Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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We Let Illusions of Separation Be Replaced

You have the right to all the universe; to perfect peace, complete deliverance from all effects of sin [belief in separation from God/Love], and to the life eternal, joyous and complete in every way, as God appointed for His holy Son. This is the only justice Heaven knows, and all the Holy Spirit brings to earth. …For only love is just, and can perceive what justice must accord the Son of God. Let love decide, and never fear that you, in your unfairness, will deprive yourself of what God’s justice has allotted you.

What can it be but arrogance to think your little errors cannot be undone by Heaven’s justice? And what could this mean, except that they are sins [belief in separation] and not mistakes, forever uncorrectable, and to be met with vengeance, not with justice? Are you willing to be released from all effects of sin [belief in separation]? You cannot answer this until you see all that the answer must entail. For if you answer “yes,” it means you will forego all values of this world in favor of the peace of Heaven. Not one sin would you retain. And not one doubt that this is possible will you hold dear that sin be kept in place. You mean that truth has greater value now than all illusions. And you recognize that truth must be revealed to you, because you know not what it is. (A Course in Miracles, T-25.VIII.14:1-2,6-7;IX.1. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

The truth is everyone is Love and nothing else. This is the justice Heaven brings. As we learn to see as the Holy Spirit sees, we give everyone their full due. We see past the ego stories to the truth that “What is God’s belongs to everyone and is his full due.”

Our true function while it appears that we are here in the world is to look past bodies to the truth of Love’s oneness in everyone. We remember that nothing has happened to change God’s one Son. We remember that, in truth, everyone is innocent because they are love and nothing else. We remember that the idea of separation from God cannot happen for anyone. We remember that these false ideas are merely illusions and could never be the truth.

We willingly let all illusions of separation be replaced by receiving the Holy Spirit’s miracle of true justice. We let ourselves see through the eyes of Love and therefore receive and extend God’s peace to everyone.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Answering the Call to Heal

It is as certain you will fear what you attack as it is sure that you will love what you perceive as sinless. He walks in peace who travels sinlessly along the way love shows him. For love walks with him there, protecting him from fear. And he will see only the sinless, who can not attack.

“Walk you in glory, with your head held high, and fear no evil. The innocent are safe because they share their innocence. Nothing they see is harmful, for their awareness of the truth releases everything from the illusion of harmfulness. And what seemed harmful now stands shining in their innocence, released from sin and fear and happily returned to love. They share the strength of love because they looked on innocence. And every error disappeared because they saw it not. Who looks for glory finds it where it is. Where could it be but in the innocent?” (A Course in Miracles, T-23.In.2:4-3:8. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

Do we want to remember the Love and innocence of God, His gift to us? Or do we want to reinforce the ego’s investment in fear and guilt? We make this choice moment by moment. When conflict seems to be real and upsetting, we are investing in the ego thought system. The way out of upset is always to turn to the Holy Spirit and ask for His help to align our perception with His. He will show us the call for Love as it is and help us answer the call with Love.

When we are tempted to be upset we need to step back to let peace return to us. When we are willing, the Holy Spirit will strengthen our willingness and help us remember the peace that is always within us. The more we practice this the more we will allow peace into our experience. And in peace the clear vision of Christ will show us the innocence beyond the appearances. We will be inspired with what to think or say or do to reinforce Christ’s vision of innocence in the world. We become Holy Spirit’s instrument of healing in answer to the call for healing.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Freeing Ourselves from Addiction to Judgement

The real world holds a counterpart for each unhappy thought reflected in your world; a sure correction for the sights of fear and sounds of battle which your world contains. The real world shows a world seen differently, through quiet eyes and with a mind at peace. Nothing but rest is there. There are no cries of pain and sorrow heard, for nothing there remains outside forgiveness. And the sights are gentle. Only happy sights and sounds can reach the mind that has forgiven itself.

What need has such a mind for thoughts of death, attack and murder? What can it perceive surrounding it but safety, love and joy? What is there it would choose to be condemned, and what is there that it would judge against? The world it sees arises from a mind at peace within itself. No danger lurks in anything it sees, for it is kind, and only kindness does it look upon. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Part II, 8. What is the Real World , W-pII.8.2-3. See also ACIM Lesson 291 Insights.)

We are never happy or at peace when we engage in judgment. Judgment makes differences seem real and conflict is inevitable. Judgment maintains guilt and blinds us to the innocence of Love that is the truth in everyone.

Do we want to be happy? Do we want peace of mind? Do we want to know that we are loved? If we do, we must give up our addiction to judgment. We must be willing to forgive. The thought system of judgment offers no means for forgiveness. Attempts to justify forgiveness in the world must fail because they are founded on the false premise that judgment is justified while maintaining the belief that separation is real.

There is only one judgment that can set us free: That the world we see through judging eyes is not real. This is the judgment the Holy Spirit brings us. To receive this freedom, we must be willing to accept the Holy Spirit’s vision. As we offer our perceptions to Him, with willingness to receive His vision in place of our perception, we are freed.

Now we see past appearances in the world to the changeless Love that is everywhere. The forms that appeared to threaten our peace are recognized to have no substance, to be powerless. Without this sense of threat, we are in peace and the Love we are joyously joins with the Love that surrounds us.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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What to Do with Fear Thoughts

One walks with you Who gently answers all your fears with this one merciful reply, “It is not so.” He points to all the gifts you have each time the thought of poverty oppresses you, and speaks of His Companionship when you perceive yourself as lonely and afraid.

