Pathways of Light Store

ACIM Downloadable Study Guides — Self-study only

Products: 120 of 27
  • 901e: Introduction to Miracles Practice Download—self-study
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    901e: Introduction to Miracles Practice Download—self-study

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    This course will help you form and reinforce the daily practice of receiving and extending miracles.

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    • $75.00
  • 902e: Remembering to Choose Peace Download—self-study only
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    902e: Remembering to Choose Peace Download—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    Learn to let the Holy Spirit reinterpret your misperceptions and return you to the experience of peace and happiness.

    IMPORTANT: If you will be working with a Mind Healing Partner please click here to register for the certified course.

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    • $75.00
  • 903e: Gratitude for God's Gifts Download—self-study only
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    903e: Gratitude for God's Gifts Download—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    Accelerate your awakening and let the peace, joy and Love of God return to your awareness.

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    • $75.00
  • 904e: Putting God First Download—self-study only
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    904e: Putting God First Download—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    Learn to quiet and open your mind to the helpful insight of your Inner Teacher to remove the barriers to the experience of your total safety in God.

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    • $75.00
  • 905e: Special Relationships vs. Holy Relationships—self-study only
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    905e: Special Relationships vs. Holy Relationships—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    Learn to heal your relationships by changing your focus from seeing differences to seeing past the mask of separation to the one Light of God that is what is real in everyone.

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    • $75.00
  • Step 1 ACIM Practitioner E-Courses Discount Pkg Self-Study
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    Step 1 ACIM Practitioner E-Courses Discount Pkg Self-Study

    ACIM Practitioner Downloadable E-Courses — Self-Study Only
    These courses do not qualify for certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    Includes courses 901, 902, 903, 904 & 905 without certification.

    For full descriptions of the ACIM Practitioner courses, click here.

    IMPORTANT: If you will be working with a Mind Healing Partner please click here to register for the certified course.

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    • $350.00
  • 906e: Healing Through Forgiveness—self-study only
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    906e: Healing Through Forgiveness—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    Do you desire peace instead of endless strife and misery and pain? Forgiveness brings you an unlimited supply of peace, joy and happiness. Forgiveness heals all guilt, fear and suffering. Forgiveness is the means to let go of the illusion of separation and return Home. Forgiveness is willingness to become as a little child and be taught by the One Who knows.

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    • $75.00
  • 907e: The Power of Decision — Cause & Effect—self-study only
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    907e: The Power of Decision — Cause & Effect—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    It is very helpful to understand how powerful your mind is. In every instant you are choosing your experience with the thoughts you hold in your mind. In every instant you are deciding what and where you think you are. You are making these decisions either with the Holy Spirit or ego.

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    • $75.00
  • 908e: Abundance Awareness—self-study only
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    908e: Abundance Awareness—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    This ACIM Practitioner course is for students of A Course in Miracles who want to understand and experience the principles of abundance that the Course presents.

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    • $75.00
  • 909e: Wellness Through Mind Healing—self-study only
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    909e: Wellness Through Mind Healing—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    A Course in Miracles has a lot to say about the unconscious motivations for sickness and the role the mind plays in all the effects we experience in the body.

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    • $75.00
  • 910e: Living in the World While Waking Up—self-study only
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    910e: Living in the World While Waking Up—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    This course delves into answering the questions, "How do I apply the principles of the Course to my everyday living? How do I apply this to my job, my family, my friends, to help me wake up to my real Self?"

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    • $75.00
  • Step 2 ACIM Practitioner E-Courses Discount Pkg Self-Study
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    Step 2 ACIM Practitioner E-Courses Discount Pkg Self-Study

    ACIM Practitioner Downloadable E-Courses — Self-Study Only
    These courses do not qualify for certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    Includes courses 906, 907, 908, 909 & 910 without certification.

    For full descriptions of the ACIM Practitioner courses, click here.

    IMPORTANT: If you will be working with a Mind Healing Partner please click here to register for the certified course.

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    • $350.00
  • 911e: The Healing Journey Inward—self-study only
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    911e: The Healing Journey Inward—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    A Course in Miracles encourages us to find our true Self within. It tells us our true Self is not outside.

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    • $75.00
  • 912e: Accepting Holy Spirit's Help—self-study only
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    912e: Accepting Holy Spirit's Help—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    The Holy Spirit is always there, waiting to extend Its healing change of mind.

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    • $75.00
  • 913e: Two Categories — Real… Unreal—self-study only
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    913e: Two Categories — Real… Unreal—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    A Course in Miracles helps us understand that everything that is real is changeless and eternal.

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    • $75.00
  • 914e: The Power of Gentleness and Patience—self-study only
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    914e: The Power of Gentleness and Patience—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    In this course we will practice letting go of our grievances in order to return to our true Identity as Love, where gentleness and patience naturally reside.

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    • $75.00
  • 915e: Being a Messenger of Innocence & Unity—self-study only
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    915e: Being a Messenger of Innocence & Unity—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    In this world we don't often think that our purpose for being here is to be a messenger of innocence and unity.

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    • $75.00
  • Step 3 ACIM Practitioner E-Course Discount Pkg Self-Study

    ACIM Practitioner E-Courses — self-study only
    These courses do not qualify for certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    Step 3 includes the following self-study courses: 911, 912, 913, 914 & 915 without certification

    For full descriptions of the ACIM Practitioner courses, click here.

    Click the course title above for Audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $350.00
  • 916e: Teacher of God—self-study only
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    916e: Teacher of God—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    The purpose of A Course in Miracles is to teach us how to be miracle workers — teachers of God.

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    • $75.00
  • 917e: You Are in Heaven Now—self-study only
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    917e: You Are in Heaven Now—self-study only

    ACIM Practitioner E-Course — self-study only
    This course does not include certification as a Mind Healing Partner

    In this course we will work with answering the following questions: What is Heaven according to A Course in Miracles? Why do we avoid recognizing that we are in Heaven now? How does belief in time hinder our remembering that we are in Heaven? How do we break the destructive habit of holding on to the belief in a past and future as if it were real? How do we remember we are in Heaven? What are the benefits of remembering that we are in the Kingdom of Heaven now?

    Not rated yet
    • $75.00
Products: 120 of 27