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Study of the Text 9-17-12

24 Miracles enable you to heal the sick and raise the dead because you made sickness and death yourself, and can therefore abolish both. You are a miracle, capable of creating in the likeness of your Creator. Everything else is your own nightmare, and does not exist. Only the creations of light are real.

Holy Spirit, if ever I have the thought that there is nothing I can do to heal myself or another, please remind me of this passage. Through miracles I can heal the sick and raise the dead. I made up sickness and death and so I can abolish sickness and death. I have used my ability to create in an uncreative way to make sickness and death, but I can also use it creatively to create lovingly, that is to extend Love.

Only what is created through the extension of Love exists and everything else is just a dream, a nightmare. It does not exist. The world of sickness and death do not exist. This is how I heal; I know what exists and what does not, and I am not confused by appearances. If I do become confused I only need to ask You, Holy Spirit, to heal my mind and clarity returns.

I have pain in my neck. There are two voices speaking to me about this. The ego says that this is a recurring pain I get from driving so many hours or maybe something else I do. I will go to the chiropractor a couple of times and I will be ok for awhile and then it will come back. I have two reactions when I listen to this voice.

I feel in control because there is something I can do and I know what that is, but I also feel afraid because it depends on the actions of someone else, so I am not really in control. I feel discouraged because there is nothing I can do to cure it and if I did cure it there is nothing I can do to prevent a recurrence. I feel like a victim of my life style, of my body, of the chiropractors skill.

When I listen to the other Voice I am told that I did this, and because I did it I can undo it. I can undo it simply by knowing that it is not real, that what I make is an illusion. I remembered this yesterday and for hours I had no pain at all and my neck was loose and moved freely. When I realized that this had happened the ego voice said that this can’t happen and immediately the stiffness and pain returned. And the ego voice said, “See. I told you so. You have pain so you are not healed.”

What has pain? The illusion of a body has an illusion of pain. What does that prove except that I am identified with an illusion. I chose that identity and can easily change my mind again. I identify with the body and I feel things in the body. I identify with spirit and I feel nothing in the body. That is all that is happening here. Was the body healed? How can you heal an illusion?

When my mind is healed of its identity crisis and no longer projects a belief in sickness and suffering onto the body, then the body will no longer reflect those beliefs. It is no different with anything else I seem to experience in the world. Physical pain and sickness, emotional pain and sickness, financial problems, relationship problems, all of these are simply reflections of the same belief in lack.

So will I be able to ignore the illusion of pain I made through mistaken beliefs and allow the manifestation to disappear? Or will my attention be so riveted on the illusion that I forget, again, that I am an infinite and powerful being. Will I sink into the illusion of being a small and separate and limited body, and pretend to be subject to the laws of man?

The ego voice says that my decision matters and a wrong choice is a sin. The Holy Spirit says that infinite beings are perfectly free, and blameless regardless of our choices. After all, I can only pretend to have pain because pain doesn’t exist. Nothing is happening. Can nothing be a sin? I have made this choice many times. I know that making the choice for Spirit is all that matters. It is the only real thing I can do. I know that I will disregard appearances and trust the healing power of truth.

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