Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Returning to Present Love

Every brother is God’s eternal Love in truth. I am God’s Love in truth. This is what I am being brought to remember by the Holy Spirit. In truth we share equally the one the Mind of Love. This one Mind of Love is eternal and never changes.

When I get caught up in the conflicts born of the belief in separation, I need to step back and go to my inner Teacher Who reminds me again to rise above the stories of separation and open to the awareness of the one Identity we all share. My opportunity today with every problem that shows up is to step back, relax and allow the awareness of Love’s oneness to return. All that does not really matter disappears in Love’s oneness.

It seems to me that I don’t think about the past very much. Yet I often think about situations that may come up and how I might respond or what I should do in the future. This is just a disguise for thinking about the past. Any story I make up about what may come can only be based upon past experience.

If I want to experience the happiness of my true Self, the happiness God wills for me, I must accept the present, bringing nothing from the past with me. Love is always in the present. Nothing else is there. When I am willing to place the future in God’s Hands, I am letting go of the past and allowing myself to be fully present now.

Today I will remind myself often that I place the future in Love’s Hands. Here is peace. Here is joy. Here is the remembrance of the one Self we all share.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Gift of Kind Forgiveness

Hold out your hand, that you may have the gift of kind forgiveness which you offer one whose need for it is just the same as yours. And let the cruel concept of yourself be changed to one that brings the peace of God. (A Course in Miracles Text Ch. 31.VII.5:6-7)

As I practice stepping back and open my mind to the peace of God, seeing the world differently comes with it. Big deals disappear. Seeing the truth or the eternal Spirit in every brother replaces the false concept of separate bodies and differences.

That is why the daily practice of opening to God’s peace and extending God’s peace is of primary importance in awakening to the Sonship’s one true eternal Identity. Being open to God’s peace is my primary focus for today. Everything else flows quite naturally from this one choice. And I give thanks.

Twenty lessons in the Workbook have us repeat many times a day for 20 days, “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” This idea is the foundation of true forgiveness. It is how we disconnect the Son of God from the image of a body.

When we allow ourselves to feel the peace of God, we open our minds to seeing past the body to our brother as the Son of God he is. And thus we forgive our brother, for we recognize him as one with us in the innocence of Love. In this recognition we also forgive ourselves. This is how we let go of the “cruel concept of ourselves” and give the gift of kind forgiveness to our brothers and ourselves.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Only Love Happens

Nothing ever really happens in the dream. The perception that anything happens in the dream is a self-deception so profound that it makes us oblivious to the changeless Love that surrounds us and is us. The dream seems real only because we have effectively denied the reality of Love. It is why the dream is depressing and fearful. It is why everyone in the world is in some way seeking for Love.

The good news is that no matter how engrossed in the fantasy we may be, only the reality of Love ever happens. Love extends eternally, whether we deny it or not. This makes the antidote to the dream of isolation and lack very simple: Stop denying Love. It seems difficult only because we have convinced ourselves that there is something in the world we want.

Yet A Course in Miracles reminds us that the world holds nothing that we want (ACIM Workbook Lesson 128) and forgiveness offers everything we want (Lesson 122). This is why the practice of being vigilant of our thoughts and bringing every one that is not peaceful to the Holy Spirit with a mind open to His gentle correction is how we accept release from the nightmare of separation. Forgiveness offers everything we want.

Today is a day of happy practice to let the Holy Spirit, our true Self, be our Interpreter in every moment.

In order to let go of what is not true, we must be willing to receive what is true. Willingness to question the thoughts we are believing in opens the door to receiving our real thoughts, the thoughts we think with God. As we are willing to practice opening to God’s peace, minute by minute, it becomes very clear that only the Love of God is real. We are filled with gratitude that what is real cannot be threatened and nothing else is real.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting Our True Identity

We have a mission here. We did not come to reinforce the madness that we once believed in. Let us not forget the goal that we accepted. It is more than just our happiness alone we came to gain. What we accept as what we are proclaims what everyone must be, along with us. Fail not your brothers, or you fail yourself. Look lovingly on them, that they may know that they are part of you, and you of them. (A Course in Miracles W-pI.139.9)

When we are in a place of peace and non-judgment, our hearts is filled with love for whomever we think of or see. It’s a happy feeling of being with our dearest friend. We have no need to defend ourselves nor fix or change the other. It is a wonderful feeling of acceptance. These moments are holy because we are recognizing that we are one with our brother, our dearest friend.

We are grateful that the strength of Holy Spirit is in our mind, available to help us when we lapse into old habits of judgment, fear and guilt. Our focus today is to accept the strength of our true Identity to see with the eyes of Love in each moment.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting True Happiness

In A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 64 we read that our function is to be happy. Another way of saying that is that our function is to extend Love. Nothing else will make us happy.

In the world of form, Love’s reflection is forgiveness — letting go of all images of the past. When I let the past go, even for an instant, and let myself be fully in the now moment, I can experience changeless Love. I can experience the unity of Love. I can see the innocence of Love.

Today is another happy day to practice letting Holy Spirit guide all my perceptions so that I may see past the form to the only real content — Love.

If I am not happy, I have joined the ego’s mind wandering. Today my practice is to focus on accepting Holy Spirit’s healing Light, which brings happiness with It. As I am willing to receive Love’s happiness, I am able to extend It. This is my focus for today.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Clearing the Way to Happiness

The Course tells us that God’s Will for us is perfect happiness. That means His Teacher’s function is to help us learn to clear away the barriers that hide the happiness that is our inheritance. It is great to know that we all have a dedicated Teacher Whose only function is to lead us to perfect happiness.

Since judgment stands between us and happiness, the Holy Spirit’s function is to help us let go of judgment and transform our perceptions so that we can recognize where our true happiness lies. Our only job is to be willing to accept Holy Spirit’s transformation of our perceptions.

Today my practice is to walk with Holy Spirit as my Guide through the day. With His help I will see past the forms to the happy vision of changeless Love everywhere. And I give thanks.

The truth is we all are still as God created us. We all are still the pure Love and Light of God, and that never changes. My practice for today involves letting this truth be remembered. Peace and happiness come when I am willing to accept God’s Love where God’s Love is, which is everywhere. Here I find rest. Here I find peace. What a wonderful practice I have for today. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Simple, Uncomplicated Love

My practice for today is to step back and let Love lead the way. Love is patient. Love is kind and gentle. Love is not hurried or anxious. Love is not defensive, abrasive or judgmental. Love is quiet and inspires true helpfulness. My practice for today is to step back and follow Love’s lead.

The ego thrives on complexity. The ego’s goal is to not find a solution to any problem. So it analyzes and dissects and divides to maximize complexity and make resolution seem impossible. When a situation seems difficult and complex, it is a sure sign that I’m choosing the ego as my interpreter.

But I have another choice. When I am willing to step back and let Love lead the way, complexity yields to simplicity. Love knows there is really only one problem and one solution. Love will always lead me toward that simplicity when I am willing to step back from the ego’s way of thinking. The ego is not what I am. Love is. The truth in me is simple, uncomplicated Love. I choose to let this Love guide me today.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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