Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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True Vision Sees Only Love

God’s laws will keep your mind at peace because peace is His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom, but yours are the laws of bondage. Since freedom and bondage are irreconcilable, their laws cannot be understood together. The laws of God work only for your good, and there are no other laws beside His.

You are not free to give up freedom, but only to deny it. You cannot do what God did not intend, because what He did not intend does not happen. Your gods do not bring chaos; you are endowing them with chaos, and accepting it of them. All this has never been. Nothing but the laws of God has ever been, and nothing but His Will will ever be. …What you have made is so unworthy of you that you could hardly want it, if you were willing to see [what you have made] as it is. You will see nothing at all. And your vision will automatically look beyond it, to what is in you and all around you. Reality cannot break through the obstructions you interpose, but it will envelop you completely when you let [the obstructions] go. (A Course in Miracles, T-10.IV.4:1-4;5:1-5,7-10. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The world we perceive is an attempt to limit the limitless Love of God. It is the denial of the freedom to be and extend Love eternally. The ego world denies what we are and substitutes a loveless image of vulnerability, sickness and death. It is not God’s Will for us and therefore could never happen.

We experience the ego’s world because our belief in it endows it with the appearance of reality. These images we believe in obstruct the vision of our true Self, Which will always show us the limitless Love we are.

We ask the Holy Spirit’s help to purify our vision that we may see past the ego’s illusions to the reality of the Love that is our Home.

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Bringing Healing to Our Mind

Perception selects, and makes the world you see. It literally picks it out as the mind directs. The laws of size and shape and brightness would hold, perhaps, if other things were equal. They are not equal. For what you look for you are far more likely to discover than what you would prefer to overlook. The still, small Voice for God is not drowned out by all the ego’s raucous screams and senseless ravings to those who want to hear It. Perception is a choice and not a fact. But on this choice depends far more than you may realize as yet. For on the voice you choose to hear, and on the sights you choose to see, depends entirely your whole belief in what you are. Perception is a witness but to [your belief in what you are], and never to reality.

Reality needs no cooperation from you to be itself. But your awareness of [reality] needs your help, because [awareness] is your choice. Listen to what the ego says, and see what it directs you see, and it is sure that you will see yourself as tiny, vulnerable and afraid. You will experience depression, a sense of worthlessness, and feelings of impermanence and unreality.

There is another vision and another Voice in which your freedom lies, awaiting but your choice. And if you place your faith in Them [another vision and Voice], you will perceive another self in you. This other self sees miracles as natural. [Miracles] are as simple and as natural to [this other true Self] as breathing to the body. They are the obvious response to calls for help, the only one [this Self] makes. Miracles seem unnatural to the ego because it does not understand how separate minds can influence each other. Nor could they do so. But minds cannot be separate. This other self is perfectly aware of this. And thus it recognizes that miracles do not affect another’s mind, only its own. They always change your mind. There is no other [mind]. (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 1, T-21.V.1:1-10;2:1-4;3. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our true Self sees past the ego’s images of separation and listens to the Voice that speaks to us of our unity in Love. As we give our attention to this one Self that is united with the Reality of Love, we recognize our oneness with our brothers. This one Self responds to behaviors of fear and guilt with helpfulness. These behaviors are recognized as calls for Love. The natural response is to answer with Love. This is the miracle that heals our mistaken belief that separation is real.

Let us join together in the practice of following Holy Spirit’s lead to answer calls for Love with helpfulness and Love. This practice will bring healing to our minds.

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We Are Spirit, United in Love

Spirit am I, a holy Son of God, free of all limits, safe and
healed and whole, free to forgive, and free to save the world.

Today’s idea identifies you with your one Self. It accepts no split identity, nor tries to weave opposing factors into unity. It simply states the truth. Practice this truth today as often as you can, for it will bring your mind from conflict to the quiet fields of peace. No chill of fear can enter, for your mind has been absolved from madness, letting go illusions of a split identity.

