Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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The Release from Fear

In the holy instant, you will see the smile of Heaven shining on both you and your brother. And you will shine upon him, in glad acknowledgment of the grace that has been given you. For sin will not prevail against a union Heaven has smiled upon. Your perception was healed in the holy instant Heaven gave you. Forget what you have seen, and raise your eyes in faith to what you now can see. The barriers to Heaven will disappear before your holy sight, for you who were sightless have been given vision, and you can see. Look not for what has been removed, but for the glory that has been restored for you to see.

You will not see sin long. For in the new perception the mind corrects it when it seems to be seen, and it becomes invisible. Errors are quickly recognized and quickly given to correction, to be healed, not hidden. You will be healed of sin and all its ravages the instant that you give it no power over your brother. And you will help him overcome mistakes by joyously releasing him from the belief in sin. (A Course in Miracles, T-19.III.10;9:2-6. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

The ego’s foundation is the belief that separation is real. But because separation is not real, the ego has made up a world of images to give separation the appearance of reality. We seem to be housed in individual bodies that are vulnerable and ultimately die. Conflict and peril appear everywhere and justify our need to build defenses. As we build our defenses, we are reinforcing the belief that separation is real. It seems to be a closed cycle from which there is no way out. Within the ego thought system, this is true.

Fortunately, we have in our minds the Holy Spirit Who knows that nothing in form is real. Only Love is real. The Holy Spirit sees all the seeming conflict and fear and guilt in the world as calls for correction, not punishment. Calls for Love, not justification of guilt. We can free ourselves from the guilt and fear of the world by the practice of bringing all our perceptions to the Holy Spirit with willingness for them to be replaced by the His true perception. With the Holy Spirit’s vision, we see past the behavior of bodies and see every moment as an opportunity to extend Love. Thus are we released from the bondage of fear.

Today we pray to accept the Holy Spirit’s vision and recognize the truth in our brothers and ourselves.

© 2016, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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God Has Not Written Us Out of His Will

The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still. It reaches gently from that quiet time, and from the mind it healed in quiet then, to other minds to share its quietness. And they will join in doing nothing to prevent its radiant extension back into the Mind Which caused all minds to be. Born out of sharing, there can be no pause in time to cause the miracle delay in hastening to all unquiet minds, and bringing them an instant’s stillness, when the memory of God returns to them. Their own remembering is quiet now, and what has come to take its place will not be wholly unremembered afterwards.”

His Father wills that [His Son] be lifted up and gently carried over [the bridge]. He has built the bridge, and it is He Who will transport His Son across it. Have no fear that He will fail in what He wills. Nor that you be excluded from the Will that is for you. (A Course in Miracles, T-28.I.11;15:6-9. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

The decision to not accept God’s Love and to seek specialness in Its place has left us feeling abandoned. When we identified with the ego’s belief in separation, we abandoned our Creator. To avoid the guilt that comes with this choice, we tell ourselves that it is God who abandoned us. God has not changed His Mind about His Son. He has not written us out of His Will. All of God’s Love remains in place in the Mind of His Son. The Love can be hidden through denial, but it cannot be destroyed.

We can remember God’s Love for us. We can feel Its comfort and safety. We can remember Its harmlessness and innocence. It is What we are in truth. To remember this truth, we need only forgive or let go of the false beliefs that deny Its presence. We are not permanently stuck with our denial. We have been given the means, the Holy Spirit, to help us and guide us out of the darkness of our denial and into the Light of our Source.

Today we pray to accept the Holy Spirit’s Help to release our mistaken beliefs and return to our true Home that is eternally God’s Will for us.

© 2016, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Giving Welcome to the Truth

Truth merely wants to give you happiness, for such its purpose is. Perhaps it sighs a little when you throw away its gifts, and yet it knows, with perfect certainty, that what God wills for you must be received.

Truth has a power far beyond defense, for no illusions can remain where truth has been allowed to enter. And it comes to any mind that would lay down its arms, and cease to play with folly. It is found at any time; today, if you will choose to practice giving welcome to the truth.

[Truth] merely waits for just this invitation which we give today. We introduce it with a healing prayer, to help us rise above defensiveness, and let truth be as it has always been:

Sickness is a defense against the truth.
I will accept the truth of what I am,
and let my mind be wholly healed today.

Healing will flash across your open mind, as peace and truth arise to take the place of war and vain imaginings. (W-pI.136.12:4-5;14:1-3;15:4-16:1)

We are what God is because God gave all of Himself to His Son. We are only Love because God is Love and nothing else. When we accept this truth about What we are, all need for defense disappears. There is no perception of possible harm nor loss. Fear cannot enter where Love is accepted as our Reality.

Today we ask for the Light of Love to shine on all our perceptions that we may see the truth of What we and all our brothers are. As we accept this Help, the false images of the world fade into the Light, for we welcome the Truth.

© 2016, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting Christ’s Vision

Christ asks that He may use my eyes today, and thus redeem the world. He asks this gift that He may offer peace of mind to me, and take away all terror and all pain. And as they are removed from me, the dreams that seemed to settle on the world are gone. Redemption must be one. As I am saved, the world is saved with me. For all of us must be redeemed together. Fear appears in many different forms, but love is one.

