Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Taking the Path of Return to Love

I am affected only by my thoughts.

It needs but this to let salvation come to all the world. For in this single thought is everyone released at last from fear. Now has he learned that no one frightens him, and nothing can endanger him. He has no enemies, and he is safe from all external things. His thoughts can frighten him, but since these thoughts belong to him alone, he has the power to change them and exchange each fear thought for a happy thought of love. He crucified himself. Yet God has planned that His beloved Son will be redeemed.

Your plan is sure, my Father,—only Yours. All other plans will fail. And I will have thoughts that will frighten me, until I learn that You have given me the only Thought that leads me to salvation. Mine alone will fail, and lead me nowhere. But the Thought You gave me promises to lead me home, because it holds Your promise to Your Son.” (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 339, W-pII.339. See also ACIM Lesson 339 Insights.)

Forgiveness is the Thought that leads to our salvation, to freedom from fear and guilt, and to the remembrance of the changeless Love we were created to be. In reality, nothing but Love exists. Fear and guilt come only from belief in being separate from Love. We chose to accept this belief and we can choose once again to let it go.

Our long established habit of thinking thoughts of fear and guilt keeps us bound to the ego thought system. Today we can take a step to free ourselves from this bondage. With each fearful or guilty thought we practice reminding ourselves:

I have the power to exchange this thought for a happy thought of Love.

This is how we forgive ourselves and our brothers for the mistaken belief that it’s possible to lose our eternal connection with our Creator. This practice sets us on the path of return to Love.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Path Leading Us Back to Love

I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness.

Forgiveness is a choice. I never see my brother as he is, for that is far beyond perception. What I see in him is merely what I wish to see, because it stands for what I want to be the truth. It is to this alone that I respond, however much I seem to be impelled by outside happenings. I choose to see what I would look upon, and this I see, and only this. My brother’s sinlessness shows me that I would look upon my own. And I will see it, having chosen to behold my brother in its holy light.

What could restore Your memory to me, except to see my brother’s sinlessness? His holiness reminds me that he was created one with me, and like myself. In him I find my Self, and in Your Son I find the memory of You as well. (W-pII.335)

The body is an instrument for perception. Everything it sees, hears or feels is limited to the dream of separation. Perception cannot reach beyond the world of form. Forgiveness is the means to bring our perceptions to the point that perception is no longer needed or wanted. Forgiveness recognizes the world as having no meaning of its own and lets go of the meaning we have given it through our belief in separation. Forgiveness releases us from the dream of fear and guilt.

Each time we accept the Holy Spirit’s help to see past appearances in the world to the presence of Love’s innocence, we move closer to the end of fear. We take another step in the undoing of the dream and the acceptance of the unity of Love that joins us with our brothers and our Creator.

Today we practice asking for the Holy Spirit’s help to see all things as He sees them. We choose the path that leads us to the remembrance that we remain within the Thought of Love Which created us.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Forgiveness Awakens the Memory of God

It is our function to remember [God] on earth, as it is given us to be His Own completion in reality. So let us not forget our goal is shared, for it is that remembrance which contains the memory of God, and points the way to Him and to the Heaven of His peace. And shall we not forgive our brother, who can offer [the Heaven of God’s peace] to us? [Our brother] is the way, the truth and life that shows the way to us. In him resides salvation, offered us through our forgiveness, given unto him.

We will not end this year without the gift our Father promised to His holy Son. We are forgiven now. And we are saved from all the wrath we thought belonged to God, and found it was a dream. We are restored to sanity, in which we understand that anger is insane, attack is mad, and vengeance merely foolish fantasy. We have been saved from wrath because we learned we were mistaken. Nothing more than that. And is a father angry at his son because he failed to understand the truth?

We come in honesty to God and say we did not understand, and ask Him to help us to learn His lessons, through the Voice of His Own Teacher. (A Course in Miracles Final Lessons, W-pII.Final Lessons Intro.4:1-6:1. See also ACIM Lesson 361 Insights.)

