Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Love Is Our Constant Companion

…ideas leave not their source. If this be true, how can you be apart from God? How could you walk the world alone and separate from your Source?

You cannot walk the world apart from God, because you could not be without Him. He is what your life is. Where you are He is. There is one life. That life you share with Him. Nothing can be apart from Him and live.

Yet where He is, there must be holiness as well as life. No attribute of His remains unshared by everything that lives. What lives is holy as Himself, because what shares His life is part of Holiness, and could no more be sinful than the sun could choose to be of ice; the sea elect to be apart from water, or the grass to grow with roots suspended in the air.

There is a light in you which cannot die; whose presence is so holy that the world is sanctified because of you. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 156, W-pI.156.1:3-5;2:4-4:2. See also ACIM Lesson 156 Insights.)

The Truth in us, the Thought of Love in the Mind of Love, can never die. This Thought of Love is Love’s extension with an unbreakable connection with Its Source. We share Love’s invulnerability because we remain eternally the Thought of Love. Nothing else exists.

The fear and guilt, conflict and sadness, we feel in the world comes from believing in a false image of what we are. Being an illusion, this image is vulnerable because it has no substance, no reality in truth. It is maintained only by our belief in its reality.

But beliefs can change. So there is always an underlying sense of doubt as long as we believe we are this image of a body with a personality. We feel that something is missing. Each of us in our own way is searching to find what will fill that emptiness. But as long as we look for it in the dream world of illusions, the void will remain. We cannot fill the hole with meaningless images.

Yet throughout our journey in this wilderness, Love walks with us. It has never left. We are simply unaware of It because of our identification with an identity that denies Love. Still, our life depends upon the eternal presence of Love, which is the Source of Life.

As we remind ourselves that we walk with Love as our constant Companion, the Light of Love begins to dawn upon our mind. Love’s Light shines through the false images and we feel the Love that is in us and all about us. The certainty of Love’s changelessness brings us comfort and peace when we begin to remember Who we are.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Being Willing to Reach the Truth

I ask to see a different world, and think a different kind of
thought from those I made. The world I seek I did not make alone, the thoughts I want to think are not my own.

For several minutes watch your mind and see, although your eyes are closed, the senseless world you think is real. Review the thoughts as well which are compatible with such a world, and which you think are true. Then let them go, and sink below them to the holy place where they can enter not. There is a door beneath them in your mind, which you could not completely lock to hide what lies beyond.

Seek for that door and find it. But before you try to open it, remind yourself no one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.

Put out your hand, and see how easily the door swings open with your one intent to go beyond it. Angels light the way, so that all darkness vanishes, and you are standing in a light so bright and clear that you can understand all things you see.

You cannot fail today. There walks with you the Spirit Heaven sent you, that you might approach this door some day, and through His aid slip effortlessly past it, to the light. Today that day has come. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 131, W-pI.131.11:3-12:2;13:1-2;14:1-3. See also ACIM Lesson 131 Insights.)

This passage is a process that leads to true forgiveness. It begins with a request for help to reach our goal of truth. We cannot do it alone because believing we are alone is the denial of truth. Our request for help is an acknowledgment that there is something beyond what we are aware of in the world.

We are then asked to examine our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about the world and let them go. This makes way for us to approach the door to Heaven, for we have let go of our resistance to the truth. We have mighty Companions helping us reach this point.

The door to truth opens easily with our willingness. It remains barred shut while we insist on believing separation is real. But we have come to a turning point with willingness to reach the truth. And so we receive the truth with the help of Angels all around us to see clearly and understand wholly that we are at Home in Heaven now. Thus is the world of illusions forgiven and no longer our choice.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Bridge to Heaven

Christ’s vision is the bridge between the worlds. And in its power can you safely trust to carry you from this world into one made holy by forgiveness.

