Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Fulfilling My True Function

Today is another day for mind healing. This is what today day is for. It may look like a day of meetings, deadlines, etc., but my only real purpose is to open to Holy Spirit’s purpose for this day. To receive mind healing, I must remember to consistently step back and follow Holy Spirit’s lead.

Another way that helps is to consistently remember to choose peace. Choosing peace all through the day triggers my remembrance to stay open to Holy Spirit’s mind training. It helps me remember that I am always choosing between ego’s thoughts and Holy Spirit’s awakened perspective.

The Holy Spirit reminds me that I am love and everyone else is love, behind the stories of the dream. The Holy Spirit reminds me that nothing has happened to change God’s one holy Son. When I forget He is right there to lift me up and return me to a state of mind where I fulfill my only true function. Today is for listening and letting my mind be healed. And I give thanks.

My peace is disturbed only when I forget that I am sustained by the Love of God. I am believing that I am separate and alone, which means I believe I am disconnected from the strength of God. A Course in Miracles tells me that if I am relying on my own strength, I have every reason to be apprehensive and fearful. That is what I experience when I think I am alone.

But the good news is that I am not alone and could never be alone. In truth I remain in the Heart of God. He shares all His strength with me because He has given me all of Himself. In this perfect safety, I rest in His peace and the certainty of His Love. Ah-h-h! I can relax now. In fact, relaxing now is how I remember that God is in my mind.

Today I will be vigilant for any disturbance or tension and let it remind me to step back and relax and welcome God’s peace. When I welcome His peace, I welcome happiness because God’s Will for me is perfect happiness. The more vigilant I am to welcome the certainty of God in my mind, the happier I am. Today will be a happy day.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Willingness to Receive Christ’s Vision

Peace comes when I am willing to remember that I am still as God created me. I am one with the Father and one with the whole Sonship. This willingness to remember is very important because it opens the door to Christ’s vision. As I am willing to receive the Light of truth, I am shown the Light of God in every brother, and that nothing has happened to change God’s one Son.

We all are sustained by the Love of God and nothing else because the Love of God is our one Identity. We can relax now and enjoy our natural Inheritance. Dreaming of a world of separation changes nothing in Reality. Nothing has been lost. We are only dreaming of the idea of loss. The truth is there is nothing to fear because dreams do not make Reality.

What is today for? It is to let the truth of Love’s eternal Oneness return to my awareness. My vigilance to accept the truth is my practice for today. And for this I give thanks.

When I look at the world with the ego as my guide, it seems like there is too much to do and not enough time to do it. This is one way the ego uses to emphasize weakness and vulnerability. When I look at the day with the Holy Spirit as my Guide, the path ahead is gentle and well lit. In each moment I see that I know what to do and have all the help I need to do what needs to be done to serve the awakening.

The Holy Spirit does not give value to what does not serve the healing of the Sonship. The Holy Spirit knows that time is not real so it does not give value to time, except to use it for the purpose of awakening. Thus the Holy Spirit’s priorities are always to lead away from a sense of limitation, guilt and fear toward the experience of being complete in the Love of God.

With Holy Spirit’s guidance I may do many of the things that I thought needed to be done when I was listening to the ego. But the doing is in peace and effort is not wasted on what has no value. The doing focuses on what is truly helpful and brings back great blessing because it takes me closer to remembering my true Identity. This is what time is for now. Today I dedicate to following Holy Spirit’s lead. It will be a happy day indeed.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Forgiveness Is My Only Function Here

This inspiration came to me as I gave time to open to the Holy Spirit: Forgiveness is your only function here. Forgiveness means forgiving, or letting go of the false identity, the false world that is a barrier to remembering your true Identity as one with God. These false images do not protect you. They do not help you. They do not bring the peace and happiness that is your inheritance as a Son of God. Your function now is to hand over every false image of separation that shows up in your dream.

As you are willing to hand them over, they disappear in God’s Love. You have all the help you need in every present moment to forgive the dream of separation. It just takes a little willingness to hand over every false image instead of keeping it. The whole Sonship’s reality is perfect Love. You will remember this as you are willing to forgive. Forgiveness is your only function here. Forgive and wake up from the dream. Forgive and experience the peace and happiness that is yours forever.

To clear the way to receive God’s gifts of perfect peace and perfect happiness, I need only stop judging against them. The wish to experience a world of separate identities is a judgment against the oneness of God. When I am unhappy, it is always because I am judging against Love, against oneness, against the one Self I share with all.

Today my practice is to be vigilant for thoughts that value separation and offer them to the Voice of Love in my mind for healing and transformation. This is how I clear the way for the return of the peace and happiness of eternal Love into my awareness. Vigilance is a gift I give myself. It is how I accept my inheritance.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Bringing the Ego to God

In our reading in A Course in Miracles this morning, this is what stood out:

Bringing illusion to truth, or the ego to God, is the Holy Spirit’s only function.… Bringing the ego to God is but to bring error to truth, where it stands corrected because it is the opposite of what it meets. It is undone because the contradiction can no longer stand. How long can contradiction stand when its impossible nature is clearly revealed? What disappears in Light is not attacked. It merely vanished because it is not true. (T-14.IX.1:4,2:1-5)

Do I really want to keep illusions? They do not bring happiness, only the experience of conflict and limitation. When I am willing to take my ego thoughts and reactions to the Holy Spirit, they will be undone because they disappear in the Light of truth. Mountains become mole hills. What I feared before is seen as meaningless.

