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I Am in God Even Now

T-25.IV.12:5 “How better could your own mistakes be brought to truth than by your willingness to bring the light of Heaven with you, as you walk beyond the world of darkness into light?”

I think this is another way of saying that my only function is to accept the Atonement for myself. This is how I heal the world. As I recognize that we are one, and that there is no separation at all, I lose all desire to win, to be right, to attack or defend. None of that makes sense to me anymore. When ego thoughts of fear rise up in my mind, they do so that I can let them be healed and thus allow the world to be healed.

I am the Mind that is God, regardless that I think I am this small person that I am identified with at the moment. Nothing has changed since my creation. I am That I am. I am in God even now and as I become open and receptive to that truth, I bring the light of Heaven with me even in this world.

It becomes confusing to me sometimes because I know this is true and yet, within this world, my experience is so very different. I sometimes feel schizophrenic. I am the Son of God and I am Myron and the two identities are not always clearly defined in my mind and yet they must be because there is no meeting place for them. So, it is just confusion of identity. Believing that I am Myron makes the illusion of me as Myron very real in my mind, but it cannot make it true.

As I let go of these confused thoughts my mind clears just as it did when I was confused about my friend pushing me. As I decided for light, darkness simply ceased to exist. It is no different nor any harder than turning on a light in my dark room. The light comes on and the darkness is gone. It doesn’t take time and almost no effort.

Each time I let my mind be illumined with the truth, my faith and trust grow stronger and my decision for Light comes more quickly and the solution is more quickly accepted. So here is the whole thing in a nutshell. I am the Son of God. I am Love. I am peace. I am experiencing something unlike myself. I get confused as to my identity. I recognize the confusion and I decide to remember who I am. I ask for help. As I accept it and live it, I give it. I awaken.

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Manual for Teachers, Joy. 3-25-20

V. Joy
1 Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. Gentleness means that fear is now impossible, and what could come to interfere with joy? The open hands of gentleness are always filled. The gentle have no pain. They cannot suffer. Why would they not be joyous? They are sure they are beloved and must be safe. Joy goes with gentleness as surely as grief attends attack. God’s teachers trust in Him. And they are sure His Teacher goes before them, making sure no harm can come to them. They hold His gifts and follow in His way, because God’s Voice directs them in all things. Joy is their song of thanks. And Christ looks down on them in thanks as well. His need of them is just as great as theirs of Him. How joyous it is to share the purpose of salvation!

Joy as described here is not something I can achieve through my efforts in the world, and is not connected to something I own, or have. It is not the result of winning the lottery or owning a lovely home, or being in love. It is not the result of anything that I can see or touch, or hear. It has nothing to do with the body or the world.

When I am centered, when I have withdrawn my projections and there is no defense or attack in me, joy is simply there. Sometimes it rises up in me so strongly that I laugh out loud. Sometimes I cry tears of joy. It is just too much to keep in and has to come out in some way. Mostly it simply feels like peace and is so lovely.

When joy is in me, I have perfect faith in it. It feels so right and so perfect. I always amaze myself when I choose to give it up as if it were not the best thing that had ever happened to me. What draws my attention so strongly that I would sacrifice joy just to have it? I begin to pay attention to my thoughts and to question my safety. When I do this, my mind begins to plan defense strategies and I lose my peace and my joy. Is that crazy, or what? Fortunately, it doesn’t happen very often anymore.

Of course, joy and peace haven’t gone anywhere because they are my true nature, but if I have chosen to withdraw from God, I will lose all sense of it. It might be something as simple as judging the person standing next to me or wondering if I will run out of money before I run out of month. One thought follows another and pretty soon I’m stepping away from the person next to me. (That’s an interesting symbol of the separation I created with my judgment.)

Or I am making plans on my own to protect against a financial shortfall, and at the same time teaching myself lack and loss. Maybe I will think of someone or something that is responsible for my predicament because I don’t like how I feel when I judge myself for my carelessness.

It’s easy to see how I lose that sense of peace and the joy that was so lovely just moments ago. I cannot be joyful if I am being harmful, through judgment, attack, and defense or any form of separation. When the mind detects danger and begins to build its defenses I have forgotten the purpose I share with Christ, and so I have forgotten my joy.

This is why vigilance is so important. I remain vigilant for unquestioned thoughts. I remain vigilant until I don’t need to because I never lose my peace and my joy. Does that ever happen in this world? Yes. Jesus says that we can learn to listen only to the Voice for God and we can do so even in this world. Vigilance is a small price to pay for joy.

