Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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The Antidote for Unworthiness

Whenever you choose to make decisions for yourself you are thinking destructively, and the decision will be wrong. It will hurt you because of the concept of decision that led to it. It is not true that you can make decisions by yourself or for yourself alone. No thought of God’s Son can be separate or isolated in its effects. Every decision is made for the whole Sonship, directed in and out, and influencing a constellation larger than anything you ever dreamed of.

It will never happen that you must make decisions for yourself. You are not bereft of help, and Help that knows the answer. Would you be content with little, which is all that you alone can offer yourself, when He Who gives you everything will simply offer it to you? He will never ask what you have done to make you worthy of the gift of God. Ask it not therefore of yourself. Instead, accept His answer, for He knows that you are worthy of everything God wills for you. Do not try to escape the gift of God He so freely and so gladly offers you. He offers you but what God gave Him for you. You need not decide whether or not you are deserving of it. God knows you are. (A Course in Miracles, T-14.III.9;11. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Everyone in the world who believes they are a body with a separate identity feels they are unworthy. This is because this belief is the denial of the gift of worthiness given us by God. God’s Son is worthy because he is united with his Creator. It is impossible that God could judge part of Himself as unworthy.

The antidote for unworthiness is to accept God’s opinion of His Creation instead of the ego’s. The ego’s opinion of God’s Son is a false image that could never be real nor have any real effect. We free ourselves from the darkness of the ego by welcoming the Holy Spirit’s loving correction of our mistaken belief that we have disconnected from our Creator.

Today we bring all our thoughts of guilt and fear to the Holy Spirit. We are willing to let His Light shine on our dark thoughts to dispel the darkness and reveal the Light of Love that is the truth in us and everyone.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Tranquil Heaven of God’s Love

Father, I was created in Your Mind, a holy Thought that never left its home. I am forever Your Effect, and You forever and forever are my Cause. As You created me I have remained. Where You established me I still abide. And all Your attributes abide in me, because it is Your Will to have a Son so like his Cause that Cause and Its Effect are indistinguishable. Let me know that I am an Effect of God, and so I have the power to create like You. And as it is in Heaven, so on earth. Your plan I follow here, and at the end I know that You will gather Your effects into the tranquil Heaven of Your Love, where earth will vanish, and all separate thoughts unite in glory as the Son of God.

Let us today behold earth disappear, at first transformed, and then, forgiven, fade entirely into God’s holy Will.” (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 326,W-pII.326. See also ACIM Lesson 326 Insights.)

The idea of the earth disappearing is terrifying to the ego because it would the end of the ego. This is true. But the ego never was real. It is just a thought system that is in direct opposition to reality. It is only our belief in it that makes it seem real.

It is in the letting go of identifying with this false idea that we are freed to join with God’s holy Will. We realize we have never left our Home in Love. The Course says, “When not one thought of sin remains, the world is over. It will not be destroyed nor attacked nor even touched. It will merely cease to seem to be.” (M-14.1)

We accept that Love is our Cause by letting go of (forgiving) our belief in the ego as our identity. This is the path that leads us Home to the tranquil Heaven of God’s Love.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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A Path to Freedom from Fear

You who have tried to banish love have not succeeded, but you who choose to banish fear must succeed. The Lord is with you, but you know it not. Yet your Redeemer liveth, and abideth in you in the peace out of which He was created. Would you not exchange this awareness for the awareness of fear? When we have overcome fear — not by hiding it, not by minimizing it, and not by denying its full import in any way — this is what you will really see. You cannot lay aside the obstacles to real vision without looking upon them, for to lay aside means to judge against. If you will look, the Holy Spirit will judge, and He will judge truly. Yet He cannot shine away what you keep hidden, for you have not offered it to Him and He cannot take it from you.

We are therefore embarking on an organized, well-structured and carefully planned program aimed at learning how to offer to the Holy Spirit everything you do not want. He knows what to do with it. You do not understand how to use what He knows. Whatever is given Him that is not of God is gone. Yet you must look at it yourself in perfect willingness, for otherwise His knowledge remains useless to you. Surely He will not fail to help you, since help is His only purpose. Do you not have greater reason for fearing the world as you perceive it, than for looking at the cause of fear and letting it go forever? (A Course in Miracles, T-12.II.9-10. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Everyone in the world is seeking for Love because the world was made by the denial of Love. Fear is the opposite of Love. Thus the world is a place of fear. To release ourselves from the world of fear, we must realize there is nothing in the world we really want. The Love we seek is not here. We already have the Love we seek but we are unaware of it because of our investment in making the world seem real. It is this investment that must be undone.

