think now is that I must see the truth of myself in my heart because that is all there is to see.

I become confused when I look in the ego mind to discover my nature. To return to the truth I only need to ignore the thinking mind and look to the heart, to his word that is eternal, to the Holy Spirit that is the memory of the truth. The heart holds the truth as it must because the truth is always true in spite of the illusion that continually vies for our attention and offers us an impossible alternative.

As an unlimited and perfectly free child of God, I can pretend to be something else, but I must be love. I can become confused about that, but as shift my attention from ego mind to the heart, I must find the truth. And I will tell you the truth; there are moments in my life when it is such a relief to remember that I am the work of God.

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Study of the Text 11-6-12

III. Atonement and Miracles

1 I am in charge of the process of Atonement, which I undertook to begin. When you offer a miracle to any of my brothers, you do it to yourself and me. The reason you come before me is that I do not need miracles for my own Atonement, but I stand at the end in case you fail temporarily. My part in the Atonement is the cancelling out of all errors that you could not otherwise correct. When you have been restored to the recognition of your original state, you naturally become part of the Atonement yourself. As you share my unwillingness to accept error in yourself and others, you must join the great crusade to correct it; listen to my voice, learn to undo error and act to correct it. The power to work miracles belongs to you. I will provide the opportunities to do them, but you must be ready and willing. Doing them will bring conviction in the ability, because conviction comes through accomplishment. The ability is the potential, the achievement is its expression, and the Atonement, which is the natural profession of the children of God, is the purpose. 

I read through this once and I felt the, now familiar, almost overwhelming sense of gratitude toward Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, for awakening, for beginning the process of Atonement and for cancelling out all the errors I can’t correct myself. Thank you for providing opportunities for me to work miracles and for directing me to those miracles. Thank you for having my back in those times when I slip back into the old way of thinking, for the times when I feel unworthy and those times when I am doubtful and uncertain.

The second time I read this I had the feeling that Jesus and the Holy Spirit have blended into one as I suppose we all will do as we are ready. The Holy Spirit has always been clearly defined in my mind as the Voice for God and Jesus was defined as the author of the Course and other books, the one of us who awakened and then stuck around to help us all awaken. He feels more like a person to me while the Holy Spirit feels more like a mechanism.

In this paragraph Jesus seems to be taking on the functions I gave the Holy Spirit. He says to listen to him and to allow him to undo error and correct it. I wonder if this is the Holy Spirit working through Jesus. I imagine Jesus is a completely clear channel now and so there is no self left to obstruct the flow. And maybe none of this is right and I cannot in my present state understand the pure truth. I suppose it doesn’t matter. I give names and functions because I still separate everything, and then give them labels to keep them separate. Jesus, I seem unable to stop separating everything. Maybe you will have to correct this for me.

The third time I read through this paragraph I was very aware of my responsibilities. I am to prepare my mind for working miracles so that when Jesus directs an opportunity to do so, I will be ready. I have been doing this. I watch my mind for thoughts and beliefs that will obstruct my vision and cause me to see the error rather than the truth. I give these to the Holy Spirit for correction. I accept His vision to the degree I am able.

I am vigilant, consistent, and persistent. When I am strongly distracted from the truth as I was recently with my son, I just keep at it. I feel the uncertainty and doubt and continue bringing it to Holy Spirit. I feel discouraged and fearful and continue bringing it to Holy Spirit. I sit and cry and shake all over, and I bring it to the Holy Spirit. This is my only job and I will do it with as little judgment as I can, but no matter what, I continue to do it.

My fear and doubt has evolved through acceptance into understanding and now into a new vision. When I think of Toby and his back I know that the injury and all the effects of that injury are as unreal as everything else in the illusion. He is healed because that is God’s Will. The ego keeps pointing at proof to the contrary but I am not interested.

The last time I read this paragraph this morning I returned to gratitude. I am grateful for my part in the Atonement. I am ready to continue preparing my mind. I am ready to be directed to whatever miracles I am to perform. I am ready to be a link in the chain of Atonement, to stand beside my brother and sister, holding a hand in each of mine, one strong and powerful chain of miracle workers.