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One Shared Goal

S-1.IV.1:4-6 Enemies do not share a goal. It is in this their enmity is kept. Their separate wishes are their arsenals; their fortresses in hate.

I have one goal and that is the peace of God. This goal does not vary according to circumstances, but it took me some time to accept this. What I am going to share here is a story from three years ago that illustrates how I eventually narrowed my focus to the one goal and began to see the goal we all share.

As I was going to bed last night I was thinking about goals. It is easy to get confused about this issue. My thoughts began with this idea that I have some things I want to accomplish in my house. Things that I have been putting off until I retired. But now instead of doing them, I am spending much of my time with my daughter and her new baby. I love being with her and I love being with the baby, but I do notice that I feel resentful of the lost time.

So what seems to be happening is that we have separate goals. My daughter’s goal is to have me around. She wants company and reassurance and help keeping up while her body heals from the C-section. Her goal is to have me come over every day to be sure her needs are met.

My goal is to get this big pile of unfinished business whittled down. I love when I get a project done. It feels so satisfying to me. And when it is not done it is like an itch that I can’t scratch. So it seems like one of us is going to get their goal met and we are in competition to see who wins.

This is an excellent example of separation. It is a situation without an answer that is union and is an extension of love because even if I continue to do the “loving” thing, I still resent doing it so it is not love. Same for her. Love is not sacrifice and as long as we have separate goals someone is going to sacrifice.

The solution, the only one that will work is if at least one of us changes their goal. I choose to be the one because as I reason this out, I remember that I have only one goal, which is the peace of God. Lesson 205 is the lesson that simplifies all my decisions.

“The peace of God is my one goal; the aim of all my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my life, while I abide where I am not at home.”

So now all I have to do is question my goal. Is my goal to complete my to-do list? Or is my goal the peace of God. Hardly seems a question at all when I put it like that. I will complete my list at some point, but now it is not my goal and so the completion of it does not drive my actions and my reactions.

I can relax into this situation with my daughter and appreciate how precious it is. It will likely never happen again that we have so much time together. Watching this new little human grow and change daily is something rare and precious. I was blinded to the obvious when I was focused on my little goal. Now that I remember my only goal, I can see again.

© 2020, Pathways of Light.
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Manual for Teachers, Gentleness, P 2. 3-20-20

IV. Gentleness P 2
2 Therefore, God’s teachers are wholly gentle. They need the strength of gentleness, for it is in this that the function of salvation becomes easy. To those who would do harm, it is impossible. To those to whom harm has no meaning, it is merely natural. What choice but this has meaning to the sane? Who chooses hell when he perceives a way to Heaven? And who would choose the weakness that must come from harm in place of the unfailing, all-encompassing and limitless strength of gentleness? The might of God’s teachers lies in their gentleness, for they have understood their evil thoughts came neither from God’s Son nor his Creator. Thus did they join their thoughts with Him Who is their Source. And so their will, which always was His Own, is free to be itself.

I was just re-reading A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie. She was talking about being invited to an area of the world that was considered dangerous and her friends were trying to talk her out of going. She went anyway and this is what she said about it.

“I am free to walk anywhere in the world, with anyone, at any time. I can’t project danger. There are no limitations to where I go. … A clear mind is beautiful and sees only its own reflection.”

This perfectly explains to me what Jesus means when he says that a teacher of God cannot harm nor be harmed. The world we see is a reflection of our beliefs. It is a perfect reflection. If there is no belief in harm in our mind, there will be no projection of that belief. The danger we think we face does not come from the world, but from the beliefs we hold in our mind which are then seen within the world.

Lesson 152 says,
1 No one can suffer loss unless it be his own decision. No one suffers pain except his choice elects this state for him. No one can grieve nor fear nor think him sick unless these are the outcomes that he wants. And no one dies without his own consent. Nothing occurs but represents your wish, and nothing is omitted that you choose. Here is your world, complete in all details. Here is its whole reality for you. And it is only here salvation is .

I create the danger that terrifies me. It is important for me to understand this dynamic. I will believe that I cannot afford to be harmless if I think the world is dangerous and I am in constant danger of attack. But once I understand that I am the source of the world I see, then I stop blaming everyone else and become willing to allow my mind to be healed. Then I will be like Katie; I will have nothing to fear because there is nothing in my mind to project fearful images. I will then be harmless in all ways all the time.