The means have been given us to undo the fear that comes with our investment in the world of separation. We have to be willing to look at our investment of belief in this world so that we can bring these fearful beliefs to the Holy Spirit in our mind. As we are willing to accept the Holy Spirit’s loving correction of our mistaken beliefs, fear is replaced by Love, just as darkness is dissipated by light.

A Course in Miracles is offering us a carefully planned program to help us recognize our fears and release them with the Holy Spirit’s help in our minds. It is a path to freedom from fear and to experience limitless, eternal unity in Love. We practice this each time we bring our judgments and fears to our inner Teacher with willingness to let them be replaced with Holy Spirit’s vision.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Key to Awakening to Love

If you are as God created you, then there has been no separation of your mind from His, no split between your mind and other minds, and only unity within your own [mind].

The healing power of today’s idea [I am as God created me] is limitless. It is the birthplace of all miracles, the great restorer of the truth to the awareness of the world.

I am as God created me. His Son can suffer nothing. And I am His Son.

Then, with this statement firmly in your mind, try to discover in your mind the Self Who is the holy Son of God Himself.

Seek Him within you Who is Christ in you, the Son of God and brother to the world;

You are as God created you. Today honor your Self. …Deep in your mind the holy Christ in you is waiting your acknowledgment as you. And you are lost and do not know yourself while He is unacknowledged and unknown.

Seek Him today, and find Him. He will be your Savior from all idols you have made. For when you find Him, you will understand how worthless are your idols, and how false the images which you believed were you. Today we make a great advance to truth by letting idols go, and opening our hands and hearts and minds to God today. (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 110, W-pI.110.4:2-3:2;6:2-8:1;9:1-2,4-5;10. See also ACIM Lesson 110 Insights.)

Every experience of suffering, sadness, guilt and fear is a result of believing we are not as God created us. It is a result of believing we are disconnected from God, our Source of strength, Love, peace and happiness. We have convinced ourselves that we are a false image that denies the Reality of the Self we are — God’s Son.

This self-hypnosis needs to be undone for us to find the peace and happiness, the certainty of changeless Love, that is our true state of Being. This undoing process is helped by the repetition of today’s idea: I am as God created me. Our ego-mind would try to convince us we are fantasizing when we make this claim. That is the only way a fantasy can try to defend itself.

The repetition of this idea will loosen the grip of the ego’s fantasy and make way for the truth of our one Self to be recognized. It is bringing the Light of Love to shine away the darkness of the ego’s denial of Love. It is a path of awakening from the dream of separation to the reality that we are God’s Son.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Joining the Eternal Flow of Love

Release the world! Your real creations wait for this release to give you fatherhood, not of illusions, but as God in truth. God shares His Fatherhood with you who are His Son, for He makes no distinctions in what is Himself and what is still Himself. What He creates is not apart from Him, and nowhere does the Father end, the Son begin as something separate from Him.

There is no world because it is a thought apart from God, and made to separate the Father and the Son, and break away a part of God Himself and thus destroy His Wholeness. Can a world which comes from this idea be real? Can it be anywhere? Deny illusions, but accept the truth. Deny you are a shadow briefly laid upon a dying world. Release your mind, and you will look upon a world released.

Today our purpose is to free the world from all the idle thoughts we ever held about it, and about all living things we see upon it. They can not be there. No more can we. For we are in the home our Father set for us, along with them. And we who are as He created us would loose the world this day from every one of our illusions, that we may be free. (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 132, W-pI.132.12-14. See also ACIM Lesson 132 Insights.)

The ego offers a substitute for God’s gift of His Fatherhood to His Creation. It starts with the false idea that the world is a thought apart from God. This thought of being apart is maintained in the world through the reproduction of every “living” thing, from one celled organisms to the human body. All of these forms reproduce by making separate forms of themselves, which are also able to reproduce. This reproduction is simply a repeat of the idea of separation, being apart from its source. This is the ego’s substitute for God’s gift of His Fatherhood.