This is the Holy Spirit’s single gift; the treasure house to which you can appeal with perfect certainty for all the things that can contribute to your happiness. All are laid here already. All can be received but for the asking. Here the door is never locked, and no one is denied his least request or his most urgent need. There is no sickness not already healed, no lack unsatisfied, no need unmet within this golden treasury of Christ.

No one will be turned away from this new home, where his salvation waits. No one is stranger to him. No one asks for anything of him except the gift of his acceptance of his welcoming. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 159, W-pI.159.5:1-2;6;7:4-6. See also ACIM Lesson 159 Insights.)

Christ’s vision is in the mind. It does not see through the body’s eyes. When we focus our attention on Christ’s vision, we overlook the forms and things that appear to happen in the world. We do not deny what the body’s eyes seem to see, but we recognize they have no significance. What appears to happen in a world of form cannot affect the mind that remains an extension of the Mind of God.

Christ’s vision is still in the realm of perception, the part of the mind that believes in separation. But it is true perception because it recognizes that separation is meaningless and therefore no harm can happen in truth. Knowing harm is impossible in truth, Christ’s vision sees only innocence. Christ’s vision sees a forgiven world, the real world. This purified perception brings us to the door of Heaven, where we are welcomed into the unified Love of our Creator. We are welcomed Home.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Lighting the World with Love

Love created me like itself. I am in the likeness of my Creator. I cannot suffer, I cannot experience loss and I cannot die. I am not a body. I would recognize my reality today. I will worship no idols, nor raise my own self-concept to replace my Self. I am in the likeness of my Creator. Love created me like itself.

Love holds no grievances. Grievances are completely alien to love. Grievances attack love and keep its light obscure. If I hold grievances I am attacking love, and therefore attacking my Self. My Self thus becomes alien to me. I am determined not to attack my Self today, so that I can remember Who I am. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 84, W-pI.84.1;3. See also ACIM Lesson 84 Insights.)

The body is the central figure in the ego’s dream of separation. The body was made to stand between our true Self and our awareness of It. We are not aware of Who we are when we identify with the body as our self. This is why the most emphasized lesson in the workbook tells us to affirm “I am not a body.” All grievances center on the body — what it does, what it says, what it feels and what it seems to think.

Minds that are joined can do no harm. But bodies can appear to harm others, even to the point of death. This is the ego’s ultimate goal because it makes separation from Love seem real. But as we learn to accept that we are not a body, our minds open to recognize our unbreakable union with Love. The appearance of bodies is less distracting as we more fully accept that we are Love and nothing else, for we remain united with God Who is only Love.

Today, as frequently as possible, let us remind ourselves that what we see with the body cannot truly hide the universal, changeless Love that is everywhere to be seen. For example, you might say to yourself, “Beyond what my body’s eyes see is changeless Love.” This practice will lighten our world with the Light of Love.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Opening to the Vision of Our True Self

My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.

Today’s idea does not describe the way you see yourself now. It does, however, describe what vision will show you. It is difficult for anyone who thinks he is in this world to believe this of himself. Yet the reason he thinks he is in this world is because he does not believe it.

You will believe that you are part of where you think you are. That is because you surround yourself with the environment you want. And you want it to protect the image of yourself that you have made. The image is part of this environment. What you see while you believe you are in it is seen through the eyes of the image. This is not vision. Images cannot see.

The idea for today presents a very different view of yourself. By establishing your Source [this idea] establishes your Identity, and it describes you as you must really be in truth.

As often as possible during the day, pick up a specific attribute or attributes you are ascribing to yourself at the time and apply the idea for today to them, adding the idea in the form stated above to each of them. If nothing particular occurs to you, merely repeat the idea to yourself, with closed eyes. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 35, W-pI.35.1:1-3:2;9. See also ACIM Lesson 35 Insights.)

Here we see the Course defining what it means by “vision” and “seeing.” Vision only occurs in our right mind, the part of our mind that remains one with the Mind of God. Seeing happens in the part of our mind that denies our Source. This part makes up its own images to make an environment that demonstrates that separation is “real.” The body is the central image in this environment.

