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Study of Manual for Teachers 6-13-12


1 Very simply, the resurrection is the overcoming or surmounting of death. It is a re-awakening or a rebirth; a change of mind about the meaning of the world. It is the acceptance of the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of the world’s purpose; the acceptance of the Atonement for oneself. It is the end of dreams of misery, and the glad awareness of the Holy Spirit’s final dream. It is the recognition of the gifts of God. It is the dream in which the body functions perfectly, having no function except communication. It is the lesson in which learning ends, for it is consummated and surpassed with this. It is the invitation to God to take His final step. It is the relinquishment of all other purposes, all other interests, all other wishes and all other concerns. It is the single desire of the Son for the Father.

It seems that the resurrection is still part of the dream, but is a happier dream, one in which the ego belief system has been looked at, forgiven, and set aside. It is in this phase that all striving is done, all confusion about purpose is over. There is one desire and that is to know God. It is the invitation to God to take His final step.

We will all reach this phase in our awakening. It is inevitable. But each step must be taken in turn. The step itself may be protracted, or it may take only a moment, but it must be done. When A Course in Miracles says that we “need do nothing,” it is referring to the healing of the mind. That is done for us. In fact, you could say it is already done because nothing changed when we fell asleep other than our dream. So there really is nothing for us to do to be the Son of God we were created.

There is, however, much to undo. It was for a purpose that we were given that big blue book, with its many words and 365 lessons. My experience with it has been that all the words, all the lessons, all the practices have been absolutely essential for me, and all have been to bring me to the point that I want to remember what I have obscured in my mind.

I can only speak from my own experience, so here is the story of Myron waking up. ~smile~ These are the steps I have gone through. First I had to notice something was wrong, and conceive of the idea that there might be a better way. Then I had to give a little willingness to change my mind. This was a very protracted state for me as I had to make this decision repeatedly until the decision became stronger.

Contrast was a very helpful teaching aid during this phase. Many times I made a decision for God and felt peace, only to slip back into the ego for long periods where I again sampled the drama and confusion until it became too painful to bear. Then I would choose God again.

Next came vigilance and for me this felt like hard work, but the previous step, though it seemed over long to me, paid off. My determination was much stronger. I knew that what I had for so long accepted as “normal” was actually just a form of hell, and more importantly, I had a had a taste of happiness and peace, so I knew there was something else and that I wanted it.

During all of this I have been examining my thoughts and asking for healing. I have been given many tools to work with; practices, teachers, books and more. There were a lot of times when I doubted and then became afraid. There were many times when I chose the ego’s defenses and then realizing that his has never worked, returned to choosing God. I have gone back and forth many, many times until my certainty grew stronger and my desire for awakening more single minded.

From where I stand now it is easy to look back and see the patterns and be aware of all this. Trying to describe where I am now is harder. It’s like standing in the middle of the forest and trying to describe the parameters. I can only see what I have walked through and what is in my line of vision, but without the perspective of how each piece fits into the whole pattern it is hard for me to really understand and describe, even to myself.

I know that I am not what I seem and I know that I am ready to set aside all that I have believed. I also know that there is still some resistance to some of this, some bits that I seem attached to, but I know that it is just a matter of time. I never lose site of the truth. I might choose against if briefly, but even then I am aware of what I am doing, and I just return to my practice. Also I don’t get upset about my temporary set-backs, nor do I judge myself for them and that makes everything easier.

I’ve learned that I am not in charge of my awakening. I don’t decide what to work on next or how to do it. I wait for guidance in this and do my best to follow it. I have let go of the “need” to know or the “need” to be there. That is a lot more comfortable, too. I am noticing some of the things Jesus talks about. Even my body is functioning better as I less often use it for attack and defense and other forms of non-communication. I am happier and more peaceful and I have so much gratitude.

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