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Study of Manual for Teachers 5-25-12

5 Does this mean that the teacher of God should not believe in reincarnation himself, or discuss it with others who do? The answer is, certainly not! If he does believe in reincarnation, it would be a mistake for him to renounce the belief unless his internal Teacher so advised. And this is most unlikely. He might be advised that he is misusing the belief in some way that is detrimental to his pupil’s advance or his own. Reinterpretation would then be recommended, because it is necessary. All that must be recognized, however, is that birth was not the beginning, and death is not the end. Yet even this much is not required of the beginner. He need merely accept the idea that what he knows is not necessarily all there is to learn. His journey has begun.

When I first read the Course I was one of the very few people I knew who believed in reincarnation. It made so much sense to me that I couldn’t believe my friends thought I was the weird one. When I saw the title of this section I was both excited and nervous. I was excited to see if I was right and nervous that I wasn’t. I had a lot invested in my belief in this concept. And that’s the problem with concepts. The best concept we can devise is going to fall short of the truth and if we become attached to it we will limit ourselves.

Frankly, I was disappointed with the explanation given here. I wanted a definitive yes and I wasn’t getting it. I was surprised at how much I wanted to be right and that should have told me something right there. It was a long time before I stopped protecting my beliefs. Eventually I was able to drop my defenses and to let go, first some of my concepts, and finally the idea that I know anything. This surrender of self has made room for new ideas, but now I hold them lightly knowing that they will be replaced or expanded upon as I am ready.

For instance, I now understand that it is possible to move my awareness from this body to another at will. I have even had that experience, albeit while I was sleeping and my defenses were completely down. I know that it wasn’t a dream because I woke up during the process and felt the movement of Love and it was the most astonishing thing I have ever experienced. By the way, astonishing doesn’t even begin to cover it. It’s like saying Everest is a really big mountain. I’m looking through all the synonyms for extraordinary and astonishing and the word I need doesn’t seem to exist.

From this experience came a new understanding of what I am but I hold that understanding lightly as well because I know that it is just a taste and not the whole thing. As unbelievable as that experience was, you would think it would change everything, and it has, but not as completely or as permanently as I would like. I find it hard to hold onto that feeling and as it fades I long to have it back. I notice how easy it is to fall back acting like I am separate from everyone else. Sigh.

The Holy Spirit was very patient with me and allowed me all the time I needed to loosen my hold on what I believed so that He could begin to reinterpret for me, but only as I was ready and only as it was helpful. The Holy Spirit is my Teacher and is my model. I try to be like Him. I try to remember that I can’t tell someone else what that person should believe.

I try never to tell someone else they are wrong and don’t understand because that is not what my Teacher does. I try very hard to be as empty as I can be and to listen for what the Holy Spirit knows is the right words to share with each student that is sent to me. When I fail in that, I forgive myself and try again.

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