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Awaken to Your Own Call

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Exploring A Course in Miracles
by Jon Mundy, Ph.D.

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A Course in Miracles, first published in 1976, has sold more that a million copies without benefit of promotion and has become a modern spiritual classic. In Awaken to Your Own Call, a leading interpreter of the Course presents a comprehensive introduction to its principles of love, peace, and forgiveness.

A Course in Miracles, is recognized as one of the most beautiful and profound books ever written. Awaken to Your Own Call covers every major term, explores its wisdom, and offers applications for daily life. It is practical spirituality at its best.

About the author:
Jon Mundy, a popular speaker and workshop leader nationwide, is also the author of Listening to Your Inner Guide. He was introduced to A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman (its scribe) and Dr. Kenneth Wapnick before it was published in 1976. A retired university professor and former minister, Jon is the publisher of Miracles magazine and author of eight books, including the popular Missouri Mystic. Few writers are as qualified as Jon to guide readers through the beautiful terrain of A Course in Miracles.

The Course, as it's also known, brings Mundy to the end of his 22-year relationship with traditional religion. "Over the years, I've come to believe that the church provides a kind of inoculation against religious experience. It gives enough experience so you feel as though you've got something. It is somehow also not 'the' experience... We go to church and get a vaccination to protect ourselves against the real thing... Despite its profound message, to my surprise, the Course interests few ministers." After Mundy leaves the Methodist Church he becomes co-founder of an Interfaith Fellowship. While this non-traditional religious interlude satisfies for a while, it's in his break from any organized religion whatsoever that Mundy finally finds his peace and his place.

Mundy's quest for God unfolds against the backdrop of his personal life, and he is in no way exempt from the milestones and melodramas that we all share in our earthly experience. This guy from Missouri tells all about the women he's loved and lost, the money he's made and lost, and the disappointments he's encountered and overcome. Says Mundy, "there is no learning in pain, There is learning, however, in the overcoming of pain."

The two most memorable stories in the book have to do with Mundy's personal experiences with death. His first death trip is intentional. In Castaneda-esque style Mundy seeks out a Mexican shaman who uses psychotropic drugs to create a bodyless death journey, which he describes as hellish, intensely painful, and insane. The second death trip is Mundy's battle with colon cancer, which is more worldly but just as hellish, painful, and insane. Ultimately it brings Mundy to the point of letting go of all the expectations, hang-ups, regrets and nostalgia of what might have been. "The acceptance of death brings an incredible awareness. And... an unexpected manifestation of intense compassion. Tears come to my eyes and love in all its glory intoxicates my heart."

Missouri Mystic is Jon Mundy's gift of love to the world. It is not to be missed.

Reviewed by Karen Bentley, author of The Book of Love

  • $18.95
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