A body is only capable of seeing external images, separate from itself. Thus it can only perceive, which is the domain of the ego. Vision in the Mind that is one with God leads us to knowing our true Identity. Vision sees only the oneness of Love. It sees only holiness, for Love is innocent, being incapable of harm or division. Because our Mind is one with God, It shares God’s holiness. This is our true Identity. There is nothing else to see.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering the Christ Within, Our True Self

Do not underestimate the appeal of the ego’s demonstrations to those who would listen. Selective perception chooses its witnesses carefully, and its witnesses are consistent. …The ego looks straight at the Father and does not see Him, for it has denied His Son.

“Would you remember the Father? Accept His Son and you will remember Him.”

“Every brother you meet becomes a witness for Christ or for the ego, depending on what you perceive in him. Everyone convinces you of what you want to perceive, and of the reality of the kingdom you have chosen for your vigilance. Everything you perceive is a witness to the thought system you want to be true. Every brother has the power to release you, if you choose to be free. You cannot accept false witness of him unless you have evoked false witnesses against him. If he speaks not of Christ to you, you spoke not of Christ to him. You hear but your own voice, and if Christ speaks through you, you will hear Him.” (A Course in Miracles, T-11.V.16:1-2,9;17:1-2;18. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

What we experience is the direct consequence of which witness we choose. When we identify with the ego and its chosen home, the body, we experience the fear, guilt, conflict and chaos that comes with the witnesses to separation.

When we choose the Christ within, we experience witnesses to our unity in Love with All That Is. Fear and guilt cannot exist within this unity, for there is no ‘other’ that could bring harm or that we could harm. When we identify with the Christ within, we see only the Christ in everyone. What we believe about ourselves is what we believe about everything we look upon.

Today we practice asking for Holy Spirit’s guidance for what to think, to say and do, moment by moment. We practice pausing to remember the peace of God within and accept Its presence. It is in this peace that we remember our true Self, the Christ, God’s holy Son.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Healing Is Recognizing Our Unity in Love

[The teacher of God] overlooks the mind and body, seeing only the face of Christ [seeing innocence] shining in front of him, correcting all mistakes and healing all perception. Healing is the result of the recognition, by God’s teacher, of who it is that is in need of healing. This recognition has no special reference. It is true of all things that God created. In it are all illusions healed.

When a teacher of God fails to heal [forgive], it is because he has forgotten Who he is. Another’s sickness thus becomes his own. In allowing this to happen, he has identified with another’s ego, and has thus confused him with a body.

The offer of Atonement [healing] is universal. It is equally applicable to all individuals in all circumstances. And in it is the power to heal all individuals of all forms of sickness. Not to believe this is to be unfair to God, and thus unfaithful to Him. A sick person perceives himself as separate from God. Would you see him as separate from you? It is your task to heal [forgive/let go of] the sense of separation that has made him sick. It is your function to recognize for him that what he believes about himself is not the truth. It is your forgiveness that must show him this. (A Course in Miracles, M-22.4:5-5:3;6:1-9)

Seeing the face of Christ is a symbol for seeing the innocence of Love beyond the images of the world. Love is universal and formless. To recognize Love’s universal Presence, we must recognize that the body and all the images of the world are not real. This means that we must be willing to step back from the ego’s perceptions of separation and ask the Holy Spirit to help us see our unbreakable connection in Love with everyone.

In truth we have never been separate from Love. It is our mistaken belief in being separate that must be healed or forgiven. We are not the ego. We are not a body. We are an extension of God’s Love, united eternally with our Father. This is the recognition that heals the part of our mind that has been sickened by belief in separation.

We ask the Holy Spirit for His help to see the Love that surrounds us and is in us. With His help, we will recognize our unity in Love. We will see the face of Christ.

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