We state again the truth about your Self, the holy Son of God Who rests in you; whose mind has been restored to sanity. You are the spirit lovingly endowed with all your Father’s Love and peace and joy. You are the spirit which completes Himself, and shares His function as Creator. He is with you always, as you are with Him. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 97, W-pI.97.7:2;1-2. See also ACIM Lesson 97 Insights.)

Identifying with Spirit releases us from the limitation of identifying with the body as what we are. Spirit is one, united with all Spirit, united with all That is Real. Our one Self is Spirit. It is the unbreakable bond with our Creator and every brother.

Today we remind ourselves that we are Spirit, limitless and extending forever as co-creator with our Creator. This reminder is a gift we give ourselves and all the world, bringing us closer to the full acceptance of our unity with Love.


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The Path to Perfect Happiness

We walk to God. Pause and reflect on this. Could any way be holier, or more deserving of your effort, of your love and of your full intent? What way could give you more than everything, or offer less and still content the holy Son of God? We walk to God. The truth that walks before us now is one with Him, and leads us to where He has always been. What way but this could be a path that you would choose instead?

Your feet are safely set upon the road that leads the world to God. Look not to ways that seem to lead you elsewhere. Dreams are not a worthy guide for you who are God’s Son. Forget not He has placed His Hand in yours, and given you your brothers in His trust that you are worthy of His trust in you. He cannot be deceived. His trust has made your pathway certain and your goal secure. You will not fail your brothers nor your Self.

And now He asks but that you think of Him a while each day, that He may speak to you and tell you of His Love, reminding you how great His trust; how limitless His Love. In your Name and His Own, which are the same, we practice gladly with this thought today:

I will step back and let Him lead the way,
For I would walk along the road to Him.
(, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 155,W-pI.155.12-14. See also ACIM Lesson 155 Insights.)

The Holy Spirit will lead us on the path to joy if we will let Him. We need only step back and let Him lead the way. Each time we notice our peace or happiness is diminished in any way, it is time to step back and let Him lead the way. If we feel fear or guilt, we need to step back and let Him lead the way.

Our true Home is in God, where perfect Love, peace that cannot be disturbed and joy beyond description reside. This is where the practice of stepping back and letting the Holy Spirit lead the way will bring us. Anything else will fall away as we accept our one Self as God created It.

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Opening Our Minds to the Holy Spirit

The fact that truth and illusion cannot be reconciled… must be accepted if you would be saved.

The self you made can never be your Self, nor can your Self be split in two, and still be what It is and must forever be. A mind and body cannot both exist. Make no attempt to reconcile the two, for one denies the other can be real. If you are physical, your mind is gone from your self-concept, for it has no place in which it could be really part of you. If you are spirit, then the body must be meaningless to your reality.

Spirit makes use of mind as means to find its Self expression. And the mind which serves the spirit is at peace and filled with joy.

Your [one] Self retains Its Thoughts, and they remain within your mind and in the Mind of God. The Holy Spirit holds salvation [oneness] in your mind, and offers it the way to peace.

Every time you spend five minutes of the hour seeking Him Who joins your mind and Self, you offer Him another treasure to be kept for you.

Each time today you tell your frantic mind salvation comes from your one Self, you lay another treasure in your growing store. And all of it is given everyone who asks for it, and will accept the gift. Think, then, how much is given unto you to give this day, that it be given you! (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 96,W-pI.96.2:1;3:3-4:2;7:1-2;11:5-12:3. See also ACIM Lesson 96 Insights.)

In the world we are fixated on the body as our identity. This is why there is so much emphasis on fashion, diet and physical health. Because we believe the body is our identity, it seems important that the body be maintained and “presented” in the most acceptable way. But we are learning here that the body is an image we have made and is an illusion that cannot be real. It is this mistaken identification with the illusion of a body that needs to be let go.