My Father, Christ has asked a gift of me, and one I give that it be given me. Help me to use the eyes of Christ today, and thus allow the Holy Spirit’s Love to bless all things which I may look upon, that His forgiving Love may rest on me. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 295, W-pII.295. See also ACIM Lesson 295 Insights.)

Imagine what it would be like if all we saw anywhere is Love… There would be no conflict, no fear, no pain. There would be complete peace and a sense of safety that cannot be disturbed. There would be great joy in the constant flow of Love… There would be no fear of loss, no sense of weakness or vulnerability.

With the eyes of Christ, this vision is available to us. It is a gift given us by our Creator, Whose Will it is that we accept it as our own. The strength of God supports us in letting go of the imagined barriers that seem to block this blessed vision. We call upon His strength today to accept this vision and the gift of Love it brings.

© 2016, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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God’s Happiness Is Ours

You do not want to suffer. You may think it buys you something, and may still believe a little that it buys you what you want. Yet this belief is surely shaken now, at least enough to let you question it, and to suspect it really makes no sense. It has not gone as yet, but lacks the roots that once secured it tightly to the dark and hidden secret places of your mind.

Today we try to loose its weakened hold still further, and to realize that pain is purposeless, without a cause and with no power to accomplish anything. It cannot purchase anything at all. It offers nothing, and does not exist. And everything you think it offers you is lacking in existence, like itself. You have been slave to nothing. Be you free today to join the happy Will of God.

I share God’s Will for happiness for me, and
I accept it as my function now.

Pause frequently today, to tell yourself that you have now accepted happiness as your one function. And be sure that you are joining with God’s Will in doing this. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 102, W-pI.102.1-2;4:2;5:3-4. See also ACIM Lesson 102 Insights.)

In this world mental, emotional or physical pain seems to be our constant companion. The Course is telling us that this is not God’s Will for us. His Will for us is happiness, because we share God’s attributes. He has given us everything He is.

If we are not happy, it must be that we are denying God’s Will for us. We deny God’s Will when we believe we are a separate identity in a world of separation. God knows that separation could never be real. But our belief makes it seem real to us.

Being separated from our Source of happiness automatically brings pain with it. But the oneness of God’s Love seems to be a threat to our identity as a separate individual. This makes God’s Will something to fear. The separate identity we believe we are is not true. It is not real and can only bring us emptiness, loneliness and a deep sense of loss. We need only accept God’s happiness as ours and all this will disappear. It is a small “price” to pay for happiness without measure and Love eternal. We only give up a false image and receive God’s limitless gift in its place.

Today we will remind ourselves often that God’s Will for us is the happiness that comes with accepting the oneness of God’s Love as our Identity.

© 2016, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Receiving a Day of Grace

Beyond this world there is a world I want.
I choose to see that world instead of this,
for here is nothing that I really want.

Today the lights of Heaven bend to you, to shine upon your eyelids as you rest beyond the world of darkness. Here is light your eyes can not behold. And yet your mind can see it plainly, and can understand. A day of grace is given you today, and we give thanks. This day we realize that what you feared to lose was only loss.

Now do we understand there is no loss. For we have seen its opposite at last, and we are grateful that the choice is made. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 129, W-pI.129.7:3-4;8:1-9:2. See also ACIM Lesson 129 Insights.)

As we are willing to see the world as Holy Spirit sees it, we receive a day of grace… As we join with the Holy Spirit through the day, we are able to see the unity of God’s Love, instead of the separation and division found in the ego’s thought system… We are able to see Holy Spirit’s purpose for everything we are led to be involved with… We ask of everything, “What is it for?” and the Holy Spirit shows us how we can be truly helpful in every situation…

With Holy Spirit’s guidance, we are able to rise above to see the Love… As we practice staying connected with Holy Spirit, we receive all we need to know when we need to know it… We remember we are being carried and that every circumstance brings us the perfect opportunities for mind healing for ourselves and our brothers.

With Holy Spirit’s help we are able to see past time to the eternal present and remember that only Love is real… As we practice receiving Holy Spirit’s inspiration all through the day, we are filled with a sense of peace, safety and remembering that we are all immersed in God’s Love… And for this we give thanks.

© 2016, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Tapping into the Peace Within

Hear, holy Son of God, your Father speak. His Voice would give to you His holy Word, to spread across the world the tidings of salvation and the holy time of peace. We gather at the throne of God today, the quiet place within the mind where He abides forever, in the holiness that He created and will never leave.

Today He speaks to you. His Voice awaits your silence, for His Word can not be heard until your mind is quiet for a while, and meaningless desires have been stilled. Await His Word in quiet. There is peace within you to be called upon today, to help make ready your most holy mind to hear the Voice for its Creator speak. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 125, W-pI.125.4,6. See also ACIM Lesson 125 Insights.)

We are unaware of God’s Voice speaking to us while we are wrapped up in the chaos of the world. Though we may be preoccupied with functioning in the world, we have the means within our mind to open the door to God’s Voice.

There is a peace in us we can call upon to help us quiet our mind so we can reach the inner stillness where God’s Voice is heard. To connect with this peace we must make the decision in the moment to interrupt the attention we have focused on the world and step back. Then ask the peace within to carry us to the stillness where God’s Voice abides.

Peace is already in our mind to be called upon for help. We need only be willing to give it our attention. As we redirect our attention, we receive the inspiration and vision we need to see a changed world, a loving world. In this state we become God’s teacher and help to bring salvation to the world.

© 2016, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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