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ACIM Workbook Lesson 94 Insights

“I am as God created me.”

It seems surprising that it would be so difficult to accept that we all are extensions of God’s Love. The power and strength of God’s Love is ours eternally. We cannot give this power away, even if we wanted to. We are God’s Son eternally. God’s Son is One, and is all inclusive. God’s Son is what we all are, forever. We cannot change that. No matter what wild and crazy stories we may choose to believe in for a while, the stories are really nothing, just foolish tales of aloneness, of separation from our eternal connection with God. I cannot be God’s Son alone. God’s Son includes everyone. God’s Light includes everyone.

As I watch TV and see the maneuvering and gyrations of the war, I can remember that all are God’s Son, complete and healed and whole eternally. The dreams of being on one side or another, of a conflict, are seen as silly ideas to be laid aside.

I am so grateful for the Course because it is a helpful path that brings me to the consistent truth that the physical world is a dream and could never be the truth. Separation from God is a dream and could never be the truth. Everyone is still as God created them. Nothing has changed.

Love is. God is. I am so grateful that this is the only truth. I am so grateful to be reminded today that my hallucinations of separation are not real. I will do my best today to devote the first five minutes of every hour to remembering the truth. The Course does such a wonderful job of encouraging me to let go of illusions and return to the truth. I give thanks.

To really accept that I am as God created me and I am His Son eternally is to accept complete freedom from guilt. Since God is Love and nothing else, His Son must be Love and nothing else. Today’s Lesson could be rephrased, I am as Love created me. I am Love’s extension eternally. I am changeless Love. And that applies equally to all. If someone irritates me, when I remember that person is as Love created them and Love’s extension eternally, all sense of irritation or upset disappears.

Because Love is changeless, It cannot be harmed. And because Love is all that is real, no harm is possible. This world seems to demonstrate the opposite because it was made to make the impossible appear possible. It is only our belief in separation as real that makes it seem real to us. Today’s lesson is telling us that remembering that we remain as God created us is complete salvation from this make-believe world of impossibilities.

I dedicate today to reinforcing in my mind the idea that I remain as God created me. I am His Son eternally, whole, changeless Love and nothing else. God created me in His innocence. That has not changed. That is true of everyone without exception. Today I practice remembering that all through the day.

There are times when my self esteem is so low that I wonder what God was thinking when he created me. I keep thinking that God sees me the way I so often see myself. Even now, I still don’t know where I’m going and I still don’t understand why I’m here but the Course and these lessons continue to give me hope and willingness to reach the goal God wants me to reach.

I often think of how much I love my daughter and how it hurts me to see her struggle and I think God feels the same way. He sends us these messages and wants us to remember who we are in hopes that this thought will give us strength and shed some light on our troubled times.

Most Holy Spirit, help me have the willingness to remember this thought today for this thought will sustain me, especially in difficult times. Amen

Drinking my coffee this morning in the hotel lobby, I heard a war broadcast calling this conflict the beginning of a world war. It was very frightening. I found myself afraid for our world and for my son who is turning 18 in June. I was also becoming angry at the politician who thought this was a great idea, at Saddam and at George. As I took my walk, I asked Holy Spirit to show me a different way to see this.

I’ve been seeing my true Self as Light and seeing that Light join with the Light of others, particularly those I have trouble dealing with. I thought that I should do this with Saddam and the president now, but I was surprised that the idea repelled me and scared me a little.

As I continued my walk, I opened my mind to Holy Spirit and soon the thought came to me that this was just the ego way of viewing it and I asked Holy Spirit for another way to see this. I was reminded that their reality is Light just as mine is. I started to visualize them as Light. It was so beautiful and so bright I could barely see their ego selves. I saw that their Light was completely undiminished by anything their egos imagined in this illusion. I was glad to join my Light with theirs.

When I went back to my room, I did my lesson for this morning. I could do so easily. If I could see that Saddam’s true Self was unaffected by the egos imaginings, then all my dark thoughts and mistakes and all the wrong turns my life has taken cannot possibly affect my true Self. I understood, for that moment at least, that my true Self stands completely untarnished by my dark self. There is nothing my ego can imagine that can extinguish my Light or even dim it.

Suddenly I could laugh at the idea that my ego has been steadily diminishing my true Self with every cruel act it imagined itself doing. And surely, this is what I’ve been thinking. What grandiose power I have been giving the ego, that it could image itself undoing what God created and creating me anew not in the Light of God but in the darkness of ego. What foolishness! Not something to be afraid of, but something to laugh at.

All day today as I practiced my lesson my vision of my true Self has changed. I used to see my body as all there was to me. Then I learned to see it filled with Light and then a halo of Light around it that could join with other Lights. Today I began to see that I was so narrowly focused on the ego that I had failed to see I was surrounded by a brilliant and beautiful Light that extended on and on. My ego was just a small shadow next to this Light. Later in the day, it appeared to me that the ego/body was nearly translucent, unreal- as truly it is.

I have felt so blessed all day. How fortunate we are that when we focus our energies for God, we are so completely supported.

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Reference Keys for
A Course in Miracles Quotes

How to Read References for Quotes from A Course in Miracles

Below are example references to specific sentences using the notation of the Second & Third Editions of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace:

T-26.IV.4:7 = Text, Chapt. 26, Section IV, paragraph 4, sentence 7.

W-pI.169.5:2 = Workbook, Part I, Lesson 169, paragraph 5, sentence 2.

M-13.3:2 = Manual for Teachers, Question 13, paragraph 3, sentence 2.

C-6.4:6 = Clarification of Terms, Term 6, paragraph 4, sentence 6

The above numbering system of the Second & Third Editions is © Copyright 1992, The Foundation for A Course in Miracles.

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