Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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How Our Holiness Heals the World

Your holiness reverses all the laws of the world. It is beyond every restriction of time, space, distance and limits of any kind. Your holiness is totally unlimited in its power because it establishes you as a Son of God, at one with the Mind of his Creator.

Through your holiness the power of God is made manifest. Through your holiness the power of God is made available. And there is nothing the power of God cannot do. Your holiness, then, can remove all pain, can end all sorrow, and can solve all problems. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 38, W-pI.38.1:1-2:4. See also ACIM Lesson 38 Insights.)

The laws of the world are the laws of separation. Our holiness comes from our oneness with our Creator, the Source of holiness. Our holiness is independent and unaffected by the worlds laws of separation because separation and oneness cannot coexist. Our belief in the world denies our holiness but does not affect it at all. It only makes us unaware of our holiness.

We reverse the laws of the world as we let go of believing we are separate from each other and our Source. Holiness cannot conceive of pain, sorrow or any problem. Being one and united with God, our holiness is changeless. The way to undo our perceptions of pain and sorrow, conflict and loss is to accept the truth of what we are — our wholeness with the Mind of God. This is how the laws of the world are reversed.

The Holy Spirit is present in our minds to teach us of our holiness, our oneness with God. As we are willing to learn His loving lessons, the appearance of problems in the world fade, for they are increasingly recognized as nothing but illusions. This is how our holiness heals the world.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Recognizing Our Best Friend Forever

Truth does not come and go nor shift nor change, in this appearance now and then in that, evading capture and escaping grasp. It does not hide. It stands in open light, in obvious accessibility. It is impossible that anyone could seek it truly, and would not succeed. Today belongs to truth. Give truth its due, and it will give you yours. You were not meant to suffer and to die. Your Father wills these dreams be gone. Let truth correct them all.

Truth will correct all errors in your mind which tell you you could be apart from Him. You speak to Him today, and make your pledge to let His function be fulfilled through you. To share His function is to share His joy. His confidence is with you, as you say:

Truth will correct all errors in my mind,
And I will rest in Him Who is my Self.

Then let Him lead you gently to the truth, which will envelop you and give you peace so deep and tranquil that you will return to the familiar world reluctantly.

And yet you will be glad to look again upon this world. For you will bring with you the promise of the changes which the truth that goes with you will carry to the world. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 107, W-pI.107.6;9:1-10:2. See also ACIM Lesson 107 Insights.)

Truth is always present in our minds. It doesn’t seem to be there because we believe in the ego’s lie that tells us separation is real. The illusion of separation draws a veil that hides the truth from our awareness. But truth is still there. We cannot banish truth from our minds because it is What we are.

We can sweep away the cobwebs of illusion by letting truth correct our mistaken minds. Truth waits on welcome. As we welcome it, its Light dispels the darkness of illusions. We welcome the truth by asking it in just as we welcome a friend at the door by inviting him in.

Truth is our best Friend forever. This BFF will show us that everyone we look upon or think about is our BFF. As we let truth correct all errors in our minds, we see everyone as our Friend, for we see past the veil of forms to the Light of truth in them and know it as our own. A world of best friends is a world of joy. We choose to accept truth today.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Freeing Ourselves from the Past

How can the Holy Spirit bring His interpretation of the body as a means of communication into relationships whose only purpose is separation from reality? What forgiveness is enables Him to do so. If all but loving thoughts have been forgotten, what remains is eternal. And the transformed past is made like the present. No longer does the past conflict with now. This continuity extends the present by increasing its reality and its value in your perception of it. In these loving thoughts is the spark of beauty hidden in the ugliness of the unholy relationship where hatred is remembered; yet [the loving thoughts are] there to come alive as the relationship is given to Him Who gives it life and beauty. That is why Atonement centers on the past, which is the source of separation, and where it must be undone. For separation must be corrected where it was made.”

“[To the ego,] the past becomes the justification for entering into a continuing, unholy alliance with the ego against the present. For the present is forgiveness.

“For you can never choose except between God and the ego. Thought systems are but true or false, and all their attributes come simply from what they are. Only the Thoughts of God are true.” (A Course in Miracles, T-17.III.5;8:1-2;9:5-7. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

Forgiveness is selective remembering — remembering only our loving thoughts and forgetting unloving thoughts. That is what the Holy Spirit helps us do to undo the past and bring our attention to the now moment, which is the presence of Love.

Love is eternal, timeless and always now. As we let the Holy Spirit help us forget our thoughts of the past which seem to make separation real, the presence of Love now comes into focus.

While we experience ourselves in the dream of separation, it is impossible to see the past as meaningless and unreal. The Holy Spirit knows only the truth of God, yet sees the illusions that we are believing in. Because He does not believe them, He can teach us that our dreams are untrue. As we learn His important lessons, we free ourselves from the past to experience the joy and Love of the present. That is why forgiveness is the key to happiness.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Taking Holy Spirit’s Helpful Hand

Free your brother here, as I freed you. Give him the selfsame gift, [and do not] look upon him with condemnation of any kind. See him as guiltless as I look on you, and overlook the sins he thinks he sees within himself.

Together we will disappear into the Presence beyond the veil, not to be lost but found; not to be seen but known. …This is the journey’s purpose, without which is the journey meaningless. Here is the peace of God, given to you eternally by Him. Here is the rest and quiet that you seek, the reason for the journey from its beginning. Heaven is the gift you owe your brother, the debt of gratitude you offer to the Son of God in thanks for what he is, and what his Father created him to be.

