Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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God Is Our Eternal Companion

It is quite possible to reach God. In fact it is very easy, because it is the most natural thing in the world. You might even say it is the only natural thing in the world. The way will open, if you believe that it is possible.

Throughout the day use today’s idea [God goes with me wherever I go] often, repeating it very slowly, preferably with eyes closed. Think of what you are saying; what the words mean. Concentrate on the holiness that they imply about you; on the unfailing companionship that is yours; on the complete protection that surrounds you.

You can indeed afford to laugh at fear thoughts, remembering that God goes with you wherever you go. (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 41, W-pI.41.8:1-4;9-10. See also ACIM Lesson 41 Insights.)

The ego abandoned God to make a fantasy of a loveless world that is the denial of God. Unable to accept the guilt that comes with this abandonment, the ego projects its guilt on God. This projection leaves us feeling abandoned by God. Actually we abandoned God by choosing the ego as our identity.

No matter how strongly we have identified with the ego’s isolation, God remains with us. He knows us as His one Son, eternally united with Him. The angst that comes with identifying with the ego is relieved as we accept that God goes with us wherever we go.

All God’s Love, peace and joy are ours merely by accepting them. God’s gifts are given eternally. He does not change His mind about us, knowing that His Son is one with Him. God knows no fear, being only Love. As His Creation, we are only Love. There is nothing to fear.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Practicing True Forgiveness

Forgiveness must be practiced, for the world cannot perceive its meaning, nor provide a guide to teach you its beneficence. There is no thought in all the world that leads to any understanding of the laws [forgiveness] follows, nor the Thought that it reflects. It is as alien to the world as is your own reality. And yet it joins your mind with the reality in you.

Today we practice true forgiveness, that the time of joining be no more delayed. For we would meet with our reality in freedom and in peace. Our practicing becomes the footsteps lighting up the way for all our brothers, who will follow us to the reality we share with them.

Forgiveness should be practiced through the day, for there will still be many times when you forget its meaning and attack yourself. When this occurs, allow your mind to see through this illusion as you tell yourself:

Let me perceive forgiveness as it is.
Would I accuse myself of doing this?
I will not lay this chain upon myself.
(, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 134, W-pI.134.13:-14:3;17:1-5. See also ACIM Lesson 134 Insights.)

As part of God’s one Son, every brother is one with us. There is no distance nor separation. This is why if we judge another we are judging ourselves. We are in fact accusing ourselves for what we are judging in our brother. This is the opposite of the way the ego thinks.

The ego tells us that when we see guilt in another, we escape guilt in ourselves. This is the ego’s chief defense mechanism — projection. The ego is incapable of forgiveness.

To practice true forgiveness, we need to accept the help of the Guide to forgiveness in our minds. The Holy Spirit will help us see the truth beyond the projection of guilt. When we remind ourselves that when we judge another we judge ourselves, and ask for help to see as Holy Spirit sees, we take another step toward removing the chains that bind us to the world of guilt.

The journey of true forgiveness returns us to Love.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Choose to Be Happy and at Peace

This holy instant would I give to You.
Be You in charge. For I would follow You,
Certain that Your direction gives me peace.

And if I need a word to help me, He will give it to me. If I need a thought, that will He also give. And if I need but stillness and a tranquil, open mind, these are the gifts I will receive of Him. He is in charge by my request. And He will hear and answer me, because He speaks for God my Father and His holy Son. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 361,W-pII.361-365. See also ACIM Lesson 361 Insights.)

The choice to put the Holy Spirit in charge is the choice for inner peace and happiness. The ego also tells us that it knows how to find happiness. The problem is that the ego denies the Source of true happiness. Thus the ego’s direction always leads us on a fruitless search to find what it cannot find.

When we let go of following the ego’s direction and accept the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we are on the path to finding true and lasting happiness and peace. The affirmation in this lesson, committed to wholeheartedly, is the means to free ourselves from the fear and guilt of this world. It is the means to find our way back to our Home in the peace and joy of God.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Allegiance to the Holy Spirit Leads Us to Heaven

Forget not that the healing of God’s Son is all the world is for. That is the only purpose the Holy Spirit sees in it, and thus the only one it has. Until you see the healing of the Son as all you wish to be accomplished by the world, by time and all appearances, you will not know the Father nor yourself. For you will use the world for what is not its purpose, and will not escape its laws of violence and death. Yet it is given you to be beyond [the world’s] laws in all respects, in every way and every circumstance, in all temptation to perceive what is not there, and all belief God’s Son can suffer pain because he sees himself as he is not.

Look on your brother, and behold in him the whole reversal of the laws that seem to rule this world. See in his freedom yours, for such it is. Let not his specialness obscure the truth in him, for not one law of death you bind him to will you escape. And not one sin you see in him but keeps you both in hell. Yet will his perfect sinlessness release you both, for holiness is quite impartial, with one judgment made for all it looks upon. And that [judgment] is made, not of itself, but through the Voice that speaks for God in everything that lives and shares His Being. (A Course in Miracles, T-24.VI.4-5. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

When we let the Voice for God judge all things on our behalf, we will see only the innocence of God’s Love. We have been making judgments by the rules of the ego, which keeps us in the hell of fear, guilt and death.

