Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Step Back and Follow

Holy Spirit to Robert:
The ego wants you to believe that life in the world is like a chess game. You need to plan your moves well ahead with contingencies to protect you against your opponent’s moves. If you plan well enough and make the right moves, you win. This is the ego thought system in a nutshell.

The problem with this viewpoint is that all your planning is done with incomplete information so that you can never be certain of the outcome. This is another part of the ego strategy. It needs to maintain some sense of uncertainty so that you will continue to turn to it for help. What the ego doesn’t tell you is that it does not know how to guide you to permanently win the game — to wake up from the dream. 

There is another way of living in the world. This other way is led by One Who has all knowledge and is able to see the effects of every move throughout time to eternity. This One has only your best interests in mind along with everyone’s. This Guide leads you out of the game back to full awakening into your Home in Love. To receive this guidance you simply need to choose to make no plans or decisions on your own. You need only step back and let It lead the way.

Let this day be a day of practicing stepping back and letting yourself be led to freedom.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Place your trust in God today. This means place your trust in Love… place your trust in peace… Hold on to nothing… Relax and let Me steer the boat… Let Me be in charge of your mind, which means being willing to let go of the past and future… I know that only Love is here now. Open your mind to receive My gentle presence of peace and Love…

You will know that you have received My awareness when you feel a deep, abiding sense of well being and safety and trust that all is well… I bring you to a state of mind where you easily let go and let God.

How you can serve My purpose just shows up ever so gently every moment of the day, and you happily follow. Follow this way of being today and it will be a happy day.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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A Day of Practice

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Nothing could disturb your peace unless you believe that you are weak and vulnerable. Nothing could make you feel guilty unless you believe you have harmed. There is no strength but God’s and, being Love, God is incapable of harm. You were created as God’s extension, still one with Him. Therefore you share His attributes: You are equally harmless and have all His strength. The belief that you are weak and capable of harm is mistaken and could never be true. It is this you must learn to remember.

Let today be a day of practice seeing the Love and strength of God in everyone you meet or think of. Hold your mind open to the Holy Spirit’s vision that will always show you the innocence and Love beyond all images of the world. Alone you will see lack and loss and limitation. With Holy Spirit’s vision you will see completion and freedom from limitation. Let this be a day of practicing accepting the vision of Love. It will be a day of joy.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let today be a day of practice in remembering to fully receive God’s peace. Watch your thoughts. Ask, does this thought reflect God’s peace? Does this thought reflect truth or illusion? Practice handing over every thought that does not come from the Holy Spirit in your mind.

Practice accepting God’s peace. Practice flowing with God’s river of peace all through the day. Let it carry you. Let it help you see the real world and remind you that only Love is here.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Yourself Be Carried Today

Holy Spirit to Robert:
You are being carried. Let yourself experience it, moment by moment. No effort is required, but vigilance is. Be vigilant for peace. Be vigilant to hold your heart and mind open to the lead of your true Self. Be vigilant to make no decision or plan for yourself alone.

As you practice keeping your little self image out of the way, you open the way for the limitless Love that you are to be reflected in the world you experience. The more you do this, the more you learn that you are not alone, that you are not separate from your Source. You learn that the thought system of separation offers you nothing you want. Everything you need and truly want is yours for the accepting.

As you accept the blessing offered you in every moment, you learn beyond all doubt that you cannot lose, that you cannot be alone, that you cannot be vulnerable. You learn that the strength of Love is yours, always. Let yourself be carried today.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Go softly today. Let yourself be aware of the Light that resides in your mind. Let the Light of Love that is always in your mind lead you to the truth today. Let yourself be led to have a happy day.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Holy Spirit Do the Planning

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let yourself remember that all is well. You are safe in the Mind of God and so is everyone. Think about that and let yourself feel this truth.

You are safe in the Mind of God now. Everyone you know is safe in the Mind of God now — eternally. No matter what “happens” in the world of separate bodies, even [the appearance of] death, everyone is safe. There is no birth and there is no death. Everyone is eternal. We are one Light eternally. We are the Light of God eternally.

You can relax now. You need not plan for your safety. Hand over everything into God’s loving Arms and let yourself be led as a little child is led in perfect trust. Your Father will never desert you and wants only for you to awaken to your true inheritance.

Breathe… Relax… Open to the peace that is beyond this world… Let yourself feel it… Be it… All is well.

As we read A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 135 today, it really reinforced in my mind how my planning for the future or for my safety is really a defense against the truth. How could I ever think that I would know what is best for me, when One Who really knows and only wants what is best for me and for all is in charge? He only wants perfect happiness for me. He only has my highest good in mind when He presents plans or lays them before me.

It is up to me to go to Him for guidance before making any plans on my own, for of myself, I can do nothing. And why would I even want to do anything for myself when I have Him on my side? He will go before me, making sure my path is clear and there are no stones to trip on. He will make sure that only goodness and joy follow me all the days of my life. He will show me what true tranquility, peace and Love really are.