Yet He reminds you still of one thing more you had forgotten. For His touch on you has made you like Himself. The gifts you have are not for you alone. What He has come to offer you, you now must learn to give. This is the lesson that His giving holds, for He has saved you from the solitude you sought to make in which to hide from God. He has reminded you of all the gifts that God has given you. He speaks as well of what becomes your will when you accept these gifts, and recognize they are your own.

The gifts are yours, entrusted to your care, to give to all who chose the lonely road you have escaped. They do not understand they but pursue their wishes. It is you who teach them now. For you have learned of Christ there is another way for them to walk. Teach them by showing them the happiness that comes to those who feel the touch of Christ, and recognize God’s gifts. Let sorrow not tempt you to be unfaithful to your trust. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 166, W-pI.166.11:3-13:16. See also ACIM Lesson 166 Insights.)

When fear thoughts come, whether from the world around us or in our own mind, we have a choice. Do we jump into the pool of fear and add to it? Or do we call upon the strength of Love in us to answer the call to Love with Love? Do we want to stay in hell or return to our Home in Heaven? These questions are the same.

In this time when there appears to be much division and fear in the world, we have an opportunity to bring healing to our minds and to the world. The practice of asking in our minds, “How would Love respond to this? What would Love do?” will help us be part of God’s plan of Atonement instead of reinforcing the ego thought system of separation.

Pause first… Let the peace of God that dwells within come forward in your awareness. It is always there, needing only your acceptance… As you welcome this peace, the Light of Love will shine on your perception… It will guide you with a response that heals and reminds you of your innocence along with everyone’s. With this practice you become part of the solution instead of reinforcing the problem. You become a teacher of God.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting Heaven as Our Inheritance

Deny not Heaven. It is yours today, but for the asking. Nor need you perceive how great the gift, how changed your mind will be before it comes to you. Ask to receive, and it is given you. Conviction lies within it. Till you welcome it as yours, uncertainty remains. Yet God is fair. Sureness is not required to receive what only your acceptance can bestow.

Now is all doubting past, the journey’s end made certain, and salvation given you. Now is Christ’s power in your mind, to heal as you were healed. For now you are among the saviors of the world. Your destiny lies there and nowhere else. Would God consent to let His Son remain forever starved by his denial of the nourishment he needs to live? Abundance dwells in him, and deprivation cannot cut him off from God’s sustaining Love and from his home. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 165, W-pI.165.4;6. See also ACIM Lesson 165 Insights.)

As we accept Heaven as our inheritance, we are able to feel our Source of true, eternal abundance. We remember we have been given all that is Real. As we accept and recognize the falsity that we could ever be alone and separate, we know we are still as God created us and are an extension of all Love — our Source.

To keep this remembrance, we relax and listen… We let the feeling and beingness of our inner Source of Love fill our hearts and minds. We remember there is nothing to fear and that what we are eternally can never be lost. All this comes as we accept Heaven as our reality now.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Welcoming the Peace of God

I want the peace of God.

To say these words is nothing. But to mean these words is everything. If you could but mean them for just an instant, there would be no further sorrow possible for you in any form; in any place or time. Heaven would be completely given back to full awareness, memory of God entirely restored, the resurrection of all creation fully recognized.

You choose God’s peace, or you have asked for dreams. And dreams will come as you requested them. Yet will God’s peace come just as certainly, and to remain with you forever.

How can you fail, when you but ask for what He wills for you? And how could your request be limited to you alone? No gift of God can be unshared. It is this attribute that sets the gifts of God apart from every dream that ever seemed to take the place of truth. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 185, W-pI.185.1;9:4-6;12:2-5. See also ACIM Lesson 185 Insights.)

If we truly want the peace of God, we have to give up the thoughts that disturb our peace. We have to give up judgment and defense. We have to give up identifying with a body as what we are or anyone else is. The body is the focus of all judgment and guilt.

As we let Holy Spirit’s vision show us the truth of what everyone is beyond the forms, we experience automatic joining in the oneness of the Self that God created. When we realize that there is nothing external to us that is real, the experience of the peace of God is inevitable. We know that nothing external to the one Self we share exists. We share God’s Love in perfect peace. When we want only the peace of God, we want to remember our reality in Heaven. With Holy Spirit’s help today we will see past the appearances of form to the oneness of Love we all share.

© 2017, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Moving Past Illusions to the Truth

The world you see does nothing. It has no effects at all. It merely represents your thoughts. And it will change entirely as you elect to change your mind, and choose the joy of God as what you really want. Your Self is radiant in this holy joy, unchanged, unchanging and unchangeable, forever and forever.

Lay down your arms, and come without defense into the quiet place where Heaven’s peace holds all things still at last. Lay down all thoughts of danger and of fear. Let no attack enter with you. Lay down the cruel sword of judgment that you hold against your throat, and put aside the withering assaults with which you seek to hide your holiness.

Let our gratitude unto our Teacher fill our hearts, as we are free to choose our joy instead of pain, our holiness in place of sin, the peace of God instead of conflict, and the light of Heaven for the darkness of the world. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 190, W-pI.190.6:1-5;9;11:2. See also ACIM Lesson 190 Insights.)

Today we practice letting the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in… Today we give time in quiet listening to our inner Teacher… We ask with an open mind… We consciously choose to receive the joy of God instead of the ego’s world of pain… We let go and let God…

As we open up and receive God’s peace, we are filled with gratitude. Our confidence grows stronger as we remember once again that we are eternally safe in God’s heavenly peace.

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