Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Recognizing Our Unity in Love

Healing, forgiveness, and the glad exchange of all the world of sorrow for a world where sadness cannot enter, are the means by which the Holy Spirit urges you to follow Him. ²His gentle lessons teach how easily salvation can be yours; how little practice you need undertake to let His laws replace the ones you made to hold yourself a prisoner to death. ³His life becomes your own, as you extend the little help He asks in freeing you from everything that ever caused you pain.

And as you let yourself be healed, you see all those around you, or who cross your mind, or whom you touch or those who seem to have no contact with you, healed along with you. ²Perhaps you will not recognize them all, nor realize how great your offering to all the world, when you let healing come to you. ³But you are never healed alone. ⁴And legions upon legions will receive the gift that you receive when you are healed.

Those who are healed become the instruments of healing. ²Nor does time elapse between the instant they are healed, and all the grace of healing it is given them to give. ³What is opposed to God does not exist, and who accepts it not within his mind becomes a haven where the weary can remain to rest. ⁴For here is truth bestowed, and here are all illusions brought to truth. (A Course in Miracles, W-137.9–11. See also ACIM Lesson 137 Insights.)

Healing is simple. It merely accepts Reality as It is. Healing only seems difficult because we value some form we want to keep for ourself alone. This is the barrier in our mind that opposes the Will of God. It only has effect in dreams that are not real.

We can waken from fearful dreams in any moment. We have been blessed with an inner Teacher Whose purpose is to help us recognize that no form in the dream offers anything of value. As we accept the help of our inner Teacher, we become increasingly aware of the Love that is given us without limit.

We learn to see truly once again that there is no separation. We can never be alone, for we are eternally united with every brother and our Father. In this recognition comes peace that cannot be disturbed; joy without limit.

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Release from Self-Made Limitations

⁷Before the greatness that lives in you, your poor appreciation of yourself and all the little offerings you give slip into nothingness.”

⁷When you have learned to accept what you are, you will make no more gifts to offer to yourself, for you will know you are complete, in need of nothing, and unable to accept anything for yourself. ⁸But you will gladly give, having received. ⁹The host of God need not seek to find anything.

If you are wholly willing to leave salvation to the plan of God and unwilling to attempt to grasp for peace yourself, salvation will be given you. ²Yet think not you can substitute your plan for His. ³Rather, join with me in His, that we may release all those who would be bound, proclaiming together that the Son of God is host to Him. ⁴Thus will we let no one forget what you would remember. ⁵And thus will you remember it.

Call forth in everyone only the remembrance of God, and of the Heaven that is in him. ²For where you would have your brother be, there will you think you are. ³Hear not his appeal to hell and littleness, but only his call for Heaven and greatness. (A Course in Miracles, T-15.III.8:7;10:7–12:3. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The choice to value specialness is the choice for littleness. We imprison ourselves in a tiny box of limited time and space. God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us release ourselves from this self-imposed limitation. He will teach us how to forgive our wish for specialness. Forgiveness welcomes God’s gift of His Love, which is given without limitations.

Our judgments depend on perceiving ourselves as separate from an outside world. Today we practice accepting the Holy Spirit’s true perception which overlooks the appearance of differences. He shows us the Love the joins us with the greatness of Heaven.

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Where to Find the End of Fear

Be in my mind, my Father, through the day.

Be in my mind, my Father, when I wake, and shine on me throughout the day today. ²Let every minute be a time in which I dwell with You. ³And let me not forget my hourly thanksgiving that You have remained with me, and always will be there to hear my call to You and answer me. ⁴As evening comes, let all my thoughts be still of You and of Your Love. ⁵And let me sleep sure of my safety, certain of Your care, and happily aware I am Your Son.

“This is as every day should be. ²Today, practice the end of fear. ³Have faith in Him Who is your Father. ⁴Trust all things to Him. ⁵Let Him reveal all things to you, and be you undismayed because you are His Son. (A Course in Miracles, W-232. See also ACIM Lesson 232 Insights.)

God is our Source. He created us, His Son, to remain eternally united with Himself. This means all of God’s strength, His Love, His peace and joy remain with us, His creation. There is no strength but His in truth.

But if we believe we have broken our connection with our Creator, fear is inevitable. This we do believe because we want specialness, which can only occur if we deny our oneness in God’s Love.

Today’s prayer expresses the desire to accept God’s gift. In this acceptance, we find the end of fear. We accept His Love, which is all that is real. We are grateful that this is so. We can rest in His peace.

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The Light Within Brings True Perception

Everyone here has entered darkness, yet no one has entered it alone. ²Nor need he stay more than an instant. ³For he has come with Heaven’s Help within him, ready to lead him out of darkness into light at any time. ⁴The time he chooses can be any time, for help is there, awaiting but his choice. ⁵And when he chooses to avail himself of what is given him, then will he see each situation that he thought before was means to justify his anger turned to an event which justifies his love. ⁶He will hear plainly that the calls to war he heard before are really calls to peace. ⁷He will perceive that where he gave attack is but another altar where he can, with equal ease and far more happiness, bestow forgiveness. ⁸And he will reinterpret all temptation as just another chance to bring him joy.

