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I follow in the way appointed me.
I have a special place to fill; a role for me alone. ²Salvation waits until I take this part as what I choose to do. ³Until I make this choice, I am the slave of time and human destiny. ⁴But when I willingly and gladly go the way my Father’s plan appointed me to go, then will I recognize salvation is already here, already given all my brothers and already mine as well.
Father, Your way is what I choose today. ²Where it would lead me do I choose to go; what it would have me do I choose to do. ³Your way is certain, and the end secure. ⁴The memory of You awaits me there. ⁵And all my sorrows end in Your embrace, which You have promised to Your Son, who thought mistakenly that he had wandered from the sure protection of Your loving Arms. (A Course in Miracles, W-317. See also ACIM Lesson 317 Insights.)
God’s plan is the way of Love. It is our way, in truth, because we were created as Love by Love. We have accepted a false image of ourselves that seems to be separate from this Love. We believe we are unique, alone in a world of myriad, different identities.
The plan that only each of us can fulfill is to forgive the beliefs that we are different from the oneness of Love. Forgiveness is the letting go of mistaken beliefs to make way for the Love we are to shine freely. Our willingness to accept the Holy Spirit’s help to heal our fear-based perceptions paves the way for our completion of God’s plan to set us free from limitations.
We are no more limited than God is. We have all of His Love. All that He is, we are. Today we choose to follow the Holy Spirit Who leads to remembering that we are Love and nothing else.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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My Father gives all power unto me.
The Son of God is limitless. ²There are no limits on his strength, his peace, his joy, nor any attributes his Father gave in his creation. ³What he wills with his Creator and Redeemer must be done. ⁴His holy will can never be denied, because his Father shines upon his mind, and lays before it all the strength and love in earth and Heaven. ⁵I am he to whom all this is given. ⁶I am he in whom the power of my Father’s Will abides.
Your Will can do all things in me, and then extend to all the world as well through me. ²There is no limit on Your Will. ³And so all power has been given to Your Son.” (A Course in Miracles, W-320. See also ACIM Lesson 320 Insights.)
When we identify with the ego, we believe in its denial of God’s unlimited Love. To protect its thought system, the ego builds walls to defend against Love. These walls prevent us from realizing that we have all the strength, Love, peace and joy that God gives without limit to His Son. In short, the ego is a limit on God’s Son.
We have the means to dismantle the ego’s walls. It is simple and effective. When we forgive our judgments, we welcome the Light of Love in our mind. Through the Holy Spirit, the power of God is available to us to support our forgiveness. All that is needed is our willingness to reconsider our judgments and accept help to see with the eyes of forgiveness.
Every day we have the opportunity to take down the ego’s walls and let the strength of God flow freely. His Love is never held back. As we accept It by joining with the Love in our brothers, we accept God’s power in our mind. We accept our Identity as His Son.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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A miracle is a correction. ²It does not create, nor really change at all. ³It merely looks on devastation, and reminds the mind that what it sees is false. ⁴It undoes error, but does not attempt to go beyond perception, nor exceed the function of forgiveness. ⁵Thus it stays within time’s limits. ⁶Yet it paves the way for the return of timelessness and love’s awakening, for fear must slip away under the gentle remedy it brings.
³A miracle inverts perception which was upside down before, and thus it ends the strange distortions that were manifest. ⁴Now is perception open to the truth. ⁵Now is forgiveness seen as justified.
Forgiveness is the home of miracles. ²The eyes of Christ deliver them to all they look upon in mercy and in love. ³Perception stands corrected in His sight, and what was meant to curse has come to bless. ⁴Each lily of forgiveness offers all the world the silent miracle of love. (A Course in Miracles, W-pII.13.1;2:3–3:4)
Belief can make a lie perceived as truth. Our identification with a body in a world of separation is wholly the effect of belief in what could never be true. We have convinced ourselves that we are what could never be in truth. These beliefs hide the oneness of Love from our awareness.
The miracle is the means we have been given to free ourselves from the effects of our mistaken beliefs. The doorway to the miracle is forgiveness. We are free to change our beliefs. Forgiveness shines a light where we have denied the truth. It opens our mind to accept the truth that we are Love and nothing else.
Today we accept with gratitude the Holy Spirit’s help to release our mistaken beliefs. We are willing to bring all our perceptions to Him for His loving review. He will disregard the false beliefs and show us they are not real. He will keep our perceptions of Love which demonstrate our oneness with every brother and our Creator. With His guidance we will awaken to our true Self as God’s one Son.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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All gifts my brothers give belong to me.