This last few days since Sharyn has come to visit has been a steady stream of inspiration and synchronicity that have demonstrated again and again that we are in the right place at the right time. It has been an easy flow of experiences that have been joyful and blessed. It is clearly demonstrated that when we put effort aside and hold our hearts and minds open to Spirit’s lead, we are always in the right place at the right time.

Not only have we experienced great joy and blessing, but we have received a wonderful affirmation that we are truly being carried, always. Our job is to let go of self-made plans, step aside and let the One Who knows what will serve the awakening of the whole lead the way. There is nothing to “get,” but everything to “let.” That is how we receive the inheritance given us by our Source. My heart is filled with gratitude.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Ride the Wave

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let today be a day of practice of letting go and letting God. As you go through your daily activities, ask yourself, “Is this thought God’s Thought or am I making up something different?” Ask for the thoughts that you think with God today. Ask to return to the awareness of oneness. What you truly want you will receive. If you want separation, that is what you will see. If you want to return to the truth of oneness, that truth will return to your mind.

Let oneness return. Let peace return. Let the veil of separation and specialness fall away. The Light of God is all there is to see. Love’s Song is all there is to hear. There is no journey but to walk with Him. Allow the truth of What you are and Where you are to return to your mind today. This brings happiness that is eternal. This brings peace and joy that is eternal. It can never be lost. It can not die. Accept what is eternally yours today.

Holy Spirit to Sharyn:
Nothing matters. The only thing that matters is your dedication to Me. God is all there is. There is nothing else, even though you think you see everything else. All that matters is what is truly there, which is God’s Love. God does not see separation. He sees only oneness. It is your only job to be like your Father and see everyone and everything as one. Nothing else matters. Putting this thought first and foremost in your mind today is all that matters. Watch the miracles abound as you do this. Nothing else matters.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
God’s Love is like an ocean wave, with one significant difference. Being eternal, this wave of Love never stops, never lessens, never retreats. Ride the wave today. Let it carry you effortlessly to your Home.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I Get to See the Love

Holy Spirit to Mary:
In quietness is every problem quietly resolved. Let your mind be in quietness today. Let your mind live in the peace that is yours. Let your mind rest in the truth of Love’s oneness. Breathe deeply… relax… an rest in God’s Love and know that no matter what you see through the body’s eyes, only Love is there. Celebrate this fact, this truth, all through the day. Let yourself be inspired (in Spirit) today and be thankful that God is here and you are in God.

Today as i close my eyes, I see myself sitting on the bench with Jesus in front of the garden. He asks me what seeds I would like to plant today. I tell him I would like to plant a row of Love seeds. When he asks me why, I tell Him I’d like to strengthen the Love within me and watch it grow every day as those seeds will grow. I want to see the Love in everyone as I look upon them and my bodies eyes show me something different. Remembering the Love that they are is all I need do. As the seeds of Love grow, I want to feel the Love within me expand and extend to others. I want to feel the Love of God in myself and everyone I see expand into the oneness that is. Only Love is real and as my seeds grow I will grow to understand that statement more and more. There is no sadness, there is no death, there is only Love.

Today Jesus, please let me remember as I go through my day that you go with me wherever I go. Help me to see everyone in the true Love that they are and nothing else, no matter how it appears. With you at my side, I know all things are possible. So today I ask you Jesus, to show me only Love. Amen.

Today is a blessed day. I have the privilege and opportunity to see Love everywhere and accept the blessing of the Love I see. I get to see the Love beyond the rain and the sunshine. I get to see the Love beyond the singing bird and the green grass. I get to see the Love in the smiling child and in the crying child. I get to see the Love in the cashier and mail carrier. I get to see the Love in everyone I meet and even think of. Today I get to see Love everywhere and I am blessed.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Peace Fill My Mind

One of my favorite lessons in A Course in MIracles is Lesson 188, “The peace of God is shining in me now.” Here Jesus reminds us all that we must be willing to recognize the peace within us and, as we recognize the peace that is there in our minds, we just naturally extend it.

Recognizing the peace within myself and everyone is my job today. As I focus on the peace that is in everyone I meet or even think of, I am reminded of the peace that I am. My mind is healed as I recognize and salute the peace in everyone. Such a happy adventure we all have as we fulfill our function of finding the peace within us and within everyone and letting it fill our minds with Light and happiness. This is my opportunity today. I will take this opportunity if I am willing to be happy today. I give thanks.

I’m in Love. In truth, I’ve never been out of Love. When I accept the Love I am in and that is in me, Love over flows to everyone I see or think of. The joy in my heart cannot be contained. No appearance or behavior can deter the flow of Love and joy that joins me with all my brothers. Today I will keep my heart and mind open to the Love I am in. It will be a day of blessings.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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