As he is seen as either the giver of guilt or of salvation, so will his offering be seen and so received. The crucified give pain because they are in pain. But the redeemed give joy because they have been healed of pain. (A Course in Miracles, T-19.IV.D.18:1-3;19:1,3-6;20:2-4. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

Trying to find meaning in the values of the world is like being stuck in the mud and spinning our wheels. The more we spin our wheels the deeper we dig ourselves into the quagmire of fear and guilt. But there is a way to find meaning in the world. Meaning comes with fulfilling our purpose, which is to learn to see our brother as the Son of God He is.

The Holy Spirit is ever present to help us learn to see with Christ’s vision, to see our brother’s innocence and the gift of salvation he offers us. Salvation is freedom from the self-imposed limitation of believing we are separate and alone. The Holy Spirit is always offering us a hand to lift us out of the quagmire of the world and bring us to the Light of Heaven. Now is the time to choose to take His Hand. And joy will be His gift.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Holy Spirit’s Lessons in Forgiveness

The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness. My forgiveness is the means by which the light of the world finds expression through me. My forgiveness is the means by which I become aware of the light of the world in me. My forgiveness is the means by which the world is healed, together with myself. Let me, then, forgive the world, that it may be healed along with me.

Let peace extend from my mind to yours, [name].
I share the light of the world with you, [name].
Through my forgiveness I can see this as it is.
(A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 82, W-pI.82:1,2:2-4. See also ACIM Lesson 82 Insights.)

The Holy Spirit knows that the body and everything we experience or perceive in the world through the body are not real. He knows that we remain Love as Love created us and this can never change. This recognition is the foundation of true forgiveness. If what appears to happen in the world is unreal and cannot affect us in any way, then there is really nothing to forgive. This is the lesson He must teach to the part of our mind that is dedicated to believing separation is real.

As we practice asking the Holy Spirit’s help to forgive the things that offend, anger and bring fear and guilt to our minds, He will patiently and gently teach us to see that these things could never be true. With His kind lessons we will learn to overlook our grievances because we will realize that their seeming justification never really happened. This is how we learn to free ourselves from the bondage of fear and guilt. This is how we save the world and ourselves. We remember our Self as God’s one Son.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Lifting the Veil to See Only Innocence

Those who would see the witnesses to truth instead of to illusion merely ask that they might see a purpose in the world that gives it sense and makes it meaningful. Without your special function has this world no meaning for you. Yet it can become a treasure house as rich and limitless as Heaven itself. No instant passes here in which your brother’s holiness cannot be seen, to add a limitless supply to every meager scrap and tiny crumb of happiness that you allot yourself.

You can lose sight of oneness, but can not make sacrifice of its reality. Nor can you lose what you would sacrifice, nor keep the Holy Spirit from His task of showing you that it has not been lost. Hear, then, the song your brother sings to you, and let the world recede, and take the rest his witness offers on behalf of peace. But judge him not, for you will hear no song of liberation for yourself….

[Your brother’s] holiness gives life to you, who cannot die because his sinlessness is known to God; and can no more be sacrificed by you than can the light in you be blotted out because he sees it not. …In Heaven, God’s Son is not imprisoned in a body, nor is sacrificed in solitude to sin. And as he is in Heaven, so must he be eternally and everywhere. He is the same forever. (A Course in Miracles, T-26.I.5:1-6:4;7:2,4-6. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

To see our brother truly we must not project our guilt upon him. The projection of guilt draws a veil across the Light of innocence in our brothers. The veil appears to show us guilt in our brothers, but is really reflected back to us the guilt we perceive in ourselves. Thus forgiveness is the key to recognizing our true Self in our brothers and ourselves.

The practice of forgiveness is our special function which will free the world we see of the veil of guilt and fear. As the veil dissolves, the Light of innocence in our brothers shines back on us and reminds us of the Love we share. We remember our Self as It was created and as It remains in truth.

Today we dedicate to remaining open to Holy Spirit’s lessons in forgiveness, that we may see the Light of Love more clearly and remember Who we are.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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We Can Awaken from the Dream

My Father knows my holiness. Shall I deny His knowledge, and believe in what His knowledge makes impossible? Shall I accept as true what He proclaims as false? Or shall I take His Word for what I am, since He is my Creator, and the One Who knows the true condition of His Son?

Father, I was mistaken in myself, because I failed to realize the Source from which I came. I have not left that Source to enter in a body and to die. My holiness remains a part of me, as I am part of You. And my mistakes about myself are dreams. I let them go today. And I stand ready to receive Your Word alone for what I really am. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 228, W-pI.228. See also ACIM Lesson 228 Insights.)

When we look at the things that seem to happen in the world, the things we do and thoughts we have, it doesn’t seem that we are holy at all. Yet we are told that God knows us as holy. This is because the body we have identified with and the world it seems to populate is just a dream. It is a false persona acting out its beliefs in being separate, vulnerable and alone.

It’s good news that this is only a dream and we can wake up from a dream. From within the dream there seems to be no end to it. But we have help from beyond the dream to gently and lovingly lead us out of it to awaken to the Love and holiness we have always been in truth. We do not need to dwell in a place of fear and guilt any longer.

Today we call upon the strength of God in us to help us remember Who we really are. And we trust that we will receive the Help we need.

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