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Study of the Text 11-5-12

6 The miracle minimizes the need for time. In the longitudinal or horizontal plane the recognition of the equality of the members of the Sonship appears to involve almost endless time. However, the miracle entails a sudden shift from horizontal to vertical perception. This introduces an interval from which the giver and receiver both emerge farther along in time than they would otherwise have been. The miracle thus has the unique property of abolishing time to the extent that it renders the interval of time it spans unnecessary. There is no relationship between the time a miracle takes and the time it covers. The miracle substitutes for learning that might have taken thousands of years. It does so by the underlying recognition of perfect equality of giver and receiver on which the miracle rests. The miracle shortens time by collapsing it, thus eliminating certain intervals within it. It does this, however, within the larger temporal sequence.

What is the purpose of the miracle? To make my life here more comfortable? No. To cure the body of disease? No. To prove that God exists? No. Not that these effects cannot happen, because often they do. But they are not the purpose. Right in the first sentence Jesus tells us that miracles save time. Later in the paragraph he says that a miracle can substitute for thousands of years of learning so he is not kidding when he says it saves time.

And what are we learning? We are learning that all members of the Sonship are equal. And how does this work? How does the miracle help me to know that we are all equal? When my son was in physical distress I, at first, had trouble taking my eyes off the problem, and so what was happening is that I was separating us. I saw Toby as the one who was sick, the one who needed a miracle.

I knew I was not helping because I was right there in the ego problem with him. The thoughts and feelings I had were: I am his mom, and so I should be helping him. I should be performing the miracle, and relieving him of his pain and healing him of his injury. As a Course student and teacher I was falling down on the job, teaching one thing and doing another. I felt very guilty on top of feeling afraid and upset for my son.

I also knew that all this was wrong-minded thinking, but I had a hard time stepping out of it. I stayed with it, though, asking the Holy Spirit to help me let go of my fear and see clearly. I began to back out of the ego thinking that was preventing me from being helpful. I began to remember that as a teacher of God I am always teaching what I need to learn so there was no reason to feel guilty that I was not being a “perfect” teacher. The teacher of God teaches perfection over and over until she learns it.

In my frustration I finally made the right choice. I said, “Jesus, I want your miracle!” And when I said it, I realized that something had changed. It was as if all of Heaven let out a sigh, “Finally, she asks.”  I began to remember that the miracle is a change of mind, not a change of circumstance. This was really hard because I desperately wanted a change of circumstance and felt guilty for even thinking I should ignore my son’s physical pain for an instant. The ego is very attracted to guilt, isn’t it? But again, I continued to ask for help even through my doubt and fear.

What happened is that as I slowly rejected each ego belief, the truth began to emerge. I began to realize that, in this situation, as in all situations, there is no separation. A couple of mornings after this all began, I awoke to Jesus speaking to me through my I-Pod. (No, that was not the miracle. It was A Course in Miracles recorded. ~smile~)

It was saying, “There is nothing outside your mind.” Of course. If nothing is outside my mind, then my son is in my mind. His injury is in my mind. His pain is in my mind. So what needs healing? My mind. I began asking the Holy Spirit to heal my mind, but this time I had a different understanding of that request. My son and I are not separate. We are the same, and we are equal members of the Sonship. I am not the teacher doing for the student, but a part of the Sonship healing Itself.

I may become distracted from this truth at some time in the future, but I will never forget it. Who knows how many years (maybe a thousand) of learning I would have had to experience if not for the miracle of my mind being healed of the belief that healing takes place outside my mind, that there is someone else who needs healing, and that I am somehow different and apart from that someone, greater or lesser than that someone.

This miracle raised me up in my thinking. This is the vertical shift in understanding, and Toby and I emerged further along the horizontal line (time) than we began. By the way, Toby is doing much better now, much better than he “should” be doing according to medical expectations. The doctor is in my mind as well as Toby’s body, the treatment is in my mind, the idea of time is in my mind. There is nothing outside my mind. The cause and the effect are both in my mind and so as the cause is healed, the effect is changed.