Jesus gives us a helpful hint when he says that harm is the outcome of judgment. Judgment is me deciding what is acceptable and what isn’t, what is good and what is bad. As soon as I do this, I have created the potential for harm. If my friend acts in a way that I judge as unacceptable, I will be tempted to correct and thus I have caused harm.

Even if I don’t actually say anything the thought itself, when believed is teaching me to doubt her and thus myself. It is reinforcing in the mind as a whole the idea of doubt, and of course it is reinforcing the separation belief. I would be causing harm and in that moment,  I would not be a teacher of God.

If I recognize the desire to judge as an ego impulse and instead ask the Holy Spirit how I should see this, I immediately break the cycle and become harmless. Then if there is anything to say or do it will be helpful because it is not the ego that is choosing the words.

The might of God’s teachers lies in their gentleness, for they have understood their evil thoughts came neither from God’s Son nor his Creator. Thus did they join their thoughts with Him Who is their Source. And so their will, which always was His Own, is free to be itself.

Letting go of the desire to judge and returning my mind to my Source is the way I free myself to be my Self, and thus become harmless.

March 20, 2020
Right now with the world being in upheaval because of the Coronavirus, it is more important than ever to be gentle in all ways. It is equally important to recognize that our thoughts are powerful and all of them produce form on some level, so we must be vigilant for what we feel and think. Let us not add more darkness to the mind but be the light of the world. We are here now because we chose to be here. We have a purpose. Let us live that purpose. The Holy Spirit is in our mind and will guide and heal us as we go if we ask for that. Let us not dwell in fear but in love.

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Manual for Teachers, Gentleness. 3-10-20

IV. Gentleness
1 Harm is impossible for God’s teachers. They can neither harm nor be harmed. Harm is the outcome of judgment. It is the dishonest act that follows a dishonest thought. It is a verdict of guilt upon a brother, and therefore on oneself. It is the end of peace and the denial of learning. It demonstrates the absence of God’s curriculum, and its replacement by insanity. No teacher of God but must learn,-and fairly early in his training,-that harmfulness completely obliterates his function from his awareness. It will make him confused, fearful, angry and suspicious. It will make the Holy Spirit’s lessons impossible to learn. Nor can God’s Teacher be heard at all, except by those who realize that harm can actually achieve nothing. No gain can come of it. 

It has taken me a long time to reach the point where I cannot be harmed. I used to feel the sting of attack when someone confronted me. That is something that has fallen away now. I have no desire to harm either and if I think I have done so, I am quick to notice and to make amends if that is appropriate. Either way, I am quick to forgive myself. Guilt is never helpful.

There is more than one way to be harmful. Judgment of any kind is harmful, judging myself or someone else, saying it aloud or just feeling it. Losing patience with someone or thinking they should do better is harmful to both parties, the one who is impatient and the one who is targeted. If I were to lack patience or trust in anyone I was working with, I would fail to be helpful, and I would lose my peace. I would no longer be teaching for God.

As Jesus says: No teacher of God but must learn, -and fairly early in his training, -that harmfulness completely obliterates his function from his awareness. I am here to be truly helpful so it makes no sense to do something that is going to make that impossible. Not to mention, It will make the Holy Spirit’s lessons impossible to learn. The teacher of God is here to learn as much as to teach.

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Let’s Break That Contract!

This is something I wrote about in a Pathways of Light course I am taking with a friend.

What is key to me in this section is that we signed a contract with each other to keep amnesia in place, to never look with innocence on anything, and to keep the fear of God and each other in place. Now, in order to exit from this insane world, we must break that agreement. We do this by forgiving it. What we have not forgiven, we fear, so we forgive our brothers and we will not be afraid to join with them. And in forgiving them, we forgive ourselves and so we undo that fear. This is essential because we must go together to God and because we cannot take fear into God.

Here is what I wrote as my RFD for the day.

Today, I will make no decisions with the ego-mind.

One of the Pathways of Light courses that I am doing with mind healing partners is centered around the Obstacles to Peace section of the Course. I forgot just how important this section is. I just finished reading this.

“The dedication to death and to its sovereignty is but the solemn vow, the promise made in secret to the ego never to lift this veil, not to approach it nor even to suspect it is there. This is the secret bargain made with the ego to keep what lies beyond the veil forever blotted out and unremembered. Here is your promise never to allow union to call you out of separation; the great amnesia in which the memory of God seems quite forgotten; the cleavage of you Self from you;-the fear of God, the final step in your dissociation.”