It is time to change our allegiance from the ego as our guide to the Holy Spirit in our mind. As we accept the Holy Spirit’s help, we will begin to see the appearances presented by the ego as having no real effect because only Love is real.

As we align with the Holy Spirit’s vision, the world becomes a place of safety and peace. What used to disturb or upset us is easily overlooked and let go. Forgiveness passes by the meaningless images the ego offers in its illusionary world of separation. The Holy Spirit will always guide us to remember we are safe; we are healed; we are Home in the peace of God.

Today we practice choosing the Holy Spirit’s vision as our Guide to interpret all our perceptions. It is a practice that leads us Home to Heaven.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting Peace and Extending It to All

Peace be to me, the holy Son of God.
Peace to my brother, who is one with me.
Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.

Father, it is Your peace that I would give, receiving it of You. I am Your Son, forever just as You created me, for the Great Rays remain forever still and undisturbed within me. I would reach to Them in silence and in certainty, for nowhere else can certainty be found. Peace be to me, and peace to all the world. In holiness were we created, and in holiness do we remain. Your Son is like to You in perfect sinlessness. And with this thought we gladly say “Amen.” (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 1360, W-pII.360. See also ACIM Lesson 360 Insights.)

The Great Rays represent the spark of the Love of God that remains with us, no matter how deeply we sink into the darkness of the ego thought system of separation. The ego thought system is innately depressing because it denies the Love we are. Yet Love remains in us and is always within reach. God gave us the Holy Spirit to answer our call for Love the moment we chose to believe the ego’s denial of It.

Today we accept and extend our Father’s peace and extend it to the world. We give ourselves time to pause and let the Holy Spirit guide us deeply into the peace of God. We would remain happily in God’s peace today.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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We Are Home in the Heart Love

The ego speaks in judgment, and the Holy Spirit reverses its decision, much as a higher court has the power to reverse a lower court’s decisions in this world. The ego’s decisions are always wrong, because they are based on the error they were made to uphold. Nothing the ego perceives is interpreted correctly. Not only does the ego cite Scripture for its purpose, but it even interprets Scripture as a witness for itself. The Bible is a fearful thing in the ego’s judgment. Perceiving it as frightening, [the ego] interprets it fearfully. Being afraid, you do not appeal to the Higher Court because you believe its judgment would also be against you.

You need not fear the Higher Court will condemn you. It will merely dismiss the case against you. There can be no case against a child of God, and every witness to guilt in God’s creations is bearing false witness to God Himself. Appeal everything you believe gladly to God’s Own Higher Court [Holy Spirit], because it speaks for Him and therefore speaks truly. It will dismiss the case against you, however carefully you have built it up. The case may be fool-proof, but it is not God-proof. The Holy Spirit will not hear it, because He can only witness truly. His verdict will always be “thine is the Kingdom,” because He was given to you to remind you of what you are. (A Course in Miracles, T-5.VI.4,10. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The ego always judges against the truth and thus judges against our innocence. What God created innocent remains innocent eternally. So we will always feel guilty if we give any credence to the ego’s judgment. The ego always imprisons us with guilt.

We can free ourselves from the ego’s imprisonment by bringing all judgments to the Holy Spirit without fear. The Holy Spirit is God’s messenger of Love. When we bring our judgments to Him, the Light of Love He shines on our judgments reveals that nothing has happened to change God’s Son, our true Self. We remain Love and innocent as God created us.

The appearance of harm the ego would have us believe is just an illusion. As we practice letting the Holy Spirit replace our judgments with His, we will learn that we are free. We are innocent. We are at Home in the Heart of Love.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Christ’s Vision Returns Us to Love

Christ’s vision is the bridge between the worlds. And in its power can you safely trust to carry you from this world into one made holy by forgiveness. Things which seem quite solid here are merely shadows there [in the forgiven world]; transparent, faintly seen, at times forgot, and never able to obscure the light that shines beyond them. Holiness has been restored to vision, and the blind can see.

This is the Holy Spirit’s single gift; the treasure house to which you can appeal with perfect certainty for all the things that can contribute to your happiness. All are laid here already. All can be received but for the asking. Here [in the forgiven world] the door is never locked, and no one is denied his least request or his most urgent need. There is no sickness not already healed, no lack unsatisfied, no need unmet within this golden treasury of Christ. (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 159, W-pI.159.5-6. See also ACIM Lesson 159 Insights.)

Christ’s vision sees through eyes forgiveness blesses. Christ’s vision sees no cause for guilt, for it sees only what Love sees. It reveals the oneness of Love we all share, shining away the dark shadows of belief in separation.

The ego made the world to make separation appear real by denying the Light of Love. These images are only perceptions projected by the ego. Christ vision uses perception for a different purpose. This vision, which is always available in our mind, sees past the ego’s dark purpose, recognizing only the reality of Love in all things. Christ’s vision blesses the world with forgiveness. It sees no cause for guilt — only Love and calls for Love. And in the forgiven world, calls for Love are answered with Love.

Today we choose to accept the inner vision of Christ applied to all our perceptions, for we would return to Love.

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