How can a misperception be a sin? ²Let all your brother’s errors be to you nothing except a chance for you to see the workings of the Helper given you to see the world He made instead of yours. …⁸This world has much to offer to your peace, and many chances to extend your own forgiveness. ⁹Such its purpose is, to those who want to see peace and forgiveness descend on them, and offer them the light. (A Course in Miracles, T-25.III.6;7:1-2,8-9. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The Light of Love is within us. It is available in every instant to shine away the darkness of fear and guilt brought on by misperception. If we are not experiencing perfect happiness, a misperception needs to be corrected. As we are willing to let the Light within shine upon our world, our perceptions are transformed. Every moment becomes an opportunity to join in the oneness of Love or to answer calls for Love with Love.

Our perceptions begin in our mind according to the thought system we are aligned with. If we are engaged with belief in separation, our perceptions show us attack and loss. But if we let the Light that is in us shine upon our world, we see past the images that seemed to threaten us. We recognize the happiness that comes with being the Love we are.

Today we welcome the Light within to be our Guide to replace misperceptions with true perception.

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Remembering the Love We Are

There is a light in you the world can not perceive. ²And with its eyes you will not see this light, for you are blinded by the world. ³Yet you have eyes to see it. ⁴It is there for you to look upon. ⁵It was not placed in you to be kept hidden from your sight. ⁶This light is a reflection of the thought we practice now. ⁷To feel the Love of God within you is to see the world anew, shining in innocence, alive with hope, and blessed with perfect charity and love.

Who could feel fear in such a world as this? ²It welcomes you, rejoices that you came, and sings your praises as it keeps you safe from every form of danger and of pain. ³It offers you a warm and gentle home in which to stay a while. ⁴It blesses you throughout the day, and watches through the night as silent guardian of your holy sleep. ⁵It sees salvation in you, and protects the light in you, in which it sees its own.

This is the world the Love of God reveals. …A world in which forgiveness shines on everything, and peace offers its gentle light to everyone… (A Course in Miracles, W-189.1:1–2:5;3:1,5. See also ACIM Lesson 189 Insights.)

Here we have the benefits that forgiveness brings. Forgiveness lifts the veil the wish for specialness has made to hide the blessings of God’s Love that are already ours. It is assuring to know that we only need to be willing to accept His Help to transform our perceptions. His Voice will direct us to see beyond the veil to Light of Love that surrounds us and radiates from us.

In that Light, w We know we are loved and experience the joy of offering love without reservations. The Love we are embraces the Love that is the truth in everyone. We dwell in gratitude.

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Learning to Distinguish Hell from Heaven

There is a borderland of thought that stands between this world and Heaven. ²It is not a place, and when you reach it is apart from time. ³Here is the meeting place where thoughts are brought together; where conflicting values meet and all illusions are laid down beside the truth, where they are judged to be untrue. ⁴This borderland is just beyond the gate of Heaven. ⁵Here is every thought made pure and wholly simple. ⁶Here is sin denied, and everything that is received instead.

This is the journey’s end. ²We have referred to it as the real world. …⁵[Perception and knowledge] are brought together, and only one continues past the gate where Oneness is. ⁶Salvation is a borderland where place and time and choice have meaning still, and yet it can be seen that they are temporary, out of place, and every choice has been already made.

Salvation stops just short of Heaven, for only perception needs salvation. ²Heaven was never lost, and so cannot be saved. ³Yet who can make a choice between the wish for Heaven and the wish for hell unless he recognizes they are not the same? ⁴This difference is the learning goal this course has set. (A Course in Miracles, T-26.III.2;3:1-2,5-6;5:1-4. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

There is a song with the phrase, “I’m in heaven….” The lyrics go on to describe forms in the world that make the moment seem heavenly. Yet forms are not real and do not last. This perception is really hell because it lacks the formless, oneness of Love. The song demonstrates our confusion about what Heaven is.

The Course is teaching us to recognize that we need to let go of beliefs that any form in the world is valuable or real. As we learn to forgive our wish for specialness, we let go of our illusions. Christ’s vision shows us the presence of Love in everyone and everything. The judgements that divided us from the world are laid down. The unity of Love is welcomed.

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Awakening to the Heaven of God’s Love

I am forever an Effect of God.

Father, I was created in Your Mind, a holy Thought that never left its home. ²I am forever Your Effect, and You forever and forever are my Cause. ³As You created me I have remained. ⁴Where You established me I still abide. ⁵And all Your attributes abide in me, because it is Your Will to have a Son so like his Cause that Cause and Its Effect are indistinguishable. ⁶Let me know that I am an Effect of God, and so I have the power to create like You. ⁷And as it is in Heaven, so on earth. ⁸Your plan I follow here, and at the end I know that You will gather Your effects into the tranquil Heaven of Your Love, where earth will vanish, and all separate thoughts unite in glory as the Son of God.

Let us today behold earth disappear, at first transformed, and then, forgiven, fade entirely into God’s holy Will. (A Course in Miracles, W-326. See also ACIM Lesson 326 Insights.)

Only Love creates, and only like Itself. Love has no form and no limits. Being a Thought of Love in the Mind of God, the truth in us, His Son, is Love and nothing else. This Self has no limit in time or space.

Love always extends. This is what Creation is. As part of God’s Creation, we extend the same Love that created us as His Son.

As we let go of the false image of ourself we have made, we will experience the indescribable joy and peace of living in the Heaven of God’s Love. To rest in God is to be His Love.

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