God’s gift of Fatherhood extends His Creation without making a separate identity. God’s Creation always extends His Love. We, as the Son of God with the gift of His Fatherhood, extend the oneness of God’s Love. Nothing separate is made. Only the unity of God’s Love is extended to Itself. As we awaken to the truth that we are Love and nothing else, we join in the eternal flow of Love’s extension.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Freeing Ourselves to Be Love

[The body] transmits to you the feelings that you want. Like any communication medium the body receives and sends the messages that it is given. …Who would send messages of hatred and attack if he but understood he sends them to himself?

Hear not [the ego’s] madness, and believe not the impossible is true. Forget not that the ego has dedicated the body to the goal of sin, and places in it all its faith that this can be accomplished. Its sad disciples chant the body’s praise continually, in solemn celebration of the ego’s rule. [Every ego disciple] must believe that yielding to the attraction of guilt is the escape from pain. Not one but must regard the body as himself, without which he would die, and yet within which is his death equally inevitable.

It is not given to the ego’s disciples to realize that they have dedicated themselves to death. Freedom is offered them but they have not accepted it, and what is offered must also be received, to be truly given. For the Holy Spirit, too, is a communication medium, receiving from the Father and offering His messages unto the Son. Like the ego, the Holy Spirit is both the sender and the receiver. For what is sent through Him returns to Him, seeking itself along the way, and finding what it seeks. So does the ego find the death it seeks, returning it to you. (A Course in Miracles, T-19.IV.B.14:4-5,11;16-17. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

In our Creation, God gave us the oneness of His Love. This is an unalterable fact. The ego is the denial of God’s gift. Thus anything the ego makes is an illusion because it cannot be a fact. This is why, no matter how invested we are in the ego as our identity, we can never be totally lost in the ego’s illusions.

Judgment is the ego’s principal tool for making separation seem real. This is why assigning guilt is so important to the ego. But guilt is painful, so we must project it on others to relieve the pain that comes with believing we have lost the innocence of the Love of God.

The ego’s messages are always about projecting guilt. Yet projections start with what we believe we are. We must accept the ego’s message that we are guilty in order to project that message onto others. Thus every time we judge another, we have already judged ourselves. This is because thoughts do not leave their source.

It is time to step out of the painful cycle of judgment. It does not serve us. It is time to bring all our perceptions to the Voice for God’s Love within. As we are willing to step back from the ego’s projections with willingness to let the Voice for Love show us the truth behind the illusions, we free ourselves to return to Love. We free ourselves from the ego’s death wish. We free ourselves to be the Love we were created to be.

© 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Extending Love’s Unity

I do not know what anything is for. Purpose is meaning. Today’s idea explains why nothing you see means anything.

You perceive the world and everything in it as meaningful in terms of ego goals. These goals have nothing to do with your own best interests, because the ego is not you. This false identification makes you incapable of understanding what anything is for. As a result, you are bound to misuse it. When you believe this, you will try to withdraw the goals you have assigned to the world, instead of attempting to reinforce them.

Another way of describing the goals you now perceive is to say that they are all concerned with “personal” [separate, ego] interests. Since you have no personal interests, your goals are really concerned with nothing. In cherishing [ego goals], therefore, you have no goals at all. And thus you do not know what anything is for.

It is crucial to your learning to be willing to give up the goals you have established for everything. The recognition that they are meaningless, rather than “good” or “bad,” is the only way to accomplish this. (, A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 25, W-pI.25.1:1-2;2;3;5:1-2. See also ACIM Lesson 25 Insights.)

A central teaching of A Course in Miracles is that we are not an ego [separate, personal identity]. The ego is the belief in being separate, the opposite of the reality of Love’s oneness. What we truly are is Love and nothing else. Only the extension of Love is in our best interests because this is how we know that we are Love.

It is time to disown the ego as our identity. This means that we no longer want or believe in ego-based goals. The practice of reminding ourselves that we do not know what anything is for helps us step back from attempting to give meaning to the ego’s illusions.

By withdrawing the meaning we have given to the world, we make way for Love’s sole purpose — to extend Itself. Thus the illusions of the world made by the ego can be used for our best interests when they are used to extend Love. Only Love’s extension is meaningful. Through extending Love we learn of our oneness with our brother and our Creator. Everything used to extend Love’s Unity is in our best interest.

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