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Study of the Text 11-2-12

5 Revelations are indirectly inspired by me because I am close to the Holy Spirit, and alert to the revelation-readiness of my brothers. I can thus bring down to them more than they can draw down to themselves. The Holy Spirit mediates higher to lower communication, keeping the direct channel from God to you open for revelation. Revelation is not reciprocal. It proceeds from God to you, but not from you to God. 

Reading about revelation and hearing from those who have experienced revelations I cannot help but desire this experience for myself, but I accept that since I have not done so yet, it is not time for this to happen. Jesus says he is alert to my level of readiness. He says he can inspire revelation when it is time. I trust Jesus. Revelation will occur when it will be a blessing to me.

We are told that the Holy Spirit mediates higher to lower communication which I take to mean from God to me. Another word for mediate is facilitate. I like that word because I understand facilitating. I facilitate courses for my students. This is different than teaching them. As a facilitator I don’t tell my students how they should see the lessons; I witness, encourage and guide. I make it easier for them to do the lessons.

When Jesus knows the time is right he will inspire revelation and then bring it down to me. The Holy Spirit, Who keeps the channel from God to me open, will make it easier for me to experience revelation. My sense is that revelation readiness may depend on how much the fear of God has been loosened. But really, I don’t know.

I looked up revelation in the dictionary. It says: the revealing of something previously hidden or secret. Or, in Christianity, a showing or revealing of what is believed to be divine will or truth. So when Jesus says that revelation is from God to me and not from me to God, I have to laugh. I will assume I don’t have any secrets to reveal to God, or any divine truth that is unknown to Him. ~smile~

Have a good weekend, friends. If any of you were in the path of the hurricane, I trust you are safe in God’s care. This weekend I am delivering the Sunday message at the Creative Life Church in Hot Springs, Arkansas and facilitating a workshop afterwards. If you are near Hot Springs, perhaps you would like to join us. I would love to see you.

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Study of the Text 10-31-12

  3 Awe should be reserved for revelation, to which it is perfectly and correctly applicable. It is not appropriate for miracles because a state of awe is worshipful, implying that one of a lesser order stands before his Creator. You are a perfect creation, and should experience awe only in the presence of the Creator of perfection. The miracle is therefore a sign of love among equals. Equals should not be in awe of one another because awe implies inequality. It is therefore an inappropriate reaction to me. An elder brother is entitled to respect for his greater experience, and obedience for his greater wisdom. He is also entitled to love because he is a brother, and to devotion if he is devoted. It is only my devotion that entitles me to yours. There is nothing about me that you cannot attain. I have nothing that does not come from God. The difference between us now is that I have nothing else. This leaves me in a state which is only potential in you. 

There are a couple of things in this paragraph that jump out at me. Jesus explains that only our Creator deserves our awe. I used to be pretty awe struck by many of the teachers. They seemed to know so much more than me and to be so much closer to awakening. I could barely imagine being where they were. And people who could channel Jeshua, or take down whole books of information they didn’t know before it came to them, seemed pretty awesome to me. I thought they were special, and I was awed. And certainly I thought Jesus was the most awesome of all.

Now I see that we are all just brothers and sisters, part of the same whole. Some of us are a bit further along than others, but we are all headed in the same direction and we will all get there (and evidently already have). When that happens (we each become aware of it) the apparent differences will disappear. I will see no difference between any of us, only more of the same. I will feel only love for my Divine Siblings.

Our Creator is awesome and it is appropriate to feel awe in His presence. I don’t think I will have any problem in working up some awe in that case. I wonder what God is like. Shoot, I don’t even know what I am like. I am still too identified with form to imagine formlessness in any real way, especially as it applies to me. I still have too much that is not love to imagine Love as my identity.

To think of God and to know that He is pure Love and nothing else, well, that really is awesome. To truly appreciate God, though, I have to let go completely, the idea that there is something in God that is not love. Something that is resentful of my wanderings, something that believes punishment is an appropriate response to error and so I have reason to expect punishment from God. I cannot truly love that of which I am afraid. When I think of God as pure Love, awe means wonder to me. When I think of Him as punishing, awe means fear to me.