Each day a thousand treasures come to me with every passing moment. ²I am blessed with gifts throughout the day, in value far beyond all things of which I can conceive. ³A brother smiles upon another, and my heart is gladdened. ⁴Someone speaks a word of gratitude or mercy, and my mind receives this gift and takes it as its own. ⁵And everyone who finds the way to God becomes my savior, pointing out the way to me, and giving me his certainty that what he learned is surely mine as well.
I thank You, Father, for the many gifts that come to me today and every day from every Son of God. ²My brothers are unlimited in all their gifts to me. ³Now may I offer them my thankfulness, that gratitude to them may lead me on to my Creator and His memory. (A Course in Miracles, W-315. See also ACIM Lesson 315 Insights.)
All the Son’s of God are of one Mind. This unity means that every loving thought of every brother comes to our mind. Love’s blessing abounds. It is ours to accept by letting go of barriers we have held against Love.
Every ego-based thought is a form that stands as a defense against Love’s blessing. This is inevitable since the ego is the wish to have more than everything, to have something it can keep for itself alone. This idea denies Love, which is unlimited, equally shared and eternal.
Today we welcome Love as we let go of our judgments. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we forgive the wish for special favor and separation. The choice to forgive opens our mind and hearts to welcome Love, which is our true Nature. Each perception forgiven lets Love shine more brightly in our mind. We are grateful that this is so.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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You who believed that God’s Last Judgment would condemn the world to hell along with you, accept this holy truth: God’s Judgment is the gift of the Correction He bestowed on all your errors, freeing you from them, and all effects they ever seemed to have. ²To fear God’s saving grace is but to fear complete release from suffering, return to peace, security and happiness, and union with your own Identity.
²Be not afraid of love. ³For it alone can heal all sorrow, wipe away all tears, and gently waken from his dream of pain the Son whom God acknowledges as His.
This is God’s Final Judgment: “You are still My holy Son, forever innocent, forever loving and forever loved, as limitless as your Creator, and completely changeless and forever pure. ²Therefore awaken and return to Me. ³I am your Father and you are My Son.” (A Course in Miracles,W-pII.10.3;4:2-3;5)
The ego is afraid of God’s final judgment, for His final judgment is that the ego is not real, never was, never will be. If we identify with the ego and believe the meaning of our life depends on what the ego accomplishes, we will be afraid of God’s last judgment. It will mean that our ego “life” is meaningless.
As God’s Son, our function is to let His Love extend through us to all of Creation. As we let ourselves be Love by forgiving our identification with the ego, we remember we are God’s Son. God wants us to remember this. He has given us His Voice to help us forgive our mistaken beliefs and waken to the Love we are.
Today we remind ourselves to listen to His Voice all through the day.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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There is a peace that Christ bestows on us.
Who uses but Christ’s vision finds a peace so deep and quiet, undisturbable and wholly changeless, that the world contains no counterpart. ²Comparisons are still before this peace. ³And all the world departs in silence as this peace envelops it, and gently carries it to truth, no more to be the home of fear. ⁴For love has come, and healed the world by giving it Christ’s peace.
Father, the peace of Christ is given us, because it is Your Will that we be saved. ²Help us today but to accept Your gift, and judge it not. ³For it has come to us to save us from our judgment on ourselves. (A Course in Miracles, W-305. See also ACIM Lesson 305 Insights.)
When we forgive our barriers to Love, we see with Christ’s vision. We see the Love that is everywhere to be seen. We experience the peace and safety that surrounds us because only Love is real. We are loved eternally. Nothing can alter God’s eternal gift.
The world of Love awaits our forgiveness of our judgments. God’s Voice is always available to us. We only need is to accept His help, to be willing to let our perceptions be released and replaced with Christ’s vision. We are grateful for this help. Today is a day to walk in gratitude.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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And God Himself shall wipe away all tears.
Father, unless I judge I cannot weep. ²Nor can I suffer pain, or feel I am abandoned or unneeded in the world. ³This is my home because I judge it not, and therefore is it only what You will. ⁴Let me today behold it uncondemned, through happy eyes forgiveness has released from all distortion. ⁵Let me see Your world instead of mine. ⁶And all the tears I shed will be forgotten, for their source is gone. ⁷Father, I will not judge Your world today.
God’s world is happy. ²Those who look on it can only add their joy to it, and bless it as a cause of further joy in them. ³We wept because we did not understand. ⁴But we have learned the world we saw was false, and we will look upon God’s world today. (A Course in Miracles, W-301. See also ACIM Lesson 301 Insights.)
Any sense of loss is a sure sign we are identifying with the ego. Forgiveness frees us from this mistaken identification. When we forgive, we let the barrier of judgment fade and welcome God’s world of Love.
As God’s Son, we are loved and loving. As we let the Love we are light our way, we live in Love’s joy and peace. Today let us join with all our brothers in the Love that we all are. In this joining we are happy, at peace and comforted by the certainty of God’s Love.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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