We are forgiven now because God has never judged against us. He knows us as His Son, an extension of Himself. It is we who must forgive the image we have made of ourselves as separate individuals. What we perceive about our brothers is a projection of what we believe we are. We perceive him as a body because we believe we are a body.

All the attributes we assign to our brother as a body are attributes we have accepted as our own. We believe bodies can harm and be harmed. We believe bodies can die because we believe we can die. These beliefs are constructs of the ego thought system of separation. They seem true only because we believe them. We forgive these illusions by withdrawing our belief in them.

To do this we need the Holy Spirit’s help. The Holy Spirit sees what we see but does not believe them. He uses the images and symbols we have made to teach us what we believe is not true. As we accept His lessons, we forgive the illusions and the memory of God returns to our holy mind.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Our Goal Is to Forgive the World

[The Holy Spirit] is the only way to find the peace that God has given us. It is His way that everyone must travel in the end, because it is this ending God Himself appointed. In the dream of time it seems to be far off. And yet, in truth, it is already here; already serving us as gracious guidance in the way to go. Let us together follow in the way that truth points out to us. And let us be the leaders of our many brothers who are seeking for the way, but find it not.

And to this purpose let us dedicate our minds, directing all our thoughts to serve the function of salvation. Unto us the aim is given to forgive the world. It is the goal that God has given us. It is His ending to the dream we seek, and not our own. For all that we forgive we will not fail to recognize as part of God Himself. And thus His memory is given back, completely and complete. (A Course in Miracles Final Lessons Introduction, W-pII.Final Lessons Intro.2-3. See also ACIM Lesson 361 Insights.)

The world of form was made by the ego to block our perception of the truth of every brother — that he is only Love, at one with us. As we let go of our belief in the ego’s images, the veil becomes thinner and we remember more clearly that we are still in God.

When forgiveness is complete, we know that only Love is real. Nothing else exists. We experience the peace of God. This is the goal that God has given us because He would share His Love with us. As we share God’s Love, we extend God’s Creation.

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Neutralizing the Ego’s Defenses

The Holy Spirit is not delayed in His teaching by your mistakes. He can be held back only by your unwillingness to let them go. Let us therefore be determined… to be willing to forgive ourselves for our lapses in diligence…. This tolerance for weakness will enable us to overlook it, rather than give it power to delay our learning. If we give it power to do this, we are regarding it as strength, and are confusing strength with weakness.

When you fail to comply with the requirements of this course, you have merely made a mistake. This calls for correction, and for nothing else. To allow a mistake to continue is to make additional mistakes, based on the first and reinforcing it. It is this process that must be laid aside, for it is but another way in which you would defend illusions against the truth.

Let all these errors go by recognizing them for what they are. They are attempts to keep you unaware you are one Self, united with your Creator, at one with every aspect of creation, and limitless in power and in peace. This is the truth, and nothing else is true. Today we will affirm this truth again, and try to reach the place in you in which there is no doubt that only this is true.

I am one Self, united with my Creator, at one with every aspect of creation, and limitless in power and in peace. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 95, W-pI.95.8-10;11:2. See also ACIM Lesson 95 Insights.)

The ego feeds on guilt. It constantly searches for justification of guilt. This is because its seeming existence depends on keeping guilt in the mind, tying our perceptions to the past. Without the past, the ego would not seem to exist, for only the oneness of Love is now.

We need to practice applying the Course in our lives because we have a long-established habit of dwelling on the past, looking for guilt. This habit comes from our allegiance to the ego. Habits can be broken. But diligence is required to interrupt the habitual scripts that deny the truth, and turn to the Holy Spirit for a new vision that recognizes the innocence of Love’s oneness everywhere. This practice will help us identify with the one Self we are, united with our Creator.

The ego has a defense against this practice. It takes awhile to replace the old habits which have ruled our minds. We often have lapses in our practice. The ego uses these lapses to reinforce guilt, pointing out our weakness and inconsistency.