Today is for letting all my meaningless thoughts be undone by the Holy Spirit. Taking all my thoughts of worry and conflict to the Holy Spirit is the same as taking them to the Prince of Peace. When I am holding on to artificial values, I do not feel peaceful. It is only when I am willing to forgive or hand them over that these artificial values are replaced with the truth. Here I am shown my true eternal Identity. Here I am shown the true Identity of every brother. Here I experience the peace of God. This is all I want because this is all I need.

Guilt is always of the ego, never of God. It is the hook that pulls the past into the present, obscuring the present to keep us unaware of the Love and innocence that is now. Guilt appears in many forms within the ego’s dream, sometimes overtly, sometimes disguised. But it always carries with it a sense of being isolated because it is impossible to perceive guilt without perceiving separation.

But guilt is a choice because it is based on belief. Belief can change and will change if I am willing. I need only bring the beliefs that hold guilt in place to the truth of Love for guilt to be undone. If I perceive guilt in myself or anyone, if I am offended or disturbed by anything, it is time to take that to the truth in my mind — the Holy Spirit. If I am willing to receive the Holy Spirit’s gentle correction, I will learn that guilt is never justified because nothing has happened to change me from the Love I am. My practice today is to bring all these thoughts to the Holy Spirit with a mind open to His correction.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Seeing Past Separation to Oneness

My practice for today is to see past the images of separation to the oneness that is true. In reality, there is no gap between me and the rest of the Sonship. There is no gap between God’s one Son and God. There is only oneness.

My vigilance to see past the dream to the truth of oneness is what is most important. I am either focused on illusions or recognizing oneness. I cannot do both at the same time. Today is for the purpose of recognizing oneness. This practice brings me joy. This practice brings me peace of mind. And I give thanks.

I have observed that the practice of letting go of judgment (forgiving) that I am learning from A Course in Miracles leads to increasing happiness and peace. When I let go of judgment, I accept God’s gift of happiness. The more I practice, the happier I am. It could be said that the Course is training us to recognize that our will is the same as God’s, and God’s Will for us is perfect happiness. So when I accept God’s Will as mine, I accept happiness.

The more I practice releasing judgments to the Holy Spirit, the easier it is for me to see everyone and everything as a happy blessing. This applies to close relationships, thoughts about passers by or images on television and even my interaction with the computer. I am more and more motivated to give up judgment and the unhappiness it brings and to happily accept God’s gifts of peace and joy that come as I let go of deciding against God. Today is a happy day of practice in turning over all judgments to the One Who knows what to do with them.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Allowing the Experience of Peace

Choosing Holy Spirit instead of the ego is the same as choosing to accept Holy Spirit’s gift of peace. When I am willing to fully allow in the experience of peace, ego thoughts naturally fall away. The Light of the Holy Spirit’s peace shines away what is not true. Holy Spirit’s peace is very quiet and simple. The complexity of the ego disappears when Holy Spirit’s peace is truly accepted. Tension and doubt fall away. True inspiration is found in this peaceful state of mind. Anxiety and fear simply disappear and are replaced with an awareness that all is well.

Today I have another opportunity to practice opening up to and extending Holy Spirit’s gift of peace. This is what is important to me today. Making the experience of peace my highest priority is what is truly important. Valuing this practice above all else leads me to an awareness of What I am and Where I am in truth. What could be more important than this?

If I want the experience of peace, I must be willing to let go of the barriers to peace. Today I will be mindful of my thoughts and feelings and bring any thought or feeling that is not peaceful to the Holy Spirit. As I am willing to let it go, I make way for the experience of the gift of peace. This is my focus for today.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choosing the Way to Heaven

Today we read in A Course in Miracles:

How can you know whether you chose the stairs to Heaven or the way to hell? Quite easily. How do you feel? Is peace in your awareness? Are you certain which way you go? And are you sure the goal of Heaven can be reached? If not, you walk alone. Ask, then, your Friend to join with you, and give you certainty of where you go. (T-23.II.22:6-13)

This makes it very clear that peace is a condition of Heaven. As I am able to let go and accept the gift of peace that is within me, I walk toward Heaven. It does not require effort to be in Heaven. Yet I am so deeply entrenched in the ego thought system of separation that it does require effort to be vigilant for peace. The Course tells me that effort is needed until I realize Where I really am. In reality there is no effort at all needed to be in Heaven because that is where my Father wills me to be.

Today I choose to walk toward Heaven. For this purpose, my effort will be focused on vigilance for peace and taking any disturbance to the Holy Spirit for His help. He is the Friend Who always offers me the vision of truth that sets me free.

As I go through my day, there are times when I forget that I have a Friend to lead me in every situation. At these times I think I already know and seem to be on automatic pilot, deciding things on my own again.

As soon as I realize this I have found a helpful to way switch back to joining with my Friend. I stop and close my eyes. I see myself under a shower of Holy Spirit’s peace and Love. I stay there as long as needed, absorbing in the peace and allowing tension to fall away. I feel gratitude and appreciation that my Friend goes with me, and express a willingness to follow, not lead. I leave an empty space for Holy Spirit to fill. I remember that I do not know what anything means and open to receiving the truth. I return again to following where Love leads me. This is how I choose the way to Heaven. And for this I give thanks.

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