Using the idea of Jesus, the appropriate response is not awe, but love and appreciation. I imagine standing before Jesus and I feel those things, and also gratitude that is so intense it makes me cry even as I think of it now. I’m pretty awestruck that he was able to awaken without A Course in Miracles, but that’s not the same kind of awe that is reserved for God. I am doing my level best to be obedient because I want what he has. I am absolutely devoted. If he were standing in front of me I would hug him. A long time. And with a lot of fervor. Grateful. Really grateful.

The last two sentences say it all.

I have nothing that does not come from God. The difference between us now is that I have nothing else. This leaves me in a state which is only potential in you

Jesus and I are the same, we are both a part of God and a part of each other. The difference between us . . . the temporary difference, is that I still have all this other stuff in my head that blocks my awareness of our wholeness and blocks my awareness of my purity. What this means is that my true nature is mostly not real to me, but is something I believe in because Jesus tells me that it is real.

I do the work because I trust Jesus. As I do the work, my mind becomes more and more clear and there is less to block my true self. Soon I will join Jesus in the sweet clarity of my mind and absolutely know my true identity. What was potential will be actuality.

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Study of the Text 10-30-12

2 Revelation is intensely personal and cannot be meaningfully translated. That is why any attempt to describe it in words is impossible. Revelation induces only experience. Miracles, on the other hand, induce action. They are more useful now because of their interpersonal nature. In this phase of learning, working miracles is important because freedom from fear cannot be thrust upon you. Revelation is literally unspeakable because it is an experience of unspeakable love.

A revelation is something revealed and we see in this paragraph that the something is love, but it is a love that is different from anything we know. In fact it is unspeakable, there are no words to describe it. I understand now why my friend said that he could not imagine living in that state it was so intense. I would like to experience revelation but this is not something that can be attained through my own efforts or earned in some way. I will experience it if that would be helpful to my awakening and when I should. I accept that.

While revelation is an experience, miracles induce action. They are brother-to-brother and so more useful to us.  They bring us together; they help us remember our wholeness. It is important that we work miracles so that we learn who we are. Jesus says that freedom from fear cannot be thrust upon us, and as we learn to work miracles we learn we have nothing to fear.

When I discovered that something had gone wrong with my son’s medical procedure, I called him. He was in such excruciating pain that he literally could not talk. We didn’t know if there was permanent damage or if this would pass. It wasn’t supposed to happen in the first place so who knew what it meant. For awhile my mind froze up. I couldn’t think outside the ego mind, which was frozen in fear.

After awhile, as I asked the Holy Spirit for help, my mind began to clear and I could hear the Voice for God. I went back and forth for a few days as I got sucked into the ego voice of fear, remembered this could not be true and listened again to Spirit. I sent a message to some friends asking for their prayerful support. I got messages back, and the blessing was that not one of them said anything about how sad or scary this was. Each message was a message of truth. God bless my friends.

During these few days I have had to remain vigilant for the truth. It has been a long time since I have gone through something like this where I was overwhelmed with doubt and fear and I am reminded to be compassionate when others are confused and afraid. The truth is simple but when the ego has your attention it doesn’t always feel simple.

Now that I have returned to sanity I remember the truth.
• There is nothing outside my mind, and that includes Toby and his injury.
• I am not sick and cannot die, but I can confuse myself with things that do, and that is true for Toby as well.
• I remember that Toby and I are not two separate beings; we are one. When I am afraid for Toby, I am in my mind separating us. I am ok, but Toby is not.
• When I think Toby needs to be healed, I have forgotten there is but one mind. I am in that moment an unhealed healer. As I am healed, I withdraw my projection and ask that my mind be healed of the belief in pain and suffering.
• My Spirit provides exactly what I need to support me. I trust my Spirit and this is equally true for Toby.
• No matter what seems to be happening, no matter how much proof I seem to have to the contrary, nothing is happening. Both Toby and I are safe in God. We are dreaming of fear and pain and that is all.