Well, we are breaking that contract, aren’t we? We who are studying the Course and who have dedicated our lives to undoing the ego, have taken the first step, and maybe many steps toward lifting the veil. The way we are doing this is through forgiveness. It is the only way to do it. The lifting of the veil must be done in union and union cannot occur where there is fear and guilt.

“But first, lift up your eyes and look on your brother in innocence born of complete forgiveness of his illusions, and through the eyes of faith that sees the not.”

He tells us that we fear God because we fear our brother and that no one reaches love with fear beside him. He says this:

“Brother, you need forgiveness of your brother, for you will share in madness or in Heaven together. And you will raise your eyes in faith together, or not at all.”

The course I am taking right now is called Remembering to Choose Peace, and one of the things it says in summary of this section is this:

“Jesus wants us to understand that we will receive the gift of innocence we give our brother. When we join together with our brother instead of separating, we are able to go beyond the darkest veil – the fear of God. We are asked to watch very carefully how we are seeing our brother – through the eyes of guilt or innocence, because we will always give as we receive and receive as we give.”

This is why I had to forgive my illusions of the character, Donald Trump (please insert the name of whoever triggers you here). His character represents the ego in a way that made me turn away from him and that can only be because I recognize within myself what I see in him that scares me. And yet, I cannot be redeemed if I hold him guilty. As long as I keep him guilty, I cannot enter the presence of God.

So every day, I look at his picture and I read the things he has done today. I watch my thoughts and my feelings and I offer the Holy Spirit each one that is not forgiving so that both Donald and I can be free. I truly understand that I cannot be free if he is not free. This is why loving Donald Trump is part of my plan for the day every day.

The only thing that interferes with this love is unforgiven illusions of him. So that is part of my plan for the day as well. Let me forgive my illusions of him, for surely, it is the Christ I look upon and I will not be blinded to that.

I will make no decisions with my ego-mind and I will have the day God wants for me.

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Manual for Teachers, Tolerance. 2-22-20

III. Tolerance
1 God’s teachers do not judge. To judge is to be dishonest, for to judge is to assume a position you do not have. Judgment without self-deception is impossible. Judgment implies that you have been deceived in your brothers. How, then, could you not have been deceived in yourself? Judgment implies a lack of trust, and trust remains the bedrock of the teacher of God’s whole thought system. Let this be lost, and all his learning goes. Without judgment are all things equally acceptable, for who could judge otherwise? Without judgment are all men brothers, for who is there who stands apart? Judgment destroys honesty and shatters trust. No teacher of God can judge and hope to learn.

As far as I can see the ego has two favorite activities, thinking and judging. The mind will think and it will judge, but I don’t have to listen to the first or believe the second. I remain very vigilant for judgment and as soon as I notice the judgment, I ask the Holy Spirit to heal my mind.

When I first started to do this I felt very anxious when I would find judgments in my mind. This is self-defeating because I was judging myself for judging. Slowly, with the Holy Spirit’s help, I let go of that kind of circular thinking. Now I am happy to see the judgment because I know what to do with it.

I asked Holy Spirit what He would have me know about this. He gave me the thought that I would continue to judge as long as I was interested in my judgments. I saw that I could let go of judging more quickly if I did not encourage the judgmental thoughts by giving my attention to them. In the beginning years of my practice, I would think about whether it was true or not. I would think about why I had that judgment and what I could do to avoid judging in the future. But none of that is necessary and I learned that all I needed to know about judgment is that I wasn’t interested.

I do still have judgmental thoughts but not all the time anymore. My disinterest in them and my refusal to accept these thoughts seem to have discouraged them. When it does happen, I don’t worry about it, I just let those thoughts go. One thing I have learned in recent years is that judgment can be subtle. Of course, I recognize the thought that someone should be different than they are as a judgment. But I have not yet made everything acceptable.

Something that has helped me with that is a process by Michael Langford called the Loving All Method. This method asks us to love everything just as it is. This doesn’t mean that I would not change something if that was appropriate, but that I would love it while it was happening. An example he gives is that he loves that the vase is falling, and he loves that he catches it before it hits the floor. Using this method has helped me in my practice to accept all things just as they are without judging them.

Without judgment are all things equally acceptable, for who could judge otherwise?

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