Our one Self is unaffected by our illusions. But our fixation on the body makes our one Self unknown to us. Fortunately we have been given the Holy Spirit as a bridge between our one Self and the part of our mind that has divorced itself from the oneness we share with God. The Holy Spirit will remind us of the truth of our one Self. If we are willing to open our minds to the Holy Spirit’s presence just five minutes of every hour, we will take giant strides toward the return to the peace and joy of our Self. We dedicate this day to this practice.

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Love Is the Way We Walk in Gratitude

Your gratitude is due to Him alone Who made all cause of sorrow disappear throughout the world, …Who offers you the certain means whereby all pain is healed, and suffering replaced with laughter and with happiness.

Love makes no comparisons. And gratitude can only be sincere if it be joined to love. We offer thanks to God our Father that in us all things will find their freedom.

Let your gratitude make room for all who will escape with you; the sick, the weak, the needy and afraid, and those who mourn a seeming loss or feel apparent pain, who suffer cold or hunger, or who walk the way of hatred and the path of death. All these go with you. Let us not compare ourselves with them, for thus we split them off from our awareness of the unity we share with them, as they must share with us.

God gives thanks to you, His Son, for being what you are; His Own completion and the Source of love, along with Him. Your gratitude to Him is one with His to you. For love can walk no road except the way of gratitude, and thus we go who walk the way to God. (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 195,W-pI.195.1:7;2:2;4:2-4;5:2-3;10:4-5. See also ACIM Lesson 195 Insights.)

God is One and all that is real. Therefore, His Son, His Creation, remains one with Him. In His Oneness, we share all of His Love. There is nothing else. In the recognition of our oneness in Love, gratitude is inevitable. Gratitude is an aspect of Love, just as peace and happiness.

We are naturally grateful for what makes us happy. And only God’s Love makes us truly happy. To know this happiness, we must recognize our oneness with God and all His Creation, our brothers. We are one and the same. There can be no differences in God’s oneness and thus there is nothing to compare.

Only the ego makes comparisons because the ego makes up images of differences that could never be real. This is why we must practice making no comparisons and asking our inner Teacher to help us see our oneness in Love beyond the ego’s images. This is how we walk the way of gratitude.

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Receiving the Blessing of the Holy Instant

God is an idea, and so your faith in Him is strengthened by sharing. What you find difficult to accept is the fact that, like your Father, you are an idea. And like Him, you can give yourself completely, wholly without loss and only with gain. Herein lies peace, for here there is no conflict.

It is through us that peace will come. Join me in the idea of peace, for in ideas minds can communicate. If you would give yourself as your Father gives His Self, you will learn to understand Selfhood. And therein is love’s meaning understood. But remember that understanding is of the mind, and only of the mind. Knowledge is therefore of the mind, and its conditions are in the mind with it. If you were not an idea, and nothing but an idea, you could not be in full communication with all that ever was. Yet as long as you prefer to be something else, or would attempt to be nothing else and something else together, you will not remember the language of communication, which you know perfectly.

In the holy instant God is remembered, and the language of communication with all your brothers is remembered with Him. For communication is remembered together, as is truth. There is no exclusion in the holy instant because the past is gone, and with it goes the whole basis for exclusion. Without its source [the past] exclusion vanishes. And this permits your Source, and that of all your brothers, to replace [the past] in your awareness. God and the power of God will take Their rightful place in you, and you will experience the full communication of ideas with ideas. Through your ability to do this you will learn what you must be, for you will begin to understand what your Creator is, and what His creation is along with Him. (A Course in Miracles, T-15.VI.4:4-7;7-8. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The holy instant is an experience of timelessness. Without time, there is no past or future. Without the past, there is no basis to construct an image of what the future might bring. In the holy instant, with only the present in our awareness, we experience the oneness and changelessness of Love. We are free of the limits imposed by the forms of bodies and the world.

The ego made the image of a body as a limit on Love. Through the holy instant, this limit is transcended. We make way for the experience of the holy instant by letting go of the value we give to the forms of the world. This is how we forgive the forms of the world and welcome the holy instant. We welcome the experience of limitless, timeless, changeless Love.

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