This is the way to the miracle. I hear the Voice for God and I heed that voice rather than the ego. I remember the truth for Toby while he may not be able to do so, just as my friends did for me. I ask that my mind be healed of whatever it is that is causing the situation with Toby in the understanding that I am responsible for everything in my life. I wait in happy anticipation to see how the miracle will show up in our story.

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Study of the Text 10-29-12

II. Revelation, Time and Miracles

1 Revelation induces complete but temporary suspension of doubt and fear. It reflects the original form of communication between God and His creations, involving the extremely personal sense of creation sometimes sought in physical relationships. Physical closeness cannot achieve it. Miracles, however, are genuinely interpersonal, and result in true closeness to others. Revelation unites you directly with God. Miracles unite you directly with your brother. Neither emanates from consciousness, but both are experienced there. Consciousness is the state that induces action, though it does not inspire it. You are free to believe what you choose, and what you do attests to what you believe.

Revelation is communication from God to us, or at least a reflection of that original communication. I can say very little about it because it has never happened for me. I have spoken to people who have had that experience and am told it is truly unspeakable. My friend told me that the love he felt was so overwhelming he could not imagine being able to sustain it while in the body.

I try to imagine what it is like to have a complete suspension of all doubt and fear even if it is temporary, and I cannot. Mostly, I’m not aware of a lot of doubt and fear, and yet, it is always there just beneath the surface. When my son had a reaction to a procedure and was in nearly unbearable pain, I got the chance to see just how near the surface that doubt and fear were. I got to see how intense that doubt and fear can be.

I’m buying a house and when a problem cropped up I saw how quickly fear rose up in me, and this is a situation that is not that close to my heart. If I don’t get the house, I’ll just look for another but I still experienced fear when the sale was threatened. Fear and doubt are in my mind and as long as they are, I will project stories to explain them away. “See, it is the house sale that’s causing my fear. As soon as the sale goes through, I’ll be happy again.”

Recognizing that kind of thinking, and genuinely asking for correction is the way we awaken. I notice that this has been an easy practice during the house purchase. I also saw that when my son was in pain I was frozen in my fear and lost all sense of the truth. All I wanted was my son to be ok. All the right words would pass through my mind but it was like they were wrapped in a thick fog and I could not catch their meaning. I saw guilt just under the fear and doubt, vast and awful. What a wonderful thing it will be when I am completely free of doubt and fear. How wonderful to know only love.

Revelation would be an extraordinary gift, but right now miracles might be more helpful. While revelation unites us with God, miracles unite us with our brother, and uniting with our brothers is the first step to returning home. Home is Wholeness, Oneness, and so cannot be experienced while we still yearn to be separate and unique individuals.

As long as we still value our separation we will be unable to let go of the illusion. When there was a problem with the sale of the house the first thing I did was decide if it was the realtor’s fault or the banks fault. How quickly I made use of separation! Obviously it still has great value to me. I still think I need someplace to put the blame when things go wrong. How can I truly join with my brother when I think that any minute I may need him to be my scapegoat? When I think of how easily I fall back into this kind of thinking, I realize the value of the miracle.

Both miracles and revelation occur in consciousness, but they do not originate there. Though we experience them within our story, they are inspired from outside the illusion. This reminds me that I cannot cause either revelation or miracles. I can do the work that prepares me to accept them, but I cannot make them happen.

The last sentence is helpful to me as I look at the evidence of doubt and fear in my mind. My first reaction is guilt that I have not done a better job of mind healing. I’m not surprised that ego goes straight to guilt, and I know that what comes from ego is never truth, but as I look at my life it seems to offer so much proof that I am guilty. But Jesus tells me that no matter what I see in my life, I am not guilty for it. I remain innocent.

In my perfect freedom as God’s Son, I am can choose to believe anything I want to believe, and what I believe will manifest as my life. How handy, right? I don’t have to wonder how my life got into its present state.  It is a reflection of the beliefs I hold in my mind. Why do I act as I do? I act according to my beliefs. This makes the solution clear. Choose different beliefs, experience a different life.

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