This is a time for us to redouble our practice by reminding ourselves that, in truth, we are one Self, united with our Creator. We need to let go of the lapses by recognizing that they cannot change the truth of what we are. The lapses have had no effect and are therefore not justification for guilt. Thus we neutralize the ego’s defense and continue on our journey of awakening with the Holy Spirit.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Recognizing Our Perfection in Love

…your life is not a part of anything you see. It stands beyond the body and the world, past every witness for unholiness, within the Holy, holy as Itself. In every­one and everything His Voice would speak to you of nothing but your Self and your Creator, Who is one with Him. So will you see the holy face of Christ in everything, and hear in everything no sound except the echo of God’s Voice.

And then we watch our thoughts, appealing silently to Him Who sees the elements of truth in them. Let Him evaluate each thought that comes to mind, remove the elements of dreams, and give them back again as clean ideas that do not contradict the Will of God.

Give Him your thoughts, and He will give them back as mir­acles which joyously proclaim the wholeness and the happiness God wills His Son, as proof of His eternal Love. And as each thought is thus transformed, it takes on healing power from the Mind which saw the truth in it, and failed to be deceived by what was falsely added. All the threads of fantasy are gone. And what remains is unified into a perfect Thought that offers its perfection everywhere. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 151, W-pI.151.12;13:3-4;14. See also ACIM Lesson 151 Insights.)

An early Workbook lesson tells us that God is in everything we see. Because God is All That is with no limits, He has no form. The forms we see through the body’s eyes do not show us God. God (Love) cannot be seen with the body’s eyes, just as His Voice cannot be heard with the body’s ears.

But God’s Voice can be heard in our mind. As God is everywhere, His Voice is everywhere to be heard if we but listen in our mind. His Voice speaks to us throughout the day. It offers us true vision that looks past forms to the Love that unifies us with our brothers and with God.

While we perceive ourselves to be in a world of form, we need help to recognize the presence of God’s Voice speaking to us from beyond the images of the world. His Voice is there to be heard. We need only be willing to let our thoughts be purified of mistaken beliefs in separation so that we may recognize the miracle of Love’s oneness that is ever present to be received. We practice pausing frequently today to welcome the Holy Spirit’s help with recognizing the truth of our perfection in Love.

© 2019, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Learning and Teaching Only Love Is Real

What you call upon in [your brother] you call upon in yourself. And as you call upon it in them it becomes real to you. God has but one Son, knowing them all as One. Only God Himself is more than they but they are not less than He is. Would you know what this means? If what you do to my brother you do to me, and if you do everything for yourself because we are part of you, everything we do belongs to you as well. Everyone God created is part of you and shares His glory with you. His glory belongs to Him, but it is equally yours. You cannot, then, be less glorious than He is.

Because the Sonship must create as one, you remember creation whenever you recognize part of creation. Each part you remember adds to your wholeness because each part is whole. Wholeness is indivisible, but you cannot learn of your wholeness until you see it everywhere. You can know yourself only as God knows His Son, for knowledge is shared with God. When you awake in Him you will know your magnitude by accepting His limitlessness as yours.

Very simply, the Holy Spirit teaches you to awaken others. As you see them waken you will learn what waking means, and because you have chosen to wake them, their gratitude and their appreciation of what you have given them will teach you its value. (A Course in Miracles, T-9.VI.3:3-10;4:4-8;5:2-3. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

We perceive others as being what we believe about ourselves. As we accept the Holy Spirit’s perception in place of our own, we see the Holy Spirit in our brothers which shows us the Holy Spirit in ourselves.

By letting the Holy Spirit guide all our perceptions, we teach our brothers that the Holy Spirit is in them. Thus we teach both our brothers and ourselves the truth that only Love is real. In this lesson we learn of our oneness together as God’s one Son. This joining awakens us to the truth of What we are — perfect Love in the